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VIP Member
She's posing for the staged pap shots. The new man doesn't seem to appear in any of the shots? Are they even together? Has she just taken him away for publicity?
They're in a restaurant/bar together now on some of their friends IG stories... and the kids look really bored and unimpressed to me.
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Big Red Dog

Chatty Member
The fact she doesn’t have a mask on in a hospital ward is unacceptable
So is drink driving and she’s done that often enough,basically the woman doesn’t care it’s all about her.

Andres tv show may be coming back never seen or heard of it.

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Chatty Member
Does anyone know where Blade the German Shepherd came from because for his safety and well-being I think they should take him back and rehome him
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VIP Member
I doubt it would get out from someone at the hospital as that would be against the rules. I feel sorry for Harvey that he’s always been used by her for publicity. When he came out of hospital the other week she filmed next to him telling everyone what had happened while he was trying to sleep then when she mentioned it was his chest she kept slapping his chest. I feel she’s exposed him to too many germs considering how at risk he is. She should have stayed in with him shielding.
Fair chance that someone visiting at the hospital could have seen her bright pink Range Rover etc there. A member of staff risks getting sacked leaking it don’t they?
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VIP Member
Why does this demented lunatic keep saying it was a terrible accident. And that she is going to set the record straight.
NO it was neglect and had it have been a baby that died in the same circumstances the social servicesand police would be involved. Her kids have the same attitude now, don't take responsibility for anything. Princess on her youtube was getting quite gobby!! It's a shame but i can see her going down the same road as her mother, touch of arrogance about her now she is growing up.

Making money out of it. There is nothing she wouldn't sell.
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Active member
Now now monga, that's just not true now is it?;)
Claire Powell was Peter's friend and manager long before pricey came on the scene. Since 1994 to be exact, and pricey's mum begged Claire to take pricey on too after the jungle romance, which was 2004. Powell made pricey most of her millions from intenselyly promoting her as a good mummy and wifey when she was actually crap at both.
Now I'm crap at maths but that means she was managing Peter for 10 years before he even met pricey.

Proof? No problem.

Dwight paid her mother to look after Harvey for years till the mother moved to Spain a couple of years ago. He knew pricey was a shite mother but trusted her mum and the mum did a fantastic job.It's only since she left that his weight has ballooned and he's been hospitalised twice.
No she does NOT have to exploit her kids. You can't batter Andre for using them in past shows and then give pricey a free pass so she can earn money for hair extensions and manicures and treating her latest rent-a-penis. 😂
Your amazing... 😘 Why do you feel now you have to say your not taking the piss..... I'm not btw.. There I go again xx

Junior surely will get the piss taken at school/ social media school contacts... vile photo of her in the orange strap bikini sliding into the pool with junior about 3 feet from her fanny... And she s bloody using the death of rollo as subject matter in her instagram. She really is a desperate, wrinkled, orange embarrassment of a person and worse a parent . Kieran must be so glad his kids aren't there too.
I put my mortgage on princess never living back with Peter again, Peter agreeing as long as he gets a cut of the pap pics if Princess is in them and them both doing topless photos when Princess is old enough and playing with the dirty fuckers that like the mum and daughter shit.... Peter has played us all with the over protective parent shite and it's Katie herself who is outing him...
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  • Sick
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It never ceases to amaze me the amount of people commenting in this thread that hate Katie Price, but will quite willingly read every little scrap of information given out in the press and then relay it here and on other forums for everyone to see who then in turn read the same piece of information and comment about it, thus giving the paper more clicks on the article and Katie more chances to make up another story that she can sell so she can make more money. If people just ignored the stupid old bint then all her chances of making money out of it would slowly fade away as would she.
But by commenting on every single aspect of her life all you are doing is lining the pockets of someone you wish would disappear.
Theres an old Chinese proverb that states "The fire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than him"
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Chatty Member
How could he co-parent when she refused him access in any way? In his book he said how his mother wanted to take H to give pricey a break and she refused point blank any contact with his family. They only met H once when Yorke and price took him over to meet them, but she cut the visit short and that was that. Game over because Yorke wanted access but didn't want pricey. She fought every attempt by yorke for access in H early years and in the end he gave up and settled on paying her mother a weekly wage to look after H while pricey did what pricey does, meeting blokes and getting drunk and high. Amy did really well, sorting schools, doc visits, dentists, everything a mother should be doing. Make no mistake, Amy raised that boy 100% and was thankfully able to do so because Yorke funded her.
This is all in his autobiography, including that he has been paying Amy for years and oddly enough price never refuted his claims because she knows it's true and he'll have bank statements to prove it.
Plus she has been seen (and images were posted online) meeting with Yorke over the years, so he is certainly being involved in some decisions regarding H. She is a shite mother.
I hope H recovers well and is able to return eventually to the accommodation where he was doing so well before covid and lockdown hit.
Well said this is what all the super fan up her arse sheep 🐑 fail to see I actually posted this on her Instagram a while back when she put all the pictures with her and Pete and her and Kieran ( how poor taste was that by the way) I think it lasted seconds disappeared almost instantly strange that 🤷‍♀️

I'm going to walk out the door after my honest opinion....
Until I see a picture of Harvey in a hospital bed, I don't believe a word. Anyone can walk up to a hospital with there pap friend... In a way I feel awful saying that and if he is genuinely not well I hope he gets the help he needs, but Katie herself has made me think this way it's everything for attention. It seems strange only last week she was saying she hoped Harvey went before her... Did she get that much attention she thought of this🤔with her who knows... I'm off...
I have to say the thought had crossed my mind such strange timing with her interview hoping he will die before her WTF
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VIP Member
Hmm was Harvey actually in ICU,ot another type ward not quite ICU,she is such a liar,probably never find out..☹ Fucking liar.
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VIP Member
Well don't forget Claire was Katie's manager before Pete's .I think Kate even thought they were having an affair at one time ,so I'd say he'd have a good hand in what's shown of the kids ,even though he hides behind the scenes now ;)
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VIP Member
According to the press (so could obviously be nonsense) she wasn’t allowed to stay overnight because it’s intensive care? No idea if that’s true, but even so, my priority wouldn’t be going home to have a lovely evening and continue posting meaningless tripe on social media. I’d be worried sick, and focus on supporting my other kids through a very worrying time,
Princess has done a post telling him he’ll be fine and to think of the positives not the negatives!
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VIP Member
Oh the 'I love my kids' shite... Thanks for that view of things xx
Ahh ! I used to watch them way back when ,he's just as bad he's only better at hiding it ;) Kieron and Alex were just as bad ,they wanted the lifestyle but didn't want to earn it .Kate is the public face so she gets the flack, Dwight York got off scott free what does he do for Harvey ? she's a lot of useless men behind her so unfortunately she has to exploit her kids and herself to support their lifestyle ( not saying it's right ) she's a lot of issues
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VIP Member
Course he knows!!!!! They have same of agent kirsty@ Chase She s probably there!!! He 'll get money from the newspaper articles and mags they 'll do later. He 'll be hoping to get some modelling out of it too before it breaks up.on both their Instagram pages says Pr [email protected]
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Well-known member
So is drink driving and she’s done that often enough,basically the woman doesn’t care it’s all about her.

Andres tv show may be coming back never seen or heard of it.

It's on the Sun's youtube channel
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Chatty Member
Freda where are you I just read something on Facebook and this Poundland Pricey has just piped up something about Princess doing cartwheels and her Armani is practising too, ye good old Armani she is going to grow up to be on benefits sorry harsh but true
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