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Omg I have messaged them, please do the same ……Please I’m begging you don’t involve Katie price in your business, it is common knowledge in the media that several dogs have died in her care due to neglect you will not be doing yourself or your business any favours, as an animal lover and a campaigner for animal welfare I implore you.


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I was wondering when the flying monkeys were going to make an appearance, after all it’s time to run interference for the Skank again.

Hope all you lovely Krusties had a good weekend, sorry for missing all the replies last week, I have counselling every Thursday and unlike the Skank I do attend and meaningfully participate. It leaves me a bit down and very withdrawn, so I don’t comment on weekends as I’m too busy dealing with my emotions to give a fuck about the Skank. I do still read all the comments, and you all help lift my spirits no end, which is why I’m back 🤣🤣.

So I see the boring bitch has been a boring bitch all weekend again. I do feel a bit sorry for her, she really can’t cope with aging and everything she has done recently to counteract that has gone very wrong. She doesn’t even look like herself anymore, that must be horrifying. I can’t imagine looking in the mirror and seeing something different to what I recognise as my face. That’s it sympathy second for Skank is over, normal service has resumed and she is still a cunt 🤣🤣.
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In Ireland I know of parents who want that adhd diagnoses because they get paid more from social welfare its classed as a disability and you will get carers allowance weekly and big payment in the summer so you can go on holidays worth €1850. They fill their kids full of sugar before they go for the tests and wind them up so they are mis behaving. It's sick
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Original Message ------
From: "Rolls.ICL.Hearings1" <[email protected]>
To: "
Sent: Monday, 6 Feb, 23 At 13:44
Subject: RE: Bankruptcy hearing on Thursday, 9th February - Katie Price


Thank you, this hearing is taking place in person. There is no hearing link to attend remotely.

Kind Regards,

ICC Judge’s Clerk

Insolvency and Companies Court | HMCTS | Rolls Building | London | EC4A 1NL
Phone: 020 7947 6731

Web: &

Well, I tried!
I followed this up and got the following reply:

Yes this will be heard in open court.

The Court room will be published online the day before the hearing.

Kind Regards,

ICC Judge's Clerk

Insolvency and Companies Court | HMCTS | Rolls Building | London | EC4A 1NL
Phone: 020 7947 6731

Is there a Krustie able to go in person?
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We should all stand outside the court with plaquards on so the press can see.... 'animal murderer' ' 'adultress' 'why do celebs get away Scott free when normal members of the public would be in prison' that kind of thing lol
If I lived in the area, I would be outside the Court with a tray of rotten eggs, saying, "You wanna new egg? Ere, have some!!!"

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It just can't comprehend what I've just read! How much lower is she going to stoop! The whole family are complicit in this shitshow involving the youngest two. Absolute arseholes the lot of them! Especially you! Edna! You frumpy, podgy prick!!
Thursday can't come soon enough! The Cunt Price needs bringing down!
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Judge! miss Price you think you are above the law!you are not,I am going to sentence you to 5 years in prison.🙏
Now Miss Price Fuck orf and fuck orf again.🤣
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Stan Butler

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Utterly boring 😴 but gets her a few more comments from the brainless "brilliant mummy, he's sooooo cute" brigade 🤢
I'm gonna throw this out there..... she's desperate enough to have scrawled that herself & say Harvey did it 🙄
She's been doing that crap for years pretending H made her cards or wrote her letters of love skanks probably got bunny to do it. 🤣
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Thank you. Her bankruptcy has such far reaching implications for so many communities. She is unable to understand the magnitude of these. I was ignorant to the number of lives that have been tainted by dealings with Katie. She destroys people. Offering to donate to Kieron based on Katie’s actions was very unfair, to both Kieron and the children. I apologise and we will make a donation as soon as possible. The total is close to two thousand pounds. Something positive needs to be associated with the BH hearing which is why we will be highlighting the GFM where possible.
I'm so sorry your path crossed with that evil viper and you're now in this predicament. You deserve good things next week and we will all be rooting for a positive outcome. You deserve it after the hell she has put you and others through. I don't know how much good it will do financially but I bet just seeing her get her comeuppance will be a small victory. I've got everything crossed for you, CCT! ❤
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Brah Day Izit?

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I contacted the Rolls Building about another case a couple of years ago and they were prepared to invite me to watch via zoom. As I don't know how zoom works I didn't bother but someone a bit more savvy may be up to it. As far as I remember all it took was an email to ...... [email protected].....and I got a very quick reply. Anyone up to do it?

edited to add: Please will someone do it.
I have

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, 5 Feb, 23 At 18:26
Subject: Bankruptcy hearing on Thursday 9th February - Katie Price


Would it be possible to be sent a link so that I can view the bankruptcy hearing regarding Katie price on Thursday, 9th February 2023?

Kind regards,

Quick update from the GoFundMe organiser. They've told me that £2,200 would be the exact amount needed to fund the plans that are in place. It currently stands at £2,025. That is unbelievable, amazing and again, THANK YOU to everyone who has donated. If anyone has been planning to donate that could just edge it over the finishing line. Every donation is making a difference, even if it doesn't hit 2.2k, rest assured.

So thank you! I love you is bandied about a lot these days, but I don't care. I DO love you all. And I'm not even drunk. So expect a fuck ton of gushing on Thursday when I am 🤣 #sorrynotsorry #loveislove
Its now at £2110 ;)
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Brah Day Izit?

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I got a reply from Estrid too:

Ida (Estrid)

4 Feb 2023, 15:56 CET


Thank you so much for reaching out and educating us regarding this. These behaviours are nothing we as a company support. I have contacted our marketing department who will look in to the issue and the collaboration after the weekend. Many thanks for informning us Regarding the cancelation:

Customer Experience team

Sorry had to edit as the links take you to my name!!:oops:
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Meanwhile SFP is mentioning it is children’s MH week, like KP is ever bothered about her own kid’s MH, too selfish to ever notice what she is putting them through, in fact, it’s everyone else’s fault, not hers.

And yes, she is trying to buy her ADHD diagnosis😡. You know, because as she said on the Anna K interview, she hates celebs who jump on the ‘label’ bandwagon 🙄🙄🙄 applies to everyone but her it seems.


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This is disgusting. We have all seen what those kids have been subjected to with KP, so a great deal of PTSD is down to her, she wasn’t even allowed them alone for a year and they weren’t allowed to see CW. Glossing over that though now yes?

she has moved them from house to house, boyfriend to boyfriend. What about when you left them alone with KB to go shag other men in hotels? Wasn’t worried about them then were you?
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She will, she has a get out of jail free card. I'm a professional driver, if I flipped a car while drunk and high, let alone being banned, there is no way I'd avoid jail
my hubby had a drink with his meal at a pub,drove home 3 hours later,was stopped for a light not working and got done for drink driving,his blood was 42,limit was 35. banned for a year,lost his driving job and a fine. it affected his insurance for 10 years. his own fault, but why one rule for most , another for her and celebs ?
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