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Chatty Member
This will not come to fruition, it’s all hear say, just like the MTV Ex on the Bitch
Re a whole series when he goes to college (interesting assumption that he will go to the one she likes best..) what about the privacy and consent of the other students and indeed the teachers and other staff. Not very likely.
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Someone asked about Cole s family home being on the market for millions. Bet the family car business below in financial shit cos of the pandemic. Cole is listed as managing director. Bet none of them can draw a salary at the .mo... Skankyflaps is Cole s cash cow and income.. And the family Woods cash cow too as I bet joint interviews mag articles etc are paid to Cole not her cos of bankruptcy.. He s prob having to try support his family too as business won't be operating. Bet there's a mortgage on that huge house his dad can't pay so been trying to sell. Hence Cole s constant ads scams et c on instagram. It's all about the money pwicey for the Woods! And she thinks it's luuuurve😆

Cole hooked up with skanky in July 2020... Well the company accounts which he is a director of, filed at end of 2019 showed it has a grand total of £367 net assets after liabilities... And that was BEFORE the pandemic impact!!!
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Well if she does read this thread I hope she is thoroughly ashamed of herself. She is ugly inside and out. Making your children lie for you is despicable. If I saw her collapsed in a street I'd pass on by and laugh. I can only think of one other person I would say that about.
I think she definitely reads this thread. We have commented in the past about Blade being debarked and she has a video on insta of her and Princess asking him several times to speak and he can't bark, just sort of squeaks. It's heartbreaking and I think she posted it purposely to wind people up. Same with the video taking Princess to buy LED lights, non essential. All for attention!
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How can the brainless bitch be bleating on about him needing to lose weight, sooooo worried about him dying blah, blah, blah & then shoveling cheesecake down him?? I thought she was claiming to feed him healthy plop kitchen meals?? You remember, the one that looked remarkably like a bloody huge Chinese takeaway.
I just can't deal with her use of him. She is basically killing him in full public view & seemingly not 1 person is doing anything to stop it 😭
Sadly your 100% right Squirrel. I personally think they get those Prep Meals free for promotion, mind you no #Ad. Harveys Chinese looking one was clearly 2 meals, that amount of food wouldn't have fit in one of their containers. What's the bloody point of getting someone to deliver 'nutritionally prepared individual meals' to then double them up? God I dispise that tramp and everything she does.
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I'm pretty sure he comes on here. On his Instascam he's copied, I think it's Poms, Ace Ventura Pet Detective shot of Skanys new hair and Jim Carrey.
It was me a few days ago, almost identical to mine, he needs to fuck off and create his own humour, what a dullard he is! He’s about as funny as his boss eyes
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Sadly no one can call her out for being a total disgrace of a mother, it would create one hell of a problem, a career ender so she is tolerated and the presenters probably have their own views which they can't share. What we need is someone with the balls to speak out.
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They obviously don’t want the total of the shite on deplop to keep being added up, as they are taking the items off as soon as they are sold 🤔
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She's clearly trying to blackmail them into taking Harvey by mentioning them on the credits at the end of 'my show', what she called the documentary. However, I think her current and consistant portral of Harvey as a violent, uncontrollable monster has talked him out of any residential college taking him with vunerable students in residence and closer to being sectioned.
I totally agree with you, @BigBlue2018. I was mortified when I read yesterday her saying Harvey enjoys is when his younger siblings cry when he kicks off! What kind of mother will say such things?
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It’s also quite well known that she flooded the kitchen herself, clearly to make the mm go for less. I am
Also thinking of not reading anymore as it winds me up so much, sick of her shite 😩
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Long tome lurker here... Just wanted to say that I’m pretty sure she was wearing heels in the Christmas photo shoot when she is wearing the red glitter jumpsuit...
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GOSH know him very well, he probably has open admission access to them. taking him to some random hospital where they don’t have his records wouldn’t be a good idea. He is autistic. General hospitals would not deal with him very well they are loud noisy with long waits. If he has open access because he’s complex she will have phoned and been invited in

It really isn’t correct about gloves so please don’t spread it, it isn’t the case you wear gloves for injections and it isn’t a sign of bad practice. Some nurses will wear them but it’s actually advised against. I can give you plenty of evidence

Let’s just say I know a lot about healthcare 😂


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Lots of us thought and said may be Harvey killed it. I just wish there was an investigative journalist who would write up an honest account of her and her parenting... Why are they all ignoring her leaving him constantly to piss off on holiday etc and her easily proved lies???? They could make a good name for themselves as a n honest journalist😠😤🤷
The injunction obtained by Michelle Pentecost... Banning her from going near her for 5 years... The school banning her from the premises for calling Michelle, other mums and the teachers fucking cunts in the playground with children around???? How can that be being a good mum parent or even just a normal adult???!!!... Beggars bloody belief😖😫😫😫😤
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For all anyone knows he could have banged his big fucking toe just so she could have taken him to the hospital and concocted this story with days of drivel after and pictures of her coming out of the hospital with him.
She's cried wolf far too many times no one believes a word she says other than the dickheads

Just look at the way she talks to him,she could quite easily talk him into thinking he was poorly,she's just plain evil.

Im seeing comments on different sources saying they are now doubting letting their kids have the Covid jab,and this is down to Katie FUCKING Price
My fella used to work for the ambulance service in Sussex and KP was very well known to the crew for phoning up in emergency of a broken nail! Yes I'm exaggerrating a bit but they really were called out repeatedly and unnecessarily and known to be a nuisance. Especially as Katie Price would bring her entourage to hospital
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From an interview in the Times, KP stated ''I still reckon he has PWS'' also, from her book, You Only Live Once ''I think he might have PWS''

So by the looks of it, he isn't diagnosed. It's just a good excuse to cover the fact his weight gain is down to her neglect.


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They've both finally lost it. She's a fucking liar and he's a dickwad. He sells used cars and has dodgy plates coming out his arsehole - his dad would know. He's looking completely stupid boasting about daddy's latest present. I so hate them both.
Well done @Facehugger my little darling 😘. I was always told you need to have a good memory to be a good liar and as she’s frazzled her brain with coke/crack I’m assuming she hasn’t and that’s why her lies are so ludicrously blatant !!!
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