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Bunny is now showing just how badly her mothers influence is rubbing off on her. Swearing and giving the bird in public she’s 9 for god’s sake. Sorry I know it’s not her fault at all but what a scruffy, rude, vile little girl she now is. Probably exactly the same as Skank at that age. I bet several children at her old school have been told these last few weeks they are not to play with her this term if she comes back. It’s really sad for her. Hopefully when she eventually gets home Kieran and Michelle can turn her around.
Sorry to report this. It’s unlikely the kids are going back to Kieran soon. AFP, Mr PP & Dan have been approached my SS to see if they could take J & B. Both Kieran & KFP are aware. None of the Price family can take them. The authorities are on to KFP due to her ‘substances’ and life style. Not sure why Kieran is not allowed to have them back though. Or why Wendy can’t have them. Yes. KFP is driving still illegally, reported, but nothing seems to be happening. Photographic evidence too. She’s said she’s not worried about the 16th & has things in place to sort out the BH, but we believe his is bravado🙏🏻 I am feeling sick, about the kids though.😡🤢🤮
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Oh please PLEASE don't think I'm in anyway saying that you haven't been told this, you're as honest as they come. It's just not standard legal process what you have been told, that's all. Honestly just looking out for you. Makes no sense whatsoever does it 😞 Although if they are being removed from KP that's a good thing, it means that wheels must be turning. But honestly that's not standard procedure what you've been told. Sorry if I have offended you, absolutely not my intention x
You’ve not offended me. I’m glad to be stepping back anyway, it’s all too depressing & soul destroying. I’m covering wildlife rescue for a week from 4am tomorrow, so will just be skim reading. Thanks to everyone for support & reading my posts. I hope KFP & those enabling & supporting her, get their comeuppance & the kids/animals are safe & loved. I’ll add my twopenneth if I feel the need & have time👍🥰
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Sad to hear this, bad news. I've always trusted your info. Why can't Danny take them do you know? Was Sophie approached? If they are removed from KP again, and if no Price is able to take them,and if SS consider the Haylers unsuitable (I can't fathom why), they would have to enter care with strangers.
I was on phone for ages talking about this. Can’t say more than this. SFP’s flat is too small, so not a consideration. I can’t get to bottom of what’s going on. Why Kieran can’t have kids back & importantly, given KFP’s circumstances & lifestyle, why the kids are still with her, when there seems to be concerns & authorities looking for solutions to remove J & B. There’s other things going on, that are worrying. I am very sad tonight. I’ve said before, I can’t keep seeing her get away with things, but I’m very disappointed & sure, in spite of all the hard work people have put in to make sure she gets justice, it’s been wasted. I hope I’m proved wrong. Maybe others in the know, will prove me wrong, I hope so. I’ll step back & read for now. IF I see anything that gives me hope, I’ll rejoin or if I get any other info I can share, I will. ❤
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Honestly, please don’t give up on the KH situation, I’m still hearing about progress and things happening, it is a slow process yes.
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Things are happening re the kids.
It’s not going to be posted on here.
If it wasn’t, don’t you think they would have been on holiday abroad in the summer holidays… 🤷🏻‍♀️they’ve had 10 days in Devon, she’s been to Ibiza for a couple of days without the kids.
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Hang on a minute this doesn't make sense to me. I've had 3 years experience of the exact situation as KP, Kieran and the kids. SS don't do this Willow love. If they are in severe and immediate danger the police and a social worker can instantly remove them. Other than that, CAFCASS will investigate, as they presumably are doing, and make their report to the judge at a hearing. The judge will then make the decision/ruling.

Also, the extended Hayler family wouldn't be ruled out. Just be careful someone's not feeding you false information to potentially out you x
I don’t post unless it’s fact. You should know this by now. I’m not going into anymore detail. You have your opinion, fine. I’m angry & sad. I hope I’m proved wrong & you are correct. But for now, I’ve never been given duff info, so I will believe what I’ve been told. I want to be wrong, believe me😢.
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This weeks podcast
Says AMSR 3 times in the first 30 seconds 🙄 trying to be down with the kids.
Calls SFP a bitch, she calls her a bellend.
Tickets on sale at 10am for the live podcast in Salford 7/11, code is LOVEIT
Took kids to Devon for 10 days, Jo from her cs work place found the house in their lunch break. House was pristine and white when they arrived, took H, kids and 5 dogs, dog had diarrhoea, H was a nightmare, he’s been bad at college too. She spent time just cooking and cleaning and now needs another holiday. Car window smashed by H on the way home, so drove 6 hours home in wind and rain. She now needs another holiday 🤭
The whole new world video, where she sings bad, is fake.
KP singing, Pete gets mentioned 🙄
People always trying to knock it, she can sing.
Carl makes an appearance, brings her in an egg sandwich.
Another plug for the live podcast
Books are on her agenda *speaking while eating* lots has been going on, but everything is back to normal and positive, but her ghostwriter died.
Her house is chaos, the kids don’t listen, feral, her up and down 🤔 (thought she just said everything was good) she suffers MH.
Talks about the Tyson Fury programme.
SFP talks about the programme Painkiller, getting addicted to the drug 🤔 SFP starts crying, but says she’s just started her period. 🤢
KP never taken painkillers for her feet, she suffers the pain, as she doesn’t want to be addicted to things.
Mentions the Priory 🙄
Took about family tree, KP said she would have to go to Canada, as half their family are there, SFP questions this and says no he was American you knob, KP didn’t even know where her grandad was from. She’s now half American, no SFP says a quarter, still not read her mum’s book.
KP got a letter through the post from a murderer, he’s just come out of prison (?) and reached out to KP to tell his story with her. Had the police there the other day as she’s sorting out her flytipping and showed them the letter. Mentions Kidnap threats. It was the day C4 came to film, as she was going to speak to them about it. Dream job to interview serial killers.
Mentions the vape.
Mentions buying bikes from the hospice shop, she’s finished cs and now a volunteer. Wants to get papped when she’s out shopping wearing the St Catherine’s T-shirt. She likes to do stuff for charity. She’s proud she’s done her 170 hours. She told them she was training to be a nurse and wants to train to be a paramedic and if they want care assistants she would do that for them. SFP said it gives her structure and time away from her phone and KP says she chit chats in the office. She also bought some maroon sofas leather from there £80. Every week she is buying stuff from there. Exercise machine.
Not seen her mum lately.
Mentions about her house being up for rent, they do want to do another MM next year, so said she was going to rent it and then come back, the show isn’t axed despite what media says.
Amy and Paul have been away for a month.
KP has done her blood test for her medical, for dvla, moaning that someone had emailed with no evidence about her driving and made her go through all this, not happy. She can’t wait for it to all come back, as she’s cleared the medical, she know she’s cleared the blood test and now just admin waiting. It’s discrimination.
Mentions house up for rent again, she’s found a shop she can do her TT from to sell all her memorabilia from, £25 a day.
Not been horse riding lately.
Her ex husband cheated on her the whole way through their marriage. 🙄
Talks about friends.
Princess said to her if she ever died she would be so lost as she is her best friend. They are like each other.
*talking while eating again*
She gets nervous when she goes out at the moment because people stare. Was heading that day to the beach with the dogs. The other week she took Harvey, Jett, Bunny and Princess to Brighton Pier. Day of the Albion hotel fire. So they had to park a long way away, people kept grabbing Harvey, her and Princess had anxiety, so they just ate and went back.
The end. I’m off to have a boozy breakfast to recover. 🤪
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Just wanted to put some facts out re children under the care order situation. I had experience with this 8 years ago with my grandchildren. My son and dil were wrongly accused of child abuse. It's a very long story and was devastating for my whole family at the time. But 8 years later my grandchildren have been with their parents ever since. The way it works when a police investigation is involved is not that open and closed. If social services have it in for Keiron, which is likely, he will be stonewalled until a judge gets to see all evidence. I have seen this with my own eyes. The fact Wendy hasn't been approached (as far as I know) means they believe she will allow unsupervised contact with Keiron. That's why I wasn't allowed my grandchildren, because I stuck up for them , I was not trusted, they went to their deranged maternal grandmother, who was batshit crazy I might add, yet licked SS arse, hated my family so got green lighted (proved to be a mistake long run, but hey ho) it took 9 months to get to court and by God the judge threw the book at SS and police for lies. I was not allowed to see them at all, but now I have watched them grow second child now going into secondary school and I have had a relationship with both children since the judge threw it out.gloating granny from the other side has no contact now. Point I'm trying to make for all fellow Krustie's is, please trust in facts, evidence and justice. If there are lies, and we know there are many, the judge will see them and short term gain is no substitute for long term security, I believe K and M will end up with full sole custody. It's always hard for those on the other side and the reason is because of liars and idiots that play God.

ETA, my son and dil got 10k each compensation due to the way they were treated ( sorry to share personal info) I just understand that if you haven't had experience with this it can be difficult to understand just how long this shit can take, it's shocking really as we all think they can't take your children on a whim........but they can when massive cunt liars are prepared to lie and sign a police statement;)
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Brah Day Izit?

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My children are approaching adulthood, and yesterday whilst having a lovely family supper, they both said they really didn't know much about 'Mum' before I had them. The conversation continued, and we decided it would be a nice family legacy if I could write them a journal. We discussed what I would write about.

Their questions included:
Your proudest moment
What would you change if you could
The most important lesson you have learned
What school was like and if you regret anything (boarding school from 11, so lots to write there!)
Why did you and Dad split up - and please be honest from your point of view, as we want to understand
Pets you have had - names, special memories, where you go them and why
Your earliest memory.
I could go on, but what struck me (and I wish that cretin would get out of my head) what would Kipper write that was true? I am looking forward to writing all this for them, and I will be honest and admit to mistakes I have made. Kipper probably doesnt even have a pen, other than a sharpie for signing her 'fan' photographs

I'm so glad that my life is straightforward in comparison to Kipper's.

And I had to have one of my beloved rescue dogs put to sleep yesterday. He has been in and out of the vets for the last nine months with mast cell tumours but the kindest thing was to let them die with dignity yesterday rather than being mowed down by an unloving monster in his supposed safe place.
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I understand you are limited in what you can say DC and respect that. Are you able to say whether 'something else that had happened' is something that was good or bad for KP?

Sorry - I'm lost. What 'issue'?
Bad for KP.
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I don’t post unless it’s fact. You should know this by now. I’m not going into anymore detail. You have your opinion, fine. I’m angry & sad. I hope I’m proved wrong & you are correct. But for now, I’ve never been given duff info, so I will believe what I’ve been told. I want to be wrong, believe me😢.
Oh please PLEASE don't think I'm in anyway saying that you haven't been told this, you're as honest as they come. It's just not standard legal process what you have been told, that's all. Honestly just looking out for you. Makes no sense whatsoever does it 😞 Although if they are being removed from KP that's a good thing, it means that wheels must be turning. But honestly that's not standard procedure what you've been told. Sorry if I have offended you, absolutely not my intention x
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Honestly, please don’t give up on the KH situation, I’m still hearing about progress and things happening, it is a slow process yes.
100% sure this mess is nothing to do with Kieran doing anything. She’s just hell bent on ruining his life, with no consequences for the children. One day hopefully soon, Kieran can get those kids back to where they belong, with him & Michelle. And he can have justice, which he deserves.
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I completely understand & respect that you can't say more. But do you believe that when in her care, his behaviour has the potential to become dangerous & she does nothing to prevent/control it? I would say if anything, she exacerbates his behaviour.
The snippets we see make me sick. She is fucking clueless to his needs.
And the fucking moron "great mum, he's soooo cute" brigade really need to get their heads out their arses. He's a vulnerable & dangerous VERY big man.
She has rarely ever spent any time with him, as a normal mother. Nanny, house keeper, grooms, family/friends have been around to 'see' to him. When she was at home, she was having hair, nails, etc. done. He throws temper tantrum & other's sort it. Unfortunately, he can be very violent & dangerous. Yes, she make's him worse, winding him up. teasing him, treating him like a performing seal. I have never seen her show one bit of love to any of the kids, unless camera/photographer around. They have always been left to entertain themselves, including Harvey. That's why when I see what's happening to J & B, I know exactly how it is. And she really is using them to crucify Kieran, not for any other reason. They will he a hinder to her. Kieran is paying the price for her hatred of her exes & the fact they've moved on & having great relationships. While she is mutilated, high, broke & in a toxic, loveless situation.
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Bad for KP.
I wasn’t meaning to be vague or put a fly in the ointment. I can only say what I know. Can’t dig too much, for obvious reasons. . But I’ve said before, like you DC, I won’t post anything I don’t believe to be true. I don’t know why Kieran can’t have kids back, wish I did. I do know, KP has been interviewed, hence why authorities are looking for options for kids. Unless we hear otherwise, the kids should be removed from her & returned to Kieran, where they clearly had a great life, love, friends & stability. I don’t see TT, but from the clips I have seen, even an idiot can see, home & lifestyle is toxic & damaging for them with KFP. I feel despondent & sad that things are moving slowly. I would have hoped a solution would have been sorted, before moving Bunny from school where she has friends. And poor Jett, God knows what’s going on there. My heart breaks for Kieran if he can’t get J and B back or even see them. Sorry I can’t enlighten any further & give something positive🥲❤
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Sorry to report this. It’s unlikely the kids are going back to Kieran soon. AFP, Mr PP & Dan have been approached my SS to see if they could take J & B. Both Kieran & KFP are aware. None of the Price family can take them. The authorities are on to KFP due to her ‘substances’ and life style. Not sure why Kieran is not allowed to have them back though. Or why Wendy can’t have them. Yes. KFP is driving still illegally, reported, but nothing seems to be happening. Photographic evidence too. She’s said she’s not worried about the 16th & has things in place to sort out the BH, but we believe his is bravado🙏🏻 I am feeling sick, about the kids though.😡🤢🤮
Hang on a minute this doesn't make sense to me. I've had 3 years experience of the exact situation as KP, Kieran and the kids. SS don't do this Willow love. If they are in severe and immediate danger the police and a social worker can instantly remove them. Other than that, CAFCASS will investigate, as they hopefully are doing, and make their report to the judge at a hearing. The judge will then make the decision/ruling.

Also, the extended Hayler family wouldn't be ruled out. Just be careful someone's not feeding you false information to potentially out you x
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IF Harvey is this volitile, I genuinely don't see how he can be left in her "supervision". Surely he needs 3 to 1 🤷 IF he actually harmed someone whilst having a meltdown there would be all kinds of hell to pay. Or is she paving the way for dumping him because he's no longer of monetary value 🤔 Nothing would surprise me 😕
I hope that adult social care are looking after his needs properly. I do think someone has taken control now as she seems to do very little in public with him.
I genuinely feel for J & B. They must be terrified. He's huge. They hardly see each other. He kicks off. And the poor pets too 😭
And 99.9% of his problems caused by that utter cunt 🤬
I've seen him kick off & it's not a pleasant sight. Slugged Princess once, terrible, she was screaming in pain. Sadly, he really is dangerous towards people & animals. I wish I could say more, but I can't.
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Was it last week that KP said on one of her lives 'The kids aren't going to see their dad's anytime soon'?

DC confirmed it was bravado and bluff. I wonder if she'd been told that it was necessary to place the kids with others then?

Yes, all this has been discussed but she has fobbed off the Bankruptcy court I think 5 times now? That is at a serious stage where she could be in contempt if either she doesn't turn up or gives obstructive answers to the Judge.

I don’t know what to think anymore, I’m exhausted from all this quite frankly, roll on 2 weeks time.
As far as I knew, a few things were happening.
They read here, so some things just can’t go on a public forum.
My head hurts from trying to make any sense of it now. 🤯🤯🤯
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