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VIP Member
Years ago when I went to Vienna I picked up a packet of Pom Bear snacks .they called Pom Bar over there.
Here's a photo of the actual crisps I brought..

View attachment 1011140

So it got me thinking about Katie and what she be eating in prison. I came across some crisps that are perfect for her loooooool πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ x

View attachment 1011142

This actually came into my mind and made me smile so I had to grab my phone to make it incase I forgot by the afternoon πŸ˜„ x.
Perfect Pom πŸ₯° πŸ’ž πŸ‘Œ xxx
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Chatty Member
Can you imagine if little Miss in denial actually gets sent down for 5 years 😳
AFP will be gone.
Her kids will be 5 years older & probably managing quite nicely without her erratic bullshit.
I hope she thinks that text was really worth sending πŸ₯΄
It would be hilarious. But we will have nothing to talk about. Unless some jail birds sell stories on her.
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Speaking of books….I was in my local Tesco and they have a book swap shelf….her shite book being Jordan was next to a book by Joanna β€˜Trollopeβ€˜ πŸ˜‚ made me snigger 🀭
Breakfast at Bronzefield

Sophie Campbell (Goodreads Author)
3.67 Β· Rating details Β· 169 ratings Β· 97 reviews
HMP Bronzefield, the UK’s largest women’s prison: notorious for bent screws and drugs:

But what’s the truth behind the headlines?

Forced into signing an NDA when she arrived there on remand, former public schoolgirl Sophie risked extra time on her sentence by documenting her experiences of life inside.

Backed up by recent research and statistics, Breakfast at Bronzefield offers a powerful glimpse into a world few see: riots; unethical medical prescribing; and prison barons – key figures behind prostitution and drug-smuggling.

In a world where anything goes and being rehabilitated simply means saying β€˜sorry’ right up until you’re released, how will Sophie cope on the outside, where she is expected to play by different rules? Will she succeed in creating the life she wants? Or, like most prisoners, will she end up back where she started?

Maybe you could read this and give it a review for us? πŸ€”
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
I don't care if she's jailed or not, I want to see the MM sold, her creditors paid off and her given the balance to get on with her life as best she can.

The MM's troubles are mostly superficial (made worse by her vulgar taste encouraged by the oncoming TV shit show) and the 12 acres has great potential. I think if/when the property goes to auction there will be a very good price achieved either from a private buyer with a thirst for renovation or a developer.
Demolition would be the kindest thing for that old house to completely remove the Curse of Skanky thats seen it plummet from a lovely old Arts & Crafts house to a Slum.
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That last interview she did for GMB where she had Harvey sitting next to her he was clearly upset about something. He started rocking and hyper ventilating. They zoomed in on her to cut him out of the frame but it was disturbing to say the least. Either he isn't comfortable being on TV or he was upset about something. Hopefully life is much calmer for him at college, and hopefully she won't visit him too often and disrupt that.
I think its called stimming and people do it when they are either upset or agitated but don't quote me on that
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I agree Tracey - my Sister in law has been in Priory 3 times at great expense to both her and us, NHS refused to take her anymore & she learnt more about how to dodge facing up to her addictions each time, she's still a toxic addict, phones us at midnight to cry & complain about how rubbish we are etc.. She's 57 now & we won't answer phone or visit any more (which drives her nuts)
Sorry to hear that x
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VIP Member
Yes agree, it's not excusing her disgusting and frankly disturbing behaviour. It's more that comments are made her family should help "now" rather than they should have began helping way back then.

In the book extracts, it explained she had dated (against her Mum's wishes) a much older, difficult man when she was just 15 years old. He mistreated her, got her pregnant and when she finally broke away from him, that's when help should have been given to her, before she had those foundations firmly in her DNA to continue on her journey to where we see her now.

There is no excuse nor reason for her as she is. As a wealthy person with management, as well as family, at some point those nearest to her, should have stepped in sooner.

I include CAN management in that too. Neville is shown in the KP and PA show discussing how they helped PA with mental health issues in the USA, so as their Client, KP should also have been supported and managed. KP mentioned her PND after either J or P and they didn't appear to do much.

Each opportunity to help her, but missed, has helped her become the Monster personality she is now.
But after through all of that so called trauma between the age of 15/16 she was doing topless modelling!
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VIP Member
Now that's something that crops up often in reply.... I'm sorry, but I don't believe I've personally ever heard this non-celeb ever ask for privacy? :rolleyes:

Missing the point entirely..... they aren't famous, they don't need to keep shoving their faces out in the papers/magazines etc., they don't need KP's money (if she had any) because she's an airline hostess and he's a er, um, er, person who shows his nether regions on a camera to odd folk who like to pay for that sort of thing = so that's their bills paid then.

To keep hanging out of KP's backside of shame (eg, ex mr KP) is madness.

Have some dignity, have some pride, make it on your own away from the cameras. Stop feeding the newspapers.

Different for PA, he's got his own albums, career. But equally I don't want to hear about E, she's a Dr (the famous E chant) so lovely, off you trott to the wards where folk need you and stop popping up on tv shows (like Loose women, :sick: which also was a KP haunt).

No need to crave the cameras and be fame chasers. Give those kids some privacy and normality away from the cameras.

As for bringing up 4 kids..... two that PA and E have are their own, why should KP financially help those two?

two that KH and M are bringing up are one hers from a previous and one is their child, again, why should KP financially help those two?

There are 2 in each family that are with their own Dad who should pay towards them, that's the privilege's of being a parent, you pay for, love and take care of your child.

Plenty of single parents out there taking care of business, without any financial help from the other parent.

Something sadly KP has never actually grasped herself, being a parent and taking good care of the children, before anyone or anything else.
Sorry dude, you talk a load of shit!

I know, I always say I'd stand outside Crawley Mag and shout abuse at her but the train fare and my fine for abusive language isn't worth it! I'd rather give my money to charity. If any of you guess or would like to donate to a charity I follow let me know 🦊
She has a 5% chance of getting pregnant. I know it's still a chance, but she's been told it won't happen unless there's a miracle!
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