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Any man who gets involved with KP now, knowing her history of making false accusations against ex-partners, is an absolute fool.
And where's the little black kitty?? 🤷‍♀️
I've been thinking about him/her too, like you and others here I haven't forgotten the pets even though the Price family have, my heart breaks for them animals
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She’s Going now will be back on tonight getting lashes done, meeting for mums programme and bike ride with kids
Well firstly it's P'ing down in Sussex, so a bike ride isn't what the kids (or her) will be doing today. So Crawl has to drive her to get lashes done & then to AFP's house. Sit in car & wait for her ? OR..... the million $ question, will SHE be driving today ? Seem's to be, she live's a very high maintenance lifestyle for a BANKRUPT. Nearly every day, something. Lips, brows, hair, nails, lashes, fake tans. Questions need to be answered at BH about all this. I know our lovely DC keeps tabs on it & feeds through the info. Utterly disgusting waste of money, when she owes so much. And she still looks like :poop:. You can sprinkle glitter on a turd, but it still remains a turd.
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This is horrific, those poor kids. Kieran must be past himself seeing this. Mothers nurture and protect their kids they dont use them as an abhorrent weapon.

Fucking smirking. What a vile piece of shit she is.
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Catching up from last night.

Really very shocked at what she did with Jett. I mean even if your kid's father was indeed an absolute wrong 'un why on earth would you be getting a 10yr old to address these issues in front of strangers on the internet? He's a young child. This is incredibly damaging. Zero sense of self awareness and understanding of what is right or wrong.
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Sir Lancelot

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Why does she wear slippers/sliders?
What support would they offer to her 'damaged' feet?
It's all just bullshit with her, isn't it?
Same as being seen around town without the nose splint on but having it on for Insta and TikTok.

What a strange creature.
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He's absolutely been coached what to say there and she's standing there smirking.
There's a thing they call that on crime documentaries, it's called dupers delight
"The duper's delight is an emotional boost, or thrill, that some people get when they successfully cheat or deceive another person or organization."
Yep and the way he says ‘dad ….. technically’. They poor boy must be so confused.
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Chatty Member
I have no problem donating again but does anyone know if he really is skint and needs the donations.
Michelle works and he promotes constantly online or did and has his only fans and family i think some with money plus wasn't the house a family members.
I would just like to see some evidence that our donations have contributed to something positive after so long.
I went to donate again and it gives me an option not to tip 15% on top so are no fees taken if you don't tip.
Court is extremely expensive, even if they have good wages paying for lawyers cost an absolute fortune. If you are questioning their ability to pay, don't donate its really that simple
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Be very interesting to see where she ends up if/when she leaves it.

As a bankrupt she will struggle to get.a mortgage (I would think!) And would struggle to prove a "non dodgy" income (given the darkness around her finances) but renting isn't cheap or easy these days - again its a landlords market and given everything that's out there on SM one quick Google would send me running as a landlord.

Living next door to her must be like living in an episode of Shameless but atleast many of those characters (if flawed) were likable
She'll have to do same as her mate Katona. Rent some lavish place, paid through her management company. KK brags she's earning millions, yet rents a 7 bed house in Cheshire £5K per month & leases 2 vivid Green sports car's. She can't get a mortgage either, following 2 bankruptcies. So KFP will have to do the same with her living arrangements. Won't have any equity from sale of MM & can't put a huge deposit down or get a mortgage. She KNOWS, she's going to lose that :poop:hole & is making it sound like it's HER decision to move out. She must HATE this site, because we're not idiots & know exactly what she's playing at. Bring on the BH, sooner the better. That's why I think she'll be off abroad very, very soon, before :poop: hits the fan.
I'm still very angry about the TT last night. I am sure, after that, Kieran has every right to take legal action. Plus SS & police have a lot to answer for, IF as she's said, that's why he can't see the kids, but I very much doubt, that to be the case. Unfortunately, RedTops never seem to address any of these issues.
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Yesssss!! They were waiting on the police comment, before it could be released.
Its such a shame that Skanky won't have a clue to what this means...! (although she probably won't see past the first three letters... 'men'.....)

A rep for Kieran said it was "no surprise" the probe was dropped and branded the allegations "mendacious".
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I don't know if this has been mentioned as not had time to go through all the comments but I'm really disappointed in Anthony Fowler of Supreme CBD.
He's got a video of her using his stuff which she's probably blagged for free. It's on Twitter. He's been warned he's made a boo boo getting involved with her so if anyone buys his stuff you might want to rethink where you get your CBD from in future.
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Oh she’s back on the freezing Live, she sounds like she’s on a big comedown this morning, OMFG she can’t wait to be a paramedic again…why the fuck does she keep saying this, it’s so disrespectful to all who work in the NHS, put in hours of training and hard work to get there and continue to do so everyday, something she could never do …it’s really really really pissing me off now, as if this disgusting sociopathic thick twat could ever be a paramedic, fucking cancel this biaaaaatch…..arghhhh 🤬

I’m a grumpy tired Kylie this morning, coffee hasn’t kicked in yet…can you tell 😁
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What time is she supposed to be on tik tok, for the new snout reveal.
Junior just put a pic of him and princess on, she always looks so pretty and natural when she's away from skanky.
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That Tik Tok was her revenge for today's headline, the problem is there are people that will believe her, because they take her word as gospel, and she knows this.
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Aww man that poor boy (Jett) when the rotten buck toothed troll says who’s fault is it you can’t see dad and he says technically technically dad, the mam in me broke , he knows from his view dads done nothing she’s got into his head dad has done something and he can’t see him So it’s his dads own fault, she’s made the balls for others to fire she’s created the allegations, yet told those bairns it’s not me Stopping you don’t hate on me the evil witch (and that’s me being nice)
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Harvey’s law at the last stages. 🙄
Apparently she cleared up the RSPCA stuff up by showing the certificate…errr no you didn’t! 🤥
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