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This weeks podcast
Says AMSR 3 times in the first 30 seconds 🙄 trying to be down with the kids.
Calls SFP a bitch, she calls her a bellend.
Tickets on sale at 10am for the live podcast in Salford 7/11, code is LOVEIT
Took kids to Devon for 10 days, Jo from her cs work place found the house in their lunch break. House was pristine and white when they arrived, took H, kids and 5 dogs, dog had diarrhoea, H was a nightmare, he’s been bad at college too. She spent time just cooking and cleaning and now needs another holiday. Car window smashed by H on the way home, so drove 6 hours home in wind and rain. She now needs another holiday 🤭
The whole new world video, where she sings bad, is fake.
KP singing, Pete gets mentioned 🙄
People always trying to knock it, she can sing.
Carl makes an appearance, brings her in an egg sandwich.
Another plug for the live podcast
Books are on her agenda *speaking while eating* lots has been going on, but everything is back to normal and positive, but her ghostwriter died.
Her house is chaos, the kids don’t listen, feral, her up and down 🤔 (thought she just said everything was good) she suffers MH.
Talks about the Tyson Fury programme.
SFP talks about the programme Painkiller, getting addicted to the drug 🤔 SFP starts crying, but says she’s just started her period. 🤢
KP never taken painkillers for her feet, she suffers the pain, as she doesn’t want to be addicted to things.
Mentions the Priory 🙄
Took about family tree, KP said she would have to go to Canada, as half their family are there, SFP questions this and says no he was American you knob, KP didn’t even know where her grandad was from. She’s now half American, no SFP says a quarter, still not read her mum’s book.
KP got a letter through the post from a murderer, he’s just come out of prison (?) and reached out to KP to tell his story with her. Had the police there the other day as she’s sorting out her flytipping and showed them the letter. Mentions Kidnap threats. It was the day C4 came to film, as she was going to speak to them about it. Dream job to interview serial killers.
Mentions the vape.
Mentions buying bikes from the hospice shop, she’s finished cs and now a volunteer. Wants to get papped when she’s out shopping wearing the St Catherine’s T-shirt. She likes to do stuff for charity. She’s proud she’s done her 170 hours. She told them she was training to be a nurse and wants to train to be a paramedic and if they want care assistants she would do that for them. SFP said it gives her structure and time away from her phone and KP says she chit chats in the office. She also bought some maroon sofas leather from there £80. Every week she is buying stuff from there. Exercise machine.
Not seen her mum lately.
Mentions about her house being up for rent, they do want to do another MM next year, so said she was going to rent it and then come back, the show isn’t axed despite what media says.
Amy and Paul have been away for a month.
KP has done her blood test for her medical, for dvla, moaning that someone had emailed with no evidence about her driving and made her go through all this, not happy. She can’t wait for it to all come back, as she’s cleared the medical, she know she’s cleared the blood test and now just admin waiting. It’s discrimination.
Mentions house up for rent again, she’s found a shop she can do her TT from to sell all her memorabilia from, £25 a day.
Not been horse riding lately.
Her ex husband cheated on her the whole way through their marriage. 🙄
Talks about friends.
Princess said to her if she ever died she would be so lost as she is her best friend. They are like each other.
*talking while eating again*
She gets nervous when she goes out at the moment because people stare. Was heading that day to the beach with the dogs. The other week she took Harvey, Jett, Bunny and Princess to Brighton Pier. Day of the Albion hotel fire. So they had to park a long way away, people kept grabbing Harvey, her and Princess had anxiety, so they just ate and went back.
The end. I’m off to have a boozy breakfast to recover. 🤪
Her ghost writer Rebecca, died in 2014. Why has she not found someone else by now OR write it herself? She's too illiterate to do that. So mostly that podcast was a pack of lie's & :poop: . Seem's she hasn't been allowed to legally drive then, so must have been when she was pulled over recently. WHY then, hasn't she been charged? She even showed picture's (getting into car & sitting in driver's seat). Then the ticket's making it look like she was removing a parking ticket, as if it was her car & she was going to drive it. Was she trying to provoke the police? Not sure how she would pass a blood or urine test. Hope they were done by a police doctor. That will be interesting. Again though, I question, if she wasn't allowed to drive, why isn't she being charged? Plus, IF she doesn't get her licence back, who take's Bunny to the new school everyday? Presumably, she will have to do TT away from the rental, as SinkBoy won't want that mess. Can't even begin to imagine how he would cope with Harvey in the house. She's made it very clear over the years, that he smashes doors, TV's etc with his temper. And now, smashed a car window. SinkBoy won't want him at home. I still can't see how, if it's a rental, she will be allowed all the animals. The house will be wrecked within a week. Crawl will not be happy, especially, as I assume, it's his name on tenancy agreement. OR, is it being kept quiet, as the rental is in a company name or other person's name & managing agents don't realise who will be living there? This is what Katona did on 2 Crowborough properties, but after many neighbour complaints, tenancy wasn't renewed. BUT, if there has already been complaints by neighbours about all the car's, surely the penny has dropped with agents/owner of property WHO will be living there. It won't be long, once/IF she's move's in, before there will be even more complaints. Managing agents can evict them, if they breach the tenancy requirements, which may include no pets, or it hasn't be disclosed who will be living there. Nothing make's much sense at the moment. And shame on SFP. Having a young child herself, she's enabling this terrible situation with J & B. She MUST know KFP is off her face & irresponsible. But, the gravy train is too much of a draw for this low life family, so they just let her continue with her erratic, cruel & arrogant behaviour.
She's even made comments, that make it sound like she's driving.
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I just think the timing of what was said last night was a massive coincidence to something else that had happened.
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I also can never fathom why she hasn't been cancelled. Look at everything she's done over the years....drink and drug driving conviction, numerous other driving offences, animal abuse, restraining orders after harassing people etc etc.

The whole country seemed to be gunning for Ant McPartlin after a single drunk driving conviction. Admittedly he appears to have sorted himself out which is fair enough, everyone deserves a second chance. Other people have been completely brought down by the press and social media and careers ended.

Price though? I just can't get my head around it. Its not like she has any talent.

I cannot comprehend why a pantomime which is generally a family friendly annual show would want her involved? How can they not be aware of the unpredictable and unreliable state she is in? I've seen other stars of panto speak about how gruelling it is for those weeks of the run.

I honestly think some people don't open their eyes to the reality of her, in particular this last year or two where there has been a big spiral imo. They just see Harv being wheeled out, she's a good mum innit 🙄
I think the thing to remember is that, to most people she is just not on their radar, she’s an old has-been who is irrelevant to a very large section of the public. I know if I’ve ever said anything about her to my friends, most of them say something like “oh, is she still knocking about?” So I honestly don’t believe she is “protected”, she’s nowhere near important enough for that. She’s just a ropey old two-bit chancer who believes she’s somebody but her chickens are, one by one, coming home to roost.
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Maybe the clan feel unable to deal with skanky if they took the kids on. She is a nightmare already.
Well, AFP, PP and SFP don't care enough about the kids to actually intervene or even stay local to her let alone take the kids in. AFP calls Harvey a 'wonderful child' but her involvement with him seemed to end with DWs cheques, she didn't stop Kipper pimping him out for nightclub appearances ... AFP facilitated her visitation when the kids were removed and with KH full time, they know Kipper lies and they know the truth of what's going on with those children ... they should all be ashamed of themselves
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So hang on a minute.
She's going to pick a stranger from TT to come to her home and do a live TT together 😡☹
Well that's safe for her children isnt it ffs!!
So not only a convicted Murderer, but strangers from the Internet, welcome in her shitshack

It's beggers belief 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤬
Already fed this back 👍
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just playing devils….

could it be that SS have told skank the kids can’t go to KH and they have to look at alternatives to try and throw her off the scent/stop her wasting their times with false accusations? if she knew they were going there she’d be doing anything in her power to keep control and stop it…. would explain why the other children are still with KH & wife too. not sure if SS/police are that well organised but i cannot work out what else could have happened for KH not to be considered as an option for B & J when they still have the other kids in their care 😕
My take on this now is....
It could be, that she has been found to be UNFIT in the eyes of SS and Cafcass, so are possible looking to remove.
With the children's custody case still in early stages in the courts, they can't replace the children back with KH at this stage! ( as other posters have pointed out, allegations have only just been cleared by police, SS still have a duty of care to investigate)
( I don't know if a child protection, removel case, would trump a custody case?? Anyone know?)
Again as pointed out by other posters, the children have been with that poisonous cunt for 9 mnths, so placing the children back with KH straight away would be disastrous.
Reunification would have to slowly take place first... in a neutral setting, may that be in another "family's" home supervised at first, leading up to unsupervised days out ect.
Hence the assessment of family members...
It's as simple as these " Send me to jail" had bugger all to do with bankruptcy, AND EVERYTHING to do with the recent, caught driving, no licence ect ect, maybe we aren't aware of any ramifications there or possible charges! But there might be charges!! And it's due court!! It's just been kept quiet in the red tops?? ....
It could be with the newest driving offences she'll definitely this time go to jail So SS Cafcass and othe agencies are preparing for it!!
It could be nothing to do with KH.

I believe both DC and Willow are correct, it's just so tangled together, it's hard to pick apart.
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VIP Member
This weeks podcast
Says AMSR 3 times in the first 30 seconds 🙄 trying to be down with the kids.
Calls SFP a bitch, she calls her a bellend.
Tickets on sale at 10am for the live podcast in Salford 7/11, code is LOVEIT
Took kids to Devon for 10 days, Jo from her cs work place found the house in their lunch break. House was pristine and white when they arrived, took H, kids and 5 dogs, dog had diarrhoea, H was a nightmare, he’s been bad at college too. She spent time just cooking and cleaning and now needs another holiday. Car window smashed by H on the way home, so drove 6 hours home in wind and rain. She now needs another holiday 🤭
The whole new world video, where she sings bad, is fake.
KP singing, Pete gets mentioned 🙄
People always trying to knock it, she can sing.
Carl makes an appearance, brings her in an egg sandwich.
Another plug for the live podcast
Books are on her agenda *speaking while eating* lots has been going on, but everything is back to normal and positive, but her ghostwriter died.
Her house is chaos, the kids don’t listen, feral, her up and down 🤔 (thought she just said everything was good) she suffers MH.
Talks about the Tyson Fury programme.
SFP talks about the programme Painkiller, getting addicted to the drug 🤔 SFP starts crying, but says she’s just started her period. 🤢
KP never taken painkillers for her feet, she suffers the pain, as she doesn’t want to be addicted to things.
Mentions the Priory 🙄
Took about family tree, KP said she would have to go to Canada, as half their family are there, SFP questions this and says no he was American you knob, KP didn’t even know where her grandad was from. She’s now half American, no SFP says a quarter, still not read her mum’s book.
KP got a letter through the post from a murderer, he’s just come out of prison (?) and reached out to KP to tell his story with her. Had the police there the other day as she’s sorting out her flytipping and showed them the letter. Mentions Kidnap threats. It was the day C4 came to film, as she was going to speak to them about it. Dream job to interview serial killers.
Mentions the vape.
Mentions buying bikes from the hospice shop, she’s finished cs and now a volunteer. Wants to get papped when she’s out shopping wearing the St Catherine’s T-shirt. She likes to do stuff for charity. She’s proud she’s done her 170 hours. She told them she was training to be a nurse and wants to train to be a paramedic and if they want care assistants she would do that for them. SFP said it gives her structure and time away from her phone and KP says she chit chats in the office. She also bought some maroon sofas leather from there £80. Every week she is buying stuff from there. Exercise machine.
Not seen her mum lately.
Mentions about her house being up for rent, they do want to do another MM next year, so said she was going to rent it and then come back, the show isn’t axed despite what media says.
Amy and Paul have been away for a month.
KP has done her blood test for her medical, for dvla, moaning that someone had emailed with no evidence about her driving and made her go through all this, not happy. She can’t wait for it to all come back, as she’s cleared the medical, she know she’s cleared the blood test and now just admin waiting. It’s discrimination.
Mentions house up for rent again, she’s found a shop she can do her TT from to sell all her memorabilia from, £25 a day.
Not been horse riding lately.
Her ex husband cheated on her the whole way through their marriage. 🙄
Talks about friends.
Princess said to her if she ever died she would be so lost as she is her best friend. They are like each other.
*talking while eating again*
She gets nervous when she goes out at the moment because people stare. Was heading that day to the beach with the dogs. The other week she took Harvey, Jett, Bunny and Princess to Brighton Pier. Day of the Albion hotel fire. So they had to park a long way away, people kept grabbing Harvey, her and Princess had anxiety, so they just ate and went back.
The end. I’m off to have a boozy breakfast to recover. 🤪
Gosh @DC16. You are a star for listening to all that without throwing up... (or perhaps you did but don't want to tell us...?!!)

I love this bit: she’s finished cs and now a volunteer. Wants to get papped when she’s out shopping wearing the St Catherine’s T-shirt. She likes to do stuff for charity. She’s proud she’s done her 170 hours. Does she actually realise that CS is supposed to be a 'punishment' for being such a cunt...? She makes it sound like she did it for altruistic purposes.

Out of interest, why would she need blood tests to get her licence back? Drug testing? Also proves that she lost her licence again after she'd been to the police station which explains her sour expression on the way out.

The whole things is so full on contradictions. Unbelievable.
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Happy birthday darling Dolly 🥳🎈

I've messaged Sam for an update on things with Kieran and will let you know soon as they reply.
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What sort of creature takes a SELFIE on the way to a FUNERAL and posts it on social media ?
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Cat Eyez

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Princess is at an age now where you can’t really stop her seeing her own mum. You can advise her to be careful and not spend as much time with her but at the end of the day she is her Mum and stopping her from seeing her would not do anyone any good (P would resent people stopping her, KP would love to tell everyone she wasn’t allowed to see her and make out she is the victim again) unfortunately at this age all you can do is keep an eye on it and let P make her own decisions.
I totally agree, we only see snapshots of P's life, we have no idea what she is like as a person, know her thoughts and feelings.

I feel it's a shame, people are constantly referring to P negatively in spending time with her Mum and how it's going to ruin her career.

Perhaps P should be given more credit, she is seeing her half siblings and like it or not KP is still her Mum, it's only natural that P loves and still wants to see her Mum.

It doesn't mean that P will follow in her footsteps or agrees with everything her Mum does.

KP is all about bettering herself, she will post pics and videos, do TT's to do that, she will include P because P is popular and well liked, it's basically click bait, using her own daughter.

IMO, P is a well rounded young lady, with good career prospects, who loves her siblings and her Mum, yet manages to balance appeasing her mother without getting herself (P) in trouble.... She's worked out, how to work the Narc - good on her!
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Oh bugger it! 🤣🤣I just looked again at me bottle of Kylie wine,it’s effin non alcohol 🤣🤣Fuck me I didn’t realise it,I wondered why it was G&T cans I got a buzz.🤣how thick am I?🥴🤭
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Screenshot_20230830-223001_Daily Mail Online.jpg

Not sure if this has been posted, but I particularly like this bit from the article: "PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk has slammed the star, who has previously faced calls to be banned from keeping animals, telling MailOnline: 'Short of shooting a puppy in the head on TikTok, there is almost nothing more Katie Price could do to cement the fact that she is an unfit dog guardian and an irresponsible person.'"

Edited to say sorry I've posted this without thinking of the difficult time you've had Brah Day. Sorry if it landed poorly and I'm sorry for your loss. As a dog owner and lover I just hate her treatment of animals and I'm glad she's being outed again publicly.
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It was supposed to be a joke but you do repeatedly ask some questions that people wouldn’t know the answer to, let alone in some cases be able to answer so that things are kept confidential. Sometimes it’s best to keep things off here as we know she sees it!
Well I thought they were valid questions & we are all entitled to ask.
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Chatty Member
Listening to the Jamie Laing podcast.
She admits she was in Thailand when her mum had her lung transplant, but claims she didn't know about it and PP Fencing told her 6 hours after.
So she then had to fly back home again. Thought she said she flew back because of the kids?
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Joanna Surrey

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Bunny is now showing just how badly her mothers influence is rubbing off on her. Swearing and giving the bird in public she’s 9 for god’s sake. Sorry I know it’s not her fault at all but what a scruffy, rude, vile little girl she now is. Probably exactly the same as Skank at that age. I bet several children at her old school have been told these last few weeks they are not to play with her this term if she comes back. It’s really sad for her. Hopefully when she eventually gets home Kieran and Michelle can turn her around.
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So hang on a minute.
She's going to pick a stranger from TT to come to her home and do a live TT together 😡☹
Well that's safe for her children isnt it ffs!!
So not only a convicted Murderer, but strangers from the Internet, welcome in her shitshack

It's beggers belief 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤬
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pepe le pew

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Poor Jet and Bunny are currently in the eye of the hurricane. When you are there it is a normal place. You think everything is okay. In a few years time they will understand what happened to them. Probably would have happened to Pete, if he hadn’t had a strong loving family and Claire for support.
Someone commented on the other thread that the Tiktok channel has become a reality show for Price. She isn’t interested in selling clothes. It is narcissistic supply, looking at herself being watched. Poor Bunny trying to emulate her, just to get close to her. It’s heartbreaking. What an absolute shit show. Hours of it now. Not planned, or her viewers given a time to tune in, which would be the right thing to do.
In the history of television, the normalisation of animal, and child abuse. Why isn’t she banned from Tiktok?
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Joanna Surrey

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Also I don’t believe for one minute she’s still going to do that pantomime. No one would risk her not turning up or wrecking the whole performance with her incompetence. She’s already boasted she’s going to ad-lib and not learn her lines. As if the rest of the cast would put up with that. Maybe a guest appearance on the stupid adults only day but that’ll be about it.
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