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Lucky 7 Talent - owe “Harvey” money for promotional work. When I say promotional I mean exploitation of a vulnerable adult to sell tat from China. Jay Austin (who runs L7) is a convicted criminal who remortgaged his grandparents house without their knowledge and also passing around fake notes. He’s a scum bag - well suited to her although how she has the nerve to complain about anyone owing her money is beyond me! I reckon she has been siphoning away at Harvey’s trust fund for years.
Pretty sure it’s not going to £1000’s like KP thinks, he had his photo taken a few times with bags of sweets. James Austin invited himself along to this train trip, not sure it was anything to do with Lucky7.
KP originally allowed him to ‘work’ then changed her mind. 🤷🏻‍♀️


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Pom Bear

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My other Putin pic I had made and the original one underneath. 😄
Back later love Pom 🥰 xx.

Ps..his meant to have both his hands on her breasts but I couldn't photoshop in..

Damn I hope that don't look too rude which weren't my intention 😬 ..


The original which is more cute lol...

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KH trained as a plasterer so he could do that, it's hard work (I have a few family members who are plasterers) but provides a steady income, there's always people looking to get work done and you can build up a good reputation and book of contacts for work, through quality work and word of mouth. Would set a good example to those kids too.

I don't have an issue with people choosing to do "sex work" but when you're in the public eye and have kids to consider, I think it's different because the chance of your kids knowing about it and seeing it is greater. The rest of us all work at normal jobs, why shouldn't KH. There's always work available for people if you're willing to put in a bit of graft.
If you know he could get better money being a plasterer which would also allow him to be their for his children and deal with the trauma they must be going through, I don’t understand why people don’t write to him on IG and tell him that he seems a nice enough guy. He might be grateful to learn there’s work in his area that pays well and would fit around being mum and dad to his children and a personal trainer. I’m very fortunate I don’t have to take my clothes off to make a living and never have. I also don’t have a big mortgage because when I purchased my house the mortgages were more in keeping with salaries. We also don’t know if Kieran incurred debts when he was married to KP that he’s also having to pay off, along with all the costs of having children and running a home. I try not to view peoples lives the way I choose to live mine but what it must be like living in their shoes as much as I can. Thinking what they’re coping/dealing with. Unlike KP Kieran to my knowledge hasn’t driven under the influence, had numerous driving bans, doesnt do drugs, doesn’t behave inappropriately when he’s out, doesn’t owe people millions, hasn’t beaten anyone up, hasn’t bullied people, in fact I think he was bullied. I also don’t think he’s had a father in his life. So personally unless it does turn out that he’s done something terrible I take my hat off to him for supporting and caring for their children and giving them a happy childhood. I think he’s doing amazingly to still be able to function, as life at the moment is difficult enough for many of us let along being dragged through the mud by his ex KP.
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On Twitter, the size of it, the hideous clothes!! Looks like a bloody bag lady (and sorry for offending bag ladies ❤)
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If Harvey’s mother was not KP, or someone as vile as KP who uses her children as pawns it’s likely DY would be in Harvey’s life more. There are at least two sides to every story and none of us know the real truth only what KP wants us to know. I didn’t even realise DY had been visiting Harvey in his school, or is still in contact with AFP. I agree it’s not ideal if he just pays for Harvey but that’s more than a lot of men do for their children.
That's an interesting interview, I've never seen that before. Truth is I've never heard Dwight speak before. He comes across as a very polite nice young man, what on earth was he doing with KP in the first place? Interesting too that he says he thinks KP makes out H is far more disabled than he really is. He says that H runs around and can walk fine, yet in that video they showed KP has him in a wheelchair! ( and stuffing his face with something as usual). DY was right when he said they weren't in a stable relationship and shouldn't have had a child, but time and time again these young men don't take the simple precaution of wearing a condom! Clearly he has been far more involved in H's life than KP makes out, and also tried to be more involved too. We all know what a total bitch she is to her exes so I totally see her using H to punish D.
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Advertising a Deplop drop at 7pm. Didn’t have the option to select “no fuck off” when she asked who’s excited 😂 Can’t remember what poll it was recently but the majority of people picked no 😅 small victories lol
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Well shoot me down in flames everyone. Willow, why TF would you you spend so much time with with a POS like KP? And same for you PTMe? Doesn't make sense!
I think sometimes people show their true colours eventually. We’ve all learnt that in life with people we thought were friends and they’ve turned out to be the exact opposite, I’m sure x
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That’s not a message I’d like from one of my kids! (If it’s real, of course!) I don’t want my kids to miss me or say any of those cloying things! I want them to be ok and having fun without me. It is skewed for her think this is an endearing message. I find this a sad and desperate message from a child or vulnerable person. (That’s if it’s real, as I said).
Probably logged on to his account and typed it herself!
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Account Suspended

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Skate and Crappie down at the private organic IVF clinic apparently the placement of said egg will be on only fans later this evening at a reduced rate of 98% ....................oh just in breaking news Katona will be doing the placement while in skanky ol holy undies as she kind of girates her hips like a hip replacement exercise class with a face like someone is stepping on her big toe

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Looks like she was with Bunny today looking at her Tiktok so guessing that’s why there is no Carl around. I wondered if it was old as I thought Bunny was still on holiday with her Dad, but looks like today as she’s wearing the same jumper and her “new face.”

Surprised she’s not posted in on her Instagram, she loves showing when she’s got the kids with her.
Lovely Michelle has just posted a picture from Mexico airport about to board a plane so not sure this is recent .....
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I remember her talking about this years ago, around the time she had Harvey? I remember thinking then that it a much more terrible effect on her than she admitted. She brushed it off like 'these things happen' but that was just bravado. even now she says what she thinks the viewer WANTS to hear.

in the last episode of MM after the car crash when she’s in the garden speaking saying she knew she could have killed someone and she’d chosen to go to therapy, yadda yadda yadda, she doesn’t mean any of it, it’s showbusiness….. give the audience what they want to hear etc….. listen to it again, there’s no emotion whatsoever
In her first book the incident now called the rape , when she was 7 , in KP's own words her and cpl of other youngsters were enticed into a bush by a guy who licked their faces and another kid screamed and he ran away. As happens with most of her stories it gets more dramatic with every telling
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I took a day away cos I couldn't be arsed with the silly bitch and her knobhead fella and I miss out on porn and being transported back to the 1950's for the odd comment 🙃

Happy birthday @Miss Lola ❤ I hope you've had a lovely day ❤

Been loving Kieran's lovely family photos on insta. Apollo and his chunky lil legs 😍🥰 Gutted I can't have any more babies however Mr Ethel is very much relieved 😅 #broody
All of those kids look so happy, healthy and content it's so lovely to see!

As for Skanky having a coffee with Edna.... has she never heard of shampoo? That's a bad chip pan head if I've ever seen 1!! 🤢🤢
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Well done @Winepig for the new title - small edit to fit!!

ETA to add link to old thread.

Fingers crossed I've done it better this time!!
I know @PhoebeBuffaysSmellyPussy will be rooting for me 🤣
Thank you lovely ! 😀

The edit is perfect , I suspected it might be too long as it was .

I wish I understood the new thread instructions ; I’m too scared to try doing it myself 🙄
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there must be something going on with the sun about what she said that they knew it was a fake bruise and she told them not to publish it because they have not printed anything about her since(lets hope she is in real trouble)
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Mary Popanotherpillundermytonguepins
She couldn’t afford a Nanny! A decent Nanny (or even a crap one) in that area would be £2-3000 per month minimum plus the tax you have to pay for them on top (not that she pays tax). Plus employers liability insurance, access to decent food for child. I’ve worked as a Nanny in some
Dirty as hell houses because both the people and the kids were filthy but no proper qualified nanny would work in that shit hole. It makes me feel ill just reading about some of the rooms in that pit!
I assume it’s why she always ends up with Nanny’s who are useless or barely out of childhood themselves.
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