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Holding up that bag of dog shit was disgusting. Imagine how much she has missed. I doubt the dogs even like going out there trying to avoid their own shite or is that just cats that like to get as far away from their poo as possible? Either way it's gross to think of Noa playing out there.
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I'm on about the spiteful stuff. The hate.
I'm not saying everyone has to like dogs. But on here they get picked on. Not nice at all.
I’ve never seen anything spiteful or hateful being said towards the dogs or the dogs even getting picked on. I’ve seen people’s disgruntled comments regarding the dogs but there’s a difference between saying all of the filthy stuff about the dogs and how it is apparent that the dogs are her number 2 priority (The Not Handsome is #1) which Kate is only too happy to share as opposed to saying something spiteful or hateful and wishing harm on them or however you perceive to being spiteful / hateful or picked on.
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Tone deaf cunt. While so many can’t afford a box of cereal let alone 12 ‘Bio & Me’ whatever the hell they are… her biggest issue is where she’s going to store it. Arghhh why am I watching her shit stories?! Has she ever worked a proper job in her life?! What a sad existence.

Had a child for the man and the gram, it’s all going to end in disaster!!! Literally pimping herself, her privacy and her daughter out via Instagram for the likes and money. Don’t think we didn’t notice the half naked advert for hello fresh Kate. Any publicity is good right? Ya massive bellend.

Like somebody else said, this will get so much worse for Noa when those dogs shuffle off this mortal coil and Kate slumps into a depression.
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She probably didn’t take the plane as she thought the train would give her more time away from parenting and I bet she was secretly delighted to have a whole day to mess about on her phone instead of being at home. Then of course she gets to have another shouty rant about something which seems to be a bit of a thing for her at the moment.
💯 Just realised the child is still on Easter hols.
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Think it also depends on how the kid feels in themselves. Nursery used to tell us if we all kept our kids home when they had a snivel or bit of a cold they'd never have any kids in. But you know when your kid should be at home.
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She 100% trashed that kitchen for content didn't she
The supposed ‘trashed’ kitchen Is off last week. 🙄

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She’s sucked her cheeks and craned her neck to look as thin as possible - sad act.
Said it before and I’ll say it again. Peri-menopause my arse. She’s pushed herself into amenorrhoea through weight loss/ED.
Didn't she say she had the mother of all periods while away?
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I bet that LED mask was gifted and she’s not declaring as an AD. Of course I could be wrong, but Kate only seems to bother with stuff like that when they are free.
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Heart leapt at that pregnancy announcement story. Shes probs happy to be an auntie so she can give a baby back when the hard work starts or have another kid to entertain Noa so less work for her 🙃
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Chatty Member
I came here earlier to write something similar but couldn’t articulate it well as I didn’t want to slam her appearance but I feel the same way what you’ve written there.
It’s almost like she’s not trying with her day to day appearance lately. I’m not saying people have to wear make up and do their hair every day but at least run a brush through it. And she is the “type” like I am myself and I’m sure most of us to want a good appearance. It strikes me as there’s something wrong inside and this is how it’s projecting. She barely looks showered. Hope she’s ok 😕
Frankly, she’s a bloody mess.
Her hair?
Flipping heck… it’s brittle and straw like.

She has money so why is she not investing in some decent hair treatments.
It looks bloody awful.It looked much better with extensions in( I rarely think that either)
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I’d want a refund if I had a boob job that looks like hers. She needs to up her engagement stats so a pic of her very thin frame will bring in the comments.
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She's looking more and more like Leslie Ash by the day.

I now think that a lot of her gaunt look is definitely down to the camera angles she (intentionally) uses.
Because the videos of her on holiday running in to the sea with her friend which she didn't film and the unposed group photos that her freinds take on nights out etc make her just look like a generic thin person, not underweight at all.

She does look like Leslie Ash in that photo (y)
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