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Well-known member
She is cunning.

She knows due to patient confidentiality neither The Priory nor The NHS can comment on a patients treatments hence she gets away with her lies.

Her story about being in The Priory keeps changing:

1. Length of stay.
2. Dates of stay.
3. Pictures of her room which have now completely disappeared. I know people who have been treated at the hospital and you are not allowed mobiles, tablets etc so how has she taken pictures? Also the wardrobe behind her in her pictures was cheap. Not furnishings I have on good authority in The Priory, circa £5k a week.

She's a proven liar and lower than a snakes belly. Plus in her latest Instasham film selling JYY crap she looks off her tits.

In the words of my chum Alan Partridge "She's a complete mentalist"
She looks like that Ken doll bloke who is now a barbie woman.
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Any kids with them this time?
Not seen any...yet, is it half term...🤣 But seriously, she needs a break from looking after and feeding 5 fussy kids every day, 2 holidays to Portugal in about a week is just what the Priory recommends 🙄
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Think he knows who the daddy is but he loves that boy! Not like her! CUNT..she doesn’t give a shit about the kids just herself.Hope the shit come out soon!🙏❤
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liar liar

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So why has Ms Plastic Pricey just started following this plastic surgeon from Comfort Zone, when she clearly said after ‘ruining’ her boobs she wouldn’t go back? 🤥🙄
Coupled with Ryan saying see you in a few weeks...🤔🤔🤔
If it's free she's having it wherever it may be. Perhaps they are going to do a knee lift and leave her legs banana-shaped haha.
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Exactly why couldn't she not take Harvey to meet up with them over in the New forest especially after he got distressed when he couldn't hug his nan.. nope her needs outweighs the kids, plus I bet Paul the stepdad wouldn't want it caught to flog to the redtops
Harvey still hasn't had the holiday she promised him last year. Holiday would have been a nice Birthday present for him
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Morning Krusties.

About this adoption story, I've come to the conclusion that Katie isn't serious about adopting this child at all.

IMO Katie is just pulling one of her stunts!

I've read so many comments on my Facebook feed which are vomit inducing, people actually believe this shit
and think Katie would a great mother to this child.
If she was serious, they have a FB, YT and Twitter account as well as email and local office numbers besides the general head office number all on the website, so come on Katie, try again and Im sure you will get a response...just another sympathy gaining bullshit act of exploitation, using someone else's trauma, an innocent special needs child. Show's just how low she will go to keep herself in the new's..disgusting vile human piece of my piss is boiling.
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Apologies was a little more venomous than usual yesterday. I blame the bank Holiday couple of bottles of wine with a stong finish of margarita 🍹
God speed anyone else today that feels as rough as me 🤢
I still stand by what I say though she is like a used old rubber jonny.
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Chatty Member
What's your whole take on the Wanky & Skanky ''relationship' bollocks? Half of us lot think it's one big dodgy moneymaking sham, the other half think he's using and manipulating her to gain fame for himself. And we all think he's a knob 🤣🤣
I think it's just a set-up, he has no interest in her only when the staged pics are done otherwise he is very distant..he failed to get his own mug noticed after his attempts on reality TV. Only way he was guaranteed was hooking up with skanky and making out she's his dream woman yet forgets he publicly said it was Jodie marsh 🤣🤣🤣

Cole was peeved on his IG last Wednesday when he was left Back stage holding the dogs whilst she appeared on that Steph's crap lunch slot.
It's obvious that any money she is making is going through him, her mate jedya and superfan Paige.
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Rita Chevrolet

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@peeko I love this 😂. If men had to go through menopause a cure would have been invented by now 😜. Currently getting through it 🥵🥴😭
It is HELL! (n)

It's alright for the old man because he just buys motorbikes, puts them in the barn and never rides them, in fact the closest they get to seeing daylight is when he wheels 'em out to wash them before putting them back indoors again - unused. Of course come springtime he will sell said motorbike because 'I never get the chance to ride make me do things with you instead of riding my bike.........................blah blah blah...................................', so he sells bike and then agonises over being forced to sell the damned thing making him morally obliged to buy another one. And thus the Male Menopause continues.......................................... :(

If only what I am enduring was half as simple :mad:
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She's bought her kids nothing in my humble opinion. Everything scrounged and begged.

A few years ago when she was at ToysRU, alledgedly spending (scrounging) £3k+ of kids toys.

I have it on good authority (my chum worked on their PR account) she paid for nothing, treated the staff like shite, demanded the most expensive toys and even begged the wrapping paper and sellotape. Then instructed staff to load her begged loot into the back of the pink monstrosity. Absolute dirty, rancid begging, scrounging tramp.
It’s disgusting, having stuff just for the sake of having it. She can’t even put stuff in a car so it gets home in good condition. She reminds me of my ex sister in law, wants kids by every man she is with, gets mountains of tat and thinks it makes her look good and a pass master at topping anything anyone else has been through. “Oh you think that’s bad? I’m actually dead me...”
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What a lovely article, warms the heart doesn’t it (sarcasm emoji).

my favourite line is “Carl is getting tested because he’s never got anyone pregnant before”. So does that include men?

how wonderfully romantic all these ‘baby making’ holidays.

give me a curtain that flaps in the wind like they do in old films during romantic scenes. Oh, the good old days. Now we have this!

Nurse, more medication please!
i have not seem any pictures yet that proves they are there again why is the airport picture just a photo no sign of them in it yet last time they put a video of them walking through the airport and all the other pictures i have seem of suppose to be this time could have been taken anytime and be anyone(a hand holding a glass suppose to be Carl)and if they are away again this is the great mother that as Harvey every weekend yet she did not have him last weekend it was her birthday(just Jett and Bunny pictures and them they say she is away again(only reason i could think of going for a few days and then going back ten days later is for treatment to get pregnant because no one in England would prob help her)
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Wondered how long before the redtops got wind of her trip..
Even her management Kirsty wasn't aware 🙄🙄🙄

Old skanky won't like the fact her old mucky mate Jo and hubby are attending Kieranand Michelle's gender reveal party
U would have thought when the bankruptcy courts were questioning the amount of holidays that she would be more careful but it just doesn’t give a shit. As for having a baby for her mum, look after the 5 u have got u lazy skank. I really hope karma gets this one good and proper.

I am half expecting the Mexican and his chums to put in an appearance!
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That's probably because they haven't gone anywhere, I have my doubts, why go back to Portugal a few days after they just got back from there?

Both their IG feeds have very little activity at the moment.
Could they have stayed in that villa on the last trip and now upload it as if they are there now🤔🤔🤔the usual deception IG lies she does, post old videos to look like it's now.
Wouldn't surprise me 🤣
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