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Cat Eyez

VIP Member
First time I've looked at 🐰 and really noted the KFP resemblance 😔
KFP makes me sick 🤢

@SmillieKylie I'm totally with you, this situation for B&J is just to awful and so very sad. Whilst I hear your update @DC16 and that the children love KH.
I honestly can't see anything changing anytime soon. They should be with him 100% and it won't ever be that, there lives have been ruined by KFP and our shocking system.
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Brah Day Izit?

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Following the discussions around children being removed - there are exceptions to having court-only ordered removal. Both the police and CS can initiate this in extremely serious circumstances (and it does happen more than we know - I have had many cases where children have been removed in this manner)

It is a bit dry for a Friday night, but all the info is here should anyone be interested.

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Not sure if this has been posted if it has I apologise but it just came up on my FYP. OMG 🫣


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She’s got another gig, entrepreneur, gotta laugh really, who are these twats giving her work, she’s a f*cking bankrupt for many years now, FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️

The train video was today, she has the same voice on her latest IG video, and I think I can hear H in the background, he’s with her. She has lost her voice, she has got some sort of cold or ❄ throat, probably a combination

View attachment 2799785
'I'll be answering all your questions and answers" 🤣🤣🤣 ffs what a thick twat
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Rita Chevrolet

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If someone could photoshop away his beard there's one helluva chin hiding there.
Yup he's definately in the running for a role as Mr Punch (quite literally!)

Katie stressed that she hadn't even been looking for a relationship when she met JJ. She continued to open up further about her life, revealing that she's had "a lot of dramas" recently. Despite not sharing what these dramas were, Katie explained: "I've got a lot of dramas in my life I've got a head block, I'm seeing my therapist and seeing a consultant because my head is fuzzy and I'm coping with a lot. Some stuff I just can't cope with which are like normal stuff that people can cope with."
What a load of shite! She needed a "relationship" once SB pissed-off. It cannot cope without Bein' in Lurrrvvve or having The One #3698 in tow to show how desirable she is to ALL blokes so Mr Punch came along who was amenable to The Plan and BINGO!
"Thats the way to doo it!" - "Ize gettin' maried agen! woo hoo!!"

Considering the thing is as mad as a box of frogs even without the addition of booze and ❄, how come the SS still think its ok to leave those children with it - especially now since the wonderful grandmother has washed her hands of it all finally & legged-it to the IoW? WHY?????
And then the admission it cannot cope with normal stuff other people take in their stride? WTF???????? :mad: Well done to WSSS
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She’s got another gig, entrepreneur, gotta laugh really, who are these twats giving her work, she’s a f*cking bankrupt for many years now, FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️

The train video was today, she has the same voice on her latest IG video, and I think I can hear H in the background, he’s with her. She has lost her voice, she has got some sort of cold or ❄ throat, probably a combination

View attachment 2799785
Kipper bizness model

1. Become a reality zleb
2. Get a Clare to pretend you are a bizness woman
3. Launch some shit products .. all using your name so your zleb fans will buy a few
4. Spend more money than you make
5. Shut the multiple companies down before paying any tax

Winner winner chicken dinner
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Had an interesting call earlier & of course the 'mutilated one' was mentioned.
Well Mr PP has apparently made no bones about the fact that LegoBoy & KFP is a fake relationship. Was all cooked up by her promotor's, not sure who they are!

Think initially, she was texting JJ & getting a response, trying to make it seem someone was interested in her for Crawl's benefit (make him jealous). But it all backfired when the argument broke out in Liverpool apartment, which Crawl smashed a door etc & then Harvey kicked off, smashing the place up. She then knew she'd F'd up, but too late as far as Crawl concerned.
Seem's Crawl has been warned off too. from directly saying anything. Think we suspected so & I think possibly, so has Alex, I will try & find out more.
Can't see, no matter what either of them signed, it's worth the paper it's written on. She can't afford to sue either of them. But, I think with Crawl, there's stuff he doesn't want released about him. Alex, well, she's already destroyed him, what more could she do?
Really appreciate your ☕, as always Willow 😘
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Stan Butler

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Skank wants to feel lucky Amy the enabler didn't call her after the place she was conceived..
Austin Allegro Price.
Cortina Price.
Morris Minor Price
Escort Price.
Reliant Robin Price.
Take your pick skank someone in the pub Amy the enabler was doinking must have been driving one of those cars at the time.🤣
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Exactly, @WillowTree21, and how come she could just take them back and keep them? There was no “building up contact” then so how come Kieran has to?
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So with her non compliance with everything, he will be lucky if this case is concluded by this time next year, sorry to say that, but she will push it and push it. Unless she does something completely stupid he will only then get 50/50 access thats how the courts operate unfortunately. Then she will just do this all over again. In the meantime by then the kids lives will be completely fucked up, and after that length of time its doubtful if they will want to go back to live with their father. I know of a very similar case, and the father never saw his son for several years, and even now they do not have a very good relationship because the son's head was filled with nonsense about his father over such a long period.
Why would she do it all again if he gets court-ordered 50/50? Conditions of arrest can be attached, that's the whole point of doing what he's doing .....he never had that before which is why he's had so much trouble.
Remember how she messed up Kieran's contact at the contact centre by posting pictures? Something went on because he had access restored and Bunny has been with him. This is likely to be an Interim order by the court - with which she is complying. Most likely because she's been warned she could be in contempt. Contempt could end with prison. Yes she pushes things but she played her trump cards early on with the fake allegations. Kieran has had police investigations dropped three times. A judge will see that and that the most serious things she alleged were not true. She's a coward at the end of the day IMO and is scared of prison. A judge can also rule without her present and this would be more likely in favour of Kieran. So good if she chooses not to comply, Judges see that as not giving a shit about your children.

I would emphasise what DC has told us recently, things are ongoing, they have hope it's going in a positive direction and it's likely Michelle is getting a further restraining order. None of that bodes well for KP.
My step mother stopped my dad from seeing me and my sister. For about 10 years, my father went along with it to ‘keep the peace’ but ended up leaving her. My step mother died a few months ago, alone - she had lived the life of a recluse for the last few years of her life. I tried to see if there was any kind of a relationship with my dad, but sadly no.

I’m not sure why I’m saying this here, except to say that parental alienation is awful. And confusing. And sad. Those two young children (B&J) are still young, there’s still hope for them. I’m pleased they have each other. And a father who really does care about them. There’s very wrong things happening with them but if KH keeps up the fight (and I know it won’t be
Easy) - he’ll get there in the end.

If you’re reading this KH or Michelle- we’re backing you guys all the way. 🤗
I agree, he should keep fighting. Even 50/50 access will be valuable. He can get the kids therapy to build independence of thought and help them deal with the bullshit their mother spews. She will also mess up again at some stage ( rehab, car crash etc) and then Kieran will have access to pick up the pieces. Why give up and leave them to be put into care when she fucks up next time 🤷‍♀️

Sorry to hear you went through something similar Coolcat!
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Chatty Member
Bunny’s latest YT post 😩 it’s similar to the ‘lemonade‘ one she did that was removed
Hopefully her account will be taken down again soon esp with the sun reporting on it
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I'll claim my 10 skanky points please,, said yesterday the H train was a deflection so skank could dump the kids and fuck off on a jolly today and if skanks in London on the piss she won't be going home she'll stay in London or krytens or some grotty hotel after she shacks up with sink boy or a one nighter she picks up in some pub/club to jump a train to Manchester for the fashion gala tomorrow, another 2-3 day me me me break from the kids SOME FUCKING MOTHER YOU ARE SKANK AND FUCK YOUR ENABLING AND COMPLICIT FRUMPY DUMPY BEIGE CUNT OF A SISTER YES I MEAN YOU EDNA YOU CUNT. 😘
She truly is the most self absorbed narcissist ever usual pattern new egg and kids are paraded when she gets bad press and home truths her and the beige one podcast moaning about trolls ffs she the biggest troll around its been proven and court cases as well has she forgotten all about that its unbelievable she can ignore everything and think shes superior i fucking hate the cunt😡😡😡
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Sadly Willow I’m at the point now that unless Skank does something really horrific and clearly dangerous, I believe B & J are not going to be released from her feckless care. I’m dismayed to hear that B is still online posting stuff unsupervised, that girl will be targeted now, I have no doubt about that, I can’t even think about what she is interacting with, it’s shocking no one will stop this, and I include Edna in this, that woman is really pissing me off as much Skank these days, she’s the very definition of an enabler.

The children and KH have been totally failed by the system. Despite Skank clearly lying, making false claims against KH, failing to comply with authorities, allowed to take J completely taken out of education, employing corrupt Lynne Rickwood to work the system, now abandoning them for a fake relationship and endless work and pleasure trips away, leaving them with others ( unbelievably corrupt Lynn Rickwwood and Fenella at weekends by sounds of it) still they reside with her 😔

Easter is coming, guarantee the situation will still be the same, they will still be with her. SS have been useless, the court process, yeah I know the reasons for it, but it’s unacceptably slow and I’m at the point now I doubt they will be taken from her, despite the clear harm she is causing them. I think both have been irreparably harmed now, J turned against his father, their teenage years will be very difficult going forward whatever happens now, far worse if they stay with her. Sorry to be so bleak, people can disagree with me, but I’m just so exhausted watching on and seeing the complete failure of the system in addressing this situation and even with all the evidence against her, still nothing has changed. My patience has worn out completely now, I’m tired of wishful thinking and hopes something will happen soon, nothing changes. The Lynn Rickwood thing should have finished it, but no, we are two months into 2024 and still no change, it just ain’t happening. I hope I’m proved very wrong, but I now accept she‘s beaten the system, I just find it all so sad she has been able to do this 😔
She hasn't beaten the system, the system has defended & protected her.
No matter how much she owrs, how many driving offences accrue or laws & restraining orders she breaches, she won't go to jail.
And the excuse will be she has 5 kids to look after & provide for.
Despite never being at home, 2 living with PA and H kept by the tax payer, not all enablers belong to the Price Clan, our Courts and SS are full of them and the legal system exists to punish the weak & protect the scum of society.
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Chatty Member
I really hope he doesn't. He needs to stay away and start a new life.
He's definately staying in Essex. I've seen him driving around and that IG story he posted about parking like a twat, that was the Co-op car park in Dunmow.
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I hate to say this but I do actually agree with you. I’m so fed up of the constant drama with her 😂
Just give those kids back to Kieran then I’ll be able to stop worrying and couldn’t give a shit what she does to herself going forward 😅
Because it is actually all going Pete Tong for her this year I reckon! 😁
Let them go back to being miserable together - JJ will flounce off with his tail between his legs feeling both relieved and embarrassed about the whole thing and hopefully J & B will get to spend more time with KH as AFP is now out the way (violates the agreement?). I do hope that with the escalation in the drinking and drugs that it will push things in the right direction.
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This weeks pod.
Apparently lots of people excited for the podcast show. Outfits for the show SFP will be in jeans, trainers and a blazer/s, KFP is going to be sparkly. 🙄
JJ: Are you in a relationship, she is now official, they were seeing each other, but not official. Maybe next week she will talk about how long they have been messaging and seeing each other. She wasn’t looking for a relationship.
Still calling the tv show Breakthrough, instead of Breathtaking 🙄
The photoshoot she did the other week was for her book cover. It’s natural, white top, jeans, bare-feet, she has day of release, done videos for interviews for it.
She’s recorded LaLa podcast, Jo Bags (?) Elizabeth Day, who wants her back. 🙄
SFP has had some dickheads in her dms this week, called her Laura, who commented on her appearance (this was out on here a while back) they are both having a swear about her. SFP says she would never have a go about another woman’s appearance….
KFP, is shouting about international Woman’s day, very loudly, oi oi… 😩 both trying to sing, my cat sounds better.
MAFS Australia, she loves it (probably already messaging one) mentioned JJ didn’t want to go to the reunion show.
CBB, said she has been asked to go bit on the side, not sure of date.
Has her studio dates booked in with Scarlet Lee, ready for her tour and music events she is doing over the summer, recording 3 club classics and singing her own. Had a meeting yesterday about a tv show, if she gets it, she’s very excited.
VIP page advert. You can watch the whole pod show now.
Bunny comes in with something for the snack tray and she asks her to make her a cup of tea.
The double numbers manifested, more doors are opening for her, all positive thinking.
There are a lot of dramas going on in her life at the moment, seeing therapist tomorrow, as she keeps that up, her head is fuzzy. Somethings she can’t cope with at the moment (probably means court) Her bathroom is being done at the moment and getting a new bed, she doesn’t know where it’s coming from, she has ordered loads of frogs and stickers for Harvey’s bedroom as he is coming home Monday, SFP went to see H at college, his room was tidy and quiet, H was very quiet (apparently keeps messaging her saying he is missing her) so says she will be knackered. Bunny brings her cup of tea, she moans it’s not very hot. She’s been so busy, taken kids bowling, Bunny cantering on the horse. All family stuff this week, now she’s trying to blag a free trip to the Cotswold, SFP said she would email them.
She’s now opening a toy from A kinder egg and puts on a stupid voice to Bunny.
AFP gave SFP a cabinet that was in KFP’s annexe, there’s a dildo in there. Not for KP, she likes the real thing.
Questions, breakfast, loves boiled eggs for breakfast.
Does she ever wish she wasn’t famous, no, always wanted to be. She loves her job, a people person, just doesn’t love some of the stuff that comes with it when you’re famous.
If you could go back in time, what would you do, some of the men she has been with.
She needs to put loads of stuff on Vinted. Jett likes Nike, Bunny likes stuff from Berska, H&M and Next.
How do you prepare for when your children leave home? She hasn’t seen Junior for ages, she has messaged him, he hasn’t got a car at the moment, she was devastated, heartbroken when H left home, but she got her life back as she was his full time carer. It’s an emptiness. Princess wants to do a podcast with her.
Viewers questions. 🥱
She doesn’t have time to always make an effort, would rather spend quality time with the kids.
KFP filters pictures and has had work done, there’s a pressure.
She wanted to go to the gym tonight, but has been working all day, so would feel guilty as not fair on the kids. 🙄🙄🙄
Jett is always outside (mmmmm, not sure I believe that)

Well dear DC, I know you've listened to many, many podcasts lately, but quite honestly was there ANY truth's spouted in this one? Because in my book, this was all lie's & utter bullshit. She really is a compulsive liar. As I've said to you before, thank you SO much for listening & reporting back, but really you're going to end up in a mental home your self, if you listen to much more of the this utter crap.
She just speaks fluent bullshit. Trying to make out she's in such demand, filming, book, chat shows etc. Will ITV give her a slot - unlikely after the Ireland fiasco?
I can't put into words how much I despise her constant lying, so I'll just sum in up in a few captions..... Thank you again DC. ❤(y)


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I'm sorry to appear blunt, but I really am struggling with this kids situation. Kieran had custody of those 2 kids. She F'd off to Thailand with them for 4-5 weeks, returned & refused him access (appears like a kidnap). Made unfounded allegation constantly about Kieran to SS & police. Nothing ever proved. Kieran has 'towed the line', not caused a fuss, but must have spent fortunes trying to get access back.
He is the kids father. Done nothing wrong where as KFP clearly has a drug issue & has for a few years. Tests have been positive. I still don't get WHY KH has to go through all this court stuff when HE HAD CUSTODY UNTIL SHE TOOK THEM.
It's not illegal to remove kids in vulnerable circumstances to give to the other parent. It's NOT illegal to have the parent look after the kids if the mother is constantly AWOL/not at home & the kids are left with anyone prepared to look after them. I know I'm looking very Black & White, but I really don't get what's happening, other than KFP is calling all the shot's and seem's to have more or less 100% custody although she's rarely with them & has criminal records, alcoholic & drug user. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
THIS!!!! 💯. You've absolutely hit the nail on the head here.
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