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Chatty Member
Following on, when I first started reading I thought god these girls are savage. I started on the most recent thread. Then when I read back the other threads. I was like oh!!!! Ohh!! Right now I see.

Your daughter would probably hand over her hard earned money, turn up and be taught by a junior. Dare question it and she’d face the wrath of one of her minions.
She is clearly a narcissist. Never known anyone so self absorbed with such a false persona on social media. No wonder her ex cheated on her. and her current fella too. But never mind, we’re all jealous. “Fuck the haters” and all that. She has her fan base of people who’ve never met her to stroke her massively inflated ego. Remember, “real women don’t tear each other down” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. note to Kate- real women don’t live their lives on Instagram, coz they’re too busy in the real world.
Couldn’t get over the fact Bobby in the video was talking about death threats, and she’s like “They’ve been sayin av bin on the bifters Bob 😭😭😭” and the other day, what a time to be alive. Just shows how her head works. The comparison between being accused of smoking and death threats 🙄 Then posting about what a great time it is to be alive, just cos fuckin maccies and ikea is open get an absolute grip. She’s about 12 in the head.
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Don't know if I'm being massively old/naive here... but is lads hiring escorts to just hang out with at parties an actual thing?

Im not in any way suggesting what you're saying isn't true, I'm just intrigued!
it’s sort of implied we are there for providing a service but a lot of people want a beautiful woman to party with and give them lots of positive attention as well as that... not often it’s the partying without the service but it does happen. It takes all sorts. Lonely lads, but usually groups of lads who want some girls there.
No one to tell their mrs what went on and no risk of bumping into the women and it being awkward.
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“All the empty baskets are for her even though hopefully she will be on breast milk or baby milk for the first few months they will be here for her”

What does a new born baby need other than milk 🌚
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Sorry, I've never posted before but I'm actually floored by her little chat about alcohol and pregnancy 😱😱 I really hope she educates herself on that and comes back on to correct it.
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Chatty Member
Thank You! I dont want to derail the thread but im absolutely devastated. The worst thing is I dont even know how long she was lying there needing help whilst I was at work 😭 I cant stop thinking about it. I just walked in and found her on the floor. I just hope she wasnt like it long. This is what fucks me off about people like THM they have no idea how lucky they are to have the luxury of staying at home. She wants to try working on the front line. Then she wouldn’t be saying what a wonderful time to be alive 😡
Ahh I'm so sad to hear that. I'm not patronising you but your little pupper will not have suffered. If he wasn't feeling well he will have just dozed off you know. Your posts always have me laughing so much, and I know he will have had a wonderful life with you. PM me if u need a chat x

Ahh I'm so sad to hear that. I'm not patronising you but your little pupper will not have suffered. If he wasn't feeling well he will have just dozed off you know. Your posts always have me laughing so much, and I know he will have had a wonderful life with you. PM me if u need a chat x
She I should say
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a change of name

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Who’s arsed about 5 shitty pregnancy pillows? Like that’s what you need to make it in life. Worry about those shocking hair extensions hun, tacky AF.
I don’t even know where to start with this truffle hog tonight. The badly edited bump pic, the PR firm for a baby shower, living her best life whilst 40,000 are dead, those fucking god awful shoes or the post about Bernie Sanders and congress! Bitch needs to be teaching a politics course next year never mind shitty slap!!
Did anyone get onto the Madeline McCann post she’s now removed? Comparing the Madeline case to a missing black child? I didn’t quite catch the post properly as I was scrolling through her waffle quick but imagine if her child went missing and someone posted something like that? Stick to shaving your fanny and stuffing your face Truffle Hog, you know shit about politics other than voting Tory to protect your own self interests you big stinking HYPOCRITE.
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VIP Member
Never mind the fact there is literally no POC ever on the oh snarlin page ... as students, models or clients. That's what she should be addressing rather than reposting a few videos and memes. Where is the diversity in her business and academy?
Black women and other POC have better taste
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obs coz she knows I earn shite money in comparison to her. Pity her with that attitude
It’s easy to make more money than decent honest hardworking people when you only accept cash payments so you can fiddle your taxes, scam young girls into paying for ridiculous ‘courses’ with dodgy ‘qualifications’ and continue to charge rent on chairs during a lockdown when people can’t even use them
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Chatty Member
Does she honestly think the more times she mentions she doesn’t go on “the site” we’ll believe her ? It’s her first and last thought when she wakes up embedded in her 270 pregnancy pillows, fat fucking pisshead
Fat fucking piss head that’s killed me off hahahaha
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She’s obsessed with getting pissed!!! She knocks me sick 🤢 🤮
She's only addressing it because someone said on here before that she's obsessed with drinking.

Be interesting to see if she does breastfeed.
Funny how it’s come out now she went to her cousins!!!!! But on the way last week was “dropping the cake off and not getting a slice” 😂

Also you can remember if you have had a glass of wine when you’re pregnant!!! “I think it was wine or prosecco” bore off Katie love!!!
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Never felt as intimidated as when I got my make
Up done by Kate at the secret warehouse. Her face when I said I was a nurse! Looking down her nose. Now doing classes for key workers. Laughable!
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Can NOT believe what I have just seen. From someone who has lost a baby even had a rainbow party!!! You wouldn’t be fucking about around shops or food places every single day you’d be petrified and making sure you are protecting yourself & baby at all costs wow I have no words for her anymore! DEFINITELY wouldn’t think it was ok to drink alcohol whilst pregnant either she’s lost her complete marbles. Maybe she isn’t this stupid? Probably just for attention of the ‘trolls’
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Chatty Member
Sorry just caught up on the kooking wit Katie WTF 🤯🤯🤯🤯 does she know she didn't have to use the whole 5L oil for one recipe that's fucking disgusting 🤮🤮 she's literally shit at everything she touches isn't she 😩 I'm surprised she isn't diabetic🤮 the meat clever and loaf 🤣 Kate when you read this please please please I beg you stop doing anything just anything just sit claim UC and save everyone the torture of seeing you acting backwards every single day! These government funded courses where you make your money needs removing as well blind leading the fucking blind your actual torture to watch! Rant over 😂

hahhahahhahahahhahahah she gets fucking thicker by the day this has honestly fucking got me doubled over hahahahaha

Just rewatched to see her cut the bread with a meat cleaver honestly I’m fucking crying laughing into my STRONGBOW
Don't say you drink strongbow she'll say your on UC with a rusty fridge 😂😂

hahhahahhahahahhahahah she gets fucking thicker by the day this has honestly fucking got me doubled over hahahahaha

Just rewatched to see her cut the bread with a meat cleaver honestly I’m fucking crying laughing into my STRONGBOW
Don't say you drink strongbow she'll say your on UC with a rusty fridge 😂😂
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She's been having soft boiled eggs a lot too I've noticed.

I can't get my head around her acting like she is refined when she is a definition of a chav with money.

Can't wait for the baby shower in the back of the semi - with the scruffy garden no doubt covered in her staffys shite! The amount of time we've had on lockdown and Indesit builds that she'd when all the fence panels are rotting and the grass is yellow.
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Chatty Member
Who has “banter” on their PROFESSIONAL make up page about a fucking burger 🤣🤣

She would have jumped at the chance to queue jump and get a free maccies. She would have gone massively OTT like she did for the picnic too, enough food for 5 just because it’s free.

trolls Kate hun. Take a look in the mirror if you Wana see’ve got an absolute cheek crying and playing victim when you’re the worst of all of us. Wonder how many of your 145k followers (your “army”) messaged that woman who’s profile you posted? You know exactly what you’re doing you horrible little bully.
Here’s a little idea - when somebody messages you and you really don’t like it, delete it, move on... better yet own what you’ve done, apologise and then forget about it.

The reason you hate this site so much is because you can’t control the content like you do your page. You’re like a dictator 🤣 wind ya neck in girl you’re just a girl from the Wirral who was good at make up once upon a time.
100% agree with all this - oh my god don’t get me started with how unprofessional she is.
I’ve followed her since I was a regular at Peaches as far back as 2010 when she was just a young girl being made to make tea and you saw her do nothing but brush up with a face like a slapped arse.. then SW days and her make up line (WTF), her buying that house she’s in now with her ex - she bought her first car a VW Beatle don’t know if any of you remember and she was so humble back then, she was working for herself and got herself a car DIDNT do flashy at that point - now look at her.. she’s changed so much over the years and this site has really opened my eyes to the fake lives of most people I follow on insta.
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