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Plus the 'despite being away she's working away uploading ads'. Can the plonkers not see she filmed them BEFORE she went away? If she tries to claim this trip was 'work' she really will be taking the piss!
she cant be fit for work AND with anxiety and depression to a level that means she cant attend court now can she .... rock and a hard place ... no free write off pretend work trip this time
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I'm pretty sure now something happened the week before Kieran went to London and she knew she was going to lose the kids. The source of that matches up pretty much exactly with all the Alicia account shite directed at K&M.

I know that Pollyanna woman was involved with the video but does anyone remember there was one message at least from the Alicia account that started going on about Dan and the Priory version 2? It was very odd at the time to come from 'Alicia' but I think I know why now. KP was aware she was up shit creek with regards to custody and needed a trail of stuff about Kieran in case the Media get wind of what's happened.
I'm guessing that with the bankruptcy it could become public record that she is alone and living in the MM and doesn't need it.
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Stan Butler

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Can't wait for the headline "fans all say the same thing,,as Katie meets Juniors lookalikey girlfriend for the first time" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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D'awwwww..... Bless 'em.

It may look as though he's looking at her but actually, he's clocking a young nubile woman across the road...

View attachment 2902477

“She clearly had no worries as she dawdled along the sunny pavement, enjoying the last of the rays.
“Katie’s cavalier attitude was remarkable when you consider she was expected at the hearing. I just couldn’t believe my eyes.
“Presumably celebrities get treated differently to the rest of us. She looked like the cat that got the cream.”
All the pictures say the Sun have they sent somebody out to spy on her
Love the comment like a cat that has got the cream
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I would have thought that KP was informed of new date on Friday before it was released to the public
It will be very interesting to see what she does ie if she is arrogant enough to not turn up
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She is the one on the podcasts and any articles saying she attends therapy every week/other week eek at the priory. Not a good review for their therapists
Trust me, Priory don't pay well ... the ink is barely dry on their qualifications ... I KNOW THIS AS A FACT AND WAS HORRIFIED
While I can totally see her trying to line up an emergency admission to The Priory I can't see that they would have an acute admissions ward and that you would be able to pre book it if they did. Usually an acute admissions ward is for emergencies that come in through A and E. I guess they may have one but you certainly wouldn't pre book a slot! It would be like ringing up A and E and wanting to book a place for next Thursday!
There is no acute ward... if they have a bed and you have the money it's yours ... and ... they always have a bed
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He’s got green shorts on and she’s wearing a striped shorts or trousers and shirt set.
Really gloating now 😡
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Joanna Surrey

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How can she come back bleating about mental health after these pictures? She looks like she doesn't have a care in the world. Animals, kids, debts, court all forgotten because she's playing fairyland in the sun. She's literally like a little kid with her head in the sand permanently now.
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Is it too much to hope Scanty Skank will fly home, land at Gatwick to be met by the Plod, escape their clutches, do a runner through Nothing to Declare, hijack someone leaving the car park and climbing into the driver's seat and then full 5 hour coverage live streamed on Sky News of her being followed by Police down the M23 off her norks on ❄ zig-zagging the car all over the place like Cruella De Vill frantically driving to pick up new Dalmatian puppies, channelling OJ Simpson?
Screenshot_20240428_140250_Samsung Internet.jpg
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She just has no shame, as I said before anyone with real depression would not be gloating on social media, peace signs in the elevator mirror 🤦🏻‍♀️but laying low, but not her, can’t help but show off.
Maybe she knows she’s fucked. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Well @DC16 She's only got to Look in the Mirror to see how Fucked she is 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Time and Tide Skank ⏳⏰
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Chatty Member
I nipped into a charity shop after work today, saw a jumper and looked at the label, JYY London! 🤭 I had a chuckle to myself.
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We must all spare a thought for poor ol' Dim Lynne now , she who sacrificed her career to worship at the altar of Skankdom.

Whats she going to do now because skank doesn't need her input any longer to complete the forms to try to maintain her imprisonment of J&B by spouting the Lies she has done up to now. Skank has numerous other flunkeys so DL is going to be obselete (out on her arse) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I think we all know the BENT social worker, assisted & supported KFP in falsifying facts about Kieran. She probably knew she was being investigated & approached KFP for the job at MM. She's clearly got loads of :poop: on her. Until the time come's when KFP is completely cornered like a trapped wild animal, she has no choice but to keep Dimbo on. I have no doubt once it all 'goes down', she'll throw Dimbo under the bus, along with many others.
The only possible, substantial income KFP will have now, is presumably the book advance money & eventually book sales (cough). It would be interesting to know, how popular the book publishers think she is, as to how much advance they gave her. Now she has even more reason to stall the BH cases as she won't want to declare & hand over that cash advance, as it's all she's really got. From any of that money, she's got to pay Dimbo & other staff, pay bills on MM & live her luxury lifestyle. I believe, what with the lies, fraud & dishonesty about spending/earnings, not paying tax/VAT, hiding assets etc, & this book release & advance, she's desperate to not appear in court immediately. She won't want that money taken away from her, she'd be buggered. No mattress fund left I suspect, other than dreg's remaining from the panto's. The way she spends & pay's out, little left. Suspect she's probably paid for 'Shortie boy' to accompany her to Cyprus, paid from cash advance, as she usually does.
By the way, he's wearing the wrong hat, if he's trying to look taller:
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I've just looked her up on Twitter as I am putting off gardening and laundry...

People, i.e. The Public, seem to be fuming now, all the Tweets (X's??) are asking why the fuck she isn't in jail.

I mean, who tells court with one days notice that they can't attend due to health reasons, then goes on holiday the day after knowing that they will be photographed? While also scheduling Insta posts showing themselves 'up bright and early' looking fine?? I mean seriously, who does that?

I can only think that she actually wants to go to jail!
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I'm waiting for a photo of her lying on a sunbed with zero tits. She will be on the phone to C5 or whoever all next week trying to sell an Extreme Surgery series. "How I went back to 32B, oh woe is me me me." Or some similar lunacy.
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Jjs family must be so embarrassed seeing their son going along with this farce. Tagging along with this mutilated criminal, one of the most hated zelebs in the country at the moment. Funny how when she got with carl we had the 'parent / dinner' picture but this time with jj looks like his family have said fuck off from the get go 👏👏
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I don't think The Sun has one of their journos /photographers in Cyprus. They'd have doorstepped her for answers otherwise. I think somebody on hols has sold pics, copyright and all, to The Sun. You probably get more if you hand over copyright, plus I'm sure there are plenty of folk who wouldn't want their name on a photo of her in the redtops with how vindictive her clan is.
I just watched this clip of the 2 prat's walking along the street:
I agree, I think this was taken by someone in a car spotting them & selling the video/pictures on.
Just a thought, but Peter has family/friends there. I know if I had time on my hands I'd love to get a video or picture of these 2 & earn a bit of cash in the process - Just a thought. It's not that large an island & even we know where she's staying. Maybe there are 'spies' watching themo_O:LOL:(y)
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I’m starting to think she wants to go to prison. I think she thinks it will revive her career in lots of ways. I also think she might think if she goes to prison that’s the punishment so the ‘punishment’ of paying what she owes is taken off the table.
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