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Chatty Member
Yes her mate Psycho Tracy told her she'd be married to Kris and have a baby within the year to complete her/their 'appiness.
Reminds me of Dennis Pennis (comedian Paul Kaye) a pre Borat pranking reporter. Paul was interviewed and asked if anyone lost it about being pranked and only one was Russel Grant . Dennis rocked up and asked clairvoyant Grant if he could read palms to which he said yes and Dennis showed him his hand on which he'd written " You know F%$# all you fat C$#@" ;)
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I remember her coming out of a tv awards event I think, it was holding her phone in front of her with the messages. If that’s not a nasty piece of work I don’t know what is. She really did try and destroy Chris Hughes.
I’ve noticed since Boyson sent her that firing shot over instahash she has stayed quiet and away from him. He needs to speak out
Could not agree more Cake.

I think it will just take one person to be brave and speak out and the floodgates may open.
Even if they have signed NDAs, I have signed so many myself, I hasten to add never breached one. However, unless they are professionally drafted they are not watertight, especially if the 'author' has breached them themselves. So much 'wriggle room'. Also expensive to enforce and sue.

I can't imagine any that have been signed in the last few years will have been professionally drafted. Probably cut and pasted by Amy the Enabler from her Iron Lung.
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Right I’m off I’m exhausted,

I heard that Freddy Marks died yesterday. Some of you might not know who he was. He was in a favourite children’s programme of mine, Rainbow. There were some great characters on that programme especially Zippy, he was like your anti hero and he usually got his come uppance. Anyway there were songs and stories but also a lot of laughter. I know a lot of people on here are ill or have health problems but if you can laugh, even for a second, you can try to forget what ails you. That’s what I do anyway,

Goodnight and God Bless and may your Rainbow always shine on you
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Michelle Heaton is as bad as KP on her time-lines. Appaz drinking 2 bottles of wine and a bottle of vodka nearly every day since 2018. As we were in lock-down basically all last year why didn't her husband take the stuff off her and how could she pissobly (yes) have been a mother to her young kids for two years in that state - along with coke addiction? Which other 'celebrity' friends were helping with this intervention? They'll all come out the woodwork tomorrow to jump on the bandwagon. How's Sarah Harding Katie? You caught-up with her recently? Nicky Graeme's mum - you checked-up on her? Thought not... if you ever had a halo it is on the ground.
Sarah Harding🙏 I was wondering about her and her cancer treatment.
I havent seen anything. Does anyone know how her health is?
Im not a GA fan musically but I liked Sarah as she was herself. Wild, unapologetic and real.

Obviously shes fighting a private health battle But you do hope she is ok. I wish her well 🙏
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So Harvey still has his house and Cole advertising the new line of Priceywoods T-shirt’s 🙄
What the fuck is that about???? He is such a bully, wanker, knobhead! Who in their right mind would want to wear anything with those cunts names on????
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Rita Chevrolet

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see harvey has been bought another new bed ,,oh no hang on its the same one from january...more rehashing of old news
all it's bullshit is recycled crap - there is nothing new EVER :poop:

New updates.
I'd be fascinated to know how H can "be in talks" about his own TV show about trains.

Don't tell me - mommy dearest is shoving him forwards to use him a bit more then? Plus ça change! 🤬

Ooooh and a Family Outing to the hairdressers too!!! Wowzers, how the Other Half live eh? But even Bunny is embarrassed by it now - it had to come haha

Is she trying to turn Trampy Towers into Cinderella's Palace at Disney or something? Besides which how is our belovéd Bankrupt going to afford all this marble and naff stuff anyway??
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Pink Squirrel

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Morning Krustie's....all caught up 😊. She's still a cunt, how surprising... said no Krustie EVER 🤣😂.

Pinks top tip for the day....make sure you put suncream on your forehead when driving with the roof down 🙄.
In yesterday's gorgeous weather we had a family outing to watch a production of The Wind In The Willows. Cream tea with Mr Toad followed by the performance. Not without it's challenges as is usual with additional needs kids. My bestie was in the show. So the kids were rather excited to see her in her costume.
I suffer from PMLE & despite my best efforts my arms are of a similar appearance to a pound of raw mince 🤣😂. I think I shall stay indoors today to avoid scaring anyone with my appearance. At least my scorched forehead is amusing my children 🙄

I agree, it's lovely to see Jett & Bunny looking so happy & dressed appropriately with Kieran & Michelle. Exactly how it should be 😊.

Skanky's rubbish about Covid preventing her from being at the birth of Sophie's baby?? She wasn't there because she was on her way to Portugal 🤷.....and probably Sophie didn't want her there 😁.

Lovely pic of them walking to dinner though 🤢. Crawl dressed like a toddler. Her in an oversized baggy dress, pulled in at the waist to make her look slimmer. She's the same shape as an egg timer 😳⌛
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Pink Squirrel

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Perhaps @mrbusiness can remember who else maybe in the frame? It could be that this is why he is holding out for a payment from the divorce plus he was left basically homeless and he is paying up-keep for Jett and Bunny. I shall change my thought on your original post :)
Joe Hart was mentioned. The vile attention seeking narcissistic bitch turned his Wedding day into another attention seeking farce about her. She is fucking mental 😡

What a load of old shit. Lazy, lazy journalism. How is it heartbreaking FFS. And her bollocks about him always being with her through everything 🤢🤮. THE ONLY FUCKING REASON HE'S THERE THROUGH IT ALL IS BECAUSE THE POOR BUGGER CANT GET AWAY & HAS NOBODY TO GET HIM AWAY.
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First time on here but then again I was told to come on here as you all speak the facts and out her lies.

The hairdresser Ross and his hubby are with them in the villa again. Ross is the flavour of the month at the moment...he's been paying for the vilas and she's begged to go along saying she needs to get away from the stress of everything.
Hello and welcome. You'll certainly get the truth here, with a few F, B and C words thrown in when she annoys us all too much 🤣

Mornin everybody, ❤ Who's surprised she's fucked off again then, just when the kids are off school like my lovely pinkie friend said? No-one? No, me neither, selfish bitch. 🤬
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Just catching up. Been busy busy busy now my bar is finally open!
So I clicks on the dirt bags instashite story, and can’t believe my eyes.
But what the actual fuck is it doing in Portugal AGAIN!?!?!

Oh I seriously can not wait for it to be dragged into court for this bankruptcy hearing.
she’s seriously deluded. It’s like she’s getting worse, absolute disregard for her creditors and life itself!
Hope crawl finds that cliff and shoves the big lump off it this time. Then jumps down to save her too like the gormless twonk he is. 🤬
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Thank you for letting me know on the Loz thread..much appreciated ❤ 🥰🤗👽😘 xx.
I pop in and make a Vippy if I can 💖 xx.

I leave this here for now while I pop over and be back later tonight 🥰🐾😘 xx.

Katie's shape and square dress makes an ideal sandwich board..maybe she was working in Portugal after all lol 😄😄 xx.

View attachment 594673
She always looks stoned in her pictures doesn’t she .😳
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liar liar

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Harvey still hasn't had the holiday she promised him last year. Holiday would have been a nice Birthday present for him
He's never getting a holiday abroad - she's put paid to that with her stories of his violence and general behaviour. He's too much for her to bother with and Crawl couldn't care less about him. Truth.
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liar liar

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I wonder why they allow skanky to persist with her lies that she attended the place to begin with? After all the entire universe can see that whatever-it-was they did to her FAILED MISERABLY because she's still the same drug-addled, raving barmpot & guttersnipe she ever was regardess of any allegéd 'interventions'

Surely its time they told the truth saying that she's not been treated for anything by them nor does posing alongside the signboard by the front gate mean she ever was a patient of theirs? Being associated with skanky ain't no recommendation is it?
I suspect she may have had an appointment there so as she signed on the dotted line, once, that is enough for them not to be able to confirm or deny what she says. To my knowledge she has not named any specific staff there; just wafted a ring-binder file with info that is possibly down-loadable or which she borrowed from someone she knew who had been there...

It's claimed that Katie helped PAY for MH's trip to the Priory, that has to be bollocks.
Heaton has a husband why wouldn't he pay? Who asks some slag to pay?

She is cunning.

She knows due to patient confidentiality neither The Priory nor The NHS can comment on a patients treatments hence she gets away with her lies.

Her story about being in The Priory keeps changing:

1. Length of stay.
2. Dates of stay.
3. Pictures of her room which have now completely disappeared. I know people who have been treated at the hospital and you are not allowed mobiles, tablets etc so how has she taken pictures? Also the wardrobe behind her in her pictures was cheap. Not furnishings I have on good authority in The Priory, circa £5k a week.

She's a proven liar and lower than a snakes belly. Plus in her latest Instasham film selling JYY crap she looks off her tits.

In the words of my chum Alan Partridge "She's a complete mentalist"
She is so vile looking - her eyebrows are now broader than her eyes and she's shrunk her head. The wig is dreadful and cheap looking.
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Chatty Member
Regarding the way she dresses Harvey, I’ve seen him in a top that says collosal across the chest a couple of times and that just feels cruel!
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Best comment on The Daily Mail story about Skanky and Wanky going on a stroll in Leed where she is pictured wearing the black bin 'dress' with her wrinkly knees on show:

"I can see the 'Elephant Man' in one knee and a man in a flat cap in the other".



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Rita Chevrolet

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Morning all! Wishing Mr Harvey Price a very Happy Birthday 🎂🎉

What I also find sad about her me, me, me birthday bollocks is that 99.9% of the pics are all from paid for articles or staged for paps 😭. Does she have no normal family pics?

Great new title 👍. And my fave Pom pic 🤣🤣

So she's been to Portugal for 10mins for her birthday. Or was it to escape the court date....which was postponed. Wigs on, wigs off, extensions in, extensions out. A very quiet birthday 🤔. Bought some vile pink dog ornaments to add to the piles of shite at the MM. More deplop to come on Fri. More lies on Steph's Sick Bag. Confirmation that all 3 dogs are still alive, phew! Nominated for a bloody NTA award....which we'll never hear the end about 🙄😴🥱. Knees, her feckin' knees, where do we even start???
Sick to death of the old slag and everything about it 🤮
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