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Morning Tattlers, hope you all have a Happy Easter Sunday 🐣 I have a spinning head this morning (all that wine that I chucked down, hasn’t helped) with last night’s weird explosion of nonsensical allegations. I’m that discombobulated by this endless saga of Skanky game-playing, all it needs is The Festival of Bins to throw-in a post and I may spontaneously combust…..what will it take to stop this Skank.

Anyway day-out for Easter Sunday activities with my kid (eeeeeek with a bit of a hangover🤦🏽‍♀️) why can’t the Skank just be normal and look after her children in this way, not sit around plotting revenge and hate all day, she’s a total psycho isn’t she.

Let’s see what today brings and hopefully by the end of today we get some answers to what exactly has gone down here. Just when you think things can’t get more bizarre yet again they do, off-the-scare bizarre now 🤦🏽‍♀️
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I’m loving all the positive vibes coming from @DC16 and @Brah Day Izit?

Wednesday can’t come quick enough, I wish I could just skip tomorrow altogether and wake up on BH Day.
I want her put on a watertight payment plan and all her lies exposed, but more than that, I want J and B to be reunited with their dad.
A few criminal charges would be the icing on the cake.
I hope she is absolutely bricking it.
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For the life of me I cannot understand why she is so revered in the press. We all know what a foul mother she is, who in god,s name thinks it’s a great kids activity to attend hairdressers and beauty salon,s. To holiday in the sex capital of the world where perverts are are everywhere and to put full nails and make up on a pre pubescent child. To remove children from school to deprive them of their friends and appropriate activities. To hawk a disabled adult out just so she can be relevant, to treat him as more disabled than he is and to restrict his life. To spend holiday after holiday while bankrupt laughing in the face of creditors. WILL SHE EVER RECEIVE THE JUSTICE AND CONSEQUENCES SHE DESERVES???? If it was a normal person she would be sent down. She has NEVER been an A LISTER and the only possible celebrity boyfriend has been DWIGHT YORKE,no one else wanted her. As for the latest KH she truly disgusts me. Not sorry for ranting as she makes my blood boil. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Brah Day Izit?

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I really feel for you, Brah. The frustration you must feel when you do everything in your power to help only for the court to throw it all out in the blink of an eye. No wonder you're having a rethink. I imagine every day is a very thankless task. Just know your appreciated, by us lot, at least. 😘
You are the best Phoebs ♥ Thank you lovely

I get so much positive feedback from my lovely young people, but I am now thinking of sitting on the parole board. Then I have a say on who is released. They approached me a couple of years ago, but I declined, stupidly thinking more money was to be made as a barrister in children's law.

Silly me!

I thought about the judge route but at the magistrate level, then realised I couldn't make a marked difference.

I'd be sending KFP down for 42 years.
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Didn’t feel like a jokey “Holly countdown to the BH’ earlier, but seeing KH laughing and smiling and MP posting happy pics, kinda feeling (very much hoping) this stunt hasn’t gone well for Skank, so let’s have a laugh at the Skank’s expense

Holly’s been to the ‘Darts’ 🎯

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I bet Pete thanks his lucky stars everyday he managed to get away from it without too much grief. Does the media and her dumb as fuck fans not see the same pattern every single time with the exs but it's NEVER her fault, always theirs.
She'd have everyone believe she's been nothing but loyal, trustworthy, honorable, committed to all these tossers just for them to cheat on her, screw her for money, use her for fame 🤣 oh the poor soul. Least she's now with a real man who would do anything for her, works the frontline and gets no recognition, but he's still there, fighting the good fight.
Pair of first class narcissistic arseholes of the highest order
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I think she’ll go off on one today. Kieran’s agent has fought back with a statement, the press coverage hasn’t condemned Kieran and none of the press are taking her “I’ve got to protect my children “ stuff seriously.
I imagine she expected the press to side with her and turn on Kieran. It hasn’t happened. Also where did the “child neglect” piece come from? The statement from Sussex police did not mention arresting him on suspicion of child neglect - just the firearms bit. I wonder if that was fed to the press by KP?
Kipper I arrogant and thick ... for years she was involved in inventing reality show storylines that were routinely picked up as fact by the media ... she keeps calling the press put for 'lies' sbout her now ... the reason is that she can't understand why the media don't just run with her made up storylines anymore ... she is showing signs of madness now, keeps trying the same tricks over and over expecting a different outcome ... rinse and repeat is all she knows how to do, the lies are getting bigger, she is involving SS and the police now but the scenarios are the same - she has no imagination, just uses some other press story and fits it to herself - I believe that she is going to get caught in a net of her own making, this is not going to end well
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I can see clearly KFP''s MO again. It's always the same. What I don't understand it's a clear pattern of harassing KH and M even has a RO in place. Why is the police cooperating with her dirty games ?as far as I'm aware fuck all came out of it before . Isn't there any law against harassment? And by the why this waste of oxygen has private police force at her service when it doesn't pay taxes and suing the police ? The police don't do nothing when serious crimes are happening and blame cuts but have all the time in the world to assist personal hate campaign?
It doesn't make any sense but I'm sure that again there won't be any ramifications for the deranged crackhead instigator.
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Well he seems to get a beating for whatever he does from some people. If he was in hiding they'd take that as guilt. If he says nothing he's weak, if he posts something he's provocative.

I don't think he's perfect but as others have said he has been abused by KP for years now and so has Michelle. If he was female I'm convinced he would get more sympathy and people would automatically side with him. Attacking him for everything he posts or does seems like further vitimisation to me and it's actually aiding her abuse. Part of coercive control is trashing someone's reputation, so they are left isolated.
Kipper didn't reckon on just how strong Muchelle is ... a lot of women would have walked away, but, she clearly loves KH and she really is a very tough cookie and has become his backbone
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I absolutely hate how she says "I'm here to protect MY kids". Not "the kids".. not "Bunny and Jett"... MY kids. It sets my teeth on edge and I don't know why.
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This from the woman who puts her youngest child on TikTok and sets a vulnerable young adult up with an Instagram account. She is fucking deluded. I could not despise her more than I do right now for what she putting those kids through.
Yeah perfect childhood, unlike the one KP imposes on her kids whilst with her. Sat in nail bars , hair salons, photoshoots etc for hours on end, day after day. Staged shopping trips , adult holidays for weeks at a time. Missing school and therefore their friends and childhood activities . No football matches, days at the fairs. Wonder if KP got out her bed this morning to hide easter eggs for the kids, or even bought them one. Doubt it , probably spend the day sitting beside a pool whilst mummy and Cole get smashed and argue with each other. Someone should tell her that shes the parent and it's up to her to make her childrens childhood safe and enjoyable . Get a grip you absolute piece of shit of a mother
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Yep.Spot on.A very dangerous woman.
I am really struggling with these latest shenanigans as I am trying to be objective.And there is always the possibility that there is some truth behind the headlines.But KP has form for instigating this kind of thing, and I can see her revelling in causing mayhem.I think she has lost all semblance of control over her actions.
When the dust settles, I hope KH considers getting some kind of restating order against her( easier said than done I know).
I am sure that the police are completely fed up with the entire situation.
Kippers claims are becoming more and more outlandish ... 2 things with this... firstly its a sign of her getting desperate because she is not getting the result she wants, secondly people will soon start to question the ridiculous suggestions ... leave her to it and give her enough rope ... after years of my having to defend myself the lies got so huge that people finally saw through them. I will also say this, whatever anyone's opinion of DY, KIPPER is the reason he has no contact with Harvey, i believe that he tried initially but in the end sent money and just removed himself so the toxic bint couldn't continue to abuse him ... her complaints that only his legal team or intermediaries contact her to ask how Harvey is speak volumes ... along with the fact DY publically refused to allow PA to adopt Harvey which would have resolved him of any financial or other obligation if he really didn't want anything to do with his son
My life was destroyed by the narc who targeted me, they won't let go, you can't stop it, people believe them and you spend your life defending yourself over lie after lie. My ex partner felt sorry for her 'you should try harder to be friends' ... he had no idea how many years the lies had gone on for, that I had tried EVERYTHING ... my friend had seen me in tears, read the threatening emails and texts for months before she met this person ... she said 'if I didn't know you and hadn't seen all that stuff I wouldn't believe it of her... she plays a good part' that is KIPPER. God help Carol because his turn will come
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Well guys, I am going on holiday on Saturday. It’s all inclusive but we take spending money for duty free/gifts etc. After her latest vile behaviour to KH, I am going to take a bit less with me so I can redonate to the go fund me again. SHE IS IMMORTAL AND WARPED!
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I cannot stand KP. I remember her being pregnant with Harvey, pissed at nightclubs which she later used to say she wasn’t!
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Whilst I agree with everyone that Katie has a finger in this pie and it's probably all a load of vicious nonsense, I do wonder if Kieran and Michelle are trying just a little bit too hard with the "everything's hunky-dory in life" routine.
I believe that Kieran has adapted his lifestyle to accommodate Michelle's career, which tbf was never going to be 9 to 5 as cabin crew, so personally I admire the way they handle their lives, still make time for each other and the 2 kids living with them who always look happy, well cared for and involved with activities they enjoy.
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