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She is starting to look more like Macho Man Randy Savage.

-this comment is posted on location, from my kitchen.

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Cat Eyez

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Pretty sure the cooking post is all staged and made to wind everyone up after her the recent bunny videos.... Disgusting 🤢
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This is what I meant about the scar around her head, it's white and stands out from her tanned skin. She also had a scar along the top from her brow lift.

Screen Shot 2023-05-16 at 20.09.45.png
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The hot tub cleaning beg proves one thing, Channel 4 are done with her. No more freebies for Price.
If that hot tub guy isn’t a proper plumber. Isn’t trained to earth a tub like that, and ensure proper drainage to a septic tank, in her case. She will either sue him, or just embarrass every penny he ever made from Instagram away from his wallet. No builders, cleaners, assistants, hair or make up people ever walk away from that pile of smelly filth factory either compensated or happy.
Hot tub guys aren't plumbers, but they are specially trained hot tub engineers. That thing will need a huge amount of cleaning done to all the pipes for the jets, they will be full of algae and god knows what. It will need it's filter replacing and new silver balls, plus cleaning and refilling. ( a time consuming job). It also looks as though it doesn't have a lid on it which will need replacing. Just had to do this on mine, it was a 6 month wait for a new lid ( they have to come from the US) and cost £400. I would say given the state of that thing it should be between £500-£1000 to get it up and running again, and then if you don't check the water and balance the ph, chlorine etc daily it will soon be rank again. If that guy is going to do that in return for free advertising he is a mug. How many of her 'fan's' are likely to be potential customers for him? You are right about them needing to be earthed properly ( we had a special plug outlet installed for ours, again more cost) it can be fatal. We had friends whose 18 year old son was sadly electricuted by their hot tub ( not in the UK though, somewhere with dodgy wiring).
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Pink Squirrel

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@Facehugger did you see the amazing flyover last night?
I was a very emotional Krusty last night. Watching the Lancaster fly over to commemorate 80 years since Operation Chastise. God bless the bravery of The Dambusters. Lives lost so we can live as we do today.
And the home of 617 squadron about to have 2000 single 'asylum seeking' males dumped there to live whilst their applications are processed.
Talk of moving Guy Gibson's dogs remains & grave because of this 😢

I wonder if Skanky was aware of yesterday? I wonder if she gives a thought to lives lost so she's free to lie, cheat & grift her way through life? Does she care about a dog who was seen as a mascot? I'd wager not 🙄

My later evening then took an interesting turn when I was called out of bed. Off I went, in my pajamas & wellies to play 'put the naughty horses back in their own fields' 🤦 7 of them 🤦 torch on my mobile & a bag of horsey treats 🥴🤣 Task completed without the use of alcohol, expletives or loss of life....Skanky I'm looking at you 😡
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Did we not calculate it has about 180 hours to serve still outstanding from over a year ago? So that'll be what? 45 four hour sessions its got to complete - yeah my arse it'll ever get that done before it has another batch to add on! :mad:

They ought to have incarcerated the thing rather than piss about with CS to which it picks & chooses what it will deign to to do and when which is hardly any sort of punishment for a trollop like the skank. It should haave been made to serve it all in one go in clink. On The Rack :)
I think she's in some type of shit AGAIN and her solicitor has ` advised ` her to do the CS properly, in order to show, she is doing her best to reform and be a better ` law abiding ` citizen 🙄 remember this bitch only does something that will serve SELF ... otherwise, she would be on the next holiday by now
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And, quelle surprise, she doesn't even make an effort to dress at least appropriate, instead like some scummy street rat. That's kicking around the house clothing. It's so disrespectful to the shop, the charity and to the customers who use it.

I love a potter around the thrift/charity stores, most of my clothes comes from them, and around here the shop workers/volunteers at least dress to nicely, clean and tidy. No one is asking for a power suit but.. Come on.

She really has just stopped caring about her outward appearance since getting with him.
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She’s yanking our chain and just shows how despo she is for column inches.
She’s not gonna get all that shit done because:
A) She can’t pay for it as she’s “bankrupt”
B) She would have to scour the world trying to find a new butcher.
C) She can’t leave her kids, she has to be with them 24/7 for their menkle elf.

Oh, hang on, I’m applying logic to her statement. Silly me. As you were…
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What has bunny made it looks disgusting why is KP letting her eat that rubbish. Is the poor kid starving and having to make rubbish herself as KP cant be bothered?
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That crack need sorting!
God Almighty.... she looks a mess even filtered to the brink of extinction.... and there she is advertising clothes that are so cheap you can find better on a market stall ... top mowdel right there .. who is this Jythehellwudyoubother clothing range aimed at ... Comfort wear for OAPs on a restricted income ??? High fashion its not
I was right ... that is 1000000% a wig ... I am a full time wiggy that has amazing thick perfect hair that looks crap like that if i am not paying attention ... the hair is too thick, the colour is all wrong - a block dark colour with no highlights, the cut has no movement ... its a cheap bargain basement job of a wig sat on the head of a lazy clueless tithead who can't be arsed even attempting to look after it


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The bunty pic, I wont repost .... shows exactly how arrogant she is ... it shows her fucked up mindset .... Instead of protecting her child from deviants, who were clearly making creepy comments to the little girl, most here read them, doesn't bear thinking how many private messaged her 🤬 🤬 🤬 ... she puts her back out there, to show who's in charge, to point score against their father, middle finger yet again, to those concerned, she knows what she's doing, showing YET again ` I do what the fuck I want ... even if it endangers my child ... I WIN every time ` .... a ` mother ` who cant see how wrong it was for her 8yr old daughter, to be online with pervs salivating over her ` innocence ` making unacceptable comments .... should NOT have those children in her care .... instead she has posted the ` stunning ` child :sick: on her own platform, so more perverts can get off on an 8yr old child, in full adult makeup, puckering her lips to the camera, every pervs wet dream .... Ive said this before, and will say it again .... ` Most mothers protect their young .... she feeds them to the lions `

The GFM is at £5, 045 ..... Good luck Keiron, you have much support here ❤

Remember when skanky slag was in bed with naked Harvey, she’s sick in the head and so are the media. They should have told her that those pictures are unacceptable for newspapers
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Crawl must be pretty desperate for cash too as this is his invitation on his OF site:

"Welcome to my Only Fans page! 

This is the only way you will get exculsive (sic) content gaining 100% access to my life.

Subscribe to me and see me with no filter and completely laid bare. 

Basically my OnlyFans page will be based on what you want to see! Live ask me anything’s and all sorts. I’ll post some day to day content. But really the main aim of the game is what you want.

You get direct access to me through messaging. I will make individualised photos and videos upon request so find me in the DMs! 📸📹

We’ve got this. Let’s get friendly.

You don’t have permission to copy or reuse any of my images or videos. Keep them in the vault 😀. I will prosecute the people I find doing otherwise. "

It's going down a storm, he posted it last Friday and has has 3, that's right 3, likes. Rumour on lspg is that he, like his scabby missus, is also up for hire and that's probably arranged via his direct messaging. Ooh, more prosecution action too if any of his 3 fans copy or reuse any of his images or videos.

He's such a failure, the poor wanker.
"We've got this. Let's get friendly" 🤦‍♀️ got what? Hold of your asparagus for your 3 punters! Hardly finding a cure for cancer are you, absolute twat. I'd pay to tell him to his face he's a fuckin dickhead
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Stan Butler

VIP Member
I think she's in some type of shit AGAIN and her solicitor has ` advised ` her to do the CS properly, in order to show, she is doing her best to reform and be a better ` law abiding ` citizen 🙄 remember this bitch only does something that will serve SELF ... otherwise, she would be on the next holiday by now
Anna,, the only reason it's been pictured doing its community service is because it's fucking off the Ibiza in the few days for H's birthday and the cafe/restaurant opening. Skank wants to get some good publicity and bless her support from her fan before she faces a backlash for exploiting H in Ibiza because that's what's coming. Skank has something planned in Ibiza to make money out of H's birthday and that cafe/restaurant opening the next day. 😎
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