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His pants 😂
Jesus Christ she was still with PHM then 🤣 I can’t even.
I swear I wee’d a bit laughing at his pants it looks like they’ve had a massive fight with his shoes

edit to add - she edits photos so much you’d be forgiven for not noticing because DJ Indesit has looked like 4/5 different lads 😆

Must have been an overlap with Phil and Indesit surely?!
oh snarlin opened in Aug/Sept 2018 so not even 2 years 🙄 Her first photo with King Daddy DIY was Oct 18 so a month 😂

also on the photoshop fails, her ankle on this 😆😆 looks painful


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Eleanor Abernathy

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Videos have all been removed so she clearly thinks she’s got rid of the evidence before we’re treated to another no make-up, glasses on, handbag cupboard, crocodile tearing 20 minute rant about how she’s being trolled and everyone is out to get her. No love, Bobby Norris is being trolled, Caroline Flack was being trolled, you’re being pulled up on the shitty ‘advice’ you’re potentially giving out to other expectant mothers, the freebies you’re taking that you can well afford and the fact you have continually put your unborn daughter, yourself, and the population of Liverpool and The Wirral at risk by going on non-distancing daily picnics and guided tours of the drive-throughs and DIY stores..
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Oh no on the beg for free stuff for her baby shower again!!!!! It’s pissing me off so much. I think I am about 3 weeks ahead of her in pregnancy (but then again she is like 53 weeks pregnant now) I’m not having a baby shower even though I would absolutely loveeeeeee to see my friends and family and all celebrate in the sun but why would I wana harm myself or my baby when we are so close to the finish line! For her this is all for the free stuff and what she can get out of it!!!! Honestly so frustrated by her today and that fucking camel toe!!!! I would never comment on her weight regardless of the fucking awful photoshopped pics but Katie embrace your pregnancy body you where crying a few months back about your miscarriage thousands of women would kill to have your double chins and round belly just to birth a child!!!!!!
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Flamin’ noora. Those pants. She’s literally gonna be in A&E by the end of the day. They’ll probably need to be surgically removed from her foof that’s happily eating them for brekkie!
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Did anyone screen record that video from last night? I'm still in utter disbelief that she said those things to be honest. And to now be playing the victim.

'can't believe I'm having to deal with this pregnant after the video I posted'.

What you mean the one where you sat in your shite walk in, in front of blag bags, and crocodile teared your way through a video to garner sympathy. Pull the other one you massive BALD TWAT.

Maybe she should 'consontrate' on staying the fuck of social media and rebuilding what's left of her career 😂🤦‍♀️😳
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Chatty Member
Imagine your fella wanting you to sit with him when he is working, what an absolute drip. He is about 4 foot something in real life. He looks like a man child. Oddest couple. I feel like he is her hostage. Danielle an kate had mutual mates so I think that makes her even more paranoid.
He is her hostage 😂😂😂 dead !

I sometimes wonder where I'm going wrong to be honest as my husband wont even hang a curtain poll the lazy bastard. On the plus side though I can trust him and he is allowed to leave the house if he wants to !
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Also a fucking Prada changing bag 🙄🙄🙄 we all know she’s got more money than brain cells but is she joking. Filling it with Aldi nappies and wipes (when you read here Katie love I’d reccomend them the most 😂😂) and bulky milk bottles (if she breast feeds I’m Mary fucking Poppins) then when Olive Shell Dell starts weaning and it’s got a layer of carrot puff crumbs coating the inside 😷🤢 as let’s face it I can’t see her cleaning and keeping it looking pristine, it’s just another thing to have to her.
Makes a mock of people like myself who have had to tighten our belts with less money coming in and she can do a three hour trip for an overpriced fucking bag she’s gonna wreck anyway
All the signs on the motorway that say COVID 19 IS YOUR JOURNEY NECESSARY she must piss herself laughing
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Chatty Member
What’s with her reposting that the “Curly blo King” has been doing people’s hair in a field???
How did he do that 2m away 😂😂😂😂
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I’ve had a look on my fellas Instagram, the girl is a bad nob 😂 I think she should just come back as jenks rather than doing what she’s doing because anyone on here or reads here knows what is talked about and she just then happens to comment on it 🤦🏼‍♀️ You’re fooling no one Kate girl. Imagine how much of a nob she feels to see the amount of people, like myself, who have been directed here by THM herself . She must die a little bit inside every time a newbie comes on to roast her arse
I only found out about this site because of her too!!! Before I read on here, I didn’t dislike her but didn’t like her either. When I saw her crying I thought I need to look myself and I haven’t been able to get back out of the Tattle Rabbit Hole since 😂

Something that bothers me that she says is that she’s like “my army would go on and comment but they cant”
I’m positive they can make a profile just like everyone else and back her up??? She says it like you need to be in a special Troll cult to be on this forum 😂
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I like the one that ends KHM Forever 😂 from someone whose fella probably has ‘England ‘til I Die’ on his chest.

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Danielles story deffo a stab at KHM with the prawns and wine! Go girl!
Do they know each other do they or? Xx

7 weeks until their “life’s” change forever guys!! Let’s hope the kid isn’t as illiterate as the mother
At least she's got one thing fucking right 🤣🤣 because motherhood is like one big kick in the dick one minuet your setting up the nursery loving all the cute bits🙂 baby comes and you have to put in the diary when you might actually go for a piss on your own without a kid sitting on your knee! Can't wait to see her in the gym 5 days a week and be a boss babes at minty oh snarlin 🙂
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Chatty Member
Scroll up!

ahahahaa I actually live for this thread 😂
Same here, my king has fumed today at me My knob head kids nappy is dragging along the floor, rust has started appearing on my fridge and ive sat on me phone with no life commenting on someone who's winning life more than me 🙄
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100% disagree with the Instagram for Shelby truffle delamere! Wrong on so many levels! Seriously she makes me sick! It makes my blood boil! Not only a safeguarding issue but she basically selling her baby for freebies! I can’t bare her
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I do feel a bit sorry for her you know. I can see it, she’s desperate for the perfect family life. She will forever be trying to change him to make him be the perfect husband. She will waste so much time on something that will never be, then in years to come regret all those years wasted. If you have to beg a man to do something then he doesn’t want to do it. He’s not proposed and is probably being nagged every single day to do it, no doubt she’s told him a million times what ring she wants.
If he was really arsed would he still be out on benders paying escorts? No.
I’ve been there and my god it will never ever happen again. Know your worth girls. A man will only change for the woman he wants to change for.
I’d rather be on my own than forever wonder why I’m not good enough!
Have to agree 100%. Ive had a fella who stays out getting on it til the next day - if you have to go and drag them home from the afters sunday morning, maybe ask yourself why they’d rather get off their head in a random house all weekend than be with you.

Never again, if my fella now acted like that (especially at their age) I’d be well shot! Proper red flag. In a way I do feel sorry for her cause I know that feeling and it’s not fun! Prob why she compensates with all the “my King” posts about how he wants her to sit with him.
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