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What she’s coming back to? Bitch is back for what exactly? You have no job on Instagram anymore Kate. Your main trolls have made sure you’re unemployable by providing receipts of your own wrong doings. This mental health bollocks to cover the fact you’ve had your band tightened and your implants removed has only poured petrol on the 🔥
How empty must your life be if you’re so addicted to seeking validation from total strangers online no matter what it costs you.
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Peaches have made a hugely successful business and sell their products internationally, I imagine they make a small fortune. Never heard a bad word said about them, everyone says their both lovely. So it’s not jealously Kate, it’s not about hating on a girl done good. You’re a horrible person and you’ve become a complete laughing stock. There is no coming back from any of this at all, she needs to go offline. She could make a few quid selling the page, not much but enough to cover a few mortgage payments. The girl needs to think about her child for Christ sake!! This is why Delo’s family curse the day he met her!!
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I went to my appontment and there was a girl there with her baby, she was everything I expect Truff to be like with Oluv when she’s out.
Talked in baby language the whole time, looking at everyone then her baby and smiling like it was a fucking trophy, told us all what it likes and doesn’t like, how much it sleeps etc etc
Why do these people think that other people give a shit about their sprog?! I couldn’t give a flying fuck how much sleep it gets!
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Chatty Member
Soz for the Ted talk but…

I’ve actually only ever met or seen anyone as unlikable as her once before. I don’t follow her, never have and only happened upon this thread by chance. I couldn’t bear to as I find her so triggering, much like Olivia from MAFS only minus the intelligence. But I also can’t drag myself away from here and can’t wait until it all comes crashing down for her (more so than it already has!) I don’t think I’m a particularly unkind person, but I think, like so many other people on here, I am a good judge of character. I’ve spotted narcs and c**ts a mile off before. I don’t have to beg for gifts for the kids and family and drive a nice car. So there’s no jealousy there.

She’s got the worst possible combination of so many unpalatable human traits. She’s thick as pig shit. Can’t string a sentence together. But makes no effort to grow. She’s arrogant and obnoxious. It’s so misplaced I don’t know where she gets it from, maybe because she’s too thick to realise she is the problem. Her brain literally can’t function at that high a level to add more than one thought to another.
She has zero personality. Hence why she copies the latest trends on insta, jumping into clothes, complaining about her MH, whinging about trolls etc. Nothing is original and she lacks any discernible talent anymore. How she’s built up the following she has I will never know, but I also notice it’s no longer growing. She doesn’t gain any new followers. Anyone with a talent for make up for example, who honed their craft and kept their skills updated, would have a fan base that grew and grew. She’s gotten lucky, but it’s wearing thin for her. Her content is a mess.

Her anxiety comes from her feeling like she’s teetering on the edge of losing her ‘career’, one which she’s blagged and stolen anyway. Her feelings towards her trolls are misplaced, and she needs therapy. Her messages are contradictory and confusing, ‘I don’t read these forums’ but still addresses every single point on here. Nobody is messaging her directly, she just reads Tattle. She’s snowballing and doesn’t know how to get off. She’s in a never ending cycle now and unless someone stages an intervention, we will be 12 months down the line, 300 threads in and still talking about the same old shit with her. She’s obsessed.

I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for her now. Her latest behaviour is utterly disgraceful. She oozes nastiness and it seeps out of her ‘pours’. You just don’t think she’s going to get any worse but she always manages to top it. Imagine living your life like that. Her circle of friends is getting smaller and smaller by the minute and she’s shown time and time again she is just not a nice person. I wonder how all those whove leapt to her defense in the past feel about her now.

If at any time she’d show she has the capacity for any self reflection, showed any self deprecation or any act of selfless kindness, any capacity to apologise properly for her past behaviour and words, you could give her the benefit of the doubt. But she doesn’t. She steamrolls on like everything is normal, faking mental health crisis to hide a turkey tit job. We know it’s not normal. I’m not sure if she knows it’s not. The sooner she admits it the better, for her and her family.
You do know this is far too articulate for her to read and she won't have a clue what you're saying.

Kate, in layman's terms... wind your neck in.

Night trolls xxx
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Chatty Member
Anyone who’s genuinely had a break due to mental health would not announce there come back by saying the ‘bitch is back’ 🙄🙄
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If any of this was true, surely your mother would not be having you filming her and putting it on Insta?

My mum would be telling me straight “get off that app, it’s ruining your health and putting your daughter at risk. And don’t even fucking *think* of putting me on there.”

Lies and terrible parenting all round. And that includes the (non) in-laws.
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I don’t understand what she’s trying to say these people have done that the police would care about? Writing on a forum isn’t a crime. Messaging an influencer with your opinion isn’t a crime, even if you are rude or swear or insult them its still not a crime. Messaging a brand or company with your opinion, again, not a crime. She’s just totally fucking thick and so is anyone who believes her shite
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interesting how she could provide so little detail about these traumatic events that have almost broken her.

Big Billy Bullshit.
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There’s no mental health issues.
Break was a Turkey trip I’m not sure who the friend is who she went there with but it was defiately for surgery.

These were sent into my salon whatsapp group by a colleague a couple of weeks ago. ☕
What a liar 🤥
If you had mental health issues as bad as she makes out then you couldn’t even get on a plane. Makes a mockery of all suffering
New it!!!! Flat tits it is!!!! Lying, racist, Homophobic scum bag
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Someone please hack this total cunt’s IG, as she needs an intervention.

Does the dickhead not realise that the day she put her personal business on her business page, she set herself up for this shit.

Tattle is just a large scale version of a WhatsApp group of mates ripping the shit out of people’s social media, we all do it about people we know. We all screenshot people’s posts and send to our mates, it’s just the new jangling over the fence.

Best thing she could do is stop the posts about anything other than what her page is meant to be about and BINGO! no more trolls.

Honestly, they bring it all in themselves and sooner “influencing” in this manic manner gets to fuck, the better.

I blame the parents. Should be holding her to account for her own actions.
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what the fuck is a 1 year old going to do with a cardboard cutout of a rabbit she can’t touch and a balloon arch?

Why is she doxxing people on Easter, surely she is busy spending time with family? Sad flaccid tits.

last comment, stop dressing ya kid like the sticky,wet bandits off home alone.
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This is going to sound awful but she seems like the type to say she was pregnant and lost the baby due to the stress of the trolls and everyone being so mean to her just so she can get out of having to apologise for her racist behaviour. Of course it then gives her an opening to promote I mean talk about her reason and splash her all over social media.
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Chatty Member
She literally doesn’t give a fuck does she 🤣
View attachment 1202822

You know what I like about Mez, she always looks freshly showered with clean hair and clean well fitting clothes whenever she pops up somewhere.
She doesn’t give a flying fuck. She’s like ‘yeah, what ya gonna do you big fucking flump?’

Aw she looks cute in her little skinny jeans and espadrilles. Little neat hair do on her too. While her daughter is swanning round in yesterday’s skiddy knicks, stinking of bevvy and a dirty unwashed face with her green false tanned neck line. Fucking horrible her.
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