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VIP Member
Same as it ever was from Pwice, gotta say she’s consistent, f*cks up so here comes a cute photo of the kids 🤦🏽‍♀️

Sorry Pwice, don’t think this is going away easily, the papers are on this, you might not answer to the public about why you felt justified to put out that IG rant, but kinda think you may see some lawyers on your ass soon, if not already. Probably should apologise, but you never do that do you. Oh dear.
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Aha, so THAT's why Katie kicked off last night. Jealous as hell that Emily has been invited onto Loose Women, a gig that Katie would give her right arm for, but that she's seemingly black-listed for. That and having a book published aimed at teenage girls. One has to wonder if Emily has used any of her experience with Princess (as a current teenager) in the book, which would have driven Katie up the wall, what with barely seeing her.
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Just a thought for those on IG if you don’t want your posts removed, this might work. Write your comment then block until you want to view again. Personally I would stick to facts, don’t stoop to her level and be rude or insult her, not that you would anyway on her account, then your comment should remain, even if reported as it’s not threatening or bullying so it shouldn’t be removed and hopefully your post will be there for all to read.
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the slosher KP

VIP Member
I was reading in the Mirror that her fans are disgusted with her outburst about Emily, how can anyone justify
even being a fan of Skanky in the first place? Oh and BTW, you can't use the word "Skanky" in the comments
section of the Mirror.
Her fans are chavs. She is the queen of chavs.
They were all sitting at home on their crushed velvet sofas sipping a glass of echo falls cheering on their hero for calling out that so called dr. They have the same mentality as her.
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Shall we place bets on what time we will see a picture of Harvey, the sick mother or a throwback of one of the other children for damage limitation?
I reckon tomorrow morning at 10.30am
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I don't think she "regrets being a shit mother," as she won't think she has been. She has boasted about liking allowing her kids to "be feral," although I think that could have been a case of her misunderstanding the meaning of the word. She perhaps meant "free." She has also said how she likes to let them "find things out for themselves," but in my experience, that can just be a front for lazy parenting.
I've no idea how she thinks she could have gone swanning off on all her freebie holidays had she had more access to the kids.
She is and always has been shite mother ... she gets that off her own mother AFP ... she can't even figure out how to be on her own with them. There is no interaction or love or feeling involved everything is done for the cameras...she needs full group if people around her.. she has to sit there constantly having hair or make up done to stop or reduce any interaction whatsoever.. watch j and P in the early days they were crying out for attention this has just gone worse... shocking abusive mother ...
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Well you could be there years. You can't force folk to take help. If you could she wouldn't be so far gone.
and to @RonnieBlessHim who also responded to my comment on what I would do.

I lost my brother when I was12, he was a couple of years older than me and my world, my childhood ended that day. I was a daddy‘s girl but he was a narc, which is a whole other story, my childhood was not great, I left home at just 16. I was so low I wanted to end my life. So yes personally I would move heaven and earth if I thought my children were in a similar head space.
I’m not writing this for sympathy, I put on my big girls pants and worked through my pain and many have been through similar and probably far, far worse. I’m just trying to explain why perhaps I feel differently. The pain of losing someone you love so much is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone, it will stay with me forever and has been with me since I was 12. So yes I would do whatever it took because my children are my world, as most children hopefully are to their parents. Thank the lord my children are beautiful inside and out and have never given me any cause for concern.

Saying all that I still think KP is a narcissistic, bully and has behaved appalling but I was just saying my feelings from a mother’s point of view.
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The only thing that's puzzling me at the moment is that Princess has 'liked' Katie's IG post with Bunny (and Junior has ignored it) and Junior has 'liked' Emily's (and Peter's) posts about Millie's birthday party and Princess hasn't.
Also there are some negative posts on Katie's JYY Instagram nonsense that have received loads of likes and haven't yet been deleted.
We might be reading too much into it … but …. Is this not the trait of a child with a narcissistic mother? Trying to please them … maybe why she’s not liking Emily’s posts
Maybe Princess has seen the way KP reacts to this kind of rejection and is trying to appease her with likes
In the real world this would sound crazy right ? But it’s the KP show.
She actually does not realise what she’s doing to the kids man 😞
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Crazy Horse

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This is what boils my piss - people like this posting shit on a kids insta profile 😡

What boils my piss more is their so called mother putting things out in the media which lead to online trashing of her daughter!

KP just doesn’t think about the implications for her kids 🤦‍♀️
How can anyone troll a child 😡 & it’s all her mothers fault for opening her big gob yet again.
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Greggs Sausage Roll

Chatty Member
Hope nothing kicks off tonight, as I'm out for the evening wooooohooooo!
Noooooooooo!!!! You’re not allowed to do ‘real life stuffs’ 🤣 we need you to be on stand-by at least!!🤣 please have your phone on at all times, remain logged into Insta the entire evening and do a tattle check-in approx every 20 minutes!
apart from that, have a great evening
Kind regards,
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I would imagine she is too busy living life to notice half of what skanky does. It must be a miserable life, sat in that falling apart shithole mansion, with nothing else in your life but trawling SM to see what people are saying about you. Resorting to teenage tactics to try to goad a reaction out of someone, anyone to validate your sad little existance. I hope Emily is at home, enjoying her family, not giving skanky a second thought. That will push her over the edge.
skankys getting older, loosing her looks and pulling power, no prospects, no friends, no home and no money, no wonder she is so jealous of emily who has it all (loving husband,kids,home, respected job and a best selling author)......... skanky used to turn heads, now she just turns stomachs.
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Katie deleting every comment that the poster mentions Emily. Doesn't leave many comments left. Where are all these 2 million followers of hers.
Most must be hiding under a rock, hrr numbers never add up.
I really really wish cole would buy her a one way space travel ticket, anyone friendly with Richard Branson?
Surely they have the technology to send her on a one way tickets only.
As an experiment to see if there are any aliens out there. If they exist wouldn't be to long until they fired her back. Mind you I have no idea what effect zero gravity would have on botx, fillers a silicone.....could turn out very messy.
Her and Cole seem to spend all their time either posting ‘don’t tell on me’ threats/cartoons or deleting bad comments. What a sad sad sad bloody life they both have. It must get to them - so everyone keep up the good work!!
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Dear Susanna Reid and GMB, can you invite Katie Price onto your show again next week to ask her why her Mental ‘Elf made her unleash an unprovoked Instagram attack on her ex-husband’s wife Emily, The woman who has selflessly taken care of two of Katie’s children for years, as Katie was too busy chasing young men and living such a hedonistic life, she was unable to do this herself.

Also can you ask Katie why she felt the need to question Emily’s professional status. I believe Emily is a qualified doctor, you know those people who’ve worked through a pandemic caring for the public, whilst Katie went to nail bars and on holiday a lot.

I would appreciate it if you didn’t give Katie an easy ride as you did last week, with your sycophantic uncritical interview, despite the serious conviction of drink/driving. Can you instead treat her like the c*nt she is, as she behaved like a total thundec*nt again today.

Many Thanks, a public who are sick to death of you lot making excuses for her c*nty behaviour.
Well said. Calling out Emily as a doctor who knows nothing about MH? Totally ridiculous! She worked on the front line in Covid wards. She saw people dying in her care! WTF doesn't KP understand about that? The only thing she ever did was pose wearing a Jabs army t-shirt. Good coming from someone who hates needles eh?

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Pom Bear

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I'm back on and on page 40 of the last thread 🧵
I then find out there is now 15 pages of the new thread 🧵

I getting further behind 😬

Lol 😄🥰 x

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Crazy Horse

VIP Member
Same. I just want to give them a big cuddle 😢
I know it’s a shame for them both, but I feel more sorry for Jett. Their horror of a mother does occasionally mention Bunny but never Jett, poor things & they are such beautiful children 😌
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Chatty Member
You’re right. She is a bully.
She’s is a bully, completely agree. I remember the Jordan days, constant attacks on people that were so nasty & unnecessary. Still will be RIDDLED with jealousy over Emily. She’s smarter than her, younger, prettier, classier... and I know this shouldn’t matter but it definitely will to KP, she’s skinner. She’s literally obsessed with being thin and that will drive her mad. All combined with the fact her ex husband has moved on & adores her, AND her own kids really like her will be too much for her to take!! Her mask slipped last night. She’s got everything Katie wants but can’t achieve. 100% pure, rotten jealousy
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