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I'm not in the mood for her wind up shite today. Have had an awful day, have a stress headache and all for just trying to do the best for my child and her school. This is what decent parents do skanky. Worry about their precious humans until it makes them ill.
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wimble womble

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I think KP is going to be knocked sideways by AFP’s death. My prediction is it will get messy and there will be serious fallout. She’ll lose her biggest cheerleader, the one who has always been there and that will be huge, especially considering her ever dwindling followers/sycophants. I could be wrong but I think AFPs death is gonna hit her like a tonne of bricks. Until now AFP hasn’t looked or acted too ill, it would be easy enough for Cokie to convince herself her mum’s going to be okay. That is obviously changing as AFP is starting to look ill, her colour is dreadful in some pics, she has been given an oxygen tank that she is using. Once AFP is gone the shit will really start flying.
I had a family member pass away with cpd and it wasnt nice to see how there condition went downhill so AP there skin color etc just looked terrible .......when the end does come [ and sadly it will] we know there will no end of cash making oppertunitys for the " con artists" to fill there wallets........
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Haha. Her Instagram story opening the freebie. She used to turn her nose up at things like that and wouldn't be interested and told me to keep it all instead!

On a separate note, I genuinely hope her creditors get the outcome they want. I'm slightly nervous, probably shouldn't show vulnerability because I have such a strong case but I know what she's capable of.
Remember she still has another 10 months to stay out of trouble. If she starts anything call the Police and get a restaining order on her
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Maybe her horse is dying again, it worked for the mighty Hoopla festival, except according to her KP equestrian IG, she was riding a horse this afternoon. 🤔
Well she’s not depressed then, if she’s in her happy place.
If nothing happens on Monday, my happy place will be the bottom of a bottle of Gordon’s finest.I will also be mainlining quality street.
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Me too. The electric chair was terrifying. Not an experience I care to repeat. My sprigs of frazzled hair are coming back quietly. That'll teach me to drop fag butts on the pavement.
Just a cotton pickin' minute here! I'M the real Lee Purkiss. You're all imposters!
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Many apologies to you all for my rant earlier and using the "C" word. Going shopping have a nice day It was all true. ❤.
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I've finally caught up. I had to take a few days out after the NTA awards. My blood was boiling with it all. I just stopped reading about her. Disgusting, vile woman! But back to some light hearted relief now.
A lot of derailing recently but I'm glad it's coming back to the subject it's meant to be on... that Skanky is a ****!
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Sounds like he thinks it is not going to happen Monday and that she has got a way out of it ie got the money/excuse to stop it
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Joanna Surrey

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Do you know, it's bloody sheer laziness, anyone who gets a pup just needs to put in a few weeks work & it's done. I set alarms & got mine up every hour & put them out, praised when they performed, used the command words I wanted to use for various functions. I just increased the time in between putting out day by day,

Bar one accident when I wasn't quick enough putting out, my latest was trained in 3 feckin weeks, and over the next few weeks with me reiterating the command words every time, I got him to poo and wee on command where I wanted him to perform every time by 5 months old. It's bloody easy and every responsible dog owner has no excuse not to do it. 😡
Ignore any book that tells you to take your puppy out every two hours. Granville Claude fox terrier sweetheart was tiddling every 15 minutes. Their little bladders just can't hold it. Also ignore anybody who tells you their puppy never had an accident. Pathological liars!😂😂

Anytime I've had kits, you only have to plonk them in a clean tray, scrat their feet and they soon learn. My little one was funny as a kit, I was cleaning her tray out one morning and she actually climbed in the cat litter bag and crapped in there 🤣🤣🤣 I don't think Skankys got the first idea about any of it, she doesn't even wipe her own arse & shits where she likes 🤢
My daughter's Siamese actually sits on the loo.😂
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wimble womble

VIP Member
im puzzled to why they were running late at the diveristy awards? the video on you tube shows them sprawled out on the bed in the hotel while they wait on harvey and his "carer" to arrive ..oh and the carer is seen wheeling in a large suitcase which no doubt has there fake clothes in..but again how did they manage to get to liverpool but not pick harvey up themselves? .....oh and then price starts the whole tickling harvey " phoney parent" routine
singing nursery ryhmes........... i bet that carer is ran ragged with those two lazy chancers.
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Does anyone remember Monsieur Cumble?
My friend got a message from her son. Not sure how much I'm allowed to send. It was all very sweet but dont want to break any rules!
Bless him ... Yes he was genuine, and I liked hearing about his lovely mother Ophelia, such a warm lady and very missed by others and myself ... please send him my love 🥰❤❤❤❤❤
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So.Pricey Bingo
I can’t go to the hearing because.....
My feet have life changing injuries because they were gnawed off by rats at the MM.
Can’t use the freebie wheelchair/ mobility scooters because they were stolen( sold off ) by a mysterious stranger.
A leprechaun ( AFP)showed me a pot of gold, and I was able to pay off a reasonable amount of money.
My legal representation has found out that I have an evil twin.
Cole has promised to show his front bum on OF morning, noon and night until my debt is paid off£6.99 per “ shot” shouldn’t take long.
2222 is my lucky number, and coincidentally is the timeframe we’re talking about( see sentence above)
Too busy looking after 5 kids. Time consuming because they’re sleeping in different houses.
Found a loophole.Havent read anything about my finances unless it’s in take a break.
Etc etc.
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I though when someone initially went bankrupt, a Trustee was appointed and any earning/assets went to them, to pay off some creditors and give the bankrupt a ‘living income’. Maybe that’s what used to happen, I worked with someone who went bankrupt after her divorce and that’s how she cleared debts, over a long period. But it was 16 years ago, things do change. Thank you for your comment DC16.
Yes, they have been appointed, but nothing was ever sorted out regarding her payments, due to her non compliance, this time though (y)
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I really hope she gets some kind of comeuppance but I seriously think that she’s going to walk out of that court or even not actually walk in with the biggest pricey smirk we have ever seen, all her half wit fans shakira daisy sunshine, Tiffany sea storm and fucking Pixie bell will alll be applauding what a truly fantastic mother she is.must leave now I have a very old dog who gets up at 3.30 imagine the filthy skank getting up at anytime that didn’t suit her to take a dog out fucking bitch you deserve to have piss all over your house.
All we can hope for is that the judge was annoyed that she is not in prison and uses every law against her.
Lets start a protest outside the courtroom with banners and speakers...
"What do we want?"
"Who for?"
"The creditors!"
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