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I think the kids have confided to KP that they have seen Kieran doing stuff on only fans. Oh mum, we saw dad and he was photographing his bum and we saw his bare willy. Can you imagine KP, this would be the holy grail for her, decides to keep the kids and informs SS the reasons why, being exposed to adult themes etc etc. It must be so confusing for those kids.
please stop with the speculation of what might have happened and remember she has been coaching them what to say. Please please stop. It’s uncomfortable to read.
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"Hi, I have never posted on this thread before, but I have been reading it for a while. I think the true facts were revealed by Kieran during his Father's Day post. The kids were not returned after a weekend visit."This is a fact, everything else pure speculation. I think it’s exactly what the Price clan want the truth gets lost in the lies. They obviously read on here and must feel it’s a win for them every time when Kieran and untruths are spoken. The reality is two kids and a loving father have been ripped apart 😞
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Hang on a minute this doesn't make sense to me. I've had 3 years experience of the exact situation as KP, Kieran and the kids. SS don't do this Willow love. If they are in severe and immediate danger the police and a social worker can instantly remove them. Other than that, CAFCASS will investigate, as they presumably are doing, and make their report to the judge at a hearing. The judge will then make the decision/ruling.

Also, the extended Hayler family wouldn't be ruled out. Just be careful someone's not feeding you false information to potentially out you x
My last post about this Angelic. I’ve pondered over posting for a couple of hours. What I can & can’t disclose. I know it opens a can of worms & more questions than answers. But it’s what it is. The diluted version of a conversation I trust. I know why kids were originally removed from KFP etc. there’s loads going on that I don’t post, because I know Price’s read here. As I’ve said, I hope I’m proved wrong, but I’m not feeling or hearing much positive stuff about those poor kids, BH or her still illegally driving.
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I’m sure I remember seeing it come up in one of the Tik Tok videos posted here, saying that she’s going to the new school on Wednesday. That’s really really sad if her mum isn’t even going to be there for her that day. What a bitch.

P.S. I’ve been lurking on this thread for a while now, but haven’t posted yet. Saying hello, and thanking everyone for their hard work in exposing her for what she really is. These threads have been so hard to read at times, and I haven’t been reading them for that long, so kudos to those who’ve been here for years. She is truly vile.
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So i put on the Jamie laing podcast as I was cleaning the house last night.
She's so cringe how she's so desperate to portray 'how down to earth iam'..... she's always tooting her own horn too. Its getting so embarrassing now. Always trying to make herself down with the kids and cool.....and she's actually not. It's like in her head she's still in her fame 15 years ago! But she's far from that now. She tells the same (bullshit) stories time and time again, talks over everyone and shouts her points across. If anyone gets the chance to say anything remotely interesting about themselves all she says is 'oooo really?'or 'That's interesting' and then it's straight back to her again. She drives me insane. Self obsessed is the word. She thinks it's funny about all the surgery she has and think people laugh with her, but instead they are laughing at her!!
Jamie was awful too, Inflating her ego even more. Telling her she was a fabulous mum and that no one was as famous as her 🤮🤮🤮laughing at all her stories.....but i think even he must have thought that most of it was bullshit.
I'm sick to death of her saying 'ahhh the dramas' it's all she's ever said in life, but half of these she causes herself and half she makes up. It's like the more drama she has in life, the more she feels alive because of the attention it brings her. She talks about her dogs and kids like they are a complete inconvenience, talking about how hectic her house is.....but if you can't manage the dogs why fucking get anymore?? She does my head in . Fuck off and live a simple life then Katie! You keep choosing to bring these innocent animals into your home and then you can't cope and they end up dying!! And now she wants more kids too??? Absolutely laughable.
She's a complete narcissist through and through. She's quite happy to sit there all day long talking about herself and lapping up the compliments and sympathy. There's literally no one else in katies world other than herself.
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Just listened to the Jamie L podcast, what a load of the usual 💩
So her hijack in SA, the next day there was a crash and she was there resuscitating some guy from an accident, that’s a new one, wonder why she never mentioned that before.
A word for word repeat otherwise of most of her stories, SEVERE ADHD (private diagnosis) SEVERE PTSD, broken feet (Private doctor then NHS)
Heard all the bullshit a thousand times in every interview, it’s like she is telling the story for the first time, no one knows this…blah blah, blah… err yes we do.

She’s obviously still obsessed with Pete, as she seems to mention him in every interview these days and TT.
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Congrats on the thread title @kourtneykool 🥳🥳

She's appeared on tik tok where she mentioned blade was killed on her driveway bunny replied 'what blade was killed on our driveway' where KP proceeded to death stare bunny and tell her to mind her beeswax
She then treated her brain dead fans to a bit of animal abuse, smacking her new puppy in the face twice

Bunny has opened a youtube account again, where she looks thoroughly neglected, unkempt and just plain sad 😕

Skanky is supposed to be in her panto meeting today but she said last night she might not make it and if she doesn't she will be OK tik tok for 6 hours 🤣
Cowl is still lurking in the background, daddy woods still throwing them meaningful quotes out 🤣
KP vaping constantly, even asking princess to bring her one on her tik tok

Not really much more to report, lots of krusties feeling a bit down over recent days as the situation with the kids and animals is getting worse and worse, but keep the faith guys that her time must surely be coming soon 🙏 😘
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Oh my, this update 😔

Thank you so much @WillowTree21 for your post, it‘s not what any of us wanted to hear, but your update answers a few of the things that were troubling me. Take care lovely, I feel your pain, I had to stop watching her TT lives, something felt really wrong, I could see and feel it.

I wrote a rather despondent post on Wednesday, mainly out of frustration, Skank is out of control and we were watching her behave appallingly, even for her, abusive and dismissive towards the children and dogs It’s clear to me she’s using heavily, and the children were showing big signs of discontent. The B new school comments totally floored me, I had hope things were progressing in the right direction, but watching the lives last week, it looked really bleak, I wasn’t liking what I saw, something was very off.

To me your update explains what we were witnessing in Skank’s increasingly erratic behaviour, SS are onto her, she is cornered, her recent lies on these lives and podcasts have been ridiculous, it’s all closing in on her. I don’t where this goes next, but the children have to be somehow taken from her, I don’t like the idea of foster care, maybe something else can still be worked out with a family member, but honestly they are not safe with her and that Neanderthal SB, he’s not a decent person, and cares nothing for the kids. that’s crystal clear.

We all love taking the piss out of her, I love creating the jokey Skanky Mags, ripping the piss out of her pathetic nonsense is quite enjoyable, but this isn’t funny anymore, she is harming people and children and no one has so far stopped her, I feel so angry tonight. Her family as well, FFS Edna appears you know what she is doing, the harm she is causing those children and yet you continue peddling her lies with these awful podcasts. Where is your soul woman, where is your moral compass, you have a child of your own, WTF are you doing. Can’t even talk about the Matriarch, as bad as her daughter, horrible woman, you really didn’t deserve that transplant.

So let’s see where the next few days go, surely the BH will deliver for us, it’s time the truth comes out about you Price. This news isn’t good, bloody hell it’s bleak, but I’ll try to stay positive it can be sorted, at least I know now things have been happening as we hoped, she is in big trouble, sadly the result at the moment isn’t what was desired. Gee we knew she was a bad person, but to do this to her children, f*cking evil piece of shit, that’s what she is.
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So on the JL podcast it says she goes to therapy every 2/3 weeks…. Bit different to the weekly sessions she says she has. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Said she doesn’t want medication for her ADHD as she has coped this long, but on TT live said her behaviour was down to her ADHD medication 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Stan Butler

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If anyone gets a hint as to where on the Isle of Wight KP's mum is moving to, please let me know. Cos if she is coming near me,I'm selling up :)
I'd sell up anyway, it doesn't matter which area the clan moves to your bound to see or hear them grifting, it's an island of 23 by 13 miles your doomed i tell ya doomed and in the winter when there's bad weather and no ferries off the island your trapped with them doomed i tell ya doomed. Happy dreams.😘
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The name calling on here of Bunny is absolutely out of order. Its not her fault her mother is a complete cunt arse. Calling her vile is totally uncalled for. She's a little girl! Her mother is vile! She is not!
If you don't like my comment then tough!
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Flips sake - this thread is getting really heavily moderated by fellow Tattlers now - some are downright rude too!

Just because you hate the Skanky bitch doesn't mean that people can't question and speculate about the other people that are caught up in her chaotic little world.
No-one knows the absolute truth about what has gone on regarding J&B/ slapgate/ animal deaths/ drug use etc - it's only human nature to ponder about all possible scenarios. Why shouldn't people feel able to post them here? It is a gossip site after all - It's not a facts only or fuck off site!

Most people are clever enough to not take anything on Tattle as gospel although there are a few trusted posters that do seem to be in the know that I personally believe (again that is my informed choice from the things that I have read and the things that have come true)

Tattle on tattlers!
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And why no a single photograph / video of this “ Devon Oliday ” not a single plug, ad, grifted day out , not a single photo of Bunny in drag Queen make up , Jett looking angry with an I pad , Harvey parroting “ I love it” - no photographs of the dogs on the beach , meals out , BBQ s , Carl looking bored / menacing , KP in a home made bikini & matching bandana ….

Given that she cannot keep her gurning face away from a camera when at home it sure is strange that she’s missed so many opportunities for “ good mummy “ photos “ great pet owner” photos & “ relationship back on track” opportunities.
Most peculiar , Mamma .
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Pom Bear

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You fucking kill me Pom, with all the video clips of her I can have so much fun.
The fact you picked on this is just amazing. I know a few posters scratching their
heads thinking who the fact is Max Headroom.... :giggle: 💕 (y) 🤪
Thank you 😀🥰❤❤🤗💖😘 xxx.
Loool I remember Max Headroom back on Channel 4 in the 80s, can't believe it's over 33 years ago.
Not watched all vids but will take a look when I'm on later 😀😘 xx.

I leave this here for now 😄😄😄 x...

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Tickets to her live podcast are £29.50
Ooooh checked out the venue, £4000 basic hire, 440 capacity, that’s about 135 tickets before she makes that money back, and there will be costs/fees taken out of that £29.50, she‘s gonna have to pretty much fill it out to make any sort of profit….wonder if she can, interesting 🤔😁


Edit…just seen your update DC , who the hell is laying £84 for front row seats to watch this garbage….I’m gonna want to see photos of the audience, I need to see what these people look like 😁
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Sorry to report this. It’s unlikely the kids are going back to Kieran soon. AFP, Mr PP & Dan have been approached my SS to see if they could take J & B. Both Kieran & KFP are aware. None of the Price family can take them. The authorities are on to KFP due to her ‘substances’ and life style. Not sure why Kieran is not allowed to have them back though. Or why Wendy can’t have them. Yes. KFP is driving still illegally, reported, but nothing seems to be happening. Photographic evidence too. She’s said she’s not worried about the 16th & has things in place to sort out the BH, but we believe his is bravado🙏🏻 I am feeling sick, about the kids though.😡🤢🤮
Many here, myself included have said this bitch would rather they are placed in foster care, sadly its a reality now ... terrible news, very upsetting .... been lurking lately as her behaviour is off the scale, she actually gets on my last nerve, it takes A LOT to bother me, and she does BIG TIME .... maybe they will get a chance at some normality again with good foster parents, none of this makes any sense ... Im glad the authorities are taking an interest into her vile lifestyle and taking action, at least they will be away from her, and then hopefully over time, trust is built again, KH does what is required, they can be returned to him .... thanks for this Willow, at least we now have an idea on what is happening ... quite a few predicted this outcome to be honest 😔
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Daisy Uncle

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A) KP not being fit to keep the kids is huge.
B) KH still has A and V, so forget all the theories why he can't immediately have them because..
C) The cunt KP has so damaged their relationship with their dad it's going to take time to repair.
If the wider Price family had any shame they'd be hanging their heads. Instead they're moving away, just as it's all going Tits up for kipper.
So, BH, she's in serious trouble, MM, can't use kids living with her to keep it. No tv or lucrative work.
It's ugly and sad, very hard to see play out, but we're looking at the end of it.
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