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Brah Day Izit?

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I am so sorry to hear about your dog @Brah Day Izit?, take comfort in the happy memories that you have of him. It's always difficult to let them go, but you did the kindest thing for him by letting him pass with dignity and freeing him of anymore pain. Sending you hugs ♥.
Thank you lovely. I have had cats put to sleep before, but never a dog. I read up beforehand and found it was really important to act completely normal so they didn't know the end was imminent. I cried like a baby when the vet announced he had gone and then she left us with him. He was a delight. Greyhounds always are though. Thank you.
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The thread needs a smile this morning, it’s a really shit situation, but let’s try to be a little bit positive, she’s a f*cking mess in every area of her life, she will lose everything in due course, so let’s take a moment to appreciate that Chloe Ferry posted a true image of one of her associates the other day, the FLF. These are her people, like her they are liars with fakery off the scale (Sad-Boy, Jeyda, all of them are like this) who’d be them, state of him, unfiltered and in the raw, not only does he look awful without his filters, his personality is vile as well, horrible little thing, this is his reality behind all the lies, gotta laugh really, this thing thinks he’s hot and a great entrepreneur, nah you’re really not ….


These are the people she surrounds herself with now, all would stab each other in the back, and maybe we will see this happen at the BH 🙏🏾I was losing the faith, certainly Willow’s update is a big blow, but I’m sticking this out till the BH, there must be serous consequences facing her then, she is in for a massive shock, and let‘s hope the children are removed from her and there will be a process to rehabilitate them with KH in play. How will she spin that, she cannot keep getting away with everything, for a start she looks like she’ll OD any minute, she is clearly off her face most of the time. I’ll keep believing a reckoning is coming until the BH, I refuse to believe nothing will happen to her there, don’t forget The Scum are waiting to fully unleash on her, i believe they will take her apart on that day, I’m gonna keep the faith, despite my sadness about the children, for a little bit longer. 🙏🏾
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Awwwww thsnks so much for lovely birthday wishes..mind of a 30 yr old,effin old cunt of 76..🤣oh well.🤣

scuse the C word.oh fuckit..🤣
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Not an ideal way to read but you’re going to LOVE IT !!!!

She nails Price’s personality exactly .

Nice to accidentally come across an independent account actually . Caitlin isn’t a “ troll” like us , or a “ hater” just a journalist trying to do her job.


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I'm old enough and ugly enough to have seen terrible things done to humans and animals, often by the very people who should be caring for and protecting them. I've also seen the quiet, hard work and dedication going on behind the scenes to save, rehabilitate the victims and bring justice upon the guilty and their enablers. I therefore still live in hope that B and J will go back to their dad soon. KFP has already lost, look at her face, a picture paints a thousand words, she may not have realised it yet but she is finished. The few gigs or scraps of fame she is thrown are getting fewer and lesser in importance . It is written on her real, scabby overstretched face. Karma will get her sooner than her tiny eye may see
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I’m currently reading a book by Caitlin Moran , an ardent feminist , and , although her book is about women , becoming a woman & being a woman ….the core seam of feminism runs throughout .

I’ve just read a chapter on women using feminism / empowerment to justify some unsavoury behaviours.

I suspected straight away where it was heading …. And I’m sure you do too .

If I can take clear enough photos I’ll screenshot her account of being sent to interview Skanky , if it’s of interest to anyone .

Caitlin LOATHED her .

In fact she states that out of the thousands of celebrities she’s met , Price was far and away the most vile .

There is also a story about Andre having to apologise to an entire room full of people about how obnoxious she was.
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The Mirror are running this paramedic bullshit.

Argghhhhh just read this 👊🏾🤬

Katie has revealed she has recently decided to go back into the care industry as she revealed: "But now I'm training to be a paramedic, it's going to take five years." This caught Jamie completely off guard as he quipped: "This is amazing!" Katie went on to add: "People don't know all this. I've done my community service from driving at St Catherine's Hospice and now I'm a volunteer, I'm now going to do care assistant there, because I said I want to work with them and the offices and they just can't believe I really want to do all that volunteer work – I just love caring for people.

This is so winding me up, stop her in her tracks and challenge this crap (what an asshole that Jamie is…Wanker) it’s such an insult to all who work in the NHS and Care, spending years training and working hard to achieve the required qualifications. 🤬

I’m just going out to my garden and scream, this one really makes me an angry Kylie….as if this thick lazy pile of crap could be a paramedic 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Can we please stop with the guessing what Kieran has done on OF. This is Katie Cunt Price we're talking about. No one knows what all allegations she has made, especially since the kids have been with her full time for months.
Every lie that comes out of her mouth will have to be checked out. Problem being as she makes allegations she's also completely exposing how fucked up she is everytime she does a live on Tik Tok
Junior has the right idea..........stay well clear, she's a fucking Evil, Dangerous Lunatic!
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Currently inset day for me today and tomorrow, focus today during safeguarding training is "young people missing from education", let's hope J and Bs schools are doing the same.
My daughter is supposed to be starting secondary school on Monday but due to awful anxiety and undiagnosed ASD is unable to. She barely leaves her room let alone the house 😢 She just about made it through primary with a massive amount of adjustments in place. To keep it on topic, I’m guessing the difference between me and KP is that I have attended every meeting, asked for help from every professional and taken all the help offered. I 100% believe she caused any problems those kids have with school. I’m so worried about my daughter and her education and she almost seems proud that Jett isn’t at school
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This weeks podcast
Says AMSR 3 times in the first 30 seconds 🙄 trying to be down with the kids.
Calls SFP a bitch, she calls her a bellend.
Tickets on sale at 10am for the live podcast in Salford 7/11, code is LOVEIT
Took kids to Devon for 10 days, Jo from her cs work place found the house in their lunch break. House was pristine and white when they arrived, took H, kids and 5 dogs, dog had diarrhoea, H was a nightmare, he’s been bad at college too. She spent time just cooking and cleaning and now needs another holiday. Car window smashed by H on the way home, so drove 6 hours home in wind and rain. She now needs another holiday 🤭
The whole new world video, where she sings bad, is fake.
KP singing, Pete gets mentioned 🙄
People always trying to knock it, she can sing.
Carl makes an appearance, brings her in an egg sandwich.
Another plug for the live podcast
Books are on her agenda *speaking while eating* lots has been going on, but everything is back to normal and positive, but her ghostwriter died.
Her house is chaos, the kids don’t listen, feral, her up and down 🤔 (thought she just said everything was good) she suffers MH.
Talks about the Tyson Fury programme.
SFP talks about the programme Painkiller, getting addicted to the drug 🤔 SFP starts crying, but says she’s just started her period. 🤢
KP never taken painkillers for her feet, she suffers the pain, as she doesn’t want to be addicted to things.
Mentions the Priory 🙄
Took about family tree, KP said she would have to go to Canada, as half their family are there, SFP questions this and says no he was American you knob, KP didn’t even know where her grandad was from. She’s now half American, no SFP says a quarter, still not read her mum’s book.
KP got a letter through the post from a murderer, he’s just come out of prison (?) and reached out to KP to tell his story with her. Had the police there the other day as she’s sorting out her flytipping and showed them the letter. Mentions Kidnap threats. It was the day C4 came to film, as she was going to speak to them about it. Dream job to interview serial killers.
Mentions the vape.
Mentions buying bikes from the hospice shop, she’s finished cs and now a volunteer. Wants to get papped when she’s out shopping wearing the St Catherine’s T-shirt. She likes to do stuff for charity. She’s proud she’s done her 170 hours. She told them she was training to be a nurse and wants to train to be a paramedic and if they want care assistants she would do that for them. SFP said it gives her structure and time away from her phone and KP says she chit chats in the office. She also bought some maroon sofas leather from there £80. Every week she is buying stuff from there. Exercise machine.
Not seen her mum lately.
Mentions about her house being up for rent, they do want to do another MM next year, so said she was going to rent it and then come back, the show isn’t axed despite what media says.
Amy and Paul have been away for a month.
KP has done her blood test for her medical, for dvla, moaning that someone had emailed with no evidence about her driving and made her go through all this, not happy. She can’t wait for it to all come back, as she’s cleared the medical, she know she’s cleared the blood test and now just admin waiting. It’s discrimination.
Mentions house up for rent again, she’s found a shop she can do her TT from to sell all her memorabilia from, £25 a day.
Not been horse riding lately.
Her ex husband cheated on her the whole way through their marriage. 🙄
Talks about friends.
Princess said to her if she ever died she would be so lost as she is her best friend. They are like each other.
*talking while eating again*
She gets nervous when she goes out at the moment because people stare. Was heading that day to the beach with the dogs. The other week she took Harvey, Jett, Bunny and Princess to Brighton Pier. Day of the Albion hotel fire. So they had to park a long way away, people kept grabbing Harvey, her and Princess had anxiety, so they just ate and went back.
The end. I’m off to have a boozy breakfast to recover. 🤪
Wow, thanks for listening again DC, there’s quite a lot to unpick here, but I’ll just go with one very obvious thing, it’s clear she’s fed-up and bored with looking after the kids isn’t she. Calls them feral and unruly. We’ve seen this on the Lives, she is now totally dismissive towards them, aggressive even, she does not want the responsibility, she‘s just keeping them as revenge on KH, to portray her fake great Mom narrative to the brain dead fans, and using them at the upcoming BH and keeping the MM. She did not have a good time on this strange Devon holiday, sounds like they hardly left the house which explains no one spotting them on SM, was SadBoy with her, this isn’t his sort of thing at all, why is he still hanging around, he doesn’t want a holiday like that, he’s a strange one. It’s also clear she hates dealing with H, deffo getting the feeling she doesn’t want him around much anymore, again we saw her abuse on the Lives, he’s just coin opportunities to her, you can tell she finds him a burden, she’s so vile, great Mom to H scream her fans, is she f*ck.

Everything I see and hear from her about the kids is negative now, but still she hangs onto them, they are showing big signs of being fed-up with her, kinda makes me feel a lot more positive it may get resolved in time, how can she carry on like this through winter, she doesn’t bother with them at all, it really is neglect and abuse now isn’t it. If nothing does happen, it’s going to get lot worse for those kids, she’s had enough of being a mother, as many of us said she would in time, I can’t how this can carry on, SS must see something is very wrong here.

Finally f*ck off with the paramedic nonsense, why is she constantly peddling this crap all the time, it’s not a thing and never will be, and now a care assistant, that job is tough, she’d last 30 minutes in it. F*ck off Skank, you haven’t any ability to work in the NHS and Care, this lie makes me wanna punch her, arghhhhhhhhh 👊🏾🤦🏽‍♀️😁
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A nerve has been hit by some truth coming out ... that Kipper may potentially lose custody of B&J ... we have had a monkey flying trying to question KH not being able to have them back yet to turn the thread against him, stop the go fund me ... focus on bad Keiran, look away from Kipper ... best advise is always don't engage with a monkey, scroll past or hit ignore like i have. KH is following legal avenues regards his children, as others have said the wheels move slowly ... the issue here is that KIPPER may lose custody and that her family have declined or are unsuitable to take them ... we don't know if KH extended family have been approached or not or why they may have been ruled out, if they have been ... we do now know that the children's living situation with Kipper is under some form of investigation or scrutiny which is GREAT NEWS for B&J and will ultimately be in Keirans favour - for all we know it could be KH legal team driving this, those children are not secure with her, less so with Carol hanging around them, her repeated references to Harvey's violence is also very concerning. Anyway, expect more monkeys incoming today ... don't engage, ignore


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Pink Squirrel

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She has rarely ever spent any time with him, as a normal mother. Nanny, house keeper, grooms, family/friends have been around to 'see' to him. When she was at home, she was having hair, nails, etc. done. He throws temper tantrum & other's sort it. Unfortunately, he can be very violent & dangerous. Yes, she make's him worse, winding him up. teasing him, treating him like a performing seal. I have never seen her show one bit of love to any of the kids, unless camera/photographer around. They have always been left to entertain themselves, including Harvey. That's why when I see what's happening to J & B, I know exactly how it is. And she really is using them to crucify Kieran, not for any other reason. They will he a hinder to her. Kieran is paying the price for her hatred of her exes & the fact they've moved on & having great relationships. While she is mutilated, high, broke & in a toxic, loveless situation.
Good grief @WillowTree21 😕 with your first hand experience, you must feel worse than we do.
I suspected she makes H worse. And it's absolutely no surprise that anyone near enough has to deal with the situation. As long as she doesn't have to!
It's absolutely heartbreaking for those kids being stuck in her toxic orbit. But I guess that's their normal when stuck with her. At least J, P, J & B know what a normal & loving home is supposed to be like from being with their dads. Poor H, who needs the most stability, has had none for any length of time 😔 I don't believe he has been shown any genuine love & care since Kris was in his life 😢
She is a truly sick, dangerous, evil piece of trash. I do believe we will read about a human coming to harm because of her in some way. She doesn't give a fuck for anyone other than herself. She thinks she's untouchable & can do what she likes with no fucks given. Nothing is ever her fault.
She is absolutely fucked in the head. I'm fairly certain that there are people locked in therapy establishments that are more sane than her.

Those saying she loves doing the twat toks are absolutely right. Of course she loves looking at herself. Primping & preening herself. Talking about herself & how successful & brilliant she is. It's easy to ignore the negative comments & just see the ones telling her how beautiful & brilliant she is. Yes, she's still a big star, in demand, on the tellybox, loved by all. No, you scabby old sIag, you're a drugged up mess, chatting shit on your mobile phone to an audience of less a 1000....most of whom are watching to see what a fucking disaster you are.
Unfortunately while there's still an audience of even 1, she'll keep going. And happily destroying anyone in her way 😕
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I felt so sad yesterday,it was me birfday and having Kylie wine☺Then that awful news,oh well,I’m sure everything will be ok,bit more perky today☺no fucking way would I get twat cock,What a load of shit hearing that fucking vile gob and seeing the evil cunt.😡
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Chatty Member
The name calling on here of Bunny is absolutely out of order. Its not her fault her mother is a complete cunt arse. Calling her vile is totally uncalled for. She's a little girl! Her mother is vile! She is not!
If you don't like my comment then tough!
I totally agree. She’s a victim of abuse. Any adverse behaviour displayed is a result of the dire parenting she’s receiving.
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So .... Kipper said she told / showed Police letter from murderer when they came out about 'my fly tipping' .... inferring it was stuff dumped on her property for a start ... the police were not there about fly tipping... they dont come out fot that, its a local council matter (and fly tipping is regarding public land NOT private, plus she never told the media anyone had fly tipped on her property) ... anyway, the real bit of truth in her lies is that the police came out to see her about something she doesn't want the public to know about and the media will know the police were at her property ... the murderer letter tv show is total deflection ... I bet the visit was around the time she started saying 'send me to prison' ...

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Jesus, that TikTok!! It's just an endless stream of mind-numbingly boring, narcissistic preening. She is staring at her own image on-screen, pouting and fiddling with her hair, talking loudly and showing off. I can't BEAR it. HOW can people manage to remain in her company for more than a minute or two? She's COMPLETELY self-absorbed. Everything comes back to herself. "Why do you like watching films with ME?"

And that hamster bit. How many times did she repeat how "funny it was?" Really? It was doing what every hamster since cages began does - crawl upside down across the top. Plus, she said she was going to buy a new cage. WHAT WITH????? You're BANKRUPT, Katie and there's nothing wrong with the one we just saw.

Another thing, that section about Bunny's school. Princess asked if she was returning to the same school and Katie said no, she was going to another one. Then Bunny squealed something (couldn't hear what) but Katie's response seemed to reassure her that yes, she was going elsewhere, as if she (Bunny) DIDN'T WANT TO GO BACK TO HER OLD SCHOOL. If so, WHY!!!!!!!!!!! Something to do with friendship issues? It seemed as if no school friends came to her "party." Katie said it was because of the mums judging her. I suspect there's something else going on here.
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It's interesting but tonight has probably been the most I've commented and I have given my honest opinion on why *maybe* J&B have not had access to their dad. Ie only fans activity, it's the only thing I can see in kierans history that may affect his access to J&B. Then someone is asking If the primates are back? Really? I'm not pro KP I'm just discussing and debating. I'm happy to be called out in anything I've said but I don't want to be called a primate. This is ridiculous.
No-one's called you anything. I wanted to point out that speculating on certain things will be just what KP wants. There's nothing to indicate there's been anything on OF reported to SS. So why focus on it?

- First of all Sex work is not something illegal or which gets your kids taken away. Parents have sex everyday, millions of them probably make videos too, Kipper takes OF photos around her house, so does Katona - no kids taken away.

- Secondly, SS and family court hearings take months, Kieran is in this process, he has only just had the last allegation cleared weeks ago.

I don't see any reason to jump to invent 'new' reasons KH can't have his kids with him when the current ones are bad enough, he's stuck in a nightmare process. I'm trying to stick to a bit of logic here. No offence meant @artnouveau.
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I’m probably wrong life’s ! oh it would be great though..☺
Thought this was funny. So Mr PP telling friends he's put an offer in on the IOW property, had a sneaky look at the road & few doors away are people sitting in the front door way, drinking, smoking & bloke got his top off. Looks a very upmarket area - NOT - with quite a lot of guest houses, as it's near the beach & station. KFP will fit in a treat here, IF/when she visits. AFP must have made a remarkable recovery, because they purchased Rustington home (bungalow) because she couldn't do the stairs. Yet now going for a detached large house. She's going to outlive Mr PP at this rate. Wonder if she'll get house signed back over to her name now, as she's so amazingly well? Have to hope for neighbour's sake, KFP rarely visits. They'll hear her from the ferry terminal in Portsmouth.


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