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So, this is NOT a recap, but for short of thinking journos everywhere, here is what seems to be what we believe here. (Disclaimer: this is a gossip site. We explore every possibility, and quite a few improbabilities!) amend anything you see fit, krusties!!

1. There are 2 (TWO, both current) bankruptcies. One from 2018/9 for a bunch of creditors she owes and has tried to ruin. This is for over 2 Million quid. (ETA: this is the bankruptcy that she is currently evading a Public Hearing for.) And a second one from late last year from HMRC for around 750k unpaid taxes from 2022 and before. The two are UNRELATED. In total, she owes somewhere over 3million for the two. (All the figures are out there, go find them, and stop confusing the two).

2. Completely separately, she owes money to the mortgage company for Mucky Mansion. This company has been given a writ or similar from the High Court and has issued 2 eviction notices - April 24th (ish) and May 3rd (ish). Again, do your own due diligence, journos. The eviction date is May 29th at 10am. Any denials that she is being evicted can easily be fact-checked through public High Court records. She can appeal the eviction, but this is NOT the first attempt by the mortgage company to gain possession of the property.

3. Also, completely separate to any of the above, is the custody of the 2 youngest children. This is or has been decided in Family courts where proceedings are kept secret, for good reason because minors are involved. It doesn't take much to work out that if she is jetting off on holidays, going to IOW, out on the lash etc, she isn't being a full-time mother. The presence of her youngest on social media, at an age that goes against all social media policies, also implies she was not being a good nor caring mother where the minors well-being is concerned.

4. Harvey is under adult care and she rarely sees him. His 3 year placement in the college is coming to an end. He will need to be put into safe surroundings. Any and all claims that this is being resolved by his mother whilst she is flitting around, posting old videos etc, should be taken with a pinch of salt and / or investigated before reporting on an individual who needs special care.

5. She is not moving to bloody Wakefield!!! That was clearly on a parody site and any journalist reporting that as fact, needs to get in the bin. And go to specsavers.

6. Moving into a caravan? Says who? Ask your source and check credibility.

7. Moving to a farmhouse? Speak to the owner / landlord /Estate agent before posting photos everywhere.

As journalists, you should be following the very basic IOJ code of conduct and reporting facts.

Now off you pop and go find a few FACTS to report. There is a much more juicy story to be told here if you would all simply do your jobs.

/rant over
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Sorry DC I know you asked for a detailed recap but I’ve no real idea what has happened during the last thread, like most of us, so here’s a short recap using the power of GIF’s.

Edit…just seen facts about events and the cases she is facing can be found on the previous post, thank you, I’m struggling to keep up 🤦🏽‍♀️👍🏾❤ x

I think we are all Britney at the mo 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

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What I do know is, Skank was meant to attend her public examination BH yesterday, she didn’t, we think it’s been deferred until July 30th, but the The Red Tops seem to have their stories mixed up, so who knows 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ whatever, it looks like it has been cancelled again 🤬 I’ve given up on the BH now, it’s just kicked down the road every time. some believe it’s still gonna happen, I and others sadly do not 🤦🏽‍♀️

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We believe she’s lost the MM and has found a new ridiculously expensive rental, but her source (Edna) is still denying it. No one understands how she has the coin for this rental, as she supposedly has no income sufficient enough to pay such a large sum, with bills and also her staff of hangers-on to be paid, dodgy dealings are afoot we believe 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

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I’ve got a headache from it all, but we have the podcast due tomorrow, for once we wanna hear how Skank and Edna are going to lie about all of this, could be a fun one tomorrow.

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Oh and there’s a possibility her latest autobiography might be pulled due to legal threats from the ex-partners, so that was nice to hear 😁

View attachment 2937343

On we go, confusion reigns, I would like to say all will become clearer soon, but I doubt it will 🤷🏽‍♀️

Current mood a mixture of ….

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This story rolls on, still no conclusion 🤦🏽‍♀️🤬🤷🏽‍♀️🥴🤔
Here's my recap ...

Bint is off the telly
Bint has lost custody of her kids
Bint is signed up to a very obvious failed showmance with a fugly saddo
Bint has lost MM and is no longer a home owner
Bint can't get a surgeon to sort out the wonky tits or wrinkly face for free and can't afford to pay
Bint is a rubbish sales rep for cheap shit that poundland avoids on SM
Bint is recording 'records' but has no contract like a teenager
Bint is banned by ITV
Bint has no TV contracts or shows
Bint has paid to book venues for her 'live podcast tour' and will be lucky to break even
Bint appears to have run out of shit unknown podcasts to appear on spouting the same old shite
Bint has 2 bankruptcies running concurrently
Bint has had a legal injunction or 3 stopping her publishing her noo book of bullshit
Bint has failed at OF
Bint has 40% of her income from specific sources docked
Bint is screwed
Bint is a class A Bint
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There are sentencing guidelines that have to be adhered to though. They go off the level of alcohol in the blood, not how long someone's been drinking. If she'd caused an accident with another vehicle or injured someone it would have been much worse. This isn't protection, it's just how the law is.
Sometimes the guidelines that have to be followed are a joke. I know this is off topic and not relevant so feel free to ignore as I can’t do spoilers but my daughter got caught doing 35 mph on a 30 road. She paid the fine and did the three hour speed aware course to avoid 3 points on her licence. She was lectured (rightly so) on how to drive safely and carefully, why it’s important etc and shown graphic images of accidents. Whereas the man who killed my son by knocking him off his bike as he overtook him just got told at the inquest by the coroner to take more care when passing cyclists……. This is because he wasn’t speeding, wasn’t drunk or on drugs and his car was taxed and insured (he also ripped the insides out of his dashcam before the police arrived but they believed his story that he spilt coffee on it earlier that day 🤔). He just had a lapse of concentration apparently….. The police told me the outcome would have been very different if any of these things had been relevant so I don’t get why she keeps getting away with it again and again, drugs, no insurance or valid licence?
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Wonder/wander if she is referring to JJ’s ex being there! 🤔
I’m probably way off the mark here, but there’s a really odd exchange on the podcast about these BAFTA’s. Edna goes “Yeah Mum turned it off in disgust eventually”, Skank replies “Yeah and I know why”, Edna saying “Yes” 🤔

Seems the Clan Matriarch was very angry about something, I’m seriously wondering if it was P being there and Skank not getting an invite through P, Claire making sure P has distanced herself from the Clan over the last 8 months, the Matriarch frothing at the mouth that Claire has taken P away from the Clan and Skank’s clutches, they can make no coin through P 😁 Reckon I’m onto something, what could have made AFP so angry, think my theory is a good shout 🤔😁
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Beautiful day, you say Skank?
Not for the long line of creditors you’ve stolen from.
Not for the braindeads who paid to see your plaster class who you, again, stole from.
Not for your youngest children who are currently having their lives pieced back together after years of neglect and cruelty, whose childhood and safety you stole from them.
Not for your teenaged children who have to live with the embarrassment of having you as a mum - and I use that term very, very loosely.
Not for your ex-husbands who you continue to slander at any given opportunity.
Not for every law abiding taxpayer footing the bill for the care of your eldest child while you squander money on “beautifying” yourself.

Let me break this to you as gently as I can…there hasn’t been a beauty treatment invented that can hide your ugliness. You are ugly on the outside and uglier on the inside. You are rotten to your core and none of your bravado, lies or manipulation will ever change that.
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Sorry DC I know you asked for a detailed recap but I’ve no real idea what has happened during the last thread, like most of us, so here’s a short recap using the power of GIF’s.

Edit…just seen facts about events and the cases she is facing can be found on the previous post, thank you, I’m struggling to keep up 🤦🏽‍♀️👍🏾❤ x

I think we are all Britney at the mo 🤦🏽‍♀️😁


What I do know is, Skank was meant to attend her public examination BH yesterday, she didn’t, we think it’s been deferred until July 30th, but the The Red Tops seem to have their stories mixed up, so who knows 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ whatever, it looks like it has been cancelled again 🤬 I’ve given up on the BH now, it’s just kicked down the road every time. some believe it’s still gonna happen, I and others sadly do not 🤦🏽‍♀️


We believe she’s lost the MM and has found a new ridiculously expensive rental, but her source (Edna) is still denying it. No one understands how she has the coin for this rental, as she supposedly has no income sufficient enough to pay such a large sum, with bills and also her staff of hangers-on to be paid, dodgy dealings are afoot we believe 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve got a headache from it all, but we have the podcast due tomorrow, for once we wanna hear how Skank and Edna are going to lie about all of this, could be a fun one tomorrow.


Oh and there’s a possibility her latest autobiography might be pulled due to legal threats from the ex-partners, so that was nice to hear 😁


On we go, confusion reigns, I would like to say all will become clearer soon, but I doubt it will 🤷🏽‍♀️

Current mood a mixture of ….




This story rolls on, still no conclusion 🤦🏽‍♀️🤬🤷🏽‍♀️🥴🤔
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She asked the courts for 6 months and they said NO. Nobody says NO to Meeeeeeeeeeee. So she will just avoid going for 6 months just to get her own way. After all she’s Katie Fucking Price. Entitled bloody madam and will only do what SHE wants. Never any consequences for her so why not. Seems she can do what the fuck she wants.
The bankruptcy Zoom call from Maldives did it for me😡 Never EVER have I heard of that, you couldn’t make it up. The whole situation is unbelievable. But, we don’t know the full situation. Everything is lie’s, smoke & mirrors. The whole clan are enablers, grifters & dishonest to their core😡🤮
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And what whomp wants to sit in a salon watching his partner get an eyebrow tint. In my world unheard of!

I have an upgraded bankruptcy. Mine is where you don’t pay tax and get an annual tax rebate. I think that’s because I am special.

For my eviction they tied a yellow ribbon around my old oak tree with a note. You are nothing like we expected you to be, although formally you have to be out by 29th May, stay as long as you want. Because you are special.

I never knew being pursued for money was so much fun!
I phoned my bank yesterday and asked them if I was in a bankruptcy as Katie Price says “Everybody is in a bankruptcy these days”. I was told I wasn’t and why was I listening to advice from a ❄ addled former glamour model. So proof she’s lying again, we aren’t all in a bankruptcy and I embarrassed myself, with my bank now thinking I’m a bit of a twat 🤦🏽‍♀️
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So listened to the podcast at midnight, DC gets a day off unless she wants to dive in herself 😁

The episode is called…. Am I living in a caravan 🤦🏽‍♀️

Kicks off with them excited about the tour, Skank seems back to being rather hyper, after being more low-key recently. Skank has to get her lashes and roots done as the grey is coming through, she’s been working too hard behind the scenes to pamper herself.

Edna’s ordered new outfits, Skank has got Adrian to make her outfits, had a fitting and Skank is wearing crowns.

IOW chat, Lego met the family, the clan matriarch has given her approval, “Very sensible lad, very good for Skank”…I wet myself at this point, had to stop the show, laughing too much.

Big News Alert 🚨 they are very excited about this
Edna’s Dad has won 2 raffle tickets for the IOW music festival on 20-23rd June. Edna and Harry were given them, so Skank wasn’t missing out, she’s bought Lego and her a couple of tickets. as Edna will be 6 months pregnant, Skank’s joining her in not drinking. Clashes with her audio of the book of 💩, so Skank’s moved it to the 24th/25th June (really 🤔)
Not camping (the whole point of going to a festival) PP Fencing is running them back and forth 🤦🏽‍♀️
Skank starts to blag for an upgrade to VIP tickets from any IOW organisers listening and signing her up as an act to sing…FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️
Skank’s back in the studio, starts ‘singing’, it’s horrible.

Here we go, MM not being repossessed, she’s not being evicted, the caravan story was bollox. So she’ll still be there on the 29th and is making a big announcement on the 28th about something anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️ What fresh hell will this be.

Skank starts saying she should have been at the BAFTA’s as she’s still big in TV, and the women who were there dressed crap compared to women at American awards shows.Skank was shocked at some of the people invited (she doesn’t get it, does she 🤦🏽‍♀️) AFP turned it off in disgust. Should be a high class show but it was just Riff-Raff attending….I wet myself again, WTF, she is so deluded 🤦🏽‍♀️

Eurovision next, start talking 💩 about Skank doing it, and her voice was so different then, Skank admits she couldn’t sing or dance back then….ya still can’t 🤦🏽‍♀️

Skank thought it was appalling, too much diversity, some of it was like porn, disgusted she was 🤷🏽‍♀️ Liked Olly though, bit weird as he was one of the most sexual acts of the night 🤷🏽‍♀️

They want to buy a boat with PP Fencing on the IOW, even if it’s just a dingy….this is a hard listen.

Edna has had a call about a very exciting project, Skank wanted to say what it was, Edna stopped her, it’s confidential. Skank’s dream has come true with this one, have to say they are very excited about it.

Skank admits she’s in a 💩 situation but she has so many good things coming, she’s on 🔥 now, all the 💩is being sorted, she’s back.

Boring talk about fake tan next
Skank ain’t happy about her grey hair, boring pampering talk

Questions…How do your partners describe you ?
Edna….shes like the grifting matriarch, not patient, moody and says what’s on her mind
Skank…..Lego says she’s very loving, puts people before her, very funny but nuts, and he’s learnt you do not interrupt her when she’s watching TV. Lego says she copes well with everything, Lego loves the Clan, they are mad but really funny.

Baby names for Edna….Harvey, Laurel, Olive, Bobby, Clinton, Carly…reminds Skank of Kylie……noooooooo 🤬 bored of this now.

Skank’s watching the boxing round Edna’s on Saturday, and Skanky’s annoyed she has to pick up H from the hospital as she has to look at trains.

Life Advice….
woman wants a boob job….zzzzzzz
woman want advice on an alcoholic friend 🤦🏽‍♀️ Skank says it’s hard, she can leave it, but those who can’t, it ruins your life, Skank’s seen it in others 🤦🏽‍♀️…What can you say anymore, she’s a bloody addict.

So that’s it, it’s all good, lots of new projects…not being evicted, she’s winning at life
Honestly after listening to that, I think she’s insane, the delusion 🤦🏽‍♀️

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How absolutely pathetic to need a man by your side 24/7. Would do my bloody head in. I like my space. Me time Is Me time, don’t get in my way. 😊
And what whomp wants to sit in a salon watching his partner get an eyebrow tint. In my world unheard of!
With my bankruptcy, I don't pay tax either, it's great!! I've got a big A,4 poster on my gate too saying I have to evict tomorrow, it's all fine though, I'm not stressed about it atall!! Woo hoo
I have an upgraded bankruptcy. Mine is where you don’t pay tax and get an annual tax rebate. I think that’s because I am special.

For my eviction they tied a yellow ribbon around my old oak tree with a note. You are nothing like we expected you to be, although formally you have to be out by 29th May, stay as long as you want. Because you are special.

I never knew being pursued for money was so much fun!
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Someone on DM comments saying they are going to start a petition due to inaction from courts on KP 🤔
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Looks like selling off most of her furniture
Someone find the DVD table, I’m having that if it’s on offer, collectors piece that. Imagine inviting your mates round and them all seeing that, ooooh the jealousy would be immense.

She’s leaving isn’t she, this last minute appeal is bollox, she’s selling up, woo hoo, we gotta love it, well done @rachelcuz and @TrACE22 finding this, excellent Sherlocking.
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Ok, so still catching up on the previous Fred, but had to jump forward to post this as it caught me completely off guard 😳

Popped onto the Scum website to read the "outing" of the new rental property story.
(I promise you, this isn't edited)

The paragraph above the ad... 🤣🤣🤣
I always suspected the twat was a vampire!


*For context, it's an add about funeral plans, but without the text it was just too perfect 👩‍🍳👌
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