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Well she’s obviously fine as just started following someone new on IG, but she will be getting a visit.
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I'm not taking sides. Got that? I'm not overly interested in KH,MP,KP. I won't be replying to anyone. I won't be posting anything else on the matter.

But blimey the hypocrisy.

To spend half the thread discussing KH, and then demand others go elsewhere because someone disagrees with a few comments about him?

The man isn't perfect. Nobody is perfect.
He does OF that's pretty extreme but no, that can't be criticised.
There's presumably a reason he doesn't have the kids at the moment (of course KP is a huge part of that, and arrests etc) but until the children are back with him permanently there's valid cause for speculation.
Most people don't have exotic holidays because they can't afford them. Anyone not knowing that MP gets discounts will see the GFM as wrong. That's their right. Surely others can see how it looks? You cannot dictate how the larger world sees things.

People have different opinions.
Some (indeed a lot of people here) take this on board and acknowledge all views.
Some choose one view and to hell with anyone saying otherwise, they're told to go elsewhere. They get others to agree and it snowballs. That's a clique, ladies and gentlemen. Cliques are ugly.
If there's a thread for KH, and you're told to only post there because someone doesn't like your opinion, then let's be balanced and only ever mention KH in that thread. Is that fair? Of course it isn't.

Hopefully this makes sense. I think it does.
Donate if you want, don't donate if you don't.
Approve of KH's lifestyle, or don't.
But nobody here (including me, before anyone says it) has the right to dictate what can and cannot be said in this group. Unless quite a few have suddenly been made mods?
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And just out of interest (sorry if this has been mentioned before) does it bother people that KH and MP seem to live quite a life of luxury yet people like us are donating to their go fund me for court help? I’m in two minds about how I feel about it (I know a lot of Ms trips are work related)
What looks like MP is on holiday is 99% work
Last time I remember KH having a holiday it was when he had all the kids.

if you do not agree with donating, then don’t.
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Well all seems very bizarre, so far this year, Harvey has turned 21, seems he just had a party at AFP house, nothing wrong in that, but after her giving it the big song and dance about a nightclub event with Barney, it was all very subdued. Not sure she would of even made any effort with arranging the party, I bet Sophie did it all.
Now Junior turns 18 and so far, just one old picture posted on her stories which will disappear in 24 hours. No gushing tribute, obviously her fan club didn’t make a montage video for her to attach some illiterate post to. Junior hasn’t reposted it or publicly said thanks like he did with his dad.
I’m sure it will be very different for mini me Princess.
She has single handedly destroyed her relationship with those children with her lies and constant harassment of her exs. Now it’s really showing.
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Michelle has had to put up with pwiccess shit for many years, and continues to do so, the nasty cunt wished disability ... death on her unborn child, amongst other vile things ... who the fuck does this!!! ... a sick mind :mad: .... she, Michelle also loves those children and treated them like her own, despite their ` mother ` bringing soo much trouble to her ... she has shown who she is, her true character ... by not holding that against them .... ` some ` step parents act otherwise, and want nothing to do with their partners children, often abusing, mistreating, causing long term mental health issues ... she isn't from that category, thank goodness, she comes from the ones who see them as children, first and foremost ... who need care, love, stability, even if she didn't give birth to them ` one of the good ones ` ( as is Emily )

Keiran did not ask for the GFM, people have donated from a good place, and in all truth ... I'm glad to have given, to help his cause, and when possible shall give again ` that's my choice, with money I have earned ` .... also why should they live life as hermits ... allowing that old whore dictate, what they can or cant do?

Michelle has other children to raise, so if her job affords her discounts on flights and accommodation, for a family holiday, they have every right to do this .... ` pwiccee should not control ` how she and he live life .... I trust what we have been told, that the GFM is being used ONLY for its purpose and I don't begrudge them a family holiday, or the odd night out, or buying each other gifts for their birthdays :rolleyes: why should life come to a standstill because his deranged lunatic x, can not bear to see him happy, or moving on with someone else

I also know 5 grand would not be enough to keep fighting her legally, for this long, so I'm sure, he would also be using his own/their money combined in that respect ..... pwiccceee takes up to 20plus holidays a year, which cost thousands up on thousands, while owing over 3 million quid ( which for some reason, she doesn't believe, she should pay back!!! .... Imagine if she owed YOU ... and you watched her daily, showing off, on IG .... boasting, laughing at being bankrupt, hearing her arrogantly sneering on tv ` they need to get to the back of the queue ` STILL LIVES in a fucking mansion, while owing all that money to people .... swans around affording, a constant supply of DRUGS, DRINK .... designer gear, lives like a millionaire ... sticking a middle finger up to everyone, she owes and has destroyed in her path, a big UP YOURS to lives ruined by her, add breaking the law multiple times ) and people bleat on about Kieran and Michelle trying to live a normal life, despite this fucking cancer they have hanging around their neck .... oh please do fuck off with that nonsensical SHIT! ... Keiran is paying the price for being ruled by his cock, when he met her .... and dumbly got involved, getting her knocked up ` twice ` believing her happily ` forever BS `she feeds every single stupid bastard who shags her ... once the children come along, she knew she had him where she wanted him, that's why she got pregnant so fast .... I agree, he was not too bright at the time, however, he has really learnt a harsh lesson, the hard way

go fund me's have zero accountability and often used by scammers
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Hopefully Kieran made the police aware of that post, and they had to make a welfare check, where SS would be contacted, in turn placed back to him as the other parent🤞 and given more power to his case ..... as I mentioned in my last long rambling post .... she has been spiralling for nearly a week now, well more than usual .... clear as day, drunk, high ... Psychotic, in no fit state to be around two small children, let alone looking after countless animals

Her manic rantings about ` pete ya cunt ` with wedding dress, clothes, was in fact a glimpse into where her mind is .... she still loves him, cant believe he had the cheek to leave her, moved on to a good woman, has a new family, still has full custody of their kids is HAPPY ( something she is NOT ) .... its been over 10yrs, most people move on after a break up, but she still ` manically ` holds onto this ... he is also NO CONTACT only through lawyers, which means she feels powerless, that she cant control him the way she does KH

I think in her pea brain, she thought he would eventually see the error of what he did, and would return to her when ready ... she's the mad old lady sat in her dusty wedding dress, around years of cobwebs waiting for her groom, who never comes .... she is stuck there, and no amount of relationships, children ... ` supposed therapy:rolleyes: ` will change the fact, she has not moved on mentally from him daring to leave her ..... she's not suicidal, but VERY manipulative, she knew the wedding dress post would be shared with ` pete ya cunt ` by someone and then comes the suicidal BS ... hoping this would make him take notice, care enough to get in touch, save her ... its all about attention, if she were serious about ending it, she wouldn't be picking a black background, with fancy lettering, for dramatic effect and advertising it on IG ... this was done for his sake, knowing the children would be worried, hence make him do something

Its all sneaky abusive behaviour ... she has tripped herself up though, this is what happens when someone is soo high, drunk acting on impulse with zero self control ... Dr Emily in her profession has to report this type of thing and Id imagine many people sent this message to J & P .. they both would have turned to their stepmother ..... ` cole ` is also giving her the silent treatment .. if she doesn't get what she wants, like a toddler, she stamps her feet, throws a tantrum, threatens self harm .. suicide .. until she does ... make no mistake this is only about 👉 SELF and nothing else ..... I pray both children are back with their loving father, and as for her, she can fucking rot in the priory!! 😡😡😡 if she really wanted to off herself, all she need do, its simple .... run out into the busy road near MM 🤷‍♀️
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Kieran has his own thread. You know it doesn’t sit well on this thread when he & M are dissed on here.
There's something a little repetitive here in that every single time Skanky screws up, there follows a string of posts questioning K & M's finances and lifestyle and the validity of the GFM.
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And just out of interest (sorry if this has been mentioned before) does it bother people that KH and MP seem to live quite a life of luxury yet people like us are donating to their go fund me for court help? I’m in two minds about how I feel about it (I know a lot of Ms trips are work related)
No not really.
Keep in mind, alot of thier family days out are gifted ( why shouldn't they enjoy that experience all together).
The meals out are often with family members, or PR arranged by KH management ( so hay why not also enjoy that).
Who's to say it's actually her mother, or Wendy or friends treating them! It's non of our business.
Her jewellery is often gifted by companies ( why the hell not show it off)
In comparison to some influencers, they actually don't take advantage alot.

She travels alot with work, they both earn and fit everything around family life.

They've had a very few difficult mnths, through no fault of thier own, accusations thrown at them left right and centre, why shouldn't they try and escape it all.

You don't see MP getting her hair done for hours on end, you don't see her having nails done ever 5 mins, they don't see them having tattoos, dragging thier kids along for the ride.
You don't see them out drinking with cling ons for days on end...
You don't see them buying pets that are disposable and nneglected.
You don't see them taking 20 blooming holidays a year for weeks on end, whilst claiming to BR ppl that they have no money...

We have been told on many occasions where the donated money goes, this has been back up by several insider on these threads.
I have faith and trust these funds are not being abused.

I would much rather see thier kids atleast experience a semi normal life, than them stuck at home isolated because dad's ever penny goes on family court cases, because of his narcissistic abusive ex.
Soooo. In short if a donation I made, gave them all a family day out, enjoying themselves and making memories... then so be it... who the fuck are we to judge...
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Enjoy peeps... i think this is it ... I dont think there will be anymore TV shows for Kipper, they don't perform well enough to invest in ... pretty sure she is banned from ITV due to her SA rape/ITV didn't protect me lies, she wont even get interviewed on there again (I also think she tried to get back as panelist on Loose Women but it was a no) ... I dont think her contract with ch5 will be renewed... she has made herself too toxic and risky with the animal deaths and suicide allusions ... the JYBother contract will timeout ... she is not model material physically (never was) and the market for middle aged rough looking glamour models is non existent... she is rubbish as a social media 'influencer' ... she is unreliable at one off "events" ... Harvey is not a cute child and he is not playing ball anymore (saying no) ... Junior won't let her hang off his coat tails for fame ... neither will Princess ... no one wanted to run a story about AFP lung transplant, the book will vanish without trace ....since #slapgate no red top will pay her for story (she sold it then pulled out and said they lied) ... all the red tops do now is lift stuff from her Instasham or print some pics she paid for of her walking down street or rurning upto a zleb event ahe wasnt actually invited to... even if she gets out of the bancruptcy the price she pays will be very high to some very dodgy people ... since she is Desperate to remain 'famous' I suspect that the only option left to her now is the murky secret sex working zleb world fronted by her OF page and she needs to at least be a regular in the side bar of shame to maintain the punters interest
Anyway, that's my opinion
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Shock Horror, looks like C4 are stumping up the cash and are onboard with this project, though the promotional poster is rather OTT if you ask me…..

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Have to say I’m not one to post much about Andre’s kids with Skank, think they are safe and have a good life away from her, so I kinda leave it at that, but the exchange between Andre and J on IG today is a really beautiful thing (actually felt a bit emotional, I’m such a sad git at times 😁) really looks like J knows the score about his mum. No doubt he loves her, but the bond between him and his Dad is so strong, he knows what his Dad has been through with Skank, I so hope this is the case with P as well, she needs to be totally out of Skank’s malevolent clutches

Cards on the table, I used to laugh at Andre, back when he was with Skank I thought he was as bad as her, just a cheesy one-hit wonder who’s career was over and suddenly got lucky with them as a couple, coining it in for a few years, thought they were both awful.

Since he left her though, I still think he’s cheesy, still really a one-hit wonder ( Still shocked it was only recently I was informed on here he has a weave/wig, honestly thought it his own hair 🤦🏽‍♀️😁) but seeing he’s had to fight to get those kids away from her, and he’s continued to successfully fend off any influence from her in their growth, I do respect him. Yeah he had the money to do it, but fair play, both J & P (still a bit worried about P) appear to be undamaged by our ‘Mum of the year’. Sadly KH doesn’t have the resources of Andre and we can all see the horrendous damage she can do if you don’t have the backing Andre has.

Anyway this is just a long-winded post to say well done Andre, you kinda turned my opinion about you round, still not a fan of the music but you done well by your two kids, especially against the background of the witch lurking in the shadows. Fair play mate 👍🏾😁
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Cat Eyez

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And just out of interest (sorry if this has been mentioned before) does it bother people that KH and MP seem to live quite a life of luxury yet people like us are donating to their go fund me for court help? I’m in two minds about how I feel about it (I know a lot of Ms trips are work related)
I believe it's discussed a few times and the general consensus was.... If it bothers you don't donate, if it doesn't donate if you wish/want.

We don't know their financial situation and I think it's unfair to pass comment, for all we know her Mum could have booked them the holiday, as they are ploughing all their money into legal costs.

Equally MP may have booked it herself with her own money and work discount.
Many couples have separate accounts and spend separately.
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I've said it before and I'll say it one last time. You can choose to ignore it, obviously. But do some research and you'll easily find that it's true -

Those saying suicidal people never ever mention it - you're wrong.
They do, often. In fact the majority mention it first.
They might laugh about it, they might be serious, but they most definitely do mention it. For varying reasons.

I'm not saying I believe kp (I don't think about her, I don't care, I'm here for the humour and chat).
But as a sweeping definite statement, 'people never ever say it' is not true. It's also a pretty dangerous way to think as genuine distress will be ignored as attention seeking.

Back to business.
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Chatty Member
Agree, No one has hounded her, anything in the press is from what SHE has put out there. Everything we know about her is as a result of what she has posted or sold to the press via Backgrid. If she really wanted to be left alone she should delete all her social media and disappear, she will never do that though. What would hurt her more is to not have articles printed. Can’t have it both ways.
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