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"but all the papers make up stowries abauht meeeeeeeeeeee....."

Shes a CUNT even making world book fucking day about her total narcissist poor Bunny what a vile mother she is 🤬🤬🤬🤬
"but all the papers make up stowries abauht meeeeeeeeeeee....."

Shes a CUNT even making world book fucking day about her total narcissist poor Bunny what a vile mother she is 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Rita Chevrolet

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You would think after the Lynne Rickwood bent social worker story came out ss would have rushed to get kids back with kh not covered it all up and let her look after the kids why no investigation it’s so wrong really worries me about the corruption and the fact that it’s allowed , rest of us don’t stand a chance it’s a closed shop 🤷
Or the other side of the coin is that SS don't want to admit to the mistakes they've made which returning them to KH would show!

They're probably lying low & dragging this out due to all the other families the Social Wanker destroyed demanding a reassessment - imagine how many other cases Lynne Rickwood Social Wanker interfered in who are demanding another case worker look into her judgements after what she did for the skank?
It doesn't help J&B of course but WSSS deserve all the shite they're rightfully getting
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Chatty Member
Had an interesting call earlier & of course the 'mutilated one' was mentioned.
Well Mr PP has apparently made no bones about the fact that LegoBoy & KFP is a fake relationship. Was all cooked up by her promotor's, not sure who they are!

Think initially, she was texting JJ & getting a response, trying to make it seem someone was interested in her for Crawl's benefit (make him jealous). But it all backfired when the argument broke out in Liverpool apartment, which Crawl smashed a door etc & then Harvey kicked off, smashing the place up. She then knew she'd F'd up, but too late as far as Crawl concerned.
Seem's Crawl has been warned off too. from directly saying anything. Think we suspected so & I think possibly, so has Alex, I will try & find out more.
Can't see, no matter what either of them signed, it's worth the paper it's written on. She can't afford to sue either of them. But, I think with Crawl, there's stuff he doesn't want released about him. Alex, well, she's already destroyed him, what more could she do?
Thank you as always @WillowTree21
Helps to have some confirmation 👍
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Rita Chevrolet

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View attachment 2799859
Responsible right after AFP was in hospital
Settings look nice but They are a huge Blot on the landscape
My Thoughts and Prayers are with the residents of the IOW 🙏🙏🙏
Thats property values gone down the toilet with the arrival of Clan Grifter :)
Is this an early fucking April fools joke who is she to give out any buisness advice give me fucking strength
Maybe the BH lot can get sum tikketts then ask her all those questions she won't reply to in Court?
So I’ve looked into this Nottingham entrepreneur thing she’s signed up to, whilst idly watching a film tonight 😁 It’s a small restaurant (From WebsiteWith seating for 75, dining at Cleaver & Wake is available by booking only) and tickets are just £55. There is a Live Band, a solo saxophonist, a burlesque performer, and a hoop dancer also appearing at the event, all have to be paid, and then there’s venue hire and food costs on top, there’s also an all black-smart dress code 😁 The woman running it friends with Katona…hmmmm🤦🏽‍♀️🤔 Skank must be being paid peanuts, why is she taking on such low paid things as this, again it’s really odd, and I haven’t even mentioned she is no authority on being an entrepreneur anyway, she’s clueless, her success over the years is down to others, Darth Jeyda and to a certain extent Edna and Jess are running the show for her now, Skank just does whatever they give her. Why is someone as lazy as Skank doing something like this for a few hundred quid, cos that’s all they can be paying her 🤔

View attachment 2800047
I'm bemused thinking about what couture creation (from JYY) it'll turn up in bearing in mind the ensemble it showed up almost-wearing to the Dublin fiasco, with the "evening wear" dress code.
God knows what it'll wear to this farce!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Authorities/SS must know Bunny is posting. It's now been alerted & reported by main Redtops. Clearly, no matter what Bunny is doing is wrong on so many level's, encouraged by KFP, yet STILL nothing is being done. As I've said before, after F4J post & the BENT social worker situation, I really thought SS would pull their finger out quickly to resolve this terrible situation & remove J & B from KFP & return them to Kieran. 16 months later, after she took them, they are still there. What is happening? Even if there are on going court actions, SS have a duty of care & safe guarding issues towards the kids. Totally unacceptable & very worrying. KFP is hardly at home, now wooing the latest DICK & travelling all over the place for publicity. Unacceptable that the kids are being left with whoever is available to look after them, when they could be living a loving, clean, safe life with their Daddy & Michelle. :mad:
Its almost as if the SS are waiting until something absolutely terrible happens inevitably then they'll be all "Lessons learned etc..................".
After the Lynne Rickwood Social Wanker episoides one might have thought they'd get their arses in gear FINALLY, yet it seems not when nothing has changed oiver the 16 months since skank stole those kids in cahoots with her tame Spcial Wanker. :mad: WHY?????
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Very true Dolly, I also don't understand why Kieran can't have a restraining order too after all her harassment and false allegations.
I have a theory and it,s only my opinion. It seems she tries to get something on all the men in her life either sexual drug related evidence of some kind of abuse or something that would cause a furore in the press. I think Peter escaped this as he was a celebrity in his own right at the time and knew how the tabloids and press coverage worked. The others I think were innocent of celebritydom and what it entails and with all her love bombing encouraged them to listen to her. She has had a long history of telling outlandish tales that are seemingly believed and published by the media. They have helped create this evil vile woman over the years by covtingbup an saying Oh it,s just Katie that,s who she is. From the very beginning she has treated people horribly but she was bringing in coin. Now the media and AFP are resting what they sow. And as an afterthought anyone on here who believes she is a caring loving mother, please leave.
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View attachment 2801395
FFS, now lashes and lips again. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
And why does she do this?
Every treatment just makes her look worse.
Her looks are fading and she is aging exponentially.
My 92year old mother has better skin than her😁
I think in some level she is conscious of how awful she is as a person and instead of working on that, improving her behavior and her mental health, she trys to improve her external self... and fails miserably😝
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D'awwwww.... Diddums.... 'Lots of dramas' all of her own making.... My sympathy knows no bounds.....

...especially as Willow confirmed that PP let it slip that its all a sham.... Keep on digging, Skanky......
So if she's apparently been seeing JJ for months - is Sink Boy yet another guy she's cheated on?
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Pom Bear

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@Pom Bear Check out The Beige Boring Biaaatch’s Lamp, I think she has a problem she Stalks other peoples Front Doors 🚪
Where does she find this Shite, and then manages to put it together with yet more clashing Shite
And a Fooking Chandelier in a Terrace house Lol Delusions of Grandeur or as they say here in Ireland Total Notions 😂😂
Loooool 😄😄😄😄😄❤😘 xxxx
It's amazing what you can find in skips nowadays 😄😄😄🤭❤🥰💗😘 xxxx..

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Rita Chevrolet

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What caused the bust up I wonder?
AFP got pissed-off that skank is running about like a mad slag again, doing coke and generally being worse than her usual obnoxious Meeeeee, to which she ignored the matriarch's sagely words and carried on regardless :) AFP told PFP to get his arse in gear and off they trundled in the motorhome to plague the IoW :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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As if Lego Boy wasn’t already enough of a tragic little bore
, he has a man clutch bag very similar to Stephen Bear’s. A couple of bag wankers then 😆
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Just wondering if skank cancelled this fashion gala thing because Edna was going as her babysitter and kryten wasn't invited (clan grifter think he's a fame hungry twat just using skank for publicity), just seems words have been exchanged between clan grifter and skank and there's been a falling out (maybe kryten got the blame for skanks recent behaviour skank does like to throw her egg under the bus when she gets a rollicking off Amy the enabler about derailing the gravy train) so skank not wanting to let kryten off his lead and out on his own at weekend cancelled the fashion gala and is now taking kryten out on the piss again with Jessica just to keep him close and stop him escaping it'll also keep up the showmance bollocks for her thicko fan to fawn over the night out pictures of skank slobbering and doing the lifty leg pose all over the embarrassed kryten. 😉🤣
I think they cancelled her after last weekends foul mouth ramblings
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Kieran’s been live on TT quite a lot lately since the hair transplant, he gets comments asking about what’s happening with the kids which he quite rightly doesn’t answer but he‘s been asked quite a lot if he sees his kids and has answered yes several times to that question. He then swiftly moves on to the next question about his PT work or whatever, so let’s hope this means he does have some contact also with Jett.
If he does it means the court case is progressing. As Skank took the kids and tried to scare them into not seeing their dad, the courts would always try and reintroduce contact gradually. It's always done from a place of not upsetting the child, even if KP caused that upset in the first place. If Kieran has seen Jett briefly or had phone calls etc, then that is progress. The length of time it's all taken is down to KP. A judge can then look at how the contact has been for the kids and make a judgement on whether KP has been an utter turd in keeping the kids from Kieran.....which we know she has. It must be moving toward a final hearing soon.
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Stan Butler

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Northampton isn't that the August driving charge skank pleaded not guilty to, so expecting her to now change her plea to guilty before court starts and skank will walk away with a slap on the wrist, a fine, points or a 1-2 year ban and maybe 100 hrs of community service. The only reason skank pleaded not guilty was so she could keep this latest law breaking driving bollocks quiet because if she'd plead guilty the court case and story would have hit the public domain just before panto and there would have been a bigger backlash for employing her. Marvelous how skank can keep certain stories out of the press when a member of the public hasn't filmed it. 🤔
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She hasn't beaten the system, the system has defended & protected her.
No matter how much she owrs, how many driving offences accrue or laws & restraining orders she breaches, she won't go to jail.
And the excuse will be she has 5 kids to look after & provide for.
Despite never being at home, 2 living with PA and H kept by the tax payer, not all enablers belong to the Price Clan, our Courts and SS are full of them and the legal system exists to punish the weak & protect the scum of society.
The kids shouldn't be a excuse though, 4 of them have fathers who either have custody of them or would happily take them, Harvey is basically cared for by the state anyway so it's not as though there are 5 kids who would suddenly need somewhere to go and someone to care for them. Harvey is a legal ADULT now anyway, although admittedly one with special needs, but in the eyes of the law he is an adult so shouldn't be counted as a kid any more!
Poor Bunny showing up at school like that, all the other kids will be laughing at her!
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