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This is exactly what she is doing,or rather , what she is planning to do.And as you rightly say, her earnings have not been tracked( in the past).In my opinion that is the reason Sink Boy has been put on ice too.She wants to give the impression of being a lone single mother with no other support ( financial or otherwise).
But her earnings have been tracked ( as much as possible), this time and the info has been given to the BH.
And she will lose the MM eventually.You can’t decide when, and how much you will repay your mortgage.They allow her to stay because the place is in such a state.
However, the land is worth something, and if she keeps messing them about, it will be sold from under her.
At one point I thought she was hoping to get planning permission and build on it herself.That could make a lot of money,but she needs a lot of money to decontaminate that land and pay back what she owes. I suspect she has a pot of money somewhere, but not enough.
I’m just hoping that the BH see all the manipulation for what it is.
But look at Katona. She went bankrupt TWICE Both time's owing millions & a large amount of cash to HMRC twice too. Now she rents properties, through the company that manages her, as she can't get a mortgage But not doing so bad. Leases 2 disgusting lime Green Ferrari's & renting an 8 bedroom gated house for over £5k a month. Mostly paid for by opening her legs in crotchless pants, showing her Vag for grubby men to pay & look at. :poop: KFP will do exactly the same. She can NEVER drag herself back to her early years. Too mutilated & bonkers for anyone to offer her TV work. No high brand companies would touch her & she will never ever find a decent man with her reputation. That's my satisfaction. Whatever she does, it's too little too late. She's going to have to work, just to keep going, selling her tat, trying to 'crack' OF's etc & lying & scheming for the rest of her sorry life. AND.... everyone's correct, once she get's driving licence back, I give it until Xmas before something else significant happens.
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Brah Day Izit?

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Well you have to start somewhere don’t you? I’ve donated, and of everyone on here just donated a small amount then he might hit his target.
Agree that even £5K is a drop in the ocean when it comes to legal costs running up but every little helps
Even £2000 goes a way with legal costs. This would pay for an initial consultation, a letter or two, and possibly preparing an application to the court. KH could obtain legal advice and then make the application himself until he can afford representation in court (although he can, of course, represent himself).

If KH could instruct counsel, that would be better, but £2,000 will most certainly get the ball rolling and, most of all, show KFP that he means business.

And following on from @Angelic37 post above, £2k could secure him a barrister which would make a HUGE difference
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So I think I can say this now....the court is booked for all day, this is why a new date took so long, as first availability for all day. I'm sure the press will report back on proceedings, I know this is a 'public examination' but I hope too many people don't actually turn up to court to watch, you know what she is like for turning the narrative to poor me, if you get my drift. 🙏 There is also a guy on twitter Tristan Kirk who is a court correspondent, he has commentated a lot on her cases in the past.
THANK YOU DC ❤ . Trying not to read too much into this, but all day, sounds very positive. Her attention span is that of a goldfish, where serious matters are concerned. She won't be able to keep nipping out for a top up of'stuff' to keep her going (hope she get's withdrawal symptoms:ROFLMAO:). If the court bombard her with questions, she's bound to slip up. Bit like a police interrogation, they don't remember the lie's. She can't act the Billy Big :poop: in court, or dodge the questions like she usually does. Oh how I hope she buries herself DEEP. God, what a celebration &she even got JAIL. Oh dear, I'm getting carried away - too excited.. Thank you again DC. 🌹x
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Well the update from our wonderful Willow ❤ (glad you informed us though) has scuppered my #FridayFeeling I was very positive Skank couldn’t escape this time, now got a sinking feeling (saying that, back of my mind it was always there 🤦🏽‍♀️) Still as has been said, how can she have found this mystery money, HMRC must come for her, you can’t just find £200k, questions will be asked ( no way this is from OF ) you just don’t beat them.

Also I reckon The Red Tops are still after her, so my one big hope whatever happens it’s reported in full and she is torn a new one somehow. I’m gonna keep the faith until we know the result, we may be totally outraged next week but on the bright side look at the state of her, even if the BH goes her way, her life and career is in the gutter, she is stuck with Sink-Boy, new eggs can’t be found, and she will become ever more desperate chasing her lost youth, she ain’t winning even if she somehow walks without any serious consequence next week. Woo Hoo it’s a hard-knock life being a Krustie 😁
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I am too angry to comment. I told OH and he's fuming too. I don't care if I'm busy on Thursday, all that matters is the judge jails this evil, horrible cunt!!
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I have seen a few people lately coming on here and saying , well the Krusties are completely different to what I heard, heard they were trolls , etc etc, But they are nice fair people, I’ll tell you, Krusties are the nicest people in the world, I always think of the monsieur crumbles, where is precious ,etc etc, who have gone to a better place, and all my friends on here too many to name, and all the krusties on here
Who just want justice, it will come because she will never change, can’t help herself,i want it for them , one double dealing dyed in the wool chancer , never done a nice thing for anyone except herself, trust me a nasty piece of work ,
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Ok, breeeeeathe Angelic... Thinking about it, this shows she's rattled and desperate. BH the day after the day after tomorrow. Wolves circling (creditors, trustees, red tops)... No chance of her keeping the kids for much longer... She's ugly, skint, clinging onto the pathetic waste of space that is Sink Boy, washed up, monoboobed, stinking, putrid pile of filth, clinging onto her stinking putrid pile of filth hovel with her disgusting stick on talons. She's rattled. This is what she does when she knows she's screwed.

As for SFP who I've made the mistake of trying to see the best in, God knows why, you are rotten to the core. You know DAMNED WELL those kids are better off with Kieran but you're too pathetic to remove your tongue from her faeces smeared disgusting ass. I don't know how you sleep at night but know this.. you are damaging YOUR CHILDREN TOO by partaking in this shitshow.. They will suffer as a result of the bullying they get from being connected to that piece of toxic waste you call a sister. So enjoy the cash it slings you to lick her boots. Hope it's fucking worth it.
Well said Angelic…. They have no compassion or morals. The whole family are out for what they can get, whatever the price. And unfortunately it’s those little innocents that are stuck in the middle of the utter 💩 KFP has created. I’m fuming too, to put it mildly 🤮😡👿. Xx
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What with the cost of living crisis and KP getting away with paying her debts whilst some in this country don’t have enough to hear their homes, I’d say KP better tread carefully with her showing off of not paying her debts.
Im sick of these grifters.
skanky wants to be very careful,as you say ,some people cant heat their homes and she got 200k in cash sitting around until friday,people have been murdered for change and there are lots of dodgy and desperate people around. its all a game to her,holding on to money until the last minute,hoping she dont have to pay it out. hope the BH take it off her AND take the MM off her,jail her and send those kiddies back to their dad. fingers crossed for friday for a public hearing and justice for all.
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I bloody hope she doesn't get away with it again, but she seems to just be able to time after time. It doesn't make sense, but her arrogance shows me she knows nothing will happen.
We should all stand outside the court with plaquards on so the press can see.... 'animal murderer' ' 'adultress' 'why do celebs get away Scott free when normal members of the public would be in prison' that kind of thing lol
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Yeah watching her trying to keep it is entertaining tbf. Also she cannot ever afford to get it up to a selling standard
The MM land must still be saturated with all her shit 🤮
She can never keep anything nice for long, the MM has always been a dumping ground. She is constantly beggy, getting it cleaned up for free by whoever she can charm. Eventually it will definitely be too much again for her and yes, let’s hope she can’t afford to run it on whatever money she has.
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I,ve got a load of booze in, been to Lidl so I can celebrate Skank being done, though unfortunately it,s more likely I’ll be drowning my sorrows. But hey ho my kids love me and want to spend time with me, got lovely grandkids and a fantastic wife, god knows how she puts with me. Skanky has nothing . 😂😂😂😂
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Jersey Girl

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Not long to Thursday! I'm working that day but have Friday off, trying not to drink but I may feel driven to it by Thursday evening. I blame the Skank. (Oh god I sound like it... "Not my fault, I was driven to it by others") 🫣
I carefully chose Thursday to work from home- to "get my head down with a project " ;)
Of course I will work in between tattling!
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Kaytee Pryse's Daylee Dieyeree

Febrewhairy Fiff Twenny Twenny Free

Ryte sew eye woke hup an fownd dis massif lump didn eye? "Fak mee, knot mor drarma!!" eye fort. Wot cud hit bee? Pete you cunt. Eye meen dis fing wus reelee discussing an hit habsalootlee stunk. An den suddunlee hit ownlee startid moovin didn hit! Keerun you tossa. Owl off a suddin, eye breerved a sye off reeleef! Dis lump wus waring a trakkie top wot wus made off a buss seet covva. Yes! I wus waykin hup necks to The WUN me printz chow mein an fureva luv Coyle Wud. Pete you wanka. Hee lukked hat mee, let owt a massif fart an sed he wus goin two bring mee brekfes hin bed. Sea? Dis his wot peepal dont no. How carin he is. Ho kay, sew hees bloked me sink a few tymes an lamps me wun now han agayn an da...da...ho wot ar dey agayn?? Oh yeh dem kid fings wot eye hav dont lyke him, but he his da luv off me lyfe aint hee? Keeeerun you prik. Dare hee wus, brekfes hon a trey...For cans of Stellar han a lyne of Charley. Wooooooo hooooo!
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Pink Squirrel

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If I read "Katie Price cruelly trolled" once more I'll fucking scream. Someone stating facts or not kissing her stinking arse is not a troll 😡 And just because someone shares an opinion that does not make them a fucking fan either 😡
She is a fucking troll. She is a very fucking public troll. But that's okay because it's Katie fucking Price 😡 arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

@WillowTree21 I remember all about the pic from when you kindly explained before. I was just using it as an example of the world's best mother.

Gawd, she's getting up my nose again today.

Please let's have 1 Krusty in there on Thursday so we get the proper story 🤞🤞🤞🤞
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A comment and reply (methinks they are possibly Krusties) on today's Daily Fibber article....

After 2 more sleeps the red tops will be happy to shred it to pieces. Bankruptcy hearing will reveal a lot of the dark and dodgy dealings. She's literally robbed people, owing small businesses thousands because she's refused to pay for their services. She's got no friends and poisoning KHs kids against him. What she's doing to her animals is heartbreaking. Even JA is struggling to live a normal life because of what his mother has done to all her kids. Now insinuating JH has PTSD! I'm going to be at the BH on Thursday as it's not a closed court. So many people want her it to get it's just deserts

Hope you feed back on some site ! We will need updates & hope the BH will bring Karma, for all those she's bumped for money. For all the animals deaths she's caused, but at the moment mainly for the torture she's dishing out on Kieran & those 2 little kids. She really is a vile, nasty person. Looks like a lot of cash be raised though, on GFM to help KH fight to get his children back where they belong with HIM.

Katie Price targeted by trolls as she posts makeup free 'natural beauty' selfie - Mirror Online
❤❤❤❤(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)Cough, couldn't not add something. One of them at least ! Most comments I post get deactivated, so make's a change.... Feel very strongly about her getting justice, especially since yesterdays shocking comments. Justice for Kieran.
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