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Was she already in Cyprus before BH as Im sure this was posted before BH and looks like the heard boards from Adam’s Beach Hotel 💩
EDIT yes posted 2 days ago…already skipped the country!
No way!!!!!!!!!!! Even more of a piss take and she didn't inform them till last minute. This seriously needs to be taken into account and she needs arresting at the airpot on her arrival back in the UK.
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Just read a few comments in the Daily Mail and most people think KP should be arressted as soon as she arrives home as she has lied to the court and not turned up to answer questions
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Latest stories of her walking round the cinema room, shouting I love it every 2 seconds...the rest of the room looks like a crack den, and why the hovering over juniors star, she really is trying to reel him back in for some reason 🤔
jj and jess standing there like a pair of simpletons... KP:what da ya fink jj.... JJ:yeaaahh issss noooice, what you fink jess.....JESS:yeahhh nicccee
Fuck me not a brain cell between them, not being tight but jj comes across as special needs, like the kids that would be in set 5 at school, she does like them thick but this is another level! Can't believe they're supposed to be 3 grown adults
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Every time she does an Insta advert , gets her hair or nails done , goes to a gig or theme park with The Vertically Challenged Idiot , goes on ‘oliday , we should all comment en masse on her Insta about how brave she is doing these activities when her mentawl elf is so bad that she cannot make a court appearance . How determined she is, how strong & resilient she truly is .

Her & her ever dwindling fans are such morons that they likely won’t even notice it’s a piss take.
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She had better be arrested for this. She does what she likes when she likes. The fugly, lazy, plastic cunt.

The next press article had better be a pic of her being dragged off in handcuffs shouting " get awff meeee, eye ain't done nuffin, it coz mah mewntwal elf innit , da judge sed eye dunt aft to come to cowt dinnneee
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Numbers came accross as very spiteful, I enjoyed giving him the odd metaphorical dig in the ribs. The only people I think he liked was Pom and Smilie 😁
He used to try and flirt with me on here, and then nick my jokey stuff and post it elsewhere, think he even had an IG with it all on at one point, freaky and weird, I don’t know why we tolerated it for so long, he was constantly rude to people on here and then tried to be friendly, came across as very misogynistic. I must attract the misfits 🤦🏽‍♀️😁
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I think the general public will be outraged at this decision as well. She goes on about how awful we Tattlers are but the comments printed in the papers all say exactly the same as us but without with swearing....

The fact she shows herself on social media going about her day-to-day life with no signs whatsoever of any mental health difficulties just makes a mockery of the whole system. If she was so 'mentally ill', how come she had the stamina to perform live in two pantos, have all her tweakments documented, appear at parties/presentations/nightclubs, present her Lives (when she did them) and do her weekly podcast all without a straightjacket on...?

....and let's not forget Cole's insta dropping her right in it... 'whille you mug bankruptcy off'.

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I will just say this ... as the child of a narc mother and a narc sister ... the narc sister was diagnosed before I understood what the hell was going on because none of it makes sense ... for years after Narc Mum played the good guy and blamed diagnosed narc sister ... it took a lifetime for me to see the reality that Mum is also a narc ... that it's not me, it's her ... she ENJOYS it when I cry, she ENJOYS it when I am in a bad relationship (tries to break them up and then encourages me to stay when I am miserable and crying) ... the final straw came when I moved my horses from a yard where I was being abused and struggling to a wonderful place where I am very very happy ... narc Mum tried to guilt me into staying on the horrible place and when she saw me happy after moving she launched an attack on me geared to make me get angry and then end up in tears ... I didn't react the way she wanted due to therapy ... boom ... toddler tantrum that had to be seen to be believed ... I have now gone no contact (same as Junior & possibly Princess) ... you cannot reason with a narc, they are toxic, there is nothing rational about them
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She probably missed the court case, drove her and legoboy to the airport. Legoboy likely getting a free childplace. Off on their Jollys, dumping whatever animals she has, I actually can't keep up with the animal situation any more! No one seems to know where J & B are, but they sure as hell haven't benefitted from the feature wall. Which by the way, the bailiffs should be in removing the TV and Fire from.
Then they'll come back? She'll drive her and legoboy home, she'll probably not bother her arse strapping him into his car seat properly.
Lego boy will go to the feature wall to catch up on CBBee's and she'll be filming more shite adds for IG.
While all this is going on, the courts will have prosecuted fuck knows how many hard working Joe and Sheila Blogs for having no TV license, no car insurance, and being a month behind in their council tax
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Those who actually have mental health problems must boil with rage watching this con artist pretend she has them too.

She really is untouchable, isn't she, to have everyone fall for her obvious bullshit time and again?
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Hampshire Hog

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Afternoon Krusty flumps.😘

Don’t let the skank get you down, all this does is show what a scumbag she is. Doesn’t care about anyone but herself. I feel sure she will get her comeuppance ( always the optimist ) all that is happening with the delays is her finally having to face the court one day and when she does it will be a sh* t show.

If it was me I would want it over with not all this dragging on for years. As for the latest boy toy I hope he gets stung on the bum because being associated with skankarella will only drag him into the sh*t show with her.
Don’t lose heart or the faith because karma is coming but it’s more of a slow train as opposed to a fast locomotive.

Enjoy your week end all 😘❤

Don’t let the bitch get you down
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Examinee unfit to be examined

The official receiver should not normally fix a public examination hearing for a person who suffers from any illness, disability, or mental disorder which they know would make it difficult for the examinee to attend or take part in the hearing. Where a public examination has been fixed, and the court takes the view that the examinee is unfit to undergo or attend it, the court may either stay the order fixing the examination or direct how and where the examination should be conducted. If the official receiver is aware that the examinee is likely to be unable to attend court they should in their application for the holding of the public examination ask that the court order the examination to take place at a convenient location, e.g. the examinee’s home. The official receiver should speak to the district judge or registrar in advance of making the application to seek their views1.

As an alternative, the court may, under Rule 12.24 appoint another person to act in place of the incapacitated person.

Didn’t she already use this one when she said she couldn’t do it remotely due to her feeling scared and her MH. So the just moved it to a court. Surely as well if you are stating you are unable to attend due to MH the court will need doc approval for this?
Anyway either way, reading the above, she ain’t getting away with this.
Sadly I don’t think she will ever appear in court. She’ll continually play the MH card. There aren’t even any laws to get her passport revoked. I think a matter of a few days & she’ll piss off abroad, sticking 2 fingers up at everyone. She plays the ‘games’ & sadly wins every time. She will never face justice for anything. 😡🤮💩
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Am I right in thinking that the court has now elevated the level of seriousness? It can't have been easy to get another court date so quickly with the backlogs in the system? So pushing up the priority level means this must have escalated in seriousness?
I hope so.
She might play the 'I'm not at home so did'nt get court date and not using internet due to menkal elf'
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JJ’s clearly as thick as shit too. How does he think this is all ok?
He's not going to gain anything being saddled with that Whore. He must realise she's morally corrupt as well as bankrupt, twice! Possibly having lost the kid's too, and still he rides her scabby arse. Twat!

It's time now for Carl, Alex, Kieran & the Sun to unleash an absolute shitshow on this piece of shit.
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Surely her case is now setting some sort of precedent. I don’t know how these things work but can’t other cases be quoted in future cases for anyone not complying as an example? This HAS to be exceptional. The number of bankruptcies / the flagrant non-compliance and the eye-watering sum involved.
Although it's a shitty result for today. I do think this is part of the reason. It's a very unusual case with the amounts involved and her behaviour. It makes me think they are dotting every i and crossing every T because a criminal trial will probably be very costly and they wouldn't want to mess
it up, they need to be extremely sure charges are justified because they'll probably be hefty?!

I have put an example up before of a bankruptcy case where a man got prison after 4 or 5 shitty excuses at non-attendance. She's very close!
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Cat Eyez

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Unless there is a live showing she's in the gym or somewhere at home with a newspaper with today's date.... I'm going for deflection, smoke and mirrors.

One things Carl always stated was smoke and mirrors.

Like when she had Carl show he was travelling up north but they were actually elsewhere.....

I honestly think she records loads of stuff and posts it much later to confuse/hide where she is and what she is doing.

I honestly believe she's buggered off out of the country somewhere and will be absolutely laughing at us and the court.
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