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I truly believe the Syphilis riddled cunt rather have the kids in foster care than let them have the happy family life it will never have with K&M.
Disgrace to even call that a mother. It doesn't have no maternal instinct whatsoever. A mother would protect her kids first of all .
I'm so appalled I'm speechless. Those poor kids and pets. When will the authorities intervene? 😡
It's beyond a fuckin joke now, she is evil and needs stopping. I'm absolutely furious and it's nothing to do with me but as good parents our first thought are with the children, unlike her who is incapable of feeling anything other than for herself. She's a heartless cunt. She's pissed off no charges have been made that's why she's broadcasted it, pure spiteful boil and venom oozes from its poures.. hope you are paying attention SB this will happen to you too when it's done with you!
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This woman is deranged. IF your kids had been abused as she alleges, using it to gloat and be triumphant on social media ('never underestimate the pricey') is disgusting. If your kids had not been abused and you made it up to ruin lives, even worse. She's dangerous. Either way its the poor kids who suffer, shame on you Katie Price you disgusting human being.
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Does anyone actually think Cole is going to release anything else or do a story? I'm beginning to doubt it.
@Gx2018 do you know?
@DC16 thank you for your reply to my spilt milk 😘
@Cat Eyez i thought he might do a story after that voice note, but I have my doubts now. Maybe he was waiting to see what/if KP fired off. Has she got the money to pay him off, maybe, she has this £250k she was going to pay herself for her reality show….doubt that will happen, can’t use the kids on OFs and no fiancé. The magazines aren’t touching her and the papers just mainly lifting stories from her social media, I doubt any ‘source’ payment would get that much for a comment. A few Backgrid photos and OFs is all she seems to have at the moment.
I think she maybe concerned what he might say next. He doesn’t seem to stick to his words though, said he wouldn’t put up with her behaviour as Jordan, (strange how he said he didn’t like her Jordan persona, yet had pictures of her on his wall as Jordan, allegedly 🙄) but stayed with her after slapgate when he saw the messages and suspected she had been cheating on him for a while.
I still think they are probably meeting up, I reckon she is driving again, eventually she will get caught, law of averages. I feel like it is all building up, albeit slowly, ready to descend into chaos after Christmas, in time for the bankruptcy hearing.
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How fucking dare this foosty fetid mangy ho bag post anything about her animals!! Does she honestly not know how despised she is? This boils my piss so much. Kill some animals and then have the gall to post pics of the ones that have somehow survived to get likes. Argh! Absolute wanker. I don’t even have the words.
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Right, I have no video,I know of no video I have not seen a video. No one has thrown a pie at me or have I eaten a pie in the last month. I offer no evidence to what has, is, going to happen with KH and MP. I do feel sorry for them due to the constant and ever demanding pressure on them from KFP and her supporters. In my humble opinion KFP does not want to have full custody of the children it is just a means to hurt and humiliate KH and MP to ensure they do not have a life Or a good relationship.My ex wife did this to me and lasted over 30 years after our divorce so I understand what KH is going through. KFP has no emotional attachment to her kids, they are,primarily money makers apppearing in staged photoshoots for coin, however the youngest cannot make her money now as her career is over and is not feted by TV or press any longer so now they become weapons in her assault on KH,I really feel for the youngest two and hope that they do not suffer with emotional or mental health problems in the near future. Apologies if confusing, but I hate the viscous,vacuous,vindictive venomous vixen that is the Price. I sincerely hope she gets her comeuppance but unfortunately after being on here for a while I doubt it.
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Chatty Member
I can’t believe she has posted that “Never underestimate the Pricey” video on her TikTok. She really does think her children are pawns in a game. It’s disgusting.

Arghhh, I’ve got to stop reading and posting about this woman. It’s just sickening.
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He knew EXACTLY what he was doing by releasing that voice note. He was trying to make himself look good. He wasn't sharing anything we didn't already know that she had taken drugs. Was that recording staged? (She said SB had got her off drugs, yet we know the post bock was her drugs getting stolen and she was pissed off) Or is she pretending to him she isn't using anymore (the dealers won't come to the house if SB is there)
Looks like they are playing a very dangerous game now. The public already seem fed up with their on/off relationship. The media are getting fed up of being lied to. They are obviously still being seen together...why, if they have supposedly split??

Is it for easier access to the kids/a spin for the bankruptcy-MM/generally to be talked about/deflections
Probably all of the above.

Why didn't KP go ballistic after he released the voice note, she always has done, yet she reacted only a short while earlier when her mum was quoted in a story.
So much as usual just doesn't make sense.
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I think I need to check into the Priory, she’s giving me a f’king nervous breakdown 😭 a cuddle with my cat should do the trick! Can’t afford the Priory prices.
I’m just at a complete loss at this woman now.
Big hug DC, the overwhelming majority of the Dm comments are as disgusted as we are. She’s a cunt, end of, and she will, somehow, get her comeuppance. ❤
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I really feel sorry for K&M that rubbery old witch cannot let go and move on.. why is it so hellbent on ruining their lives? Is it because they make better parents than her? Is it because they are seemingly happy? Is it because he got away from it? Is it because Bunny clearly love Michelle? Is it all these things? Whatever the reason, skank only has herself to blame that the kids prefer to be with people who care for them! Sniff, cock and partying is all that hag is or ever has been interested in. I can't wait for the day it gets its comeuppance, it will happen eventually
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After a lovely day watching my dyslexic daughter being a narrator in her school play (honestly cried buckets), coming to read this has broken my heart for those poor kids. How can that fucking cunt think she is a good mother. She is destroying those poor children.
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Saw it on the other thread. the arrest was for STALKING?! She is accusing him of stalking......her :confused:😂😂😂

Kieran, who shares children Jett, nine, and Bunny, eight, with former glamour model Katie, 'assisted the police with their enquires' his spokesperson told The Mirror.

"No further action is expected to be taken," they added.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Sussex Police said in a statement: "A 35-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of stalking and has been released on police bail while enquiries continue."''

She's losing it big time, I'm sure she needs intervention!
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pepe le pew

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Hypothetically now;

Say for example I were a teacher, or a neighbour, or a mum, someone who would hear a kid say something in my presence. If that kid said out loud, ‘Last night at dinner, my mum got mad at me and threw a plate at me’. Would I report that to police, social services? Honestly, I probably would. Abuse isn’t always diabolical acts of torture, cruelty, bruises, broken bones. Sometimes is fear, generated fear. Fear of not eating all your dinner because it makes someone angry. Or, maybe they throw what their mother has said about them, at them. An adult needs to keep control of their anger. It is the very least they should do. A child should never, never feel afraid or nervous in the safety of the family home.

The statement Price released is diabolical. The police would never fill her in on what goes on in a custody interview. Unless of course, she has a friend in the police force their, who has told her privileged information. In which case that officer needs to be identified and fired.
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I think what's astounding, in her drugged/drunk ` pickled ` ravaged mind, with ALL her criminal history, disgusting behaviour, she still believes the children are better off with their mother 🤷‍♀️ she completely bypasses the drugs, alcohol, the violence ( alleged ) from yet another ` bed notch ` in a LONGGGG line of many before him, banned multiple times from driving, yet STILL drives high/off her head, over turning cars, putting others in danger .... countless court appearances, RO`s ... animal neglect ( murderous cunt ) ... the fact that when all the children were living with her, she would go out at all hours, to buy drugs, fuck around, leaving them at home to fend for themselves, and when home the eldest would take over, as she was sleeping 24/7 on another come down, I think it was a neighbour who eventually told pete, and he acted .... despite all the above and more ... she STILL thinks, the children belong with her .... ( sole care? ... I don't for one minute believe this, its all fantasist crap, she has somehow manipulated this whole scenario as revenge AGAIN ... sadly for KH and MP .... I don't ever see this stopping, she will do ANYTHING to get her own way, and point score, she doesn't give a fuck about those kids, this is all one big game for her, they are mere pawns, to be used and in her narc mind ... belong to her, this is what all this is about ) ` IF ` ss had given her full care, then they will have blood on their hands, when she next goes Psychotic, puts them in the car, and flips it, harming, even killing them .... I again call BS on this latest development .... her delusional cronies, have been laying the groundwork on here ` suddenly ` which is so transparent, and now we have the ` big reveal ` straight from the skanks deceptive GOB! do FUCK OFF pwiccee👊


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I think he needs some kind of restraining order.I have no idea how that could be applied, but something needs to be done.
Nothing stops her desire for revenge, nothing seems to be more important to her.
Agree 100%. Jimmy Saville, R@pe, and now this.
Honestly I don't know how any of her ex's and their partners haven't had a complete mental breakdown having had this fucking evil b@stard in their lives.
What fucks me off the most is she seems to be untouchable, and bleets on about MH.
Anyone that has been within a 5 mile radius of this tramp surely suffer from PTSD!!!!
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First thought is if your children were genuinely abused WHY would you put it on social media like this, comes across as her just trying to be triumphant and get the better of Kieran and show she's won.
She can post what she likes ... Keiran has no case to answer from what i can see & I dont believe she has the kids full time ... if Kipper's mouth is moving she is lying ... Carol will be 'her rock' next ... you watch
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So all becomes clear. Fakes a split with SB so that she can tell social services she’s no longer with him.

Those poor, poor children. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
Deffo this is why they faked it then, who’s taking the kids too and from school, who looked after them while she partied last week, who thinks she is capable of caring for them full time, she’s a bloody danger and SB, yuck, can’t stand the thought of him around them full- time.

So we hear no charges (did I get that right 🤷🏽‍♀️) yet she’s posted this statement, WTF, so sorry for those kids, this will affect them badly. They had a happy home, it’s been destroyed, can’t believe there’s any truth in these allegations, how is he allowed to be with his other kids.

This is really dark, and just plain weird, makes no sense at all.
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