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I rescued 1 of my dogs from China about 18months ago, he was in a slaughter house. The cost to fly him over was astronomical as flights were very limited from China at the time. He has so many issues due to his previous life there, very reactive, no visitors can come to my house, he absolutely hates my husband. Our lives have been completely changed by his arrival but you know when I look at him sound asleep at night in a clean comfy bed, every moment is worth it. I do wonder what psychological issues she has inflicted on them poor pets
I have a Romanian rescue. We got her when she was about 5 months old but she lived on the streets for her first few months. I don’t know what she went through but she is terrified of people. She didn’t like my husband either but she’s fine with him now, we’ve had her 5 years though lol. She is the most loving and affectionate dog with us and I wish she would trust other people but I wouldn’t be without her. This is Lulu 💖
I don’t understand how anyone can mistreat animals, if my pets kept dying through my negligence I’d be mortified and I certainly wouldn’t keep getting new ones!
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I think MP was reposting pictures of people wearing the wrist bands the other day. Was it her wrist? If it was I know people think that wearing a Rolex could be seen as vulgar when KH has a GFM. People behave/react differently, KP has certainly constantly put the knife in to MP throughout her relationship with KH and it’s her money at the end of the day, some people would give every penny to their partner to get their kids back and who knows she isn’t helping financially 🤷🏻‍♀️, we don’t know what is happening behind the scenes and that’s to protect the kids (even though KP does nothing to protect the kids from her side)
People are being generous by donating and that is personal choice, I have donated and will continue to do so, that’s my choice.
Also, KSR is very good friends with the Jewellers who did KP/SB’s engagement ring, as some people have said most of that stuff will have been gifted. This is the social media/ influencer world these days.
KP (used to and possibly still does) get loads of stuff sent to her, gifted, but she doesn’t hardly ever #ad it on her socials and was always getting chased. Plain lazy in everything and wants everyone else to do everything for her.
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Thank you Stapes (y)

Just a reminder of when Rolo died.

Now that was back in July 2020.
I’ve posted this story loads before, about her groom & the animals. Seen it myself, animals shut in a small room, cat trays overflowing, dogs shut in cages with no food/water, covered in 💩. All she’ll do, is get a lackie in to clean up for 3-4 weeks, in case RSPCA turn up to inspect (they won’t). The RSPCA have had more than enough complaints, I’ve complained numerous times. We know thousands have signed petitions, they did F all. She’s an arrogant con woman. Bet house & animals situation being ‘sorted’ temporarily as I’m typing this. Why haven’t The Scum published said pictures of the squalor these poor animals are living in?
I’ve seen it 1st hand & it’s heartbreaking. I had words with her about it, locking dogs in cages & she laughed, saying they were filthy. Said not good for the kids, who were little then (Jett & Bunny). WHY keep getting dogs/cats if that’s how she feels. Her mother & SFP, never said anything, yet supposedly animal lovers. Was different when Kieran was on the scene. Animal’s were well cared for. Unless she kicked off and shut them away. Nothing will be done. Animal’s are treated terribly & nobody in authority seems to want to get them removed & her banned from EVER owning another pet. Who looks after them & horses, when she’s rarely at MM? 🥲🥲
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Dear Willow I know you have posted the abuse of her animals loads of times.I’ve signed petition sent them messages etc..I feel fucking helpless.😢You must do as well as you are a rescuer.l😢😢
Well you know how terribly helpless I feel. Have my dog, cats & the rescue hogs. I’ve been very unwell, but still go & see to my indoor/ outside animals as I love them & don’t feel happy if I leave the kids/ hubby doing the cleaning & care for them. Hogs that haven’t been able to be released cleaned everyday. Indoor cat, ( very old) has litter tray cleaned after use ( I do let family do that job💩🙀). Dog walked & let out regularly. To be honest, it’s been lovely having them all on the bed with me, when I’ve been poorly💖🥰. I’ve got contacts with vets, who have contacted RSPCA too about her treatment of animals, but even they’ve got nowhere. I’m sick of seeing the advert for RSPCA, as if they care. How many more complaints do they need. How many more stories/ reports do they need to read? Enough now, they need to take action. 😡🤢💩
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She’s a relationship expert manipulator, starts off with the love bombing and telling the guys how lucky they are to be with her because let’s face it she could snap her claws sorry fingers and have anyone because there’s only one Pricey.
They get sucked into her deceptive world of lies and manipulation go on holidays and live her fake life going along with all her bullshit and let’s face it some men can be fucking mugs when it comes to women.
Look at poor Alex I do have a soft spot for him actually because he was so badly treated by her, but he was caught up in the world of Katie Price and honestly thought she loved him. She was ready to dump him until he won big brother then almost seconds later they were off to Vegas to get married which was an obvious two fingers up at Pete. Alex isn’t a clever man but then again none of her men have been, he got moulded into what she needed at the time. Katie will never have a grown up relationship ever she’s not capable and no one of any substance will ever want her, a dirty shag maybe to laugh about with your mates but not the wife or girlfriend of anyone decent.
Yes 100% she's manipulative and follows the usual abuser script. She will be telling every single one of them the last man was so awful she tried
to kill herself, she was abused as a child,.....she will not baulk at using anything at all to make them think she's someone that needs saving and they are the one to do it, even if it was someone else's abuse story. They put in a monumental effort into being the perfect person for a short time to draw you in, it's an act, they are just mirroring what the 'victim' wants. She loves the public attention of looking to be in a perfect relationship, she always claims the bloke is 'perfect / the One' at this early stage.
She only needs to convince them for the first few months then the bad behaviour will start but by then an abuser may have got pregnant, may have got photos of you doing drugs, may have got you to steal/ hide money, may have threatened suicide.
She isolated Alex, she phoned his workplaces and got them to cancel his work, she got Alex to dump his manager ( and friend), said it was her or him. She sprung a 'surprise' wedding on him, again, this was isolated from family and friends who might have said 'bad idea ' This was at the same time as making sure he was filmed 24 hours for her show and her 'advising' him on the media and how to act. He has since said he didn't know what was real and felt like he was on LSD. It's basically brainwashing.
As we all know she was encouraging Alex to be himself and then used that against him. People don't know they're being abused until it's too late. She was insanely jealous of Pete, Kieran, Kris and now Sinky. She convinced Sink Boy she could never cheat as they had each other's logins, said the same to Kris. She goes through phones and messages. She's obsessed with filming people and keeping the footage. She carries out every feature of coercive control. Then she stalks and smears and humiliates them when they leave.
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Gonna open up so please bear with me, been out for my usual snooker night, but been in so much pain for weeks with arthritis could not play a decent game, been under rheumatologist who stopped my steroids which masked my pain and put me on Methotraxate which is for arthritis been on it for 6 months but so much pain cannot function normally. Going on weekly injections which the wife will love giving me. Anyway came in tonight and confessed to wife I couldn’t cope any more , burst out into real sobs ( Manly Hey ) as she was cuddling me my dog, came over crying for a cuddle, not proud but show,s how my fur boy loves me. Can Skank do that? Sorry for whinging but shows how much love I have. can you imagine SB giving the love
Oh Ming, I’m so sorry you are suffering so much, it’s okay to be vulnerable and sad. Admitting you are suffering takes courage, letting people know you are not doing well is the best way, it doesn’t necessarily change your situation but at least you are not alone and people will be able to understand.
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Thank you to everyone who gave me words of support and encouragement, it was very much appreciated.❤❤❤
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Once you donate that's it. You have no say over what the money is used for.

I've said it before.
If someone donates, he can do whatever he wants with it- holidays, jewellery, new car, lawyers, truncheon, whatever. No explanation needed.
It's no longer anyone else's money, it's his.

Personally I think the easiest plan may be to donate (if wanted), hope it's spent as intended then move on completely. Analysing the cost of everything he has will drive folk mad.
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Regardless of whatever else Kieran spends his money on, why should he have to spend it on fighting her insanity? He works for his money and he should be able to enjoy a normal life for his kids, I think part of the point of the GFM is to allow him to fight for the kids without scraping every penny to do it, because it's totally unfair that he has to spend thousands on malicious allegations when he loves his kids and is a good dad.

Why does Marsh get investigated on the back of apparently one report of taking a meerkat to the pub when KP gets absolutely no consequence at all for multiple reports of actual abuse?! (Not saying I agree with taking a meerkat to the pub but it seems more of a grey area!)
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At last , after weeks of hope, something that may finally bring her down. But distressingly at the expense of defenceless animals who were unfortunate to end up in her possession. As a ( largely) nation of animal lovers this should be unforgivable to the vast public. However, as sad and as sickened as I am it also appals me that this is what the papers are/ will finally report on, overlooking every other despicable thing she has done to poeple, wrecking lives and livelihoods. Harping on about mental elf, when she is one of the worst perpetrators at causing mental decline and suffering. My husband is a vet, our home is full of animals we’ve taken in from situations just like this. Her fans won’t be bothered by it, I suspect like her they see pets, pets wrong word for these kind of lowlifes who own them, as nothing more than an accessory to be disposed of or forgotten about at will. My hubby has reported many cases over his long career to social services where he has seen animal cruelty / neglect , and seen it in the clients children, it’s proven to be linked. I truly hope something is done to get those kids away from her , although they are fed and clothed , often inappropriately, she can hardly be seen as someone who is capable for caring for any living thing in a responsible manner.
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Fucking hell calling KH lifestyle lavish is a step beyond isn’t it? Bloody lavish? When was the last time you saw the bloke go anywhere?! MP does but she’s a bloody air hostess. It baffles me how people can get so upset about what he does when no forces anyone to donate to that GFM. Yet here we have KFP what most would describe as a lavish lifestyle (month long holidays, constant beauty treatments, living in a mansion even if it is a shithole) and she’s a bloody bankrupt!
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Over the years I’ve been convinced that to be a Krusty you have to be a mad animal lover, and everyone is up in arms, But I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how any mother, especially THE
Wonderful Mother” Can be proud that her daughter, a little Kiddie wants to go on onlyfans, I just find it disgusting, just like I did when she found it funny that her son swears, The thing is an absolute disgrace, and nobody could convince me otherwise
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It says something about the backdoor. It makes me think someone was outside, not necessarily a guest and they could be sued for invasion
of privacy if they shared the inside of her house without consent?
The photo could've been taken by a workman or one of the TV crew maybe?
Maybe they should send it to "The Village" and share it around "The Deluded Women of Kieran"??
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Brah Day Izit?

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I hope someone has the wherewithal to send those pictures to children's services. J&B are clearly living in filthy conditions. I wonder what their bedrooms/bathrooms look like?

Send her down.
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