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If Katie Price is able to give police a statement on her ex husband is she also able to inform us how the case against the 32 year old man is going? What has happened? Has it been closed? Is it ongoing? Do the police not investigate retrospective actions?
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Kieran looks extremely strained in the Daily Mail article today. If these claims are unfounded I hope this doesn’t push him over the edge. There is only so much people can take. By minor she is claiming he raped girls under sixteen? If this is correct then obviously they deserve justice however it’s trial by media again. Look what happened to Caroline Flack. KP should have kept her mouth shut let the law deal with it and not broadcast it over social media. Poor Bunny and Jett having to go to school with all this they are old enough to understand. Their stable home could be ripped apart, it’s not as if KP can look after them properly they could end up in care unless their parental grandparents take them in in the event that this is true and Kieran loses custody over this or gets charged and goes to jail. What a shit show the priory obviously did her no good. She is likely back on the coke as Carl is a known coke head. It’s extremely hard staying sober if you don’t actually want to when your other half still takes the stuff. I know that from experience 😔She won’t learn until it’s too late.
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Oh my christ, just realised I actually liked one of her posts by accident.
I've snapped that like straight back.
I may never recover from this.......
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VIP Member
If Katie Price is able to give police a statement on her ex husband is she also able to inform us how the case against the 32 year old man is going? What has happened? Has it been closed? Is it ongoing? Do the police not investigate retrospective actions?
Funny that isn’t it? She is unable to talk about the case against the 32 year old, unable to talk about the car crash, but it’s shooting season in blabbing about everyone else!

Well done on becoming a Chatty Member 🥰💖💕🥰🤗😘 xx

I make you one but sadly will only make VIP ones in future as I'm making too many now. I think your next one will be VIP. So you get one from me as well then. 💖🥰💕🤗😘 xx

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I'm struggling tonight, it's all abit too heavy going and serious Going to take a break reading abit but might add a pic here and there and be back on when the thread has slowed down and less serious again.

I've got monthly pains today so not myself anyway 🤒.
Love Pom 🥰
That is ONE thing KP does actually do well….. she helps us all whip through the threads, and gain our VIP status even quicker! 😂
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Hate to say it, but I don’t think anything will ever come of #slapgate. She’s blasted KH as a warning and clearly has more ammo in that twisted addled mind of hers🤷🏻‍♀️ Like I said before, she has NOTHING to lose and will side with Cole in anything he does. I don’t know if she is seeing a therapist on the regular as she keeps spouting, but surely the therapist would NOT encourage her recent mud slinging behaviour 🤷🏻‍♀️
What Carol needs to realise from the current Kieron stuff is that slapgate may well be shoved under the rug for now ... BUT .... when they split that will be the first thing she pulls out from under that rug at to attack him with ... along with the 'argument' that he (of course) will have caused to make her drive drunk & coked up when she rolled the car ... and the 'truth' about how she broke her trotters ... all of those things would make her look like a victim ... 'mental 'elf' might be the current favourite, BUT, she always plays the victim card ... I honestly believe that KP & Carol will destroy each other ... majority of the general public have no idea who he is, wouldnt know him if they fell over him outside of his local area, he will have had his 15 mins of fame and wont much care about what she has to say about him, he will just pop off back into obscurity & it will blow over ... BUT ... I believe that whatever ammunition he uses against KP will end her media 'career' ... obscurity is a very scary place for KP ... her children will distance themselves from her, particularly if any of them successfully develop careers of their own in the public spotlight (and she will desperately try to tag herself onto their coat tales) ... obscurity beckons ... that will be her karma, her own personal hell
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Christ you lot move at warp speed 😂😂😂

I’ve had a couple of early nights this week due to an emotionally draining day & it’s taken me up until now to catch up .

I actually won’t know what to do with myself once this Shitshow reaches its final & stark staringly obvious conclusion .
I don’t despise anybody else on this level . Maybe I will find peace 🙏🏻 🤣🤣
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I think her whole shtick with social services screams 'failure to protect'. Which is actually only further compounded by her allowing what she apparently believes to be a sex offender around Princess. She's vile.
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The Scum makes me laugh "Katie Price and Carl Woods were known as one of the most loved up couples in Showbiz ,
By WHO ??? and Showbiz ??? F**k my old boots , never go out or on holiday unless that fella from Backgrid is available '
you never look at the pair of them and think aaah thats lovely , do remind me of one couple though , Alex and Dan in Fatal Attraction
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I always think if she stayed with Kris her life would be in a much better place, be generally appeared to be a nice guy and actually care about her. Bloated coke fuelled Carl is a nasty paranoid piece of work. Cannot wait for them both to destroy each other.
I don't think anyone since Pete has actually loved her. She's just a stepping stone to the thing they want most - fame and money. Some might end up caring enough about her to do things like lie about her drink driving....but love her? Nah. Her relationships are showmances.
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I definitely think she has a personality disorder, but, dont think that she is a full blown Narcissist, she certainly has many of those traits though ... her ego cannot take anyone leaving her ... if she leaves them she isnt much differrent tbh ... always needs to be seen as a victim of them in some way, her locus of control is hugely external, she can never recognise any part she has to play in any negative situation, it must always be someone elses fault ... if she is not happy then her ex partners cannot be allowed to be happy - thats how we know that she is unhappy with Carol, whatever she says - she spends so much time attacking her exes. We know she lies publicly, but, I believe that she also lies to herself to the extent that she gets lost in those lies and starts to believe them. KP is desperate to be loved & adored ... but, even when she had that she destroyed it ... she had what she wanted with Pete, in the beginning I believe that he loved her, the public liked her then ... she had the success & love she has always wanted, but, she destroyed that relationship with Pete & the public all by herself ... she will never have that again and deep down she knows it (which scares her) ... she is unable to accept that losing everything back then was largely of her own making so she continues to lash out. Pete, Keiron & Alex have all gone on to have healthy happy long term relationships ... she is not capable of sustaining that ... she brings chaos wherever she goes ... whatever its technical name, that is the nature of her personality disorder, in my opinion ... KP will never ever be happy, she is too bitter and resentful - its always about what she hasnt got, never about what she has.

she was when they met, I dont think that she is now

If you look at her general lifestyle & behaviour KP has a lot of anti-social behaviour and displays very little (if any) empathy toward anyone or anything ... animals are replaceable ... so are Men ... so are children ... In her mind she will just get a new one (animal, bloke or child) and her life will be fine again
Michelle has posted this:

'If someone treats you badly, just remember there is something wrong with them, not you. Normal people don't go around destroying other human beings.'

She shared the pre-written message along with the hashtags 'restrainingorder', 'law' and 'courts'.
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No Mr Half price yesterday…..
They all look the same size here, Cokie will hate. Getting Chonky there ya Skanky Cunt, and after all the women she has body shamed I’m loving it. Getting to be a right fat fuck aren’t you, you nasty, spiteful, ugly fat twunt.

(I have no desire to body shame anybody, but this biatch thought she was better than people simply down to her dress size. She’s made so many denigrating comments about others it’s obviously a huge insecurity).

The thing is she’s lost her looks, her figure, her money, her career, her public interest, her kids, her driving licence, her home, the love of her life and any shred of credibility she had left, the only things left to lose are her freedom and life. That’s a pretty piss poor showing after 43 yrs of life. She’s such a loser, I’m so happy I don’t have her life. I can’t imagine waking up wanting to destroy someone’s life or trying to come up with ways to get publicity. I was going to say “new ways”, but this boring twat hasn’t come up with anything new in years. Part of her problem is she cannot evolve, she hasn’t changed since the late 2000s and it wasn’t exactly for the better.

This is clearly Cokie’s ultimate downfall and it’s quite sadand pathetic to watch. It’s like watching a desperate prey cornered and trying anything to get out of its inevitable doom. Sorry Cokie, you’re at the end of the line, you ran out of road and not a moment too soon. Bye bye bitch!!
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Wow, I’ve never read any of her books, but chapter 3 first love, aged 15, with a older guy named Jeff.
Was driving aged 16 without a licence even back then😡
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Katie, you're a great mother!

Don't shoot me down. These are basically the words uttered by the following live on TV recently.

#Richard Bacon
#Susannah Reid
#Richard Madeley
All incidentally on ITV'S GMB
As was #Andrew Castle now to be found on LBC who I caught on air the day slapgate broke. He waxed lyrical about how lovely she was....WTF?
I think they all need to have a bit of Tattle attention for their delusion👍😀
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looking at the time the instagram post were put on it looks like between ten and eleven oclock last night so she was prob pissed or drugged up by then
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Regardless if he did it or not she's a scum bag for not putting her kids first . For posting this all in the media her kids don't need to know this she's just a vindictive arsehole more interested in getting revenge on exes than prioritising her kids wellbeing .
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Amanda Lin

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Sure Katie, Sure!
Girl, can you try to master being a woman of grammar before you try to get back to being a “woman in power”

TBF this is quite sad, if she is claiming she is happy based on a future dream of weddings and babies? Why didn’t that make her happy before? She really needs to work on herself and I don’t mean fake priory rehab, just some self reflection would be a start.
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