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I was in the company of a really big coke head once, he was sniffing and sneezing all night 🙄 at one point he blew his nose into a hanky and a small bit of the tip of his nose actually slid off into the hanky! 🤮 that’s the way skank will end up as well, her nose will just slide off her face
She wont be able to hide that sort of damage. The tissue inside the nose is really delicate and like you say, when it's been really damaged bits can be literally dying off and falling out. The cocaine stops blood supply getting to the nose so any sores or scars from surgery trying to heal, won't heal. If she's carried on snorting after septum repair / lip lift it's going to be worse that if she was just an ordinary addict. Her whole lip lift thing makes me think it could be an attempt to cover damage up, as when the nose collapses it can pull the top lip back with it. She might be telling everyone that's the look she wants but is it?
Nooooo!!! Like just skin? Ot cartelidge??? Omg that's actually disgusting! Is that what happens then with coke use???
Don't Google 'cocaine nose' unless you're prepared! 🤢.
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Carl are you still awake ? Come on no one expects anything but the truth... just spill the beans on this evil bitch...if you're going to get paid for it via the media..thats fine... but make sure you tell the whole truth..and nothing but the truth... so help you God .....😘🙏🤣
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Rita Chevrolet

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If he has information about the safety & well being of the children, illegal doings concerning bankruptcy, drugs, diving while banned etc, no NDA is worth the paper it was written on. And as you quite rightly say, where would she get the money to sue him. Questions would be asked how she could fund taking him to court. To put it bluntly, she’s buggered. I hope he will help Kieran & a big impact would be if he told what’s really happening to those kids & animals, especially Blade’s death.
For all his many sins its obvious SB loves dogs by the way he loves Sid and kept him AWAY from the skank, yet that just makes it more strange why he never tackled the old boot about Blade and all the rest who sufferred at her hands.

Cole you can put all that right now as regards the animal cruelty at that dump & you can release those kids from Hell too so they can Go Home at last. You know you want to stick it to her BIG TIME - so do it! - enjoy and savour every last moment of her's and Clan Grifter's MISERY :)(y)
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Video if anyone wants to view it, 4 minutes of your life lost forever though, I need a drink after listening to her droning on, she’s going back there, been skiing 4 times in her life, and still can’t actually ski 🤦🏽‍♀️sniffing a lot ❄❄❄❄❄ there’s nothing of any interest in this 4 minutes 🤦🏽‍♀️

To be honest skip the thing, unless you are a masochist, I think I must be as I’m still following this sorry saga 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

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Why's this twat letting her drive a quad bike around? She has NO licence, for anything! Her licence must have been revoked for good reason. Even when not medically revoked she's banned for alcohol, speeding and the rest. These morons are unbelievable.
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Ffs who'd boast about being within a radius of the thing even?!
Have to say though, if I saw her I would definitely try to get a pic so I could then post the full HD unfiltered real mess of her face. 😂🤣😁
Would have to make sure I'd wiped plenty of Vicks under my nose first then had a bath in dettol and burned my clothes after the ordeal though 🤢🤮🫨🤣😂😁
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Perhaps his friends have wiped it & taken his phone as they’re “ looking after his mental health “ again.

Or maybe he is just game playing & attention seeking.
I wonder if he’s deactivated his account to put some space between him and clan price? I think that would be wise in this situation.

If I was clan price, I wouldn’t go threatening Carl - his associates have form.
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I‘m so with you on this tonight Ming, only a few days ago it was party time on here, SB had finally gone for her, everyone sensed this was it, but no, here we are again, deflection overload, SB silenced, the lies are ridiculous, but the Red Tops play along, honestly she should be finished but still we wait to see her brought down. It’s truly unbelievable, and I agree, it’s the same old repetitive shit, and same old result, just on and on forever waiting 🤦🏽‍♀️
Clearly Crawl has been silenced. Either legal or they've threatened him with 'stuff' they have on him. Shame, was hoping he would start drip feeding his hundred's of page's of the truth. IF he was going to say anything else, it would have been those photo's of the 'fake' kissing, loved up shite.
This mutilated 'thing' seem's to be invincible. Not one single person has had the real balls to bring her down. Pretty sure every single one of her exes have enough info to cause a lot of damage, but Crawl especially. Her ❄ ❄ ❄ is obvious & out of control. The kids situation/animals & financial circumstances, he'd have plenty. Only hope is that the comments about hiding Pink RR is enough for BH/forensic accountants to dig deeper, if they haven't already. And yes Kylie, her bland, frumpy overweight sister, is as bad as her. She's clearly 'the source', filtering out ridiculously irrelevant, fabricated stories. I don't believe KFP & Lego head are a real couple. This is just a money earner. Why Redtop's even bother running these pathetic stories, is just amazing. No proper journalists anymore. Nobody seem's interested in investigating & uncovering her true crimes. We had a little bit of hope & then nothing:poop::poop::poop:
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I think you've got bigger decisions than that, ffs!!
That makes me sick, it’s the kind of post someone would share from their cosy home, sharing a lazy Sunday with their kids. Where are your kids!? Who’s having pancakes and pyjamas with them?
On a side note, wasn’t it tax evasion that brought down Al Capone? If she can’t be done for child /animal neglect/cruelty I say get her whatever way they can. I don’t drink so I’m just pondering what flavour popcorn to get in while we watch it unfold…
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I bet she keeps trying to kiss legoman and throwing herself at him, but he's not having any of it, imagine that puckered arsehole mouth coming towards you, anyone with any decency would boke.
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Any unbelievable physical attraction aside, what kind of man actively pursues a relationship with a bankrupt, law breaking cokehead?
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I'd think Carl has more shit on cunt whore than she has on him, unless as we've suspected that he's indeed a drug dealer on the side & is involved in some dodgy shit.. if he signed an NDA, I doubt very much it's worth the paper it's written on. What can cunt clan do? The slag has no money to go legal has she? I doubt he'd be too afraid of the old cunt lung thief. She's on her last legs, coughing & wheezing everywhere.
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Did we ever get a definitive answer about the pink horse box? The massive lorry, not the smaller one, although I guess the same applies.
At one point, years back, someone posted a photo of it parked at a nearby(ish) farm - again, hard to hide.

Also, what the hell is she playing at? Insurance premiums even for those of us with squeaky clean records and no claims or penalty points are seeing massive hikes in premiums this year (presumably paying extra to cover the likes of people like her). So, not only does she have the worst driving record the judge had ever seen (meaning most companies wouldn't touch her with a barge pole), she also picks a vehicle that has been in the press recently as having sky-high premiums anyway.
She must quite literally be un-insurable. So that presumably is why she takes her chances and just drives anyway and risks getting caught as the consequences are lighter than paying out for proper cover.
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Oh yes, all of them too...

I think about Blade often as I'm sure many here do. KP probably forgotten him already. We haven't.
Will never forget anything she does and has done in the past...the problem for her is its all catalogued in her quest for fame... you can move away from this site cos sometimes it gets too much... but you are always drawn bk to the humour and goodwill and good people who just want her brought to Justice.... its not long a coming and it will be sweet ❤💞🥰🙏
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I believe the horse box went to another horse rider prior to her being made bankrupt. You can see it on Google earth parked at a place in Adversene, which is not far from the MM. This is from the woman’s account showing it in France.
Google earth 2020: This looks like it, completely hidden away and boxed in by two barns, some dense woodland and a lorry. If it weren't for satellite images no-one would ever know it was there. She was declared bankrupt in November 2019 but this image is dated 23rd April 2019. Had she hidden it away to prevent it being taken into account? p.s. I've just noticed the colour representation here is very poor, the pink is far clearer on the internet, it's the vehicle between the two barns.

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Me too ... I didn't even know how to get VIP and then I was one 🤣🤣 I found Tattle during #slapgate
Video if anyone wants to view it, 4 minutes of your life lost forever though, I need a drink after listening to her droning on, she’s going back there, been skiing 4 times in her life, and still can’t actually ski 🤦🏽‍♀️sniffing a lot ❄❄❄❄❄ there’s nothing of any interest in this 4 minutes 🤦🏽‍♀️

To be honest skip the thing, unless you are a masochist, I think I must be as I’m still following this sorry saga 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

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I started watching but couldn’t tolerate more than a minute or so of her monotone voice and compulsive sniffing. The way she sniffs and twists her mouth each time she sniffs is reminiscent of Daniella Westcrack. Must be a raging coke head thing.
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