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They are marked as postponed to be resheduled. Is that so they do not have repay the fee?💄💋
Yes ... all rescheduled on the 12th of Never
Alves is at a place callled Raffles in Chelsea. With a couple of women, one of whom is performing, but no sight or sound of the Skank. What’s she up to? Prob with JJ desperately trying to convince him to carry on the charade.
Probably with Crawl
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They're not necessarily taking her word. Court hearings take months. If Kieran says KP is an addict it has to be tested, it can take months, if Kieran alleges abuse, reports need to be done and it takes months. If KP doesn't turn up to a hearing, another hearing has to be scheduled.....etc etc. There are separate hearings for everything that goes on.... with weeks or months in-between. The final hearing where the judge sees all the evidence probably hasn't happened yet.

It's 8 months since Kieran's last police investigation was thrown out. Residency hearings can take 12 months at least. The fact Kieran now has regular contact with Bunny shows they're in the middle of the court process.

People seem to go back to square one if they don't see the court hearings. We're not going to see them but 'some contact' is an indication it's progressing.

These are the final stages of family court.....the Temporary order is likely to be where Kieran is now, with regular contact with the kids. This is just part of the process. The fact finding hearings can go on for weeks if allegations are complex. Each one of these stages has weeks or months inbetween. At the bottom it says the whole process can take 18 months.
This is what Kieran is going through.

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Yes we all understand that the legal process takes a long time but the bottom line is that she ILLEGALLY kept the children and is being allowed to continue getting away with it, THAT'S what we all find so frustrating I think. Why wasn't she made to return them right at the very start while investigations were carried out into the allegations against KH? As others have said on here they know of cases where children are at far greater risk of harm than J and B ever were with KH ( even if any of the allegations were true) so why wasn't she made to return them at the beginning? Even if he gets full custody back what's to stop her doing it again knowing that nothing happened to her the first time?
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Rita Chevrolet

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"Dunning-Kruger Effect" I've just heard Rory Bremner talking about it on Countdown - bloody hell! It's another one for the skank 👍
She thinks she brilliant and right about everything of course 🤭
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Yep,we used to say that as well.

Sorry,but I find it embarrassing,I think of names when you get older.
I'm amazed that Princess has stuck with her cringy name, Her nickname, Bista, would single her out just as much without making people heave and be far more attractive.
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They might not have had an official 50:50 court order but those children were nonetheless removed from her care (not sure by whom) and she only had access for 2 hours a week (we think). So how come that was overturned and ignored by the authorities?
Yes it was Wednesdays 2 hrs.
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Chatty Member
I'm the same @WillowTree21. I really can't understand why at this stage the courts even involved. She made accusations they were proved wrong. A corrupt SS was involved in the case. Why Kieran has to pay legal costs when Social Services have completely fucked up is beyond me.
She just TOOK the kids 15 Months ago, when they had previously been removed from her care. What the fuck do social services think has changed. There's Evidence everywhere that she's worse now than ever.
I really, really don't understand how our justice system works. I have a friend who was on a similar situation regards accusations being made, but once they were proved unfounded he had access to his kids again, while carrying on with his legal fight as resisdent parent, or whatever the legal term is.
The whole thing pisses me right off 🤬🤬🤬🤬 its complete injustice

She'll just be her usual no show
He's seeing Bunny now I think, just not sure about Jett
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I think not. He's too aware now of what she is now. He exposed the Lynne Rickwood bent social wanker stuff, the hidden car and the texts KP sent to him teasing him about taking Legohead on his birthday trip. He doesn't exactly like her anymore 😆
👍 good news, thank you
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I just came to post this! My friend was there and he is raving about it. I am trying to save the video he posted foe you, but I am a tech dunce so don't know how to get it off Facebook 😂😂
Omg, he's so lucky!!
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Interesting that the fashion gala was cancelled last minute and told they are going to be rearranged for another date possibly in April yet no mention in apologies of the cancellation from jess agency or the guy who was supposed to be hosting it with skank..

Reckon skank didn't go out with Alves was that Alves was with some pretty young women and one who she was with was booked to sing in the club Raffles.
No way could skank have the one tiny bit of any limelight off her ,she be up there screeching and pushing the other woman out the way
Or perhaps Raffles has standards and wouldn't even let her in the front door?
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