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Raging.I am jellus.Did you check that his throw wasn’t covering eleventy five bottles of Smirnoff and a pregnancy testing kit?
But, she couldn’t possibly have been drinking when she was mucking about, as in Feb 21 said she had been sober for a year….🙄
So she basically admitted by Feb 2020 she was fine. Her MH issues were dealt with and she was good. So you would think ahe would have dealt with her PTSD etc from the SA alleged incident by then, so again she just totally contradicted everything she said in the trauma and me documentary

I’ve just been going over old Sun stories for the last 4 years, it’s just a constant rinse and repeat. I’m looking for stories in her own words, videos, interviews etc, not ‘source’ stories. Constantly saying how she doesn’t do drugs or drink, but then in her own words saying (and pictures) how she has done both. Her Priory dates for January 2020 just don’t add up at all.
PTSD treatment since 2017 and supposed weekly therapy treatment even since then. Every time after treatment she says she is back to herself. It’s one big con to get her out of trouble… the spreadsheet is still being compiled 😩👍
You probably have this but must be from 2019 , admitting she's now drink and drug free after priory treatment , why would she say that if they were not her issue
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I recall her woo hoo'ing about meeting 'Mama' Woods. Never to be heard of again! Must have gone really well. Poor old 'Mama' Woods must be in sheer despair about how low her son has fallen and what he has become.
Aaaaand what does your son do for a living dear? He wanks for pence on OnlyFans and has Katie Price as his beard 😔
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She is clueless she bought these for sympathy impact pictures nothing more and because they are cheap
braces to help pain and corrective surgery can be easily a grand for one
as you said these are to protect after injury they offer no orthopaedic help
no doctor or orthotics department would have given these or told her to wear them to help with her ankles especially wearing 2 at a time with no walking sticks or crutches
she can't even fake being disabled right :mad:
wait a minute she isn't disabled she had an injury and fully recovered
might have slight pain sometimes in bad weather but self inflicted pain because of wearing stupid shoes does not gain you sympathy in the real world from real people who do suffer genuinely
sorry price you used Harvey for far to many years for your own gains and that has come to an end
your pathetic attempt to grasp any sympathy for your self inflicted problems has virtually ran out but you just don't want to accept it
Is it a pattern now that's emerging? She wore the head bandage at one awards show and recently the boots have had a couple of outings. As you say they wouldn't offer any benefit, from what I know when you've had pins and metal supports in surgery they hold the bones up, no need for braces or supports on the outside, I was told that after surgery and your muscles need to build strength again. Could it be that her cosmetic surgeries are no longer getting her enough attention and she feels the need to add some sort of medical equipment to her look to compensate now? Sounds ridiculous but then again, she is. I wonder what's next, being wheeled in on a full hospital bed or with a drip?
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I think she truly believes she can sing.
She has been pushing this agenda for a long time, but belting out a toon karaoke style does not a singer make.
Unless Rick desperate can luck into some dance tune that catches the public imagination.
At the moment she will say anything for headlines, and frankly, I’m not even interested any more.She has nothing to give.Even my outrage has been over outraged.
I think this is her future.Stupid fake headlines and ( unfortunately), still cropping up on panel shows.I think the days of massive paycheques are over.
I’m ok with her selling tat to the chavs, because by this stage , everyone knows what she is, so it’s a case of buyer beware.The same thing applies to people who ( from now on in), provide goods and services.
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I wonder when the story on how she had a miscarriage with sb baby will come out
Harvey having diabetes and weak muscles and thyroid problem can be monitored quiet easily
stop feeding him shit and drip feeding him carrot cake
help him to exercise take him for regular walks instead of sitting him down constantly with a fucking ipad
when you was with CB who apparently is a fitness instructor/trainer why didn't you get him to help Harvey exercise and draw up a decent meal plan
that be to easy to ask as you would have to do something regular and commit
Harvey may be in a residential collage but you have the last say on most of his needs and i find it hard to believe no help has been offered to you and Harvey to help him lose weight and get healthier
why havent you requested help in that department for him as any normal caring parent wood
Because it suits her to have Harvey the way he is, it gets her more attention and sympathy.
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Rita Chevrolet

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I think Fartwank in that suit is the closest I’ve ever seen him to looking like an actual car dealer. Except it’s a comedy one from the 80’s selling ‘cut and shut ‘bangers rather than the ‘prestige motors’ type he professes to be.
He's a real life Swiss Tony (look he's even demonstrating the size of his dick for us!)

Sometimes the adverts on here crack me up 🤣😂 I wonder who could use a pair of these 🤔🤣😂

Random thought.....if someone were to pressure wash the grubby looking trollop & all the fake bits flew off, what would actually be left??
A pool of oozing orange plastic with the ratty hair extensions floating in the middle
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Surprised to see junior, suppose he will want to keep up with his family . Seems only meet ups with mum now are at AFP'S
I get the impression he only goes along when its at his grandparents house, he seems to have a good relationship with them and SFP. Support for Princess too really, I always think of all the kids its P who deals with her mothers shit the most.
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Captain @265 where are you hiding out these days? You've not turned into a secret fan of KP have you 🤭
Actually no, I just don't give a toss about her, I have no idea what she has or hasn't done in weeks.

All I know is she's still breathing.
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🤭🤭🤭 oh my days. I have been moonlighting on the harry and meghan thread. Wow! Crazy! ‘Tis a relief to be back here where I belong. C’mon pricey though, do something! Anything!
But she’s all healed from her traumas, despite having been in the Priory 36535 times for PTSD and been having weekly therapy since 2018, she has learnt not to fire back on social media, she counts to 10 and it all disappears. 🙄 2022 is a drama free year for Pricey 🫢

Poor kitten 😡


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And why is crawl holding H like that? Laying claim? Best Dad eva and all that.
I'd say poor Harv is medicated to the max to keep him calm in that situation, Crawl is probably steadying him, same way he supports the Skank when she is off her face.

I’ve woke up to lots of reports this morning about Skanky at the diversity awards, from tiptop news,
Leaktrend, Daily Fail, and loads more etc etc etc ,
For anyone who’s missed them, She’s got an incredible figure
Except for Phil and Grant she's as flat as a pancake, no womanly curves anywhere. Plus she's getting a weightlifters neck from carrying Phil and Grant around
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What day? I saw KFP & SB in Horsham Sainsbury’s on Saturday. So maybe AFP was around too?
I'd love to bump into them two unfiltered deadbeats in real life, mutter under my breath as I walk by them - "hello, you utter cunts..

Never seen this one before 😳
How on earth has that slag Kipper got anywhere in life with a cesspit like that for a gob and an even worse attitude. Literally unbelievable.
I would LOVE to see someone give her a fuckin punch HARD in the face, I'm not violent and don't believe in it but c'mon there's exception to the rules and a big gob like that deserves it shut. What an utterly vile bitch
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I bet he said she was the worst case of denial he had ever seen but she will have ignored the bits that don't bolster up her fantasy version of reality. It reminds me of when my dad was sent to group therapy on the NHS, after his entire adult life of being a very difficult person (aka having a personality disorder) and finally agreeing to get help after being utterly awful to a few family members. He went for 2 sessions and said 'I'm not going there again, they're all mad'. Erm yes dad, I wonder why they sent you there :rolleyes:😂. The complete lack of self-awareness with some people means they will probably never be treated properly.
That sounds a bit like my mum who didn't want to go to a seniors club as it was all' old people there', she was 88 at the time!
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Oh wow. This reminds me of my kids nursery school incident. This was twenty years ago though. The nursery we sent her has animals. Rabbits in hutches and a couple of hamsters who spent the day being kicked about in their rolling balls. I complained to the headmistress of the unit that I had seen at least three kids kick these balls with the hamsters inside. But the very next day, there they were rolling around, and a little boy just took a running boot at one of them. I was so upset I told a friend about it. I actually cried down the phone. She told me to ring the RSPCA, which I did. They promised they would contact the unit.
Well, that very night the nursery was broken into. They took all the animals, even the goldfish, and daubed the walls with ALF, animal liberation front. Of course I was the prime suspect for the ‘theft’ of the animals. But apparently some rspca members are into activism. So I think it was them.
Fortunately the nursery saw sense and didn’t buy anymore animals.
I went right off the RSPCA several years ago after an incident involving my elderly mum. She had a fox in her garden that was clearly sick or injured as it had been there for some time so she rang the RSPCA. They refused to come and even look at it, just told her to leave it and it would either go away or die. Well a day or two later it died and she had to get one of her neighbors to come and bury it for her as she was in her 90s and couldn't do it herself!
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The article mentions the 'rape incident' but referes to it as a carjacking.
I really can't see how they can even call it a carjacking (or as KP also says a hijack) They didn't take the car, it was a robbery (if even that) by the SIX men with guns 3 guys (one with an Adidas hoodie) with NO weapons. When will someone report the TRUTH.
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