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VIP Member
She’s just so arrogant. Peace signs, gloating, she’s disgusting. How she sleeps at night, I don’t know. Plus they both look like they need a good wash. He has to be a real desperate, shameless creature too. We thought Crawl was bad, but pansy boy is really barrel scraping. I think Crawl found out about these 2, hence damaged the panto apartment with kids there. That was final straw for him. I still don’t believe pansy boy & her have a real relationship.
Sink boy should have learned after he found out she was messaging Boyson via Princess & dumped her sorry skanky arse then. Rather than kicking off like he did. Johnny Cab Junior is certainly committing career suicide if he stops with her through all this scandal, dear me. Not that he's got much of one, but dear me 🤷
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Mellow Yellow

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She is the one on the podcasts and any articles saying she attends therapy every week/other week eek at the priory. Not a good review for their therapists
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Even the straggly bits on top are pointing in the same direction on both pics. I said exactly this earlier, she’s changing clothes and filming it in one day. Only the thicko braindeads can’t see if. Plus she’s in bloody Cyprus, not her kitchen 🤣🤣

They did. And…. They did 🤣
Where's the sun journos??
They could put side by side pics from the last week of these ridiculous ads and also the close ups of the beakers in the sink, showing she's filmed the lot in 1 day just changed outfits and colours of the drinks
It's basically fraud as she's not drinking them or at the very least false advertisement!!
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Chatty Member
Whenever she does plan on returning, will she organise backgrid to be at the airport? If she was arrested there those photos would be worth something surely?
Maybe the nice police officers will let JJ play with their radio while they nick KP?
My opinion for what it's worth is the courts chose the 3rd may as know she will be on way home and can arrest her on landing so she has to attend court. Let's hope so will make great viewing 😂😂
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She is using two different weights here 🤷🏼‍♀️ is she trying to even up Phil and Grant?

View attachment 2902474
I’m sorry, but what the actual fuck is he doing with this trainwreck?! Seriously? 🤷‍♀️ I know he’s no prize himself but really!

Ok he wants to be famous, but fook me he can do it other ways or get with other people surely?! If I was his mother I’d be on first plane over here to shake some sense into him! I can’t get my head around it at all. He can’t even look at the clown Fs!
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Chatty Member
She fucked whichever way you look at it, she's desperate to not appear at a public hearing as all her bullshitting and lies will come out for all to see and if she goes down the MH route she will also be shown for the bullshitter she is and any findings will fuck up her driving licence application and or child access arrangements to some extent, it finally feels like her number is up.
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Mellow Yellow

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I will be on hols in Playa del Carmen Mexico on 14 May and 6 hours behind UK time so I will be playing catch up on my sunbed.
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lol, I was looking up how to do that and came across a list of protocols. This came up

Use proper grammar and punctuation, and avoid using slang or informal language.

I guess we should get Dolly to send it then! 🤣😂🤣

No offense Dolly ❤
I wonder/wander why the fuck she didn’t contact me,I’d written the Cunt a nice letter.🤔
He will be posing in the carpark carrying cheap flowers for backgrid pics pretending to visit her in HMP ... like Goodger did ... it will be a damn site easier than ACTUALLY having to be around her ... bonus, he still won't have to look at her 🤣🤣🤣
It’s a wonder he can through those ugly slitty eyes……Cunt.
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Stan Butler

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Bless the poor deluded fuckwit krytens in a jewellers 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Said this holiday was all about pushing the fake showmance while skanks got max publicity for dodging the BH. The pair are complete fame hungry desperate cunts.😉🤣🤣🤣
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Hmm. Not sure about that piece of footage in Cyprus. She knows she’s being filmed!
But yea, what happened to the “I’m an experienced model?” I know she was never catwalk but you’d think she’d have learned how to walk properly.
Skank would blame her walking on her broken trotters, that's why she walks like Tim Healey in Benidorm
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Rita Chevrolet

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Best bit of all Karma is that its all her own doing, her trying to have things Her Way constantly & playing one side off against the other, well skank has truly scuppered itself whatever way you look at it :) What a shame eh?? 😂
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I’m sat googly eyed at it all, they actually rescheduled to one week. My guess is she won’t turn up again as she’s on holiday. She’ll desperately try to get someone to give evidence of her mental health (that’s so poor she can go on holiday, sunbathe, sit at the bar and eat, go to the gym, stroll hand in hand smiling with her latest pet). The judge will dismiss it. The next escalation for her has to be sectioned. But how can she after this holiday display, all about health. And she would have to arrange it all by next Friday.
She is off to HMP.
I hope you’re right. Would hold more clout, if court actually find out this holiday was pre planned before she should have been in court. Surely she’d be in the real💩 and 100% contempt of court?
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I honestly think she's going to stage a suicide attempt to get out of this upcoming court hearing.

There are ways of doing it that are reversible if you don't wait too long to present yourself at A&E (I won't say how).

It would be on her medical records as a real suicide attempt, and no one would be able to prove otherwise. It's not like doctors or the police will be looking through her search history.

She could probably get herself sectioned this way, and successfully kick the can down the road for another length of time.

Having a suicide attempt on her records would likely be detrimental for any future attempt at regaining custody of her youngest children. She could use this as an excuse to the general public for why she's lost them, it's a good way to get sympathy.

I hope I'm not giving her ideas. She's probably planning it already.
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Fathers for justice were probably telling the truth about the incest,nobody contested the facts at all says pretty much she was In serious trouble with the neglect of the kids . I’m glad they are away from that arsehole anyway
Whatever happened in court it must have been bad to warrant them being whipped away from her so fast.
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I have no idea how this Cameo works. Does she really think people will pay £120 for her slurred ramblings of wooo hooooooo and I love it? View attachment 2905469
I got one for my son from Mick Foley and it was absolutely brilliant. He included all the information I sent, made it really personal and even sang a song. The video was also longer than what I paid for so was worth every penny. I can’t even imagine hating anyone enough to send them one from the Skank 🤢
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We must all spare a thought for poor ol' Dim Lynne now , she who sacrificed her career to worship at the altar of Skankdom.

Whats she going to do now because skank doesn't need her input any longer to complete the forms to try to maintain her imprisonment of J&B by spouting the Lies she has done up to now. Skank has numerous other flunkeys so DL is going to be obselete (out on her arse) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Im hoping she keeps her there with the promise of paying her, then when (hopefully) the bitch gets banged up, old Dimbo Lynbo will be left penniless, idol-less and ostracized froM everyone that knows her. She deserves all of that
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" Come on JJ there's a good boy, pose like Mummy for the camera, that's right just place your cap on top of your head to make you look taller, then mummy will buy you a nice mini milk" (Other small ice lollies available)
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