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VIP Member
I feel sorry for her if she really is suffering. She was an idiot to have Noa, but I don't want to see anyone suffer and wouldn't relish the idea that it'll get worse for her, if for no other reason than because Noa will eventually figure it all out, if she hasn't already.
However, as above, we see what suits her agenda. Perhaps she's just trying to sell her shitty book with Mother's day around the corner again so she's waving the PND flag.
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She did indeed mention perimenopause and she'd been offered HRT but you can still have regular periods while in perimeno, like me! Fun times 🫣
Oh I know, I'd thought she'd talked about irregularity/changes which is why wasn't buying peri-menopause but perhaps I misheard confused her with someone else. I don't watch her stories religiously because I can't bear the dog talk baby voice, sniffing or boring bollocks about Noa's sleep or ITV giveaways so perhaps she's said something I've missed too. Thought it was stories but had a little scroll back anyway, can't see any posts but spotted the trolly bumping her pubic bone one which I genuinely found very funny and not in a mean way. I think hat's the first funny thing I've seen her post.
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My dog didn't poo in the garden but my mums does and when he comes to visit and do a sneaky poo I'm out there picking it up and boiling the kettle to pour it over as well (fake grass). My wee one's been out playing in the garden a few times with the snow and stuff, shame Noa can't just because he parents are too lazy to clean up the dog tit!
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Someone needs to get her off Instagram. Her latest post about her coat is unhinged!!!
About 3 people made a comment about her coat .. and she totally flipped .. I actually feel a bit sorry for boj having to put up with mood swings all the time 😂
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Baxter been sleeping more since being poorly, hoping just his recovery??

Well at least he’s got a pram now, poor old boy needs a rest, not all the walking
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Tbf, a lot of childcare and child’s classes work in term times, it’s not just a school thing. If you rely on childcare for work you’re still in the same boat at 3 years old as primary age. You’ll not find early years care around me outside term time unless it’s a childminder who only takes a handful of kids at home or a nanny.
Being in London I don’t know if she’d have more options or fewer as they’re so over subscribed.

ETA: I took you too literally. It’s just trendy to say half term is hard and you can’t wait to kick them out the door to childcare in the instamum crew she’s in. The ones who hate their kids and think it’s funny and ‘relatable’.
Oh ok, thought she was in private nursery which is usually all year round.
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No offence to dog owners but we probably would eat them if they weren't mostly lean and tough. Pigs are fat and juicy. Cute piglet but I still eat bacon. Sorry to all vegetarians/vegans.
I’m vegetarian but no offence taken, we all do what we want, I would never dream of telling someone else not to eat meat or feel guilty about it.
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Great trip, they sure travel a lot and seem to burn the candle at both ends then complains how tired she is lol
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I have to admit, I am jealous of noa sometimes! My daughter is 2 weeks older. I love her more than anything! But she still sleeps with me, is fussy with food and I’ve failed at potty training so many times now! Having another go in a few weeks! Noa seems to eat so well, potty training looks like it went really smoothly! And she is a great sleeper in my opinion
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She’s sucked her cheeks and craned her neck to look as thin as possible - sad act.
Said it before and I’ll say it again. Peri-menopause my arse. She’s pushed herself into amenorrhoea through weight loss/ED.
She's also had whatever procedure every other celeb has had these days and had all the fat (these was no fat) sucked out of her cheeks. They're all doing it. Davina's is the worst but they're all after looking like skeletor.. 💀
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She’s a great sleeper because Kate put her in a room and never went to her before 6 months, she isn’t allowed to sleep with Kate. She essentially did ‘cry it out’ except Noa didn’t particularly cry and I can’t help wonder if that’s because in Kate’s PND she didn’t go to her so Noa knew not to bother. She also had the night Nanny and sleep training.
She won’t poo on the potty or at least wouldn’t until recently, she’d save it and poo when he night time nappy went on. I personally think putting a potty in her room for use at night instead of Kate helping her isn’t right at her age. It’s all about self sufficiency asap.
Noa was really fussy with her food for ages and wouldn’t eat without a screen. She eats her veg and healthy stuff because she’s only offered that kind of thing, it’s that or starve. And she is completely being set up for major food issues when she gets older, Kate’s already called her chunky to the world and exposed her to her own disorders eating and Karen and Sue’s bizarre approach to food.
These observations to take away from Noa. My child is two weeks older so I compare too and you have to look at what Kate says overall when the mark slips to catch what’s really going on. Noa is really normal besides her talking and vocab.

Mine got out of our bed and off boob in Nov and guess where they are right now 🥴 I could have said no, they might have not even asked because it wouldn’t occur to them like Noa, but I’m glad they have a healthy, secure attachment rather than a Mum that puts their own needs first. That’s not a failure, that’s a win!
I have never heard of a potty being a room for their night time pee’s, although I’m a little out of practice.
And to who you were replying with, they have paid for experts to parent their child and do the hard parts. We’d all have it as easy as them if we could do that x
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