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VIP Member
I agree I've never liked the OF stuff. I can understand people do it for money . But it's not the sort of thing he should be doing cos of his family and lifestyle. He needs to think about his situation now and concentrate on being the best dad and partner he can be.
Someone said Michelle is flight crew which suggests that Kieran is the primary caregiver to the four children. There aren't many jobs a man can do at odd hours during the day.
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Rita Chevrolet

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if she reported it years ago the police would have had to investigate it even if they did not believe her and people would have been questioned then and no decent mother or women would stay with the man if they thought they were guilty of grooming a child (fancy going home and saying i just reported you to the police for grooming a child but it ok we can just carry on as normal and she would have brought it up with the social services when the children were removed from her care and given to him(it just stinks of a women scorned i reckon she is trying to get custody of the younger children the timing of this allegation is just to much of a coincidence)
Oh and if the police were aware of such allegations in 2016, how come he was considered a safe place to send the children when they were rescued from Trampy Towers and that thing and that he lives a contented family life with Michelle, her son and their baby along with his two??? It makes no sense but then thats probably because its all LIES from the poisonous gob of skanky :(

Furthermore when the allegations of rape were levelled at The Other Mr Price (her stepfather, the poor bastard) a few years ago, she was right up front screeching that the woman lied about it, that she had eagerly consented to sex with him and started issuing threats in her usual charming manner; Its a different matter now when she thinks she can persecute and gain mileage out of throwing such vile accusations about because she is a hate-fuelled old hag

Imagine if aliens abducted her as an example of the human race?:alien::LOL:
Thats why they're staying away :alien:
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Hammers of hell

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if she reported it years ago the police would have had to investigate it even if they did not believe her and people would have been questioned then and no decent mother or women would stay with the man if they thought they were guilty of grooming a child (fancy going home and saying i just reported you to the police for grooming a child but it ok we can just carry on as normal and she would have brought it up with the social services when the children were removed from her care and given to him(it just stinks of a women scorned i reckon she is trying to get custody of the younger children the timing of this allegation is just to much of a coincidence)
I can't understand why she would have been the one to report it and not the girls parents?
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Right I've finally sat down and cracked open the Rosé. What time is she due to kick off? I cba waiting until 10, does she hit the bag early on Fridays or what? 🤔
This is one of my favourite comments ever 🤣🤣🤣
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Hello lovely people. Please be gentle with me as this is my first post although I've popped over here for ages for gossip :p.

I admit I used to like KP - I thought she was funny, sweet with Harvey and I did feel sorry for her when Kieran cheated on her BUT the way she's behaving with no thought as to how it will affect her children - the way she is lashing out at the people who have ensured the kids have stability in their lives - is unforgiveable :mad:. Does she not realise that SHE is responsible for her own actions?! No matter what has happened to her - SHE decided to do drugs, lose her millions, break the law etc etc. Even if her ex is being investigated she could CHOOSE to handle it maturely for the sake of her kids.

She says she doesn't want revenge but she's posting stuff saying Kieran is a cretin and should be in jail (err - so should she?!) and who would look after the kids then?!

I honestly think she's a narcissist and/or has a serious untreated mental health condition (not judging - I suffer myself) but it doesn't excuse nasty behaviour. I remember Pete saying there was something wrong with her - that she was so cold inside and she must have done something pretty bad for him to leave her and look how she reacted then - she's always gone off the rails. People like her will never take accountability for anything (unless it's a fauxpology!) and they are extremely jealous and insecure and can be like Satan himself when crossed (sadly I know this as my mother didn't care when her behaviour left me suicidal).

They go for "scorched earth" policy when they feel everything is collapsing around them - they take everyone down they see as the "enemy". I actually wonder if she is seeing a therapist as any therapist worth their salt would be advising her to stay away from drama, work on her own issues etc. And I may be totally wrong but she has that puffy faced pregnant look to me - unless it's IVF or drugs. She's got no respect for anyone including herself. No respect for her children, for her exes picking up the pieces of her behaviour, for the people she owes millions to. It's very telling she says she is focused on having babies - no mention of the kids she already has?! Who in their right mind thinks having a baby in their mid forties when she doesn't have care of the other ones is a good idea?!

People on cocaine can be extremely erratic and begin to lose touch with reality. Sadly I've just lost my best friend at 47 - she was a heroin and crack cocaine addict for 20 years. I think KP is unravelling at warp speed and it will be worse when her mum dies. She still has choices. She could disappear from the public eye and live a quiet life. She could try to make amends for her mistakes. Sadly I don't think that will ever happen.
Leandro also said 'her brain isn't wired up properly'. Blimey he's had a lucky escape, she's not mentioned him for years! Clearly she is on something & CRAWL is enabling her. He encouraged her to drink at airport & in Vegas when she'd just left (Supposedly) The Priory. We all know she was only in rehab for 2 days, if that. Because she knows medical people/institutions can't speak out, she lead us to believe she was in rehab for a few weeks. Not so, in my opinion. She was laying low somewhere. I also believe her sister & mother just go along with what she does. They've had a good life off the back of her previous fame and probably still are. Does she have any management? If she does, they're doing a very poor job. I suspect there have been many complaints to channel 4 about the new series to be screened. Many more OFCOM complaints, when it's aired too. I really hope this latest rant and accusation about Kieran show her to be a compulsive liar and appropriate action (JAIL) will be carried out, but not holding my breath. The poor kids are the main losers here. Thank god they have Kieran & Peter. And she's trying to destroy even that home life. Slagging off the kids daddies & partners. She's gone way too far now. I hope the Police gather the facts (many posted on here) about Kieran & her. Kieran took Princess to see Little Mix in 2017 and Kate remarried him during the time the made up offence was supposed to have happened. Would you let someone like that be with your young daughter if that was the case? NO is the answer. She's an utter disgrace.
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Michelle doing the kids homework on Kieran's stories. She clearly loves those children and their dad, I truly hope the accusations are false and that evil, jealous, vindictive bitch gets her well overdue comeuppance 🤬
Actually nearly cried when I saw that clip. She seems such a lovely person and a caring mother/step mother. I think her and Kieran need to not overdo it tho as it might incite KP to kick off again! If Kieran is proved to be innocent then go with all guns blazing!
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Chatty Member
Skankys heads going to explode at this 😂
Good, look how genuinely happy the kids are. Not being forced to act happy for a camera. You can see in KPs photos the Jett especially is not happy and to me, he always looks nervous, bless him.
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Didn't she want a Harveys Law to make online abuse a specific offence and to create a register of offenders? She'd be top of the bloody list.

She's consumed with revenge, especially against Pete, KH is cannon fodder to her. She has never got over that Pete walked away, never.

Carl is out for all he can get because surly you'd watch all her shite going on around you and think nah I'm off! If I was him there'd be a Carl shaped hole in the door! She'a actually evil. She gets off on they misery she spreads.

She's the bringer of her own downfall. Let them get on with their lives, if she's not bothered why constantly mention them?
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Read the WIKI people.. lots of very clever people have took time to update it at regular intervals....
Not me I'm not fucking clever enough and can't be arsed tbh.. but I love everyone who takes time to do that...
IF certain people are taking time out of their lifes to slate exes and employees and children and friends of Katie Fucking Price... why are they not taking time to read her thousands of misdemeanors...
Are they invested in pricey ????

Been on these threads a very long time, read the wiki, know the stories, know some people who are close mates with some who get mentioned here. Other posters before and now bring up AR and keep stating what a lovely, sweet, endearing poppet he is.

Just as many out there think Miss KP is a sweet, amazing Mother of 5 children, who cooks, tucks them into bed and does all she can to protect and support them - yet everyone on here thinks not, the same goes for him.

It's not a get out of jail card to have had lunch, shared a taxi, shared a bed, fornicated, worked for or just been in the same postcode as KP to be excused from all you do or are. Her ex's - especially those who came after PA, knew exactly who she was and what fairground they were taking a ride in.

So the rude "who is this poster who...." comment you made and then this diggy comment aren't really required.

If you can't be assed to read back and quote me, while digging me to read the wiki, sort it out. seriously.

Every time anyone types anything certain posters disagree with, it becomes hounding, goading, pushing out.

Sorry, not leaving this time, I'll post where I like and what I like, just like everyone else. The mods will tell me when I've done wrong and why. Thanks.
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Greggs Sausage Roll

Chatty Member
Hate to say it, but I don’t think anything will ever come of #slapgate. She’s blasted KH as a warning and clearly has more ammo in that twisted addled mind of hers🤷🏻‍♀️ Like I said before, she has NOTHING to lose and will side with Cole in anything he does. I don’t know if she is seeing a therapist on the regular as she keeps spouting, but surely the therapist would NOT encourage her recent mud slinging behaviour 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Haha think this is a good recap 😂

I’m not very good at recaps as I can’t keep up with the threads and Skanky bullshit but will try a mini one!

*Kieran has been reported to the police for apparently engaging in activity with a minor. Only preliminary stories are out but he is engaging with the police. Very odd set of circumstances and lots to implicate KP is behind the report to the police.

*Cole is making statements on his socials saying Skanky was never hit. Neither of them can keep their mouths shut or their stories straight.

*KP did some Emily bashing online and swiftly deleted it. Neither Emily nor PA responded.

*Channel 4’s program about the mucky mansion renovation starts next week.

*Bankruptcy hearing is on Valentine’s Day (how romantic)

*Shes still a grade A c u next Tuesday
Thank you for this. I wrote "Recap" then I started to think back and my brain went "Oh, hell no!!!"

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Chatty Member
Please let it be true! I can’t wait for the mud slinging and exclusive interviews with the red tops. Popcorn 🍿 at the ready! 🤣
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