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Chatty Member
And as for THE SUN promoting the vaccine and #jabsarmy then printing all of this over the last 12 hours and scaring people half to death WTAF?
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See, this is how proper parenting is done (by parents who have properly diagnosed PW children)

The children at risk of eating themselves to death - BBC News

The Sun article is full of untruths, lies and unacceptable reporting:

1. Harvey was not rushed to GOSH as Skanky claimed, but (in her eyes no doubt a bog standard A&E and not a high profile hospital - less dramatic appeal) to a local A&E.

2. I feel bad saying this, but I'm questioning if he really got admitted? No photo of him being carted into the ambulance etc. Also, why have an x-ray for a reaction to an injection?

3. The pictures/video are not 'sweet' but sad. He asked for chicken kiev and chips at 4am, did he get them? Then a big bowl of sweet, sugar loaded cheesecake. Not a healthy, controlled diet to help him lose weight.

4. The laughing at him swearing, almost enouraging, clearly thinks it's funny.

I give up. If all of us can see how she is not only destroying his health but his future by making him sound like a dangerous monster is talking him out of colleges and the help he so desperately needs from trained medical and educational experts. My heart hurts for Harvey and what kind of future he may have ahead of him. A bleak one I fear if his tramp of a mother stays involved.
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Surely as a car dealer he can sort these out?

The fact she's got her kids and even worse, someone else's lying for her makes me livid. What is she teaching them? Pruecess is a liar already, what really happened to Rolo? Cole lying doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
Lets face it, when has a used car dealer ever told the truth?
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liar liar

VIP Member
Back to the story about Cole being sent explicit pictures by a young women which he has not deleted nor blocked her. By the number of thumbprints on his phone screen he's clearly watched them a few times.

Hilariously, Pricey has had the audacity to call the girl a 'Rooster' and plaster her name all over social media. She is such a troll, bully and by sharing the videos is this not her second incidence of 'revenge porn? She is such a thick moron. Ironically a 'Rooster' is a male fowl (or foul in KP case). Basically it's a cock, hey Cole!
Or as Katie screams 'any 🐔 cock will dooooooooooooo'! I love your description of Cole as 'The Pebble' :ROFLMAO:

Thread suggestion:
Wear a face mask, strap a plank if you're entering Katie skank
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This is awful! I don't really have any words, because it really will stop people having the jab. I can't believe she's been so stupid as to release this, whether it's true or not. 😥 Even if he HAS had a reaction, some people do to injections, it's one of those things that sometimes happens.

Can't believe she's so dense, I really can't. 😥
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Just come across this little gem 🤔
Blimey! She is, as we all know she is - a nasty piece of work!

Now Bunions make sense - they would probably need some support. I'm no Foot Doctor😷😂. Why not tell the bloody truth then - it sounds so much more newsworthy if she has broken both feet, though.

Hate that the 3 kids that were on that holiday know the truth, and know the Mum is lying, and the new boyfriend too.

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They gave each other their passwords for everything. She said this in her first YouTube video that featured Cole.
Furious and fuming again. Bet she's done the same as this girls dozens of times. Why didn't Cole delete them? Why didn't Cole block the girl? Why has Cole kept the videos??? I rest my case your honour!
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Kind of begs the question, if its not a blue light emergency, why on earth is it front page news in all the tabloids??
I don’t know, I think she thinks he’s the new captain Tom! He has likely been in hundreds of times for having a temp or being unwell if as part of his condition his cortisol levels are disrupted, which she has alluded to but since he’s turned 18 she’s trying to build him a celeb lifestyle (for income) instead of just letting him be Harvey in private
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Did Katie write that letter? I don't think so. Do parents help their children with homework? Yes they do.

I thought it was a nice gesture and she's had to make some tough calls regarding her son, good luck to them both for the future.
I believe there is a 'rave about' section somewhere over there 👈👈👈 for people to make fan threads to sing people's praises. 👍
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Someone asked about Cole s family home being on the market for millions. Bet the family car business below in financial shit cos of the pandemic. Cole is listed as managing director. Bet none of them can draw a salary at the .mo... Skankyflaps is Cole s cash cow and income.. And the family Woods cash cow too as I bet joint interviews mag articles etc are paid to Cole not her cos of bankruptcy.. He s prob having to try support his family too as business won't be operating. Bet there's a mortgage on that huge house his dad can't pay so been trying to sell. Hence Cole s constant ads scams et c on instagram. It's all about the money pwicey for the Woods! And she thinks it's luuuurve😆

Cole hooked up with skanky in July 2020... Well the company accounts which he is a director of, filed at end of 2019 showed it has a grand total of £367 net assets after liabilities... And that was BEFORE the pandemic impact!!!
The house has been on the market for years though, since at least 2017, reduced several times. Guess noone is interested?

That red Lamborghini has been for sale for ages too - Cole was poncing around pretending it belonged to him for a while, think he posted a photo to his Instagram of the Lamborghini in the car park at Sheesh last year, probably how he snared Pwicey in the first place
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Yes poor Harvey does look bigger
So sad. Feeding him cheesecake, laughing her scanky wig off at his swearing. Sure we all know where he learned 'cunt, bastard, dickhead' from. I wouldn't laugh if my son used this language and he's 22. I really don't know how he's in her care? Maybe as he's transitioning from child services to adult he's fallen through the net temporarily one prays.
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VIP Member
Guys I missed you. Whats happening?
I see Harvey's been in hospital.
So it's claimed, according to the scum who Katie informed Harvey had a reaction to the alleged vaccine given on Friday.

Katie lied and informed the scum Harvey was "rushed" to GOSH but when he was home she admitted her lie, he was taken
to a local hospital, unknown location.
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VIP Member
Pom needs to copyright the photos!!
Agreed but don't think it would worry Cole and Skanky. They use famous artists music on their scam selling posts without permission which is illegal and a breach of copyright. I really wish someone had the balls to call them out on something ANYTHING!!!!
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Chatty Member
Ive just watched her latest You Tube.
Harvey's house looks ok,but in the hallway there's a fancy silver table with Vases and pots on it.
Why have them there if he smashes things up,i dont get it.
Then in the shop she says to him he can have any cake he wants and sandwich, so much for watching his weight.

And the latest Instagram story,Carl giving him cheesecake?
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Well-known member
For fuck sake. That video. As usual, screaming in his face. No coat in in this cold weather. Food normal first question 'what sandwich would you like?' Not Skanky 'what cake (family size) would you like?'. Drink she picks up some carbonated high sugar thing, Harvey said 'just water'.
Yeah to be fair, almost gabe a little applause when Harvey said "just water"

Good on you son!
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Chatty Member
So he's home and was wanting chicken Kiev and chips at 4am this morning, the hospital can't have kept him in long then?
And that was including blood tests, X-ray, ECG.
Not even 24 hours for observation
Neither of them look like they have been up half the night.
She didn't even let him talk as usual, just put words into his mouth.
I'm sorry but did he even go to hospital? Did kunty realise she went too far with this and stopped it before it got any worse?

On Skankys Instagram Stories Harvey is home and OK. She's alluded it was due to the Covid Jab but then encourages others to have it. Think she must have got wind of the negative feedback she received. Oh and he didn't go to GOSH but a local A&E so another lie there. I feel bad thinking this but did he go to hospital at all, if so, why no shots of the ambulance like last time? Just wondering.
Ive just said the same thing, was there even a hospital dash in the 1st place?
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