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So I have been made aware that the GFM money is really doing good and the wheels are now truly in motion.

If anyone can push this on social media etc so the total can be increased further that would be great. 🙏 There is hope and so much is down to Tattlers/Krusties, well done everyone.
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Ok, breeeeeathe Angelic... Thinking about it, this shows she's rattled and desperate. BH the day after the day after tomorrow. Wolves circling (creditors, trustees, red tops)... No chance of her keeping the kids for much longer... She's ugly, skint, clinging onto the pathetic waste of space that is Sink Boy, washed up, monoboobed, stinking, putrid pile of filth, clinging onto her stinking putrid pile of filth hovel with her disgusting stick on talons. She's rattled. This is what she does when she knows she's screwed.

As for SFP who I've made the mistake of trying to see the best in, God knows why, you are rotten to the core. You know DAMNED WELL those kids are better off with Kieran but you're too pathetic to remove your tongue from her faeces smeared disgusting ass. I don't know how you sleep at night but know this.. you are damaging YOUR CHILDREN TOO by partaking in this shitshow.. They will suffer as a result of the bullying they get from being connected to that piece of toxic waste you call a sister. So enjoy the cash it slings you to lick her boots. Hope it's fucking worth it.
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Thank you. Her bankruptcy has such far reaching implications for so many communities. She is unable to understand the magnitude of these. I was ignorant to the number of lives that have been tainted by dealings with Katie. She destroys people. Offering to donate to Kieron based on Katie’s actions was very unfair, to both Kieron and the children. I apologise and we will make a donation as soon as possible. The total is close to two thousand pounds. Something positive needs to be associated with the BH hearing which is why we will be highlighting the GFM where possible.
Personally I don't feel you have anything to apologise for. You must be stressed beyond measure and it's awful the destruction she has and is causing 😞 Bless you with regards the GFM. The person running the fundraiser is going to send me an update later today about the positive and substantive impact it is having.

I wish you well for the BH from the bottom of my heart. It's not fun is it, her outfits we can point and laugh at, but when it comes to the children and her debts it stopped being funny a long long time ago 😞

The community on this thread is everything. I honestly have never EVER experienced such kindness and generosity that has been shown here. I love our group, and I think I can speak for us all, good luck and God bless CC x
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Quick update from the GoFundMe organiser. They've told me that £2,200 would be the exact amount needed to fund the plans that are in place. It currently stands at £2,025. That is unbelievable, amazing and again, THANK YOU to everyone who has donated. If anyone has been planning to donate that could just edge it over the finishing line. Every donation is making a difference, even if it doesn't hit 2.2k, rest assured.

So thank you! I love you is bandied about a lot these days, but I don't care. I DO love you all. And I'm not even drunk. So expect a fuck ton of gushing on Thursday when I am 🤣 #sorrynotsorry #loveislove
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Very different hair colours in both those pictures today.

I bet she will be in the hairdressers several times this week, ready for the world’s press on Thursday, poor Jett being dragged along no doubt.
Last minute rolling all the kids and animals out.
Thank you to everyone who donated, you lot are AMAZING 🥰

After @WillowTree21 post the other day, I’m not sure how I’m feeling at the moment about Thursday, I’ve gone from feeling very confident to quite deflated to be honest. I’m going to imagine worse case scenario (getting let off) and will be happy if it is any different. I know my contribution is all I possibly could of done, now it’s up to the powers that be to deal with her. (But we are all aware of her court track record) 😔
No one could have done more.We all appreciate the hard work that you have put in, it would have just been easier to let her get away with all her machinations.
I don’t know what will happen at the Bh, but I truly don’t believe that she will emerge as a winner.The public know too much about her and her habits now, and she would preferred that that was not the case.That is down( in no small part) to you, and the good people who have helped expose the ( ahem) “black and white truth”.
I said it before, she isn’t a winner , she is just taking a long time to lose.
On a personal level she has destroyed herself.And that is down to no one but her.All that malice can’t be good for the soul, and she has managed to destroy the only thing that matters to her, her looks.Its ironic isn’t it, that the money she has spent on herself ( which should have gone to her creditors), has made her into a laughing stock.No matter what way she spins it, she cannot be happy with her lot in life.
But she will spin it.Be prepared for all that “ The Pricey is back” nauseating claptrap.She is fooling no one, the majority of people are wise to her.
I know what I want from the BH, which is some form of justice.Ideally that would have included some kind of deep investigation into her finances, but that’s just wishful thinking.
But everyone knows about her now.She doesn’t like that.
You are a total legend Dc.Dont forget that.In order for bad peple to prosper, good people do nothing, that is not applicable here, you have done everything humanly possible.
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OMG!!! I can't believe it! Sam Davis is an emotional wreck right now 🥺 Said thank you from the bottom of their heart. This is EVERYTHING. Everyone who has donated please please know what this means and the good it will do. Every. Single. Penny. Is it Thursday yet?! Could murder a pint of vodka to celebrate 🎊😘🥺🥰 You guys are amazing and I genuinely don't know what I did before I found you all. ❤❤❤
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I'm pleased the GFM is slowly creeping up. Without doubt that will be pissing her off immensely.
She is not liked by a lot of people. She's living in cloud cuckoo land if she thinks otherwise 😜
We KNOW THIS. Sorry everyone, don't try and do a nice thing cos the Skank will cry. Don't be ridiculous.

(Deleted the first sentence because I was rude. Anxiety levels and stress are high at the moment, I apologise..the rest I stand by)
People can do whatever they want with their hard earned cash .... I donated twice since it was confirmed that Keiron was aware and already using it to help his case, many others on here and myself have often said, if there were ever a gofund to help KH we would donate, we put our money where our mouth is ` so to speak ` ( no judgement to those who didnt ) ... this is for a good cause ... I would also do it again, should the need arise ( people power is an amazing thing ) .... the children need to be back in a loving, safe ... non toxic environment, with their father and stepmother, who from what we have seen over the years, were raising them both very well, with A LOT of love ..... Im going to be rude, because I dont give a FUCK ... dont really give a shiny shite if people get offended with the way I express myself on here .... to those who think, Keiron, Michelle and every other fucker involved with this fucking rancid skank, has to treat her with kid gloves, walk on eggs shells, for fear of upsetting the fucking CUNT ..... ` Enough is enough ` .... In an ideal world Keiron would get 100% custody, take his little family far away, to an undisclosed location .... so this BITCH has ZERO CONTACT ... they never see her again " In an ideal world ... MY world .... children grow, eventually she will be nothing but a distant memory, because their loving father will make sure, they are raised well " ... NO GOOD can come from the children being exposed to their ` mothers sleazy dirty world 24/7 ... NONE ` she has proven this, again, again and AGAIN .... I know from personal experience and past employment, the damage people like FUCKING pwiccceee cause their children, it goes into adulthood, and in some cases, is lifelong ` mentally ... a prison sentence ` ..... the only reason this lunatic gets away, with EVERYTHING is because, people continue to ENABLE HER .... god forbid anyone upsets, the whore that is pwicceee ..... she gets away with things, very serious issues, and we still have those who feel she should be wrapped in cotton wool .... FUCK THAT ... she threatens suicide ... SOO what, let her get on with it, she wont be fucking missed, she also loves SELF too much to top herself, again its about CONTROL .... the children will grow, find their own path, and as mentioned, she will be nothing but a distant memory ... she does not deserve to have those children, others stepped in to raise them, did the hard work, and then she swans in, with her fucking fake ` mother shit show ... her vile lies `... as I said .... FUCK THAT ... anyone who wants to help this father, get his children back ... Please donate, any amount ... how ever big or small, will help and to those who cant ... or wont ... again, people have the right to decide where their money goes, and that's fine .... finally .... Best of luck Keiron and Michelle ..... the lowlife scumbag cretin dosent realise, with this continued behaviour, she is making their relationship/love even more solid ❤❤ ( something she will NEVER have ) .... thanks for reading my rant, its been brewing since that fucking PTSD shit she posted yesterday ... phewwww need a strong coffee and fag now:mad::mad:
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Re the GFM, I believe from the organiser there is a plan which is currently being executed. As you can appreciate this has to be kept under wraps. Even if we can generate people donating small amounts, it all soon adds up. Thank you to everyone who has donated. 😘
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The MM land must still be saturated with all her shit 🤮
She can never keep anything nice for long, the MM has always been a dumping ground. She is constantly beggy, getting it cleaned up for free by whoever she can charm. Eventually it will definitely be too much again for her and yes, let’s hope she can’t afford to run it on whatever money she has.
So I had a hefty mortgage on this MM you see
Then I went to Kensington said I need more money,
They said , yes we understand , 5 kids don’t come cheap in this day ,
clothing, food, education, a second mortgage is the way,
So they gave me all this money,
To pay for all those bits,
And what did I fucking spend it on ?
Holidays , Tattoos and tits
The pond is full of dead animals , green slime, it is the pits
The sewage tank is leaking out, the whole place smells like shit
The house ? You have to wipe ur feet when you walk bleeding out
It’s worth a tenth of what it cost, of this there is no doubt,
Even the receiver couldn’t sell it , the whole thing is a waste, The rooms are decorated with someone with no bleeding taste
I don’t think there is ever a chance of me getting shot,
The drive looks like a cheaper version of Arthur daleys car lot,
There’s all sorts of junk , old fridges , etc on my land,
The only plus is the neighbours, said when I move
They’ll all give me a hand
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Actually, just had some news.....fuming, will let you know if I can post on here, but don't expect anything tomorrow to happen :mad: :mad: :mad:
Mentally unfit my arse. :mad::mad::mad:
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Yes we remember Kipper, when live on Tiktok you joked about 'getting your bristols out' and your 8 year old daughter said she wanted to
be on only fans. Live on Tiktok, any old perv, ron, naked rodney or someone like you yourself ( god forbid) could have been talking to your daughter!

Screen Shot 2023-02-06 at 21.48.46.png
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Stan Butler

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Afternoon everyone ❤
I can see some of you ladies in a bit of a dilemma regards to Thursday your OH and a drinky,, my advice if your OH is watching something on TV snuggle up to him and start asking annoying questions about the program he's watching. Believe me it'll take him five minutes to get fed up and he'll say "open a bottle get on tattler and let me watch this in fucking piece" 😘
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haha Well done, @BiffasBeemer . You're right, I bet it smells as cheesy as a Babybel!

Anyhoo. What's been happening in Kippers world? She dressed up all shmexi again. *Wolf Whistles* She's found out you can buy fake nips on Ebay, though placement of said nips is going to take her a wee while to figure out. Bless her. Allegedly, Sinky the house-elf has been freed from captivity and is still keen to tampon-dive for his Missus. Though, if Horsham council have their way, he'll need to find a new master with a bigger driveway! Not sure you'll find anyone with a bigger driveway than Kipper!

Carry on Krusties!

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You know what's not inappropriate? Getting mashed whilst pregnant and causing physical disabilities cos you love it ... Oh wait ...
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Stan Butler

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Wondered how long it would take the skanky green eyed monster to have a dig at Kieran and Michelle after their happy post yesterday. Skank at her devious nasty best seems Sophie the source is in on it aswell. Both post the same crap but skank has to take it a step to far and imply Jett is suffering PTSD because he's been witness to inappropriate messages, conversations and suffered physical violence,,the fucking nasty scum cunt just can't help herself.
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She "feared for her and the children's safety?" From Kieran?
FFS, you couldn't MEET a more mild-mannered man. And from someone who's been shacked up with Biffa for the last couple of years, who it's been reported that Jett is scared of!!
She has no shame and there are no depths to which she will not sink.
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