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Morning Krusties 💜
Been a while for me on this thread. I see she’s still up to her usual shit. Will add she looks like a twat with her deformed lopsided boob situ and hideous tats. Clearly back on the smack and alcohol as she can’t type properly and looks doped. Such an idiot.
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This article contains the most vile pictures of Kipper I have ever seen. Her legs could not possibly be spread any further apart and the white pants are see through ... some are verging on soft porn ... just vile. Katie Price debuts ANOTHER giant new tattoo and showcases her 'biggest ever' boobs | Daily Mail Online

However, it was worth the horror for this one unfiltered gem of her natural 'beauty'

View attachment 2018375
You can see her flange. I feel dirty. 🤢 Pass the mind bleach.
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On Jessica Alves Instagram, showing off her ONE DAY POST OP rocks. Done by the very same Dr Plovier, he really does specialise in deforming patients with wonky norks doesn’t he.
What the fuckerty fuck is going on in her 'undercarriage' that outfit looks painful!!!!
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can you honestly see skanky cutting short her holiday because of the kids welfare ? or coming back for her mother ,who had had a transplant? ,in fact she went on holiday knowing how ill her mother was and due/had the operation. i dont think she cut her holiday short at all,i think she had a quick trip for plastic surgery and came back when she was suppose to have come back, i also think if puddinggate happened at all,it was something she had set up and had been sitting on for some time and brought out as deflection, because the gossip was rife about her mother having a lung transplant and she had buggered off on holiday and it was not in a good light, refecting on her. she gathers information and drip feeds it as deflection when needed, just like those photos. only reason skanky came back off holiday,was because she was due back , and thats it.
I suspect she was bombarding Social Services with claims of abuse ( she ranted about them ignoring her in the past) . She probably coached Bunny and Jett to tell her stuff and to get Bunny to record things on her phone. When Bunny sent her something she could use, I think she sent that to SS and when she got news they would look into it, that's when she rushed home to claim she had custody.
I still don't think she got a court order giving her '100% custody' but SS have a duty to look into things and she will have pounced on that as an opportunity to get revenge and slander Kieran and Michelle everywhere and take the kids.
I think she invented the story of people from 'the village' seeing the video to justify why she had video of people in their private home. That's all my opinion obviously... based on reading between the lines.
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'Oo Rey and up she rises, Kipper's got breasts of different sizes.....'

How could you not notice this and spend days strutting about to pose for photos? Maybe the right one is a noo egg she's hatching?

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I get what you mean, he really does seem like a nice, well rounded soul and has always struck me as a great Dad, it really does baffle me how he got involved with the likes of KP in the first place, let alone marry her, they are so unsuited. As a parent myself I doubt he regrets it because of Junior and Princess, but as @Ecosse said above, he must look back and think WTF. I think he and his PR have been fairly clever in remarketing him, but there was good stuff there to work can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear and all that!
I know it’s not a PA thread but he seemed to be quite insecure and I think the attention she gave him was very alluring. I think the entire crux of their relationship being dreadful was that in actual fact he did not really like her Jordan persona and realised it wasn’t really fake, it was what she was actually like! She used to make out she was a boring person who never wore makeup and liked staying in never drinking but in reality she likes to party take drugs and act like an idiot.
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So Gary Glitter is back behind bars.

See you stoopid bint!
Its people like him that would ogle Bunny plastered in makeup sucking on a lollipop 😡
So happy to see this seeing as he was located just opposite an immediate family member's house. It was manic when it got out where he was. There are so many schools in the nearby area.

Totally agree with you about how pics of B dolled up would be right up his street. Sick shit that he is.
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She's going to be well jetlagged for her Plasterclass in Newport then on the 15th...! She's gonna look a picture with that lovely peeling forehead and leathery rind skin....
She posted just a few days ago, the kids need her 24/7 because of 2 people being investigated (presumably Kieran & Michelle). Liar. How’s she doing a plaster class & who will be looking after them? IF authorities aren’t there to greet her immediately she’s home, they need to be paying a visit to MM while she’s off doing her 💩makeup class & find out who’s seeing to the kids & remove them. Bloody fed up with her sticking 2 fingers up at everyone, her constant lies & disregard & accusations towards Kieran & Michelle. She’s dangerous & evil.
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Yes, Kieran was taking & picking them up from school, cooking their meals (general dogs body & hired hand). He had a good relationship with Peter & the kids spent time between the 2 houses. They had a cleaner that came in, but Kieran was mainly looking after them. I think it was towards the end, when Kieran really had enough and was moving out, that J & P moved in with Peter & Emily.
I remember she said she hadnt been home for a month, just before she split from KH . He was left with the 5 kids . Also either J or P said it was KH who got the kids up, gave them breakfast and did the school run as she didn't get out of bed till lunchtime. Think she made a remark about you know I wasnt in a good place
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Stan Butler

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I wouldn't be surprised that if KP's family did have concerns over her health and said as much, she would interpret it as something else and
just brush it off. Like maybe one of them said she looked really unhealthy and bloated from too much booze and she thinks they're picking on her for holiday weight? If that was the case they need to be a bit more direct and have a proper intervention.
The intervention will be a story for when skanky gets home to deflect from her behaviour "we as a family are really worried about Katie's mental health and are trying to talk her into a stay at the priory)" then the blame will be put on being a single mum, the pressure of looking after her kids especially H with his complex needs, trying to fit work in, keep a roof over their heads while all the time being harassed by the media and nasty trolls. The same bollocks skank and the clan used last time she went off the rails on the drink and drugs. It's the same bollocks each time skank fucks up out come the family and the loyalty posts.
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Stan Butler

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Just my point of view but maybe Pete didn't have much choice in letting Princess do this modeling thing during her GCSE exams, maybe Princess wanted to do it but Pete didn't, but he knew if skank found out or Princess asked skank if she could she'd hijack it let princess do it and skank would exploit it for all the publicity and £££'s she could get her grubby little claws on. Let's face it skank wouldn't give a shit about signing Princess up to advertise anything as long as shank got her momager fee, at least this way Pete and Claire can control the situation without skank being involved.
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midsummer blue

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Amy wouldn't be able to make a decision on her being sectioned, she'd have to be assessed by 2 doctors, she'd have to be in a real state for it to happen such as proper psychosis, I maybe used the term a bit flippantly!
Her family should probably have tried a bit harder with getting her help though instead of just patting her on the back all the time when she endangers other people and shafts them for large amounts of money! Gently tip-toeing around everything she does and babying her is not helping.

You forgot the Katona. 😂
She needs a strong dose of reality. And learn some respect. Especially for all the poor people she owes money too. She seems to forget that is down to Her. I hate her ‘Bankruptcy is great’ attitude. Not for the people you owe money to it’s not.
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She is such a selfish bitch. Let Junior enjoy his big night ffs, don’t make him worry that she will be there, off her face and barely dressed.
But she doesn't see anything wrong with her behaviour!!!
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Brah Day Izit?

VIP Member
Backlash!! YAY!

Harvey has been in respite care while mum Katie holidayed in Thailand

Its not respite care - that is making out she looks after him full time, which she DOES NOT! 12 year old journos back at the desk today
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