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I do just feel that there is something in regard to Keiran and the accusations! Katie Price as much as I detest her has not initiated this. The police have asked him to come in for questioning, as a woman ( possibly underage at the time of the incident) has made allegations! Now whether she (KP) has been asked for a witness statement is not the reason Kieran has been accused.

She is just relishing in it that is obvious, but it doesn't take away that this could be true as much as we all detest her!

The police would have to have the individual involved to have made a complaint in order to take it forward. KP cannot do that on their behalf, so I do think we need to be mindful of a possible victim of something quite awful.
it doesn't matter what anyone feels about the accusations , Nothing to do with us , This hag , the same woman who complained when her father's name was mentioned concerning a rape case , the same woman who is supposed to be campaigning against Trolls , The same person who said people shouldn't judge her for getting in her car drunk and drugged up , has had this fellas name plastered all over the papers mentioned him on social media
saying he should be locked up for life and isn't fit to have custody of his Kids , The fella hasn't been formally accused of anything , I mean in today 's trial by media its gone from grooming , to sexual assault to three rapes , hasnt even been questioned yet , yet this woman thinks she can be judge jury and executioner , would you like it if it was your Dad husband brother friend ? I think its a Bleeding disgrace ,and she hasnt thought of the effect on her kids for one second , just like last week with Emily , Blackened tghe fellas name and reputation , he could be as white as the driven snow ,he could be guilty as hell of something , But its still 100 per cent wrong . who the hell does this old slapper think she is ?
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I feel sick about these accusations against KH. My instinct is to believe people when they say they were abused, but this seems to be a third party accusation coming from a very unreliable third party (KP). If what she is claiming is true then that means she willingly, knowingly left her minor aged daughter in the care of a man she claims abused a minor aged girl. This was how my abuser got access to me, by my mother leaving me with an (known to her) abuser. I feel sick to my stomach over this. If these accusations are true KH is a danger and KP is also a danger to kids, even more than previously thought. If false nobody is safe from KP and her vile, revenge tactics and even though innocent KH reputation is dirt forever, it's one of those accusations that never go away no matter how much proof of innocence is provided.
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Is it just me or has Tattle completely took over? Even moreso since the "Woe is me" cunt started throwing accusations about whens she's off her nut? Like I sit down of an evening and totally bypass the soaps/Netflix and jump straight on here and speed read the missed posts. Next thing 3 hours have passed and I've got fuck all watched, I'm just switching between tattle and insta to see if she's posted another coked up/pissed up accusation. Tell me it's not just me 🤔🤣
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I'm still lurking, just laying low, don't want to be bashed on insta by the worlds biggest ho.

(NOT a thread title suggestion 😂😂)
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like I said previously its not our job to speculate , I don't care what Kieron did or didn't do , I come on here because I think that thing is evil, poison , I mean the events have supposed to have happened in 2016 ,she reported it to the police ,she bleeding renewed her vows in july 2017 , and talk about innocent till proven guilty ,she has said the poor sod deserves life, and social services should get involved , If she was that worried about her kids, well a decent mother would have fought tooth and nail , anyway what the hell is it to do with her anyway ? it should be a private thing between him the alleged victim and the authorities , whatever the rights and wrong that horrible witch has orchestrated a witch hunt and tried to destroy a mans reputation , her kid's Father ,yeah think of the kids you skanky harriden , oh yeah forgot , you
prefer to be with a second rate artha daley ,Dolly wheres that Bleeding pot ,don't think itll be big enough this time:mad:
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Hello lovely people. Please be gentle with me as this is my first post although I've popped over here for ages for gossip :p.

I admit I used to like KP - I thought she was funny, sweet with Harvey and I did feel sorry for her when Kieran cheated on her BUT the way she's behaving with no thought as to how it will affect her children - the way she is lashing out at the people who have ensured the kids have stability in their lives - is unforgiveable :mad:. Does she not realise that SHE is responsible for her own actions?! No matter what has happened to her - SHE decided to do drugs, lose her millions, break the law etc etc. Even if her ex is being investigated she could CHOOSE to handle it maturely for the sake of her kids.

She says she doesn't want revenge but she's posting stuff saying Kieran is a cretin and should be in jail (err - so should she?!) and who would look after the kids then?!

I honestly think she's a narcissist and/or has a serious untreated mental health condition (not judging - I suffer myself) but it doesn't excuse nasty behaviour. I remember Pete saying there was something wrong with her - that she was so cold inside and she must have done something pretty bad for him to leave her and look how she reacted then - she's always gone off the rails. People like her will never take accountability for anything (unless it's a fauxpology!) and they are extremely jealous and insecure and can be like Satan himself when crossed (sadly I know this as my mother didn't care when her behaviour left me suicidal).

They go for "scorched earth" policy when they feel everything is collapsing around them - they take everyone down they see as the "enemy". I actually wonder if she is seeing a therapist as any therapist worth their salt would be advising her to stay away from drama, work on her own issues etc. And I may be totally wrong but she has that puffy faced pregnant look to me - unless it's IVF or drugs. She's got no respect for anyone including herself. No respect for her children, for her exes picking up the pieces of her behaviour, for the people she owes millions to. It's very telling she says she is focused on having babies - no mention of the kids she already has?! Who in their right mind thinks having a baby in their mid forties when she doesn't have care of the other ones is a good idea?!

People on cocaine can be extremely erratic and begin to lose touch with reality. Sadly I've just lost my best friend at 47 - she was a heroin and crack cocaine addict for 20 years. I think KP is unravelling at warp speed and it will be worse when her mum dies. She still has choices. She could disappear from the public eye and live a quiet life. She could try to make amends for her mistakes. Sadly I don't think that will ever happen.
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I haven’t caught up on the all of the last thread yet, but wanted to say as a sexual assault/abuse survivor if somebody went running to the media and public with my story before I was ready, I would be raging. She has given no thoughts to any potential victim’s feelings. She has violated a sexual assault survivor for her own personal satisfaction, if KH did carry out those “actions” then there needs to be an investigation and a trial. Irrespective of Kieran’s behaviour, Cokie Cunt has tried to out a sexual assault survivor and that is really fucking low, she’s not scum, she’s the nasty residue left by scum. God I now truly fucking despise this cunt, it used to be moral indignation combined with morbid fascination, but now it’s outright hate. Fucking, fucking absolute cunt. Seriously, just when you think she can’t get any lower, no that bitch just keeps plummeting further 🤬🤬🤬😤🤬😡😡
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#Cole is getting aggy , coz his nose is in the baggy , let’s hope he don’t slap slaggy otherwise he’ll be on taggy .
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Michelle doing the kids homework on Kieran's stories. She clearly loves those children and their dad, I truly hope the accusations are false and that evil, jealous, vindictive bitch gets her well overdue comeuppance 🤬
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I think her whole shtick with social services screams 'failure to protect'. Which is actually only further compounded by her allowing what she apparently believes to be a sex offender around Princess. She's vile.
Kieran took Princess to see Little Mix 2017. Would you let your daughter go with him if you knew he was inappropriate with an under aged girl? There’s headline in the Sun proving he took her. Price is dangerous and a compulsive liar. No thought for Jett and Bunny accusing their daddy like this. She’s lower than a slugs belly.
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She reminds me a lot of my mother.
Started off as a alcoholic and was always drunk and dangerous around me and my sister when we was little. My dad divorced her and went for full custody which he won and we didn’t see her for a few years. During this time she made up awful lies about my dad. Eventually we started seeing her again at a contact centre surrounded by social services until we was allowed home visits which eventually turned into unsupervised weekend/holiday stays.
She started drinking again and use to tell me if I told anyone social services would take us away from my dad and we could end up in care far away from my family and never see them again. She would be poisonous towards my stepmum and scream and shout at her at the front door. Once she even smashed into her car so she couldn’t take us on holiday to Spain to see my step-nana.
The drink turned to drugs and we eventually got old enough to see through her lies and I told my dad everything.
I’ve not seen her since I was 15 years old and my dad and stepmum have done an amazing job.
The truth always comes out, whether it takes one year or ten.
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dont think she has been to Harveys for the last two weeks will this be her 3rd
I knocked up a spreadsheet at lunch to record her visits to see H, which I’ll send to GMB next time Skanky is on the show, as it appears she might have misled them and the public last time. Thought I’d help GMB with some research.

Love a spreadsheet me 😁…..

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Well done on the winning title, @Salyara

Recap - Oh, Christ, i've not got the energy for that....go look at the Daily Mail! :D

Old Thread:
Haha think this is a good recap 😂

I’m not very good at recaps as I can’t keep up with the threads and Skanky bullshit but will try a mini one!

*Kieran has been reported to the police for apparently engaging in activity with a minor. Only preliminary stories are out but he is engaging with the police. Very odd set of circumstances and lots to implicate KP is behind the report to the police.

*Cole is making statements on his socials saying Skanky was never hit. Neither of them can keep their mouths shut or their stories straight.

*KP did some Emily bashing online and swiftly deleted it. Neither Emily nor PA responded.

*Channel 4’s program about the mucky mansion renovation starts next week.

*Bankruptcy hearing is on Valentine’s Day (how romantic)

*Shes still a grade A c u next Tuesday
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if she reported it years ago the police would have had to investigate it even if they did not believe her and people would have been questioned then and no decent mother or women would stay with the man if they thought they were guilty of grooming a child (fancy going home and saying i just reported you to the police for grooming a child but it ok we can just carry on as normal and she would have brought it up with the social services when the children were removed from her care and given to him(it just stinks of a women scorned i reckon she is trying to get custody of the younger children the timing of this allegation is just to much of a coincidence)
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Clueless Carol mentioned in the Daily Fail 'Carl questions what kind of man publicly calls for the mother of his children to be banged up' ... but KP saying Kieron should be in jail is ok ..... and Keirans legal team stated that the allegations appear to have initially been made by KP, not by the 'victim'. I personally think its a load of cobblers and the 'victim' was talked into it by KP ... I think that will get cold feet about being involved when they realise how serious it is to make these sort of allegations
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