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I can't cope with this woman. Kate you don't know about half the ingredients in the makeup you paste all over your face. Even with all the research in the world you won't be a biochemist so pipe down.

I can’t believe she classes Instagram question box (any ones opinions?!!) as doing research. 🤯go and read actual science journals and educate yourself if you want the research. My mind is blown by the stupidity
She wouldn't know where to find a peer reviewed scientific journal let alone understand the terminology used! If it says it on insta it's obviously the truth 😤
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I can’t get my head around the pregnancy, it’s so insane that part of me doesn’t believe it’s true!

So she had an early miscarriage or a chemical pregnancy.. and If what people is saying is true she was chatting about it in the salon calling it a big period. So then she posts everywhere about the miscarriage (not suggesting she wasn’t upset I’m sure it’s hard no matter when you lose the baby or even if it was a false positive), but the various posts about it implied she’d been pregnant for longer. Either way she is lucky enough to get pregnant VERY soon after which is not impossible but it is rare. SO then she does her strange chocolate smash video with her cousins scan photo because she wasn’t far enough along to use her own? She follows this up with a large rainbow baby themed “baby reveal” party potentially knowing there was never actually a baby she lost? And she continues to post to women who have had miscarriages and come to her for advice??

If what people have been saying is true, she needs actual help. It’s not normal to care about your Instagram life more than your real one, and she will end up pushing people alway like her friend who was posting last night.
It’s mental. I had a MC when I was 7 weeks after a week of the odd bleeding cramps. Went for a scan and they said there was a pregnancy but it wasn’t as far on as I thought I was. Which I knew wasn’t right as we hadn’t done anything that would result in pregnancy since we had conceived! Anyways later that day I started bleeding and it was like that for 5 days, awful. How you would imagine it. Not like a ‘big period’ atall. Don’t want to say horrible details but it was terrible. Even after it stopped and I took a negative test I still had nightmares of the bleeding and the smell of the blood.
I did feel emotionally ready to try again and I did get pregnant at my next ovulation and I’m currently waiting for my scan next week. but still haven’t allowed myself to feel really excited as I’m still thinking something could go wrong. Any small thing I’ve phoned the midwife, can’t go for ‘loads’ of early scans for peace of mind due to covid and being told not to visit city’s etc to get them (I live rural)
Never would I dream of announcing anything right now, I haven’t told hardly anyone I just don’t know how she could have been so confident to tell 130K strangers on her Instagram. Bizarre. She will get a reality check when the baby is here and the hard work begins. It’s also a worry when she doesn’t actually seem to know how pregnant she actually is? You can literally get an app that tells you everything so no idea why she thinks she might be 6 months but a few weeks ago she was almost in her third trimester. Sorry to go on but it just fucks me off
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I live in Holywell, HOLLY is most definitely NOT the slag of this town! Desperate JENKS?
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I reckon Cheryl is having quiet word with Mac at home discussing fucking cutting ties with Jenkins for good yeno.
She’s getting her name dragged through the mud because of her, yes she’s still obsessed with herself and glued to the phone but not half as bad as r Kate! Chezza needs to open her own academy for just beauty and close that tacky shit hole for good, the place has such a poor reputation mainly because of KHM to be fair but she’s not a business partner just an ‘ influencer ‘ with a lot of followers. At the rate she’s blocking innocent people she’ll end up with about 2000 💯😭

I meant Jenko not Jenkins 😩🤣
I agree with this completely ... as much as Cheryl can be slightly annoying Katie is dragging her down so much. She doesn’t need Katie and if she sticks by her side they will both end up with nothing.

Cheryl seems so business minded and if she goes it alone can probably go far but not with truffle butt in tow. She needs to get rid now!

Cheryl does seem very happy and content with her family life which is sweet to see so I can imagine this is killing her as it’s all KHM’s fault.
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Long time lurker here 🙋🏽‍♀️. I’ve frankly had enough of the hypocrisy of Jenko..... Jenks is known as having multiple fake accounts to harass ex’s, new girlfriends and people she doesn’t like. This fake account has been going for a while and is used by her and her cling ons mates. you can tell it’s a katie special, how many “badgers” do you need at Chester races course 😂 🦡 .
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I fucking love the long time lurkers on this page 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
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Fucking hell, “this thread is full of vile women with mental health issues” Didn’t YOU join this fucking thread you dickhead. Throwing about comments about another women’s teeth, how she looks like she works in a chippy (wtf) and now making out you’re better than anyone on UC have a look in the mirror you crank! Off you pop dickhead.
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Long time lurker here
I hope she checks what's in her truffle oil as well as the vaccine as I'm sure shell find out that 99% of shop bought ones actually contain a chemical that tastes like truffle. No actual truffle.
Bringing up a contraversiol topic such as vaccination on a make up account regardless of whether she plans to do it or not is grossly negligent.
She's an extremely aggressive person, why ask for someone's opinion and then publicly ridicule them. But hey she's not a troll is she!?
She's taken this too far now.
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She’s become a bit of a laughing stock if I’m honest, almost like a parody of herself- it’s so damaging to her business and she’s too stubborn to see it.

I think she’s hugely insecure and sad underneath it all which is why she puts so much effort into trying to convince us otherwise. The whole Jenko thing too 😱 if nothing else that just exposes how insecure and bitter she is about her mans ex and other women. I hope the cheating rumours are false because I feel like she’d rather watch another girl suck his dick in front her than admit the fairytale never really existed. Girls like Kate corner themselves with all this Instagram fake ness.
Also, I’m not surprised the thread has 500 views, they never stop referencing it. It was a post by Cheryl that got me here actually.
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She’s done herself no favours bringing this topic up. I’m a medical professional currently in the NHS - I personally would no way have the covid-19 vaccine due to the speed at which it’s been created and the fact there is no time for testing/knowing any long term side-effects. My eldest children are vaccinated, my youngest is not. All are absolutely healthy and well. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions, and these can change over time - I would encourage anybody to research and come to their own evidence based conclusions for their own children - but that doesn’t mean asking followers or googling through the likes of mumsnet. I personally don’t voice my opinions or beliefs on vaccinations or politics, especially on social media as you’re just opening yourself up to conflict and judgement from people who don’t respect and appreciate that everybody has the right to their own opinion. I also don’t base my decisions on here-say, and untrusted sources. There was just no heed to publicly discuss 🙄 every single parent has this decision to make not just KHM - I suspect attention seeking or perhaps looking for a gateway into the “mummy community” - sad really.
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I'm a chef real truffle tastes nothing like truffle oil, most truffle oil hasn't even been in the same room as a truffle. Truffle is an acquired taste and really strong umami with slight sweet ness and sourness dependent on the type. Truffle oil is just pungent and offensive. Bit like our Jenko
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Please stop asking, we can’t spill the tea and new members can’t receive/send message I don’t think.

Been on this since day 1 and kinda got the thread going with a fair few others so let’s move on 👍🏼
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If this isnt Jenko, it is definitely someone very close. Thinking they're clever by slagging her a little bit to try and throw us off the sent.
Oh it’s definitely her. The username Holyhell? Pretty sure it was meant to be Holywell 😂 And that would make sense seeing as she has an obsession with her exes upgrade
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KHM paid 9k just to sit in that masterclass aka just to get a photo with Kim K and Mario for instagram ☕☕
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The dressing gown she wouldn’t tell people where it was from is a CHRISTIE one.
Don’t know where it’s from as in website/shop unless she bought it from the Christie website. They’re about £30 I think 💭

bloody hell no wonder she didn't want anyone else to know about it - never seen anyone wear a plain white dressing dressing gown in my life. what an absolute unique trend setting game changer our jenks is
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