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I’m still trying to work out why Rubys boyfriend even did it. Does he need to go to specsavers? Why on earth would you cheat on Ruby (or anyone infact) with that thing?
Saying that it’s a story to tell the boys down the pub I suppose ‘You’ll never guess who’s growler I fingered last night’ 🤢 hope he still have said fingers and they haven’t rotted off!l, bet he couldn’t even scrub stench off them!
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Pink Squirrel

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I'm so pleased I decided to catch up tonight. Well I say pleased.....more like repulsed, disgusted, horrified & sickened. Absolutely vile old sIag 🤢 Ruby needs to let as many people hear it as possible. After all, the poisonous old sIag had no thought for Alex when she was showing videos to everyone!
Fucking dirty, filthy, lowlife utter sIag.
Her poor, poor kids 😢
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So that's Jamie from the polo club,Ruby's bf,someone mentioned this Leon fella,god know's who else,she really is a filthy old ho
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At the end of the day Katie believes every word that comes out of her gob is the truth, she can't seem to face reality. She can't afford the upkeep and to pay back what she owes and her track record has already proved that by not sticking to the agreement with the trustees. She couldn't even stick to the IVA at £12k a month and that was when she was still claiming to rake in £40k a month. The judge will have to take this all into account.
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Always seems to be a lot of secret filming around her isn't there. Her kids must be so proud
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I don't think Carol has his own money or has ever had a real job ... Looks to me like he has been bankrolled by Daddy all his life and fronts Daddy's dodgy businesses ... I personally think Daddy's money is dodgy as well, i think his businesses are set up to launder it and I don't think Daddy or Cole are as wealthy as they pretend
Is it possible Daddy Woods was her 'supplier'! I pretty sure the drugs are a big part of KFP & Crawls life, one way or another.
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You are the fuckin best my little bestie!! Oh Angel this is some filthy tea......she disgusts me but doesn't surprise me!! The bloke however, must be a disgusting horror to even think about putting a finger near her rancid flaps 🤢 least not when his girlfriend is upstairs with children 😓...I hope to god she has kicked him to the Kerb!!! And I hope gangrene has set in on them fingers 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
Good innit BFF from a former life!! Just vile. Absolutely vile. She excels herself every single time.
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Palace Tone

Chatty Member
OMG I’ve just caught up with the latest tea….. She is off the scale nuts. What a filthy whore she is. I’ve so many questions but I’m going for a little lie down in a darkened room instead… Sorry before I go, she asked him to find and pull out her tampon and he did????? Is this what friends do nowadays???. Err excuse me love, you couldn’t just pull me tampon out could you, only I’ve got these long false nails on today?? Cheers for that, now dispose of it correctly old chap.
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Ruby was at the MM on the 28th December, then it all kicked off just after then…there was a picture of Bunny with her little boy (?) she posted.
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What a time to be alive huh?

Fucking hell. Just when you think the skank has done it all........ she sinks lower.
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Im guessing it was this evening? 19/12 it all happened? This is the night Ruby was there…

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Meanwhile, having got up at the crack of dawn to prepare an early breakfast before taking the two youngest to school, our heroine is no doubt even as we speak washing out the animals food bowls before taking them for a well deserved long walk, returning to do the hoovering and putting out the washing to dry that she had thoughtfully washed whilst out.
Later she will attend to the bills that have arrived in her new post bock before preparing the vegetables ready for the early evening meal she enjoys after collecting the children back from school.
Afterwards she will help them with their homework before engaging in a little light enjoyment with them playing games before bath time and tucking them into their freshly made beds at which point she will stop for the first time today to sit down, relax and marvel at the sheer joy that being a mother brings.
There will more than likely some hapless, unfortunate young skivvy, possibly living in the annex, who has to do everything. Cleaning, seeing to the poor animals & kids. Babysitting, etc etc. She always finds some starry eyed 'fan' who will be paid (if at all ) minimum amount possible, in return for a bed & pleasure of being in her company as she's Sooooo famous (for all the wrong reasons). Seen it so many times. That's why she stopped getting professional house-keepers & nannies, because they HAD to be paid the going wage & terms/conditions met.
Wonder if whoever is doing her bidding, has a car?
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