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PA posted on IG an hour ago about a recipe for low calorie ice cream, he must know the 'threat' is a pile of shit
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Did she ever get anyone to clean her hot tub? She was grifting for that the other week wasn’t she?
He wanted some money for his fuel costs, the work was going to cost into the thousands, she said she had found someone local. 🤷‍♀️ (Probably didn't want to pay the fuel money)
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Well it’s J’s18th tomorrow, do any of us believe she’ll even see him on the day. Hope the lad has a fab day, I‘m sure he will and he must be having some sort of party at home with Andre with all his mates, reckon all she can do is post a birthday photo montage on her IG, that’ll be the sum of her involvement. Maybe he’ll pay a flying visit to Amy’s she can gatecrash the following day or later in the week.

I’m taking a double gin for every one of these if they pop up in that montage, good chance we’ll get all 5….Eeeeeek 🤦🏽‍♀️

1 The Ice Cream Van Photo - C’mon we all have to admit we love seeing that photo 😁
2 The ‘My World’ photo of Skank and all the kids in a line
3 Skank with J when he was a baby/little’un saying “can’t believe he’s 18”
4 Skank with J when she posed with him at that boxing thing, prob most recent photo she has of them together
5 A solo pic of J she’s taken off his IG as she doesn’t have any recent ones of him at the MM.
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KP used the exact same photo for Junior's birthday 2 years ago, for his 16th, that day she got her wig done, photoshoot, then, the next day the interview on GMB with H, then buggered off on her holiday/surgery trip. No big parties for Junior. Last year for his birthday not a lot either, SFP and Princess attended a concert he was singing at.

Junior doesn't want her even posting about her, he has had enough, but as usual KP does what she likes.

I believe she has set up a load of photos yesterday too, she truly doesn't care about those kids unless they are making her money. I hope KH reports her.
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So PA has just spent the day with J and now dropped him at the airport for a holiday, apparently J is performing in Ibiza.
3…2…1 KP will be best mates with Ryan denayhe find free hotel etc so she can crash the party! 😂
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Classy prom style sweet 16th with dad and Emily, or your mum taking Ronan’s lyrics too literally and shouting to all Princesses male friends that “the Pricey is a rollercoaster, and you can all ride it”

I’ve been lurking for a while Krusties as I’ve been struggling with Teflon getting away with so much, whilst us decent people are dealing with shit that genuinely is breaking us

You’ve been saviours when it is too much and a bunch of wonderful strangers online who have become friends from afar is far more that Skanky will ever have x
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See Andre has posted a lovely 18th birthday montage for J, with the added music of ‘Smooth Operator’ by Sade, absolute banging choon 🥳

Off topic, you all know I love Kylie, but Sade is alongside her in my book of fandom, absolutely adore that woman, love that she’s so secretive about her life, rarely ever interviewed, and OMG her talent, her voice, she’s a Goddess ❤ Now that is a ‘Celebrity’, not the likes of Skank, Katona, Collins, Westcrack, Marsh, the list goes on and on, it’s all really f*cked up innit 🤦🏽‍♀️ how did we get to a place where these talent-free people are somehow celebrated. Kylie wants a revolution where these idiotic z-list people are all swept away, proper load of bollox ain’t it 🤦🏽‍♀️😁
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I've always suspected this. OF is just like advertising for the likes of Katona and Kipp. The soft porn granny photos don't pay, they'll get more money for filthy requests.
Bingo, that was the gist of it, KK chats one to one online according to these guys, they were telling each other what she’d do, pretty much anything by all accounts. This was what cost the big bucks, the subscription and tame photos make peanuts, The punters want one to one filth. Why Skank is flopping on OF and KK isn’t, KK is going that extra mile with requests. Skank thinks it’s just 90s Lad Mags stuff and she’ll make a fortune, it’s really really really never going to. All she does is her dated bikini photos, never showing her nipples, as they’ve left the building, that ain’t cutting it on there.
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I would normally say ‘Get out of my town and off my pier” you Skanky Biaaatch but it’s actually pleasing to see the kids enjoying some proper kids activities. Sadly can’t see her relinquishing her control over the custody situation anytime soon, kinda thinking unless she does something completely horrific KH just ain’t getting them back, despite their education and emotional welfare clearly suffering 😔

Question though, who is driving her down, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s SB, though she runs the risk of being spotted with him. Expect these photos have been posted as deflection to show she’s a fab Mom to her ‘fans’ as she can’t do much tomorrow for J’s 18th.
Isn't it funny @SmillieKylie that, only yesterday people on here were saying 'Why doesn't she ever do anything child-friendly just for the kids instead of faces in ipads whilst she gets her hair/nails done? Then in 3...2...1..... 'ta-da' THIS ☝
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Stan Butler

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Skank not posting since the "suicide post" and the clans back from Cornwall. (Can't imagine them being happy with skank jeopardizing the gravy train). So can imagine skanky getting a right old rollicking and told to keep her head down until they come up with a good deflection, damage limitation and sympathy story, family crisis meeting going on all day yesterday and today trying to sell a plausible excuse for her behaviour.
1, family worried because some nasty people that she trusted got her back "partying" when skank was doing so well with her MH, weekly therapy sessions and her recovery.( Watch out sink boy and slymi Rymi if you have both done a runner your about to be thrown under the bus).
2, family intervention and stay in hotel priory reason (same as above) but with the added extra of nasty trolls and the hate skanks received from the targeted murder of her beloved protection dog Blade.
3, skank hasn't been able to cope and has been so worried since Amy the terminals transplant and her struggle to recover she lapsed back into self medicating and turned to drink and drugs as a coping mechanism. (Think the clan was saving the transplant story for nearer the book launch and because nobody was paying big bucks like they wanted but can see them taking a money hit if it saves the gravy train in the long run) 😎
Right back on topic sausages in onion gravy and a big pile of mash for my dinner today all alone no idiot sons and their girlfriends to cook for and no Ty&Diesel they buggered off out this morning with the eldest sons girlfriend and her mate. 🤣😎
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I'm not taking sides. Got that? I'm not overly interested in KH,MP,KP. I won't be replying to anyone. I won't be posting anything else on the matter.

But blimey the hypocrisy.

To spend half the thread discussing KH, and then demand others go elsewhere because someone disagrees with a few comments about him?

The man isn't perfect. Nobody is perfect.
He does OF that's pretty extreme but no, that can't be criticised.
There's presumably a reason he doesn't have the kids at the moment (of course KP is a huge part of that, and arrests etc) but until the children are back with him permanently there's valid cause for speculation.
Most people don't have exotic holidays because they can't afford them. Anyone not knowing that MP gets discounts will see the GFM as wrong. That's their right. Surely others can see how it looks? You cannot dictate how the larger world sees things.

People have different opinions.
Some (indeed a lot of people here) take this on board and acknowledge all views.
Some choose one view and to hell with anyone saying otherwise, they're told to go elsewhere. They get others to agree and it snowballs. That's a clique, ladies and gentlemen. Cliques are ugly.
If there's a thread for KH, and you're told to only post there because someone doesn't like your opinion, then let's be balanced and only ever mention KH in that thread. Is that fair? Of course it isn't.

Hopefully this makes sense. I think it does.
Donate if you want, don't donate if you don't.
Approve of KH's lifestyle, or don't.
But nobody here (including me, before anyone says it) has the right to dictate what can and cannot be said in this group. Unless quite a few have suddenly been made mods?
For the record I am not part of a "cliquie" like you I have an opinion. I post on this forum because of my dislike for Katie Price and everything she stands for.
For the record I don't agree with KH doing OF.
Neither do I agree with people coming on here to have a go at MP for booking a holiday for her and her partner when most people know no matter what thread they post on, that she works for BA doing long haul flights hence she is completely entitled to book a holiday using the discount given to her. Or spend her earnings how ever she likes. She works, she earns, she can spend.
I'm giving anyone saying how this may look, the benefit of the doubt, that they didn't know she worked for BA.
Now that they do, due to it having been pointed out on numerous occasions on a discussion forum, they may have quite rightly changed their opinion now that they have the full facts.
Now back to Price and her not working, not earning, owing people thousands but holidaying, owning horses, living in a huge house and seemingly having no shortage of funding.
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If I’m one of the people that’s aimed at I certainly don’t expect him to feel shame, nor am I bashing Michelle. I think he got with KP when he was young, he made a mistake, I imagine she was predatory and he went along with it, though none of us know.

I do think it’s in poor taste to be flaunting exotic holidays on socials when people have donated money to the family at a time when many are struggling financially. I know he didn’t ask for it but he also didn’t need to accept it. Imagine the furore on here if KP was doing the same?
But KP is a bankrupt narc so it’s not really comparable. I couldn’t tell you the last time I saw him on a holiday. The bloke never really seems to go anywhere. If he’s off to wherever with MP on the cheap due to her job good luck to them. After all the shit he’s been through and continues to go through he deserves a break.
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Yes they deserve a family holiday after the shit they've been through I agree, but why does it have to be a luxury holiday in Mauritius? What's wrong with Costa Del Sol or Tenerife like most people I know do?

If it genuinely is discounted to make it an affordable holiday, fine. If it is a luxury holiday that they are spending 000s on between accomm, meals etc and showing on socials then I think it's crass considering joe public is donating with the view that Kieran is skint.

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now and assume it's heavily discounted on hotels and flights, as some posters have suggested based on BA perks.

I agree with @Webster1357 that it's not great judgement on their part IMO to be showing themselves in a luxury holiday spot that many can only dream of, while people are donating.
This is going to sound weird but when I worked for BA I could get a cheap holiday to places BA flew to - such as Mauritius or the Caribbean rather than fork out full price for a Tenerife /costa del sol holiday as BA didn’t go there!

Illl stop now as I’m deviating.
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Yes, police had her on red alert 🙄 Blade was £6k, (are they sure he wasn’t £10k, her stuff usually is)
Poor Blade was never 6k. He was a pure breed pup and GSD's are not that expensive it would be worth around £1500 max 4 years ago.
Now a fully trained protection dog is worth tens of thousands but Blade clearly had very minimal training and his only purpose was promoting the dog protection whatever brand. I wouldn't touch this puppy mill with a bargepole. They had so many chances to retrieve him but didn't. Everybody failed Blade in his short and miserable life but they still manage to use breed him to make him even more unruly as You can't have an intact dog that had been bred in an unsecure place as they roam if they smell a bitch on heat from miles.
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Stan Butler

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Think the clan have been round to Pricey Towers given her a good rollicking and took control of her phone and social media. They know skanks "suicide" post is getting attention and she will get a visit from SS so someone probably Sophie the source is posting deflection posts, the hoover with a clean room the bedroom picture is an old one their trying to make it look like nothings wrong when in fact they'll be panicking and trying to sober up and detox skank ready for a Monday visit from SS. Bunch of cunts are trying to save skanks arse again and the gravy train.
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