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I disagree. Regardless of any allegation made against K, he still should have engaged lawyers back in November. Proof has to be put to the court, not mere allegations. In any case, I thought there was a custody case ongoing (eg posts by DC and Brah). Must admit, I’m rather confused.
No, I didn't say he hasn't engaged lawyers at all. He probably couldn't instruct lawyers to apply for residency with a child neglect and gun allegation unresolved. The family court would have done a fact-finding hearing and seen he had that police investigation ongoing and probably only allowed him the contact centre contact.
He obviously got some interim contact but that's a different matter.
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And within minutes Skank's fans are putting comments about how he must have done something terrible not to see them 🙄 wish the wheels of justice could turn faster for those kids 😥
He did do something awful, he married that vile vicious slag and she will punish him as much as she can for daring to break free and be happy.

Poor bastard, I bet he curses the day he met the cunt, apart from Jett and Bunny. The kids are the only decent thing ever to come out of the amoral, scrounging skank clan. We used to have a word for people like the clan when I was a kid - scrubbers, they are all a bunch of scrubbers and Sophie is Source is the second biggest scrubber after her sister.Try paying your way in life disgusting bunch freeloaders.
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Picked up by Carl? Wonder if that means she can't drive again.
She looked gutted. coming out of that police station. So she's either been done for no licence and is not allowed to drive anymore OR the pictures were staged and she's a better actress than I've given her credit for.
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So what's skank saying she's that off her face past out she doesn't hear her 6ft 20+ stone partially sighted child with disabilities getting out of bed rummaging around in her kitchen cupboards, fridge and bins looking for food in the middle of the night,,,I find that rather concerning seen as you tell everyone you look after H by yourself 24/7 when my sons were young a creak on the floorboards and i was awake. 🤔
She used to have a lock on his bedroom door, so he didn't wander & eat stuff from the fridge/freezer. He has been seen eating dog/cat food/biscuits. He doesn't just rummage around at night, he will steal food any time of the day. He's very crafty about it too. I am not shocked that he's eaten a whole cake. What's shocking is that she allows him to do it.
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Scum has printed her lovely new filters face....


She shared a video of the procedures on Instagram, with a technician injecting filler into her pout.
She said: "Oh my god I've just had my anti-wrinkles done. My new lips done, and I've got my new nose.
"I'm feeling refreshed. Not bad for 45."

Not bad for 45???? But its all fake Skanky.
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It could be, that or the 'suicide' type excuse she used to avoid the BH meant she was reported unfit to drive. A doctor would have to report it.
I think it was when she stated that the bmw car roll was a suicide attempt ( narrative changed when she needed it to) but due this new info it was reported and her licence was revoked. It didn’t help her cause that Saint AFP repeated the claim . Then there was the issue the other week - the blackmailing SB post she didn’t want to be here. She us fucking stupid. And at this point tge excuse to get out of one situation is negatively affecting other aspects of her life. She never thinks there will be consequences. Well kipper you can’t have it both ways. The law is very clear . You are spinning so many plates now you can’t keep them all going
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It clearly didn't have trade plates on it when she was stopped though did it? Or when she was doing the fake parking ticket photos?

So if that's the case why didn't the Police tell him no Trade plates were on display at the time ,so if he insists on going down that route ,they'd have no alternative but to arrest him for trying to pervert the course of justice .

It's all a load of bollocks and how the Police keep letting these two take the piss is beyond a joke :mad::mad:
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So we have to assume, Crawl is back to driver duties. He must be some mug. But, he’s holding trump cards. She hates being on her own. Princess away in Cyprus, so she’s only got the girl who looks after the kids, who I’m sure I read on here, doesn’t live in. I bet, if she’s able, she’s going to be flitting off abroad with Crawl, very soon. Until we know what the latest car crime involves, I bet she won’t be sticking around, if she doesn’t have to. Is Harvey with her for the holidays, or just weekend? Will be very expensive if she has to pay for him, J & B, Crawl, the nanny & herself, to all go away. Wonder if/when we get to find out what the police seized car for. No insurance & or no valid licence. Bet she & maybe H didn’t have seat belts on. I assume the girl standing with H is the nanny she phoned & maybe she picked them up. Shame no photos of that. Or maybe Crawl turned up too. Surprised they didn’t arrest her once nanny arrived, but she probably said H needed her as ‘main carer’. It’s all if’s & but’s & it’s so frustrating 🙀😡Also, to add, we’ve been lead to believe someone tipped off the police. If this is the case & they advised her of this, she must surely be wondering who the F it is, that knew what car she was driving? Plus how did police know where she was driving to/ from. Had they followed her from hairdressers? Hummmm the plot thickens🙀👍
i wonder if they have had her under seveilance for some months ? maybe more going on than we think ? glad to hear that things are looking up for kieron, i knew things must be happening because someone i know lost their kids around the same time and they are now having overnight stays with their little boys coming back in 3 weeks . they didnt have court hearings etc., i would imagine that shes been shooting her self in the foot ,these last couple of months and all the info together will be her undoing. AFP seems to very quiet at the moment too,which ex husband does she think is the blame for this car insurance and licence fiasco ? ;) 😂
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Yes it's been posted before but interesting as it shows the the pattern Kp follows in her abuse again. She accused Kieran of stealing equipment too and Kris. She accused this worker of stealing and benefit fraud and wasted police and court time too. She's been bullying and abusing with false accusations for years! This is why I don't get people believing Kieran must have 'done something' to lose his kids. She thinks nothing of reporting false claims to police and going all the way to court to ruin people.

Joanne had had enough. ‘I was exhausted. I was being paid £170 by this time but I still wasn’t making money from the work and I couldn’t stand Katie’s treatment of her animals,’ she says.

Two days after leaving, Katie texted Joanne and asked her to come to the house. The message added: ‘I have a surprise for you. It’s great. You’ll love it.’

Rather than thank her for all her hard work, Katie met her on the driveway, handed her a letter and stormed off in silence.

The letter accused Joanne of stealing cash, personal photographs and various pieces of equestrian equipment. The parting line read: ‘And I know you’re on benefits.’

Joanne says: ‘I was horrified. I was claiming unemployment benefit, but Katie only paid me expenses and never formally employed me...and I wouldn’t dream of stealing.

‘I think that once someone leaves her life, she tries to ruin their reputation before they can ruin hers.’

Katie reported Joanne to the police. But when detectives visited Joanne’s flat, she was able to tell police where the model had mislaid the items Katie had accused her of stealing. The charges were dropped and she received an apology from the police. Her file was transferred to the Department for Work and Pensions, which investigated the alleged benefit fraud.

In October 2007, Katie arrived at Lewes Crown Court to give evidence against Joanne.

She wore shades, refused to look at me and pranced around as if she was in an episode of Law And Order. She refused to stop talking and made so many claims and allegations that were nothing to do with the case that the jury was disbanded and the hearing adjourned.’

In February, the case was dropped due to lack of evidence.
‘I cried with relief for two hours,’ says Joanne.

‘Katie’s behaviour towards me made me a depressed, paranoid wreck, and because of the criminal proceedings I couldn’t get a job.’''
This really shows how truly vile she is. Vindictive, manipulative bitch. I don’t know how anyone can stand to be around her knowing the things she’s done and the complete lack of remorse for all the hurt she’s caused throughout her life to others. Absolute sociopath.
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Both got faces like smacked arses leaving the cop shop, bet plod didn't fall for skanks bullshit excuses and daddy sink told his tosser son pay for the tax and fine yourself to get the RR out of impound. 🤣
Yes Stan, neither look happy. Bit different from her arrogant attitude, as shown on here with the TT post. Said, this time, she's not worried & all would be revealed. Doesn't look like it from her face leaving police station. Let's hope THIS TIME, she's in serious trouble. Would be great if she's been told, not to leave the country, otherwise, she'll do her usual & P off abroad to get away from the 'heat'. Wonder when we will get to know what's actually happened? Same as, when will we hear about next BH date & what's going on with those poor kids, not seeing their daddy? I'm still at a loss, how she can be classed as a better parent to those kids. They look out of control & not looked after properly. Her legal costs must be unbelievable. Car offences & bankruptcy, plus whoever (accountants) are dealing with getting her paperwork & questions ready for next hearing (iF she's bothered).
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I do agree with you, but every time she unleashes a 'tearjerker documentary about Harvey', she gets a mountain of praise. Her career is essentially fcked, but every time she brings him out she gets praise from morons and people who never question the official narrative. So sadly I think H will continue to be her 'get out of jail card' for some time to come. I think it was said that a new BBC documentary is being filmed

Wonder if H ever used his free train pass he got - guessing not as KP too selfish to go with him. Wonder if it had an expiry date

Am curious whether Junior ever sees H, B or J anymore, as Junior appears not to be visiting the MM or socialising with his mother?
Yes, you're right about Harvey being her number 1 playing card in many aspects of her life, 'career' and getting out the shit. I always hope that something will one day be revealed about the way she really treats him. We all know behind closed doors, hes sat on his ipad with little interaction from her, filling his face with cake to keep him quiet and taking drugs in front of the kids ect.
Having him in the car with no licence and insurance is a start in disecting the narrative she a good mother, but at least we can be thankful for small mercies, her own 'career' is deader than her nipples and she's in a loveless relationship with a tosser who neither gives a shit about her or her poor kids. someone in her camp is a snitch too, i wouldn't like being around people i don't trust..As for the BBC documentary on Harvey, what more is there possibly to see? We've heard it all a million times and there is only so many documentaries they can do with him, surely. I'll believe it when I see it myself because I don't believe a single word that comes out it's mouth.
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Laughing at Katie saying that the police incident was "just a database issue." Yeah, the issue is that she's not ON the fucking database.
I predict that she will not even mention it if she turns up for her Live TT this evening.
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He’s done an absolute number on her hasn’t he….an absolutely massive career-ending number 😂

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It is pretty amazing just how far downhill she has gone in 3 years. If she wasn’t such a cunt I could even feel sorry for her. He really has done her up like a kipper.
No coming back from this, its over now for her.
If she had any sense she would just disappear into the ether, and live the rest of her life quietly.
If she carries on along her current path it’s doubtful she can sink much lower without something serious happening to her.
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Feeling fresh at 45 BRING IT ON .....

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This is brilliant! I was only joking about her being able to suck her cupids bow up her nose, but it looks like she will actually be able to do it. I am so glad they attempted lip lift revision, it looks absolutely horrendous.
Hopefully the legal cogs are turning and her day of reckoning is coming, but if all else fails - she does at least have the face she deserves.
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The moustache is coming on an absolute treat! 🤣🤣
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That is beyond hideous! Her lips are nearly up her fucking nose!!
Her side profile must be hilarious 😂
Head to toe she has absolutely destroyed her body. It's like self harming to an extreme.
Scary that this is responsible for two young children and a vulnerable adult.
FFS she's incapable of responsibility, and making rational, informed decisions.
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