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Christ that tea is piping hot!

Do you know what, it’s actually time for her to take a look at herself. If my loved ones and friends were coming to a site like this to get through to me, I’d realise I was the problem. With sites like this there can be personal comments but mainly on Kate’s thread all I see is facts and people so frustrated, pissed off and annoyed by her behaviour.

She needs a long hard look at herself before baby arrives. Once you aren’t the priority and you can’t even take a wee in peace, you realise how selfish you once were. Pushing a human through your Nun or having your body cut open really does bring you back to earth with a shock. 😂😂😂

I hope for her own mental health she sorts herself out and people hopefully step in. As a mum I know how much I struggled, and that was without a lifestyle to keep up appearances with and hundreds or thousands of people to play up to. She needs to sort herself out financially, sort out that wet wipe of a fella of hers, and delete social media. Let your PA take your work bookings or whatever, you won’t be going back now until your maternity leave is over. And you’ll bloody need Matt to step up, stay at home, stay off the white stuff, and support you Kate.

I know you’ll read this. The matching Balenciaga trainers, hair bows and outfits you’ve probably got planned will make you feel better for 5 seconds. A few likes and gratification off your phone, and you’ll be back in the house, lonely and struggling with lack of sleep. Realise what’s important before it’s too far gone.
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so Kate had a chemical pregnancy, as we have said a loss is still a loss. Her chemical pregnancy was she did a test (and the hormone was in her body) then the next day she came on. This means she wasn’t pregnant but it was a false positive, rather than tell everyone that she felt like she had lost a baby etc she lies and lies. And uses it for sympathy. Do you remember how weird the whole MC thing was? She was struggling to wash or get out of bed etc she claimed. Anyway, about a week later she was in the salon and shouted in front of clients and people that worked there, have you ever had a miscarriage and when a couple of the girls said no, she said well you’re lucky cause it was like A BIG BLOODY PERIOD. How insensitive to refer to your miscarried child as a big bloody period in a room with about 15-20 staff and clients. She couldn’t have been that upset.
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Is there any truth to the domestic violence claims with the ex in Essex? The one Katie is fucking obsessed with.
Yes!!! There is, it’s true. He actually scragged Danielle out of a party in front of everyone by her hair. And once made her stand in the corner of a room naked as a punishment (how degrading). I don’t know if he would be like that with Kate but with domestic abuse you never know. She’s been warned but wouldn’t listen.
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My friend paid the £750 deposit for a course with KHM, she then cancelled the course as there wasn’t enough people enrolled and refused to give my friend her deposit back offered her a £100 discount on future courses... it took months but she eventually got it back
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I created the first ever thread on her, I kinda forgot and fell away but by god catching up on all this has killed me, iv got actual tears pissing myself at this 🤣
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Star is born

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I am not going to reveal too much about myself as I am around friends and family including Katie a lot. I’m hoping by me doing this, Katie will sit and think about her ways and if she carries on she will be the cause of her own dermis. Unfortunately having the conversation directly does not work with someone who can’t see through her lies.

There’s a reason Cheryl calls herself owner and Katie calls herself CEO.

She is building an outdoor cinema room.

Katie has also made enemies all over the place. She isn’t a loud to step foot into 3 clinics on Rodney Street.

Her world is slowly crumbling around her. She does not have the money that her lifestyle portrays and she currently owes a lot of people money. It also seems the be a family trait to be served with a big tax bill

Matt has not started and completed half of the work in the house, it was in fact PHM that started a lot of the work but lemo boy has completed. Matt has also spent time in prison and has not learned his lesson as he is started to dabble in certain things again.

Katie has attempted to move house 3 times in the past 2 years but has struggled due to money each time.

I’m sorry I have done this Katie but you won’t listen, you have been warned and you can’t carry on like this, you are turning everyone against you and need to realise YOU are the problem. Not everyone else. Something needs to change before your beautiful baby girl comes into the world.
Sound 👏🏼 Love it 😊
What did lemo boy go prison for ? Or can we guess, white goods 🙄
What’s reason Cheryl owner and Jenkos ceo ?
Welcome by the way 😘😂
P.s baby names, I need to know 🤣

Why does this thread come alive in the night time 😂 need my kip 😭
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When she had the shisha delivered the other week 🤯 who the fuck does that when we’re in lockdown. But yeah, that whole family is strange. I know of a hairdresser in Chester whose clientele grew in the beginning just from fixing Naomi’s fuck ups. She’s another one who has zero talent so relies on social media
Hollie Nethercott hired a shisha the other week too, smoking it in her 'hot tub' with a Blue WKD.

Fknell hun u live in Birkenhead, turn it in x
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Does she know that everyone is onto her editing of photos?
Yeah one of the girls used to make a joke and call her the editing queen 😂😂😂

Anyone else think she’s in awe of indeset? Sounds like he’s come with 10,000 red flags and she’s chosen to ignore them all. She’s throwing money at him, teeth, hair and has tried pinning him down with a baby. It’s like she believes deep down that she’s punching, I bet despite it all she still feels like the chubby slab back with thin lips
He also has his own money. She was telling me he’s on about 70k a year. 😂 he’s about 4ft nothing 😂 she’s changed him he used to dress like a scally now she’s got him in trench coats 😂
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Bullies get their comeuppance. Karma is a bitch.
Any of you girls renting there reading this tell her to F off and don’t go back. She’s taking advantage of you all. Set up on your own or do mobile. Unfortunately mud sticks and as more and more people realise what she is really like than you will be tarred with the same brush working with her. I’d have lasted two mins there (if I was an Mua, I’m not) I’d have prob punched her and walked out!
Hi girls. It’s actually illegal to be charging rent at this time. Yes the rent in the building still has to be paid but that’s what the grant is for. There has been a law out in place to protect people for this reason. Greedy bastards will get fucked over if they charge the staff
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I’m now allowed back after being banned and there’s so much to catch up on...

Truffle hog momma
Snapping / breaking legs for the gram through photoshop
Selling sofas to pay for Superdrug hauls
£60 MUA Course - God why would you pay that?!
Back fat back boobs
Cocaine for days in Birkenhead with DJ Indesit.
Slab back
Bog eyes
Tomb stone teeth
A shed that probably has no planning permission
Holly shipping Coronavirus covered clothing into the UK from Ali Express.
That awful hair choice hair extensions advert....

What else did I miss?

And all hail new WhoTheHeckIsJenks! Queen Tea 🐸 ☕
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New poster but been lurking for a few things I want to blow with 😂

I am sick to the back teeth of this twat going out like she’s exempt from the rules. How fucking ignorant and up your own do you have to be to flout rules that legitimately put you, your child and other people in danger.So full of her own self importance it’s sickening.

Cinema room - it’s a projector that are often cheaper than a telly. Also, you’re from the Wirral - it’s the fucking pictures not the cinema.

I think her house is lovely, I love the style (that she’s took from everyone else) but it’s the fact that she flaunts it that does me in. I can’t stand the look at me, look what I’ve got thing that so many adopt these days. Zero class.

The makeup she does is dated - it’s 2010 style at best. People seem to be more focused on skincare and lighter makeup, but she’s still promoting the drag queen style. It looks shiny and shovelled on and will die on its arse - kids are keeping her afloat.

Also, baby name - I reckon Coral or Ci Ci.
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LOOK 👀 how much my eyelashes have grown!! Oh hun you’ve got false eyelashes on hanging on for dear life may I add
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The irony of her post about embracing her rolls and flaws when she’s edited her arm and caused a bendy bathtub 😂
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Fuck me this new thread took a while to catch up 😩.
Long time lurker since the original thread however I’m a shit house and deleted my account when she mentioned private investor.
But there was an account called Prada something that she did call out for having multiple accounts on here and she just disappeared? So not sure if she did have a private investor.

No im still here sis, i deleted her after the rainbow baby party. I find her vulgar on all levels. No private investors or arrest pending stopped me. I was blamed for making multiple accounts lol. She wishes.
The threads and the speed of the threads being created speak volumes the girl is a fool and needs to put the phone down.
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