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For fuck sake. That video. As usual, screaming in his face. No coat in in this cold weather. Food normal first question 'what sandwich would you like?' Not Skanky 'what cake (family size) would you like?'. Drink she picks up some carbonated high sugar thing, Harvey said 'just water'.
His blood sugars must be through the roof ~ what the hell does she think shes doing??

I know a lot of people don't like him but I've always liked Kerian. In his care, the MM was kept clean, he was forever changing beds when Jett, Bunny and Harvey had wet them in the night (I'd suggest Googling why kids wet the bed). Cleaning the house, garden, looking after the animals whilst the Tramp that is KP just sat around doing bugger all. Harveys weight seemed to be some what under control then as well.

As usual she treated him like shite, accused him of numerous affairs, only one confirmed and I suspect she drove him to this. None others confirmed. Accused him of being a 'sex addict', which strangely her mum accused her husband, KP's step dad of at his 'rape trial'. Peas in a pod?

Kerian seems to love Jett and Bunny and seems both are happy and well looked after in his care. He also seems to be home schooling them well. In Katie Prices charge, Jett always looks sad, ignored and about to cry.

Also noticed Emily helped Junior with his college application and she and Pete are now rehearsing his college interview with him. Where's his mother?????

Final bit of my rant, why do ALL her exes go on to have stable, loving, faithful relationships after dumping Skanky? What's the common denominator?
I don't mind Kieran but KP would frequently undermine his efforts, and my God he did more than his fair share around the house and looking after the kids. I always wondered if he secretly needed to get his own back on her by sleeping with Jayne P.

Blimey! She is, as we all know she is - a nasty piece of work!

Now Bunions make sense - they would probably need some support. I'm no Foot Doctor😷😂. Why not tell the bloody truth then - it sounds so much more newsworthy if she has broken both feet, though.

Hate that the 3 kids that were on that holiday know the truth, and know the Mum is lying, and the new boyfriend too.

An eagle-eyed viewer spotted either Jett or Bunny playing about with a pink crutch (don't be rude you lot, lol) whilst Stinky was packing for that jaunt to Turkey!
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If she has made this up or is exaggerating she is even sicker than what we thought
Where do they get this shit from??

"A source told The Sun : "She's very worried but is trying to remain calm."

A source? A source my fucking hairy arsehole!!!

There's some very specific details there, like a temp of 39.9, some shit about cortisol?

Its her isn't it!!!

She's very worried, but has the piece of mind to call the tabloids about it.

Vile whore.
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I honestly believe she is a pathological liar. She can make her mouth say anything and sometimes she opens it and even she doesn't know what will come out. Belt up you barmy bitch you are a complete laughing stock.
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Chatty Member
And look at the high end, classy calibre of models in addition to skankyflaps modelling the JYY clothing range!!! Who ownsv it?? Cant be skanky... What does the JYY stand for??🤷f

I love the though t of the skanky pair reading on here!!!! Hey Bellend🙋 and Skankyflaps.🖕.. Bellend you 've gone from being Managing Director of a company.......down to Shagging THAT!!! And selling shite and scams on instagram!!!!! Karma Cole!!!!!!!
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Interesting no Junior in the famleeee / " I m such a grate mum" picture of them clapping for captintom!!! Poor kid having the teen boys at school watching her online everyday... He 'll be mortified... There will be a some nasty comments going on online with the posh school boys whose parents are most likely wealthy professionals/ successful business types.
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Didn’t think it was possible but she’s more unbearable now than ever. You can’t say anything about queen Katie now without a bunch of people giving you a lecture on how she’s the best mother Harvey could ever ask for. She’ll be loving it. She really boils my blood! 😡
She’ll be her own downfall! Her ego will do it for us .
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Is it just me or does Harvey look even bigger in these pics 😭. How can the arseholes at The Scum call it a sweet video???? She's given him bloody cheesecake. How is 1 of the worst calorie loaded desserts part of a healthy diet for Harvey?? And he's swearing which she thinks is funny?! Did we all really need to see it? Let's not forget the chicken kiev & chips he'd asked for......and probably was given 🙄
And according to the fairytale, Harvey's house opposite her is now adjoined to her's/Crawls??

I don't like to boast but I'm not banned 😇..... oh, hang on...I don't use Itsasham or I definitely would be 😂
See, this is how proper parenting is done (by parents who have properly diagnosed PW children)

The children at risk of eating themselves to death - BBC News

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She didn't bloody chop em off for charity!!!! We saw her on instagram selling raffle tickets to win the skanky hair extensions... Some saddo called Sophie won them she showed a scrap paper with the name on!!!!! Why are they blatantly lying!!!! It's on her social media... durrrgghhhhh😭😠😖😖😖😤
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I think all us Tattlers need to prepare ourselves for the upcoming Valentines Day proposal bullshit 💕💕💕 it’s gonna happen, she’ll be striking whilst the iron is hot - not that she’s ever used an iron judging by its Deplop but I think next Monday is gonna be a tough day for us all🤦🏻‍♀️ If it doesn’t happen then I for one will piss me pants 🤣
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Watched this video on her Youtube channel

Was thinking to myself, this Ben seems like a nice young chap, has overcome adversity in his life to set up a really succesful business and seems to be doing really well. If only that foul buzzard would SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET HIM SPEAK, might get to find out a bit more about him.

Her 'interviewing' style is so fucking frustrating!!! Just like with Harvey, she talks all over him, makes it all about her for fucks sake.
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Comment by Stan in the Sun, 'Wonder if the younger more attractive lady who sent arfa the vids is Ali from essex who people were asking arfa about on his insta.???

I really think she has shot herself in the foot posting the video online, the comments are nearly all against her now. Karma...........
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Changing the subject I see we have some new members, welcome to the best thread and if you haven't already please sign the petition to stop her buying any more animals.

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From an interview in the Times, KP stated ''I still reckon he has PWS'' also, from her book, You Only Live Once ''I think he might have PWS''

So by the looks of it, he isn't diagnosed. It's just a good excuse to cover the fact his weight gain is down to her neglect.
Which explains why Katie has done fuck all for PWS charities.
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Chatty Member
Where do they get this shit from??

"A source told The Sun : "She's very worried but is trying to remain calm."

A source? A source my fucking hairy arsehole!!!

There's some very specific details there, like a temp of 39.9, some shit about cortisol?

Its her isn't it!!!

She's very worried, but has the piece of mind to call the tablids about it.

Vile whore.
I know im repeating myself but as soon as i seen he'd had his jab story this morning i just knew 150% this would happens
She's a low life fucking bitch
Maybe he has gone to hospital because mummy has told him he's not feeling well
She needs wiped off this fucking planet
Sick evil nasty twisted fucker

I doubt she has Power of Attorney as that can only be given by the person concerned if they are deemed to be able to give proper consent and I very much doubt Harvey would be able to do that. Friends who have adult children with some similar disabilities have not been able to do this.

Instead they have to apply to the Court of Protection that can rule where people (young and old) are unable to give consent. The court appoints someone (often family member or local authority) to manage the persons financial affairs and all monies have to be accounted for to the Court. It’s a long job being appointed and then each year providing the receipts and accounts etc.

As Harvey has only just turned 18 she won’t have needed the Court of Protection yet. She’ll probably have to apply now I imagine.
Her mother yeah,she holds many purse strings
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liar liar

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My mum had terminal cancer some days she could walk a few steps others a couple of hundred yards she wanted a blue badge so she could go shopping independently, as in drive as close to the supermarket as she could then get a mobility scooter with shopping trolley. She put her application in and the local council rejected it saying she wasn’t ill enough🤷‍♀️, but that skanky slaggy piece of oxygen stealing shit can horse ride, jet ski, wear flippers and prance around all over the place, seriously what information has she got and who on, there can be no other explanation can there 🤷‍♀️
I am so angry at this. Your poor mum - the whole point is people don't want to admit how frail they are until there is no hiding it. Everyone wants to be independent until the last minute. Why does every normal person have to fight so hard when they should be thanked for waiting until it was simply impossible for them to carry on? This country is a shambles.
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Chatty Member
From an interview in the Times, KP stated ''I still reckon he has PWS'' also, from her book, You Only Live Once ''I think he might have PWS''

So by the looks of it, he isn't diagnosed. It's just a good excuse to cover the fact his weight gain is down to her neglect.
Just as we thought, its all in her head.
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It appears that all the recent sales on deplop have been removed. I wonder if this has anything to do with the suns article today saying that in 5 days she’s made £2,500.
I was about to add yesterday sales.. hmmm 🤔
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