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Chatty Member
how sad that this was a woman who once seemed to have it all

and maybe during her heyday had the world at her feet

reduced to attacking the woman who has long since replaced you in your ex husband,s heart AND ONLINE

just because she works her ass off as a doctor and is 120 per cent more gorgeous and successful than you ever did manage in your whole alleged career

you are just a decade order than Emily but look already like you,re heading for your 80s real fast
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Yes @DC16 what have they said?

Has @PTMe been on since docem gate last night. I wonder what her view on it all is…..
Yaaaas I did, don't ask me what page/thread it's on however, struggling to keep up! 😂

I will add, Emily hasn't even sold a story to Closer magazine. How many times has skanky said to not buy Closer aka Loser because of the lies?

I really thought she'd have known better than to believe gossip in a shitty magazine. To me it looks like she wanted this argument all along and suddenly found an excuse.
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Price just can’t handle a presumed threat to her ‘I’m more famous than you crown’. As we all know Emily hasn’t done anything wrong, just because the media/tv are interested only shows that she has talent in areas that KP couldn’t even begin to compete with, even just the basics ~ English begin the first example.
Exactly ... a vile, manic ... illiterate GOBSHITE, who has failed as a mother in every sense, is nothing but a mere object of ridicule, and getting worse .... next to a doctor, a lady who holds herself with grace and dignity, while ` properly ` raising someone else's children. as well as her own ... there really is no comparison .... Emily will not lower herself to pwiccess level, by reacting, if anything thats the job of lawyers ... her behaviour needs to be nipped in the bud, she seems to believe, she can say and do as she pleases, and get away with it ... I dont much rate ` pete ya cunt ` but do feel, he is a good father ... I hope he goes for her legally, gets something put in place that will shut that disgusting mouth of hers permanently .... pwicceee only has her ` mentwwual elf :rolleyes::rolleyes: and Harvey ... her one trick pony ` to fall back on now, her whole world, is crumbling around her ... she is where she deserves to be ... there is NO big comeback for the simple fact, she dosent know when to stop, and behave like a decent human being, she is not mentally ill ... she's a fucking spoilt brat, that never grew up!!! always used to getting her own way, is never told NO .... the tide since the drugged drunk car flip, with the public has now turned, and she cant deal with it ... she lives and breathes being in the spotlight, all we will see, in the next few years concerning pwiccee, is further bad behaviour, spiralling out of control, this is now her life ... she could have fixed all the above, has the platform to do it, but NO she is intent, on destroying herself completely, her behaviour this last week is proof, that she is becoming more and more erratic, jealously also eats her up, it drips from every pore ... Im enjoying her downfall, its been a long time coming (y) ... she has destroyed MANY over the years, this is now PAYBACK🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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105# The cocaine is back , this time it’s not a rap - but an Instagram attack - Dr Ems is a quack , is it time for a smack?
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I just saw the article in the DM. PA isn't going to take that lying down.............

And poor Princess and Junior :cry:
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Not a kp fan but I do think there is more to Emily than meets the eye. Plus it is off she quite happily poses with prices children but covers her children's faces.
The difference is J&P have always been in the spotlight with P&K as parents and are now old enough to say whether they want their faces shown or not and no doubt would say they don’t want to be in the photo if that were the case, also J&P post photos with Emily on their own accounts. Whereas P&E‘s children are far too young to be able to make an informed choice about having their faces posted in the media.
As for Emily, 1st and foremost she’s a human being with feelings and actually I think she’s behaved with grace and dignity, far better than I, or many of us would if we had to put up with Katie’s narcissistic behaviour, as she has. It wasnt that long ago KP said she got on with Emily and liked her, even paying tribute to her working in the NHS. KP needs to grow up and start appreciating what others are doing for her children because she’s let them down, rather than trying to project her inadequacies onto others.
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Not a kp fan but I do think there is more to Emily than meets the eye. Plus it is off she quite happily poses with prices children but covers her children's faces.
I wonder if she has decided to keep her two little ones shielded - maybe even having seen what the tabloids can do - but for P & J, PA has consented to their faces being shown… maybe if PA had had a say from day 1, P & J wouldn’t have lived so much of their life in the spotlight… 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Can you imagine what skanky would say if Emily WASN’T trying to be a good mum to P & J… How dare she attack Emily for stepping up where she has failed…
It takes more than DNA to be a mother… it’s bad enough when Skanky shames herself, but bringing her children and their step-mother into her shit-show is a step too far.. she deserves as good as she gets 🤬
You can just imagine skanky sat there can’t you before writing that post, , not allowed to see her kids, AFP almost fell out with her and her brother so she’s hardly any family and no friends coz she’s treats everyone like shite by only ever thinking about herself. All’s she’s got is that half wit living with her that most people can see for who is is, a bully boy, so basically she’s lashing out trying to blame someone else as usual for her current unfortunate shit life
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Hampshire Hog

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Well…… she has certainly monumentally fcuked up this time. Not the first time she has ranted and raved about Emily, skanky will never learn. Now P is being attacked because of her mother’s inability to maintain a dignified silence.

I hope P now sees her mother for what she really is a waste of space. There will be a lot of discussions being had I expect the Andre household tonight, I hope they take some legal advice and then act on what is suggested. I feel another restraining order coming skankys way🤞
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Awwww, maybe we shouldn't be so hard on her 🤷 She tried her best, she really did. She probably even believed herself when she said it would be a drama free year. As we know, she NEVER lies 🙄
Oh, my mistake.... she's just a nasty, jealous, spiteful, vindictive, bullying, lying, fake, narcissistic OLD tramp 😡
She's lost everything. Everyone knows it. She cannot accept it.
I think you are all being unfair, she was obviously not going to be able to do the whole year drama free. She was able to do 9 days which is more than a week.
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These threads are crazy 😂 been going through them for days then when I think I've caught up another one appears 😂. Anyway just wanted to put my 2 pence worth it, Katie has a cheek accusing Emily of knowing nothing about mental health. Emily's been putting Katie's children's mental health before anyone else's this whole time. I think Emily must know Katie is a lost cause and is therefore just putting all her energy into princess and junior. If its true that she stopped princess visiting Katie in rehab, good for her! Emily was being a true parent with that decision and protecting princess when Katie has failed to do so once again, even if it maybe wasn't what princess wanted it was definitely what she needed and good on Emily for doing that. What parent would really want their child to see them like that anyway. I think Emily was in the long run protecting princesses mental health. If Katie was any sort of parent she would understand and appreciate that! I'd love to know what Pete makes of it but he probably won't say anything publicly. And also I thought the photos of Emily with princess, junior and Pete at the pride of Britain awards were stunning just while I'm on here haha
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Dear Susanna Reid and GMB, can you invite Katie Price onto your show again next week to ask her why her Mental ‘Elf made her unleash an unprovoked Instagram attack on her ex-husband’s wife Emily, The woman who has selflessly taken care of two of Katie’s children for years, as Katie was too busy chasing young men and living such a hedonistic life, she was unable to do this herself.

Also can you ask Katie why she felt the need to question Emily’s professional status. I believe Emily is a qualified doctor, you know those people who’ve worked through a pandemic caring for the public, whilst Katie went to nail bars and on holiday a lot.

I would appreciate it if you didn’t give Katie an easy ride as you did last week, with your sycophantic uncritical interview, despite the serious conviction of drink/driving. Can you instead treat her like the c*nt she is, as she behaved like a total thundec*nt again today.

Many Thanks, a public who are sick to death of you lot making excuses for her c*nty behaviour.
You should actually send that into GMB!
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I don't think P and J would stand for having their faces covered, P in particular loves the camera as much as her mother. E and P's children should be able to grow up in private.
AND it's a bit rich of KP to say anything against posting any children online when she is constantly posting images of her two youngest children who don't even have any choice in whether they're shown to strangers online or not. At least P & J can voice their own opinions on whether they want to be in the public eye or not, whereas B & J cannot. One day, Bunny and Jett will be able to read all of this stuff, or have their schoolmates tell them about it. KP should take her own advice and leave all of her children out of this.

Edit: not to mention how much she uses Harvey,who also has no way to actually consent to being posted online or used to make money.
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Joanna Surrey

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Whoah, I go out for the day and THIS happens. I can't catch up on it all but predict there is going to be an explosion between these two cretins soon. I'd never be surprised if the police weren't called again soon, the pair of them are literally coked up bonkers. If I were Peter and Emily I'd totally ignore the whole thing, she's made a big mistake with this.
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She's put this up 🤣🤣🤣 what kind of a response is that? She couldn't address a single point I made!
What she doesn't deserve to be called out for being an absolute horrible nasty piece of work but she can post and say whatever she likes about Emily...what a fucking character...
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Is there a recap of those IG messages or are they in the wiki? Apologies the last thread moved soo fast 💨
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There's no point in her covering Princess or Junior's faces when their mother and father have posted them plenty of times, and both of them have their own public accounts on IG.
Exactly. Either you don't consent to your kids being on social media or you do, it's in or out. As others have said Emily is within her rights to protect her kids identities until they're old enough to choose for themselves. J&P have been in the public eye since birth, so there is a huge difference. It's only the unintelligent (Skanky) who would fail to see the difference.
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