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Yeah and PP and AFP finally leaving the MM after a bust up with KP. In fact KFP told her she ‘never wants to see her again’
You can just hear Skank can’t you, “Die you old bitch, fucking die, get on with it, what fucking use are you to me alive, what fucking story can I sell until you fuck off and die? Stop being so fucking selfish and drop dead. You can suffer for a couple of weeks, I can cash in on that, but I need you dead”.
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This weeks pod.
Apparently lots of people excited for the podcast show. Outfits for the show SFP will be in jeans, trainers and a blazer/s, KFP is going to be sparkly. 🙄
JJ: Are you in a relationship, she is now official, they were seeing each other, but not official. Maybe next week she will talk about how long they have been messaging and seeing each other. She wasn’t looking for a relationship.
Still calling the tv show Breakthrough, instead of Breathtaking 🙄
The photoshoot she did the other week was for her book cover. It’s natural, white top, jeans, bare-feet, she has day of release, done videos for interviews for it.
She’s recorded LaLa podcast, Jo Bags (?) Elizabeth Day, who wants her back. 🙄
SFP has had some dickheads in her dms this week, called her Laura, who commented on her appearance (this was out on here a while back) they are both having a swear about her. SFP says she would never have a go about another woman’s appearance….
KFP, is shouting about international Woman’s day, very loudly, oi oi… 😩 both trying to sing, my cat sounds better.
MAFS Australia, she loves it (probably already messaging one) mentioned JJ didn’t want to go to the reunion show.
CBB, said she has been asked to go bit on the side, not sure of date.
Has her studio dates booked in with Scarlet Lee, ready for her tour and music events she is doing over the summer, recording 3 club classics and singing her own. Had a meeting yesterday about a tv show, if she gets it, she’s very excited.
VIP page advert. You can watch the whole pod show now.
Bunny comes in with something for the snack tray and she asks her to make her a cup of tea.
The double numbers manifested, more doors are opening for her, all positive thinking.
There are a lot of dramas going on in her life at the moment, seeing therapist tomorrow, as she keeps that up, her head is fuzzy. Somethings she can’t cope with at the moment (probably means court) Her bathroom is being done at the moment and getting a new bed, she doesn’t know where it’s coming from, she has ordered loads of frogs and stickers for Harvey’s bedroom as he is coming home Monday, SFP went to see H at college, his room was tidy and quiet, H was very quiet (apparently keeps messaging her saying he is missing her) so says she will be knackered. Bunny brings her cup of tea, she moans it’s not very hot. She’s been so busy, taken kids bowling, Bunny cantering on the horse. All family stuff this week, now she’s trying to blag a free trip to the Cotswold, SFP said she would email them.
She’s now opening a toy from A kinder egg and puts on a stupid voice to Bunny.
AFP gave SFP a cabinet that was in KFP’s annexe, there’s a dildo in there. Not for KP, she likes the real thing.
Questions, breakfast, loves boiled eggs for breakfast.
Does she ever wish she wasn’t famous, no, always wanted to be. She loves her job, a people person, just doesn’t love some of the stuff that comes with it when you’re famous.
If you could go back in time, what would you do, some of the men she has been with.
She needs to put loads of stuff on Vinted. Jett likes Nike, Bunny likes stuff from Berska, H&M and Next.
How do you prepare for when your children leave home? She hasn’t seen Junior for ages, she has messaged him, he hasn’t got a car at the moment, she was devastated, heartbroken when H left home, but she got her life back as she was his full time carer. It’s an emptiness. Princess wants to do a podcast with her.
Viewers questions. 🥱
She doesn’t have time to always make an effort, would rather spend quality time with the kids.
KFP filters pictures and has had work done, there’s a pressure.
She wanted to go to the gym tonight, but has been working all day, so would feel guilty as not fair on the kids. 🙄🙄🙄
Jett is always outside (mmmmm, not sure I believe that)
so she text J? Not rang him? Thought he lived there and was just popping in and out yet she hasn’t seen him for ages. Behatch couldn’t lie straight in bed !
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Skank wants to feel lucky Amy the enabler didn't call her after the place she was conceived..
Austin Allegro Price.
Cortina Price.
Morris Minor Price
Escort Price.
Reliant Robin Price.
Take your pick skank someone in the pub Amy the enabler was doinking must have been driving one of those cars at the time.🤣
Up-against-the-bins-behind-the-pub Infield.
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Chatty Member
Me too! He looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights at the Dublin thing and to me at least, look completely embarrassed by her.
I think he just went along with it for a bit of fun , got a free ski holiday , got some media coverage , a few extra followers for his business etc …. But there are some thing you just can’t fake … including being loved up , he hasn’t posted anything about her and their new big romance for a while now ! He probably was better mates with her cling on fan girls like Jess and her BF , at least similar age etc …. And after watching him on MAFS he really isn’t an outgoing big personality type ? And he didn’t like the women on there who were crude and over the top … weird though because he shunned the girl he was matched with , she was very sweet, kind and humble, but he’s prob more interested in the fame at this stage anyway ….
Regarding CW I cannot believe he would go back , but there’s a niggling doubt in my mind now , I know he’s not a nice person but he still has opportunities to start fresh, meet a nice girl etc and live happily ever after , there is never going to be happiness and content ness with KP , she knows no different than drama , she will never find the one until she works on herself !
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I’m surprised it wasn’t ❄
Me too! I don't know much about drugs but maybe the drinking affected her behaviour more intensely and quicker ( happy to be educated on this!).
I wonder if this row was before or after that Dublin fiasco? That was truly horrific! No mother however enabling could ever think that that was ok.
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I said this before. Alex has nothing to lose. She stopped him seeing his first daughter, she slated him for being a cross-dresser and a deviant but he's moved on. He did manage to sue her and has an injunction though. Maybe call it what it is ... 'a threat' rather than a warning shot.
It would be interesting to know what exactly was said to him and by whom as the words could count as a threat or harassment. Why do this family think they can act like the Mafia and threaten people?

I also wonder why Alex would announce he was going to talk in the first place? Maybe just do it?
Yes - in his position I wouldn't pre warn anyone, I would just do it. When it's out there, it's out there. She isn't going to sue because that would mean having to provide evidence against the claims which would open a whole can of worms.
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So SFP, what about your big sister slating loads of other women…
Emily Atack, Emily Andre, Michelle P, Jodie M, Jasmine Waltz, Loose Women, Kelly Brook and so on… pot/kettle. 😡
F’ing hypocrite as well as a frumpy, dumpy freeloader.
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She’s got another gig, entrepreneur, gotta laugh really, who are these twats giving her work, she’s a f*cking bankrupt for many years now, FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️

The train video was today, she has the same voice on her latest IG video, and I think I can hear H in the background, he’s with her. She has lost her voice, she has got some sort of cold or ❄ throat, probably a combination

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She knows as much about being an entrepreneur as she does about being a parent , nothing. Who the fuck is going to take advice off her. She can’t keep her own paperwork in order. Her mum sorted her car insurance. Jesus take the wheel
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Shouldn't that be "sister " as in not a woman anyway? 🤔 On the other hand skank is no example of female herself seeing as whatever isn't plastic is certainly dried out and useless these days.
I feel a pang of sympathy for Jessica though but fuck all for the skank
I feel sorry for Jessica, I dont believe that she is actually Trans at all ... she has huge MH issues, she had every surgery possible as a gay man before the recent lot when she decided she was trans. This is not a trans woman, its someone who is dressed and has made themself into a parody of a woman (he also dressed and looked like a parody of a man when he was one) ...I dont believe Jessica has or will have a physical / romantic relationship with anyone because its not why they are doing this ... they are very very damaged and trying to fill an emotional void with attention.
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Chatty Member
Just had a thought,
Authorities/SS must know Bunny is posting. It's now been alerted & reported by main Redtops. Clearly, no matter what Bunny is doing is wrong on so many level's, encouraged by KFP, yet STILL nothing is being done. As I've said before, after F4J post & the BENT social worker situation, I really thought SS would pull their finger out quickly to resolve this terrible situation & remove J & B from KFP & return them to Kieran. 16 months later, after she took them, they are still there. What is happening? Even if there are on going court actions, SS have a duty of care & safe guarding issues towards the kids. Totally unacceptable & very worrying. KFP is hardly at home, now wooing the latest DICK & travelling all over the place for publicity. Unacceptable that the kids are being left with whoever is available to look after them, when they could be living a loving, clean, safe life with their Daddy & Michelle. :mad:
Just had a thought Willow, when you said Daddy & Michelle & not Dad & Stepmum- I wonder if one of the main reasons skank is being so spiteful is that she knows K&M are unlikely to go ahead with a wedding until the kids are involved? We know she doesn't care for the kids & she's hardly ever there, J&P both have a new stepmum, I reckon she is so bitter and twisted she wants to prevent them getting married somehow & this is the last means of control. I am not even sure it's to spite Kieran any more, I think it's more aimed at Michelle.

In November 2022, The sun reported on how happy the couple are & looking forward to their wedding this was around the time of CW split after cheating accusations. No way was she letting them get wed!
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H deflection
Errrrrrr, Harvey loving me taking him to video and take pictures blah blah. This should read Harvey had a lovely day videoing the trains. No need to mention herself. Like her, just not necessary!
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Different salon for another hair wash appointment. Is buddy lou not good enough now shes cashing in on her friendship with lous new podcast oh wait she is with that Jessica creature
Skank Wearing another allone suit looks like she's in longjohns.
So kids are no interest now she is out

Interestingly sinkyboy is in London too today


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Stan Butler

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Another possibility! 😄She won’t be at home tucking the kids in bed, that’s for sure. I was relying on her for some entertainment tonight as well 😏. I’ve been laid up since yesterday aft with a migraine so now I’m wide awake and bored….and hungry. Crossword, chip bap and a cuppa for me now.
Looks like skank hasn't been home for a couple of days since H's train and pamper session she was with Jeyda then Alves at a salon and today at krytens sisters getting her face scraped that's a lot of milage back and forth from Pricey Towers for someone who has to drive her. I have the night off took Diesel for a walk now like you got the munchies so i'm having pastie and chips.🤣
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I think the last time she competed her horse was back in 2019 jumping a course of about 2'6 at Felbridge, quite a way to go to reach Olympic level!

I recall a conversation a few years back that skanky had with a with a horsey friend of mine, she was saying that she wanted to get out competing but was moaning she couldn't without the press all turning up. The horsey friend told her "well if you insist on drawing attention to yourself by driving a bright pink horsebox what do you expect!", "if you really don't want to be noticed then just get yourself an old Landrover and trailer", that was never going to happen!

I wonder when was the last time she actually got up first thing in the morning, fed her horses and mucked them all out before work 😂 Us true horse lovers and owners do this 365 days a year, we don't have paid lackeys to do it for us and wouldn't want that even if we could afford it. Skanky just wants to play horses occasionally and when there's a photo opportunity.
Pretty much the same as she does with the children really, only plays at being a mum when she wants the 'good mother' press and attention! Maybe back in her heyday she couldn't go around without the press following her but she certainly could now! Plus of course she is kidding herself, they are her life blood, her oxygen, she simply cannot exist without a camera on her. Look at how she behaves at things like the Gossies, as soon as a camera is around she is in heaven!
The irony of these stories in the press today where she’s blasting AFP for her giving her the Katrina Amy Alexis Alexandra name!

KH was asked on his live over the weekend about his kids names, he said Bunny was the best option from a bad bunch being suggested (presumably by KP) which included Duchess and Tinkerbell, and that he now loves Bunny’s name. He said the same about Jett and that King and Duke were being suggested for him.
I can imagine that SHE insists on these ridiculous names whenever she gives birth on account of SHE was the one that grew them and birthed them so therefore SHE gets to choose! Just shows how weak the men are though to go along with it. When you have a proper relationship with someone you reach an agreement on something you are both happy with. Clearly SHE presents a list of names and they have to agree to one of them.
Totally agree ive git some friends that own horses they go to the stables in the morning and evening rain or shine its not cheap keeping a horse i doubt if the Skanky bitch has ever properly looked after her horses or any othe of her animals just expects other people to do it for free she really is a totally useless mother and animal owner wonder whos looking after her latest bloody cat
Totally agree, my husband's cousin owns a horse and she is the same, plus she has to drive 30 minutes to the stables, not just walk across the path like skanky does! She would be in 7th heaven if her horse was that close ( she used to have a house with a stable but had to downsize a few years ago). She's in her 70's but she still does everything for that horse even though it's a struggle for her to afford him now, and she doesn't even ride any more but her granddaughter rides him now. and that makes her incredibly happy. She even has CCTV in his stable so she can watch him sleep!
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