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This is disgusting. We have all seen what those kids have been subjected to with KP, so a great deal of PTSD is down to her, she wasn’t even allowed them alone for a year and they weren’t allowed to see CW. Glossing over that though now yes?

she has moved them from house to house, boyfriend to boyfriend. What about when you left them alone with KB to go shag other men in hotels? Wasn’t worried about them then were you?
And how does she think little kids being told mummy was in a car crash and might go to prison would make them feel? Mummy has to go to a place to fix her head repeatedly? That's all her choice. How many times has she said she wanted to end it but then promised her kids she wouldn't do it again? A little kid thinking their mum might kill herself or be locked up, that's hugely traumatic, no matter what she thinks K & M have done, they have never saddled the kids with that sort of trauma.
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No didn't you read it properly skank didn't do anything illegal and has probably paid it off because the press print lies. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oops, was that a flying monkey. Course she didn't do anything illegal, and she doesnt have a criminal record, and always pays her way . Think the judge just wants her to pop into the court as hes a big fan from her lad mag days
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Even £2000 goes a way with legal costs. This would pay for an initial consultation, a letter or two, and possibly preparing an application to the court. KH could obtain legal advice and then make the application himself until he can afford representation in court (although he can, of course, represent himself).

If KH could instruct counsel, that would be better, but £2,000 will most certainly get the ball rolling and, most of all, show KFP that he means business.

And following on from @Angelic37 post above, £2k could secure him a barrister which would make a HUGE difference

im glad the fund is rising and lets not forget KH will also be putting in his own money so the amount is not all the fund there will also be other money,who know's maybe family or friends may be helping

lets just hope them kids are back asap god knows how much damage is being done
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Stan Butler

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KP must surely know about the KH fund by now, and would be seething.
Wonder will she do a rant on social media about it? Of course doing so may actually draw more attention and donations for KH, but I don't think KP is smart enough to think about the consquences. More likely she'll do a big rant on IG, on impulse.
As thick and impulsive as skank is she'll stay silent (i'm hoping not) because she knows if she starts ranting about it on social media it'll get a lot more exposure. It must be eating her alive to realise how much support Kieran has and how hated she is.
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See There is Skanky’s Bizarro world , and the real world, and anyone who has got an ounce of common sense will realise that sometimes people can get away with all sorts of Bullshit, drugs , drink driving,lying, thieving, anything you can name, But one thing the Establishment hate you doing and is strictly Taboo is fucking about with money, Fuck me the great train robbers were hunted down to the ends of the earth, got more time than murderers,
For example , Bankrupts do not pay tax, all the tax they would’ve paid goes to the receiver, someone’s gotta pay all the wages and expenses, This is not playground stuff, ask Boris Becker, These people are experts,it’s their job, So she either pays and her books are spot on, or she’s fucked , if it was easy everyone would do it, three people you do not fuck with. Receivers, taxman, Vat man ,
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Stan Butler

VIP Member
Evening skank and sink boy (you pair of cunts) what you having for tea takeaway or microwave puke meals... i'm just cooking liver, bacon, sausage in an onion gravy going to do some mash and veg.
or i might have this little "toast" dinner my neighbour's (because they like me not hate me like your neighbours do you) little girls just brought in for me.
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View attachment 1940837

Poor Kieron. Feel so sad for him
I wonder if Kieran is a bit closer to making progress. He needed £2200, was that 10 hours of solicitors fees? Maybe Skank is reacting to something
he/ his team have done and she has responded with the 'child ptsd' post? She accused him of stalking the kids.

Well if she doesn’t get in trouble it’s probably because she didn’t do anything that illegal or she paid it off eventually.. I guess the media exaggerate things to get a story. I wonder how much debt she is in if any.. anyone know?
I guess over 3.2 million doesn't count?
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Just heard from the person running the Go Fund Me today and they are passing on every single penny, and covering the charges too, so every penny donated goes to Kieran. He obviously is now aware of the fundraiser and the funds are reaching him safely.

He thanks everyone from the bottom of his heart, he is humble and appreciative and is absolutely gobsmacked that people want to help him. (Bless him!)

He's told the person running the fundraiser exactly where the monies have gone and I can 100% guarantee you they are already helping and being used appropriately. Everyone who has donated has literally made a difference. You're all amazing.

This is the link if anyone needs it. I've donated too, would be a bit rude if I hadn't hey. 🫣

He now has hope. And until this fundraiser he didn't have much of that, if any. Honestly, I've said it before, but you have all done and are doing a wonderful thing. ❤ Completely understand any qualms or uncertainty, please please be assured every single penny is going to what is intended. I guarantee it. Some people know me off here so please feel free to contact me anytime. ❤

The link if anyone needs it:

I think whoever organised this has been an absolute star and I’m so pleased a lot of us got on board - must admit I was worried at first because he wasn’t aware, but now we know it’s definitely going to help - it makes it so worth while ❤
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Wow.But this is one of those facts that could be confirmed if necessary.
I suppose the BH could ask about it, even if it came to light lately.
I was told she has a contract with Mirror. Didn’t know how much, knew she was paid to do X amount of stories with them. Hence why the on/off fake splits happen. To keep her in the news! I suspect she’s sold the AFP lung transplant has earned her a lot. When it’s released. Under contract x
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Stan Butler

VIP Member
Skank seems to be keeping a low profile at the moment for some reason can only think of 3 things why.
1, the BH and her "business associates" are keeping a discreet distance so they can't be linked to her dodgy dealings and don't want their own businesses under the spotlight.
2, Mr fix it slymi Rymi is still out the country and can't get skank any invites to any freebie restaurant/nightclub or letter openings.
3, and my personal favourite skanks shitting bricks now there's a fund for Kieran and skanks realised he has the support of the general public and now has the funds to fight back.
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Stan Butler

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Bless him been silent for weeks locked in the attic but since bunny outed the pair as back together (never split in the first place) he's back advertising and posting daily cryptic quotes,, nothing like chasing the fame and trying to stay relevant. Old picture of himself sat in his car on the MM driveway trying to keep the interest in these two clowns and the rumour mill going about their on off relationship. Hi skank and sink boy you pair of sad desperate fame hungry grifting clowns.
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Tbh, I am glad we are realistic about the BH.I was getting carried away with replaying scenes from Crown Court in my head —“ I accuse you! .......Yes, you, Miss Price!.....You have behaved in a despicable manner”
“ I put it to you, that you are an absolute grifting skank”
I think I got a bit over enthusiastic.
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Hampshire Hog

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Afternoon you lovely lot 😘

It feels like Christmas waiting for the BH, I hope she gets what she deserves (can’t see it myself ) CC thanks for the update as okeep said no need to apologise we always welcome your ☕.

Having been through the court process for access, I can say you are looking at £5,000 pounds not cheap. You can’t always get legal aid because it’s household incomes taken into account , not fair at all. I wish KH all the best and a positive outcome. I will wait for Thursday in the hope that the outcome is a positive one.

love to you all ❤
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Will she turn up with pages of answers
Like a script so that she can answer without getting into trouble
But will she be able to answer without going off script

Can KP get her accountant to answer her questions for her?
Trouble is, if my understanding is correct (from what other Tattler's have mentioned), she has the information already & will try & answer from what she's been given, with the help of an accountant/legal. Unless she's so off her head, or court are allowed to throw in other information/facts, she will be well rehearsed I assume. Not even sure if her accountant can answer on her behalf, if he knows the answers? I still think it could be advantage or disadvantage the £12K a month she should have paid, but didn't. Fact she didn't is not looking good for her, but the fact no other arrangement was set in place, could be her trump card. Hoping the court take the lack of making the payments & since then, as we assume, she's not made any attempt to reduce the debt or tailor her spending, (carrying on like a lottery winner), they will come down heavy on her. My biggest hope's are, that it is proved that she has withheld assets & lied about her financial circumstances, plus not declared full income/hiding money. Also misuse of credit cards/loans & conducting businesses, when that's illegal. Something has to STICK, surely?🙏
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STOP using mental health as a get out of jail card KP! It's so insulting and distasteful, especially to those with genuine MH issues! Sick of these z list celebs using MH to feather their own nests!
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