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Eleanor Abernathy

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Please choose one of the following options:
(A) The dog came at a later date
(B) She hoofed him and got another fella
Honestly, it was hysterical. I worked with her a few years back and she came in all excited because she’d unwrapped the dog bed and had quite logically assumed she was going home to a dog. When it didn’t materialise, she though maybe we’re going to get it at the weekend. Again, no dog the following Monday. She finally asked him on the Tuesday why he’d got her a dog bed and he said, “You were going on about getting some cushions from the bed so I got you one..” 😂😂😂
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just about to say the same thing about the dust and that. No one should be Breathing all that shit in especially pregnant.
She would snort turps if it meant she could keep an eye on him. Who in their right mind follows their fella round the house.. he must feel trapped like from misery. Bet she wishes she could break his ankle she would be made up him confined to the bed 😂
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I could only watch the first video and it’s made me feel physically sick and angry!! Such a selfish bitch that she cannot stop drinking until after her baby is born. If that’s the case should have kept her legs shut!

I’m speaking from the point of a recovering alcoholic here. I was heavily into addiction of drinking heavily when I found out I was pregnant the guilt is still with me now years later and it always will be. Yes I was an addict but the moment I found out I was pregnant that was a wake up call for me and I stopped on my own with no help from anyone! Even told I made it look easy to give up drinking which was a slap in the face for someone Who had been drinking for nearly 10+ years everyday & yes I was a teenager when my addiction started!

Yet my baby was far more important to me I was growing a miracle inside of me that was way too precious I saw a new light I suppose because finally I had been blessed. I no longer felt worthless, that I had nothing left to live for and I went on the journey of turning my life around! Now if I can stop drinking for the health and safety of my unborn at the tome being an alcoholic then she sure as hell can!!

If anyone should have still been drinking you would have thought it would have been me the alcoholic but I knew I couldn’t live with the guilt or the pain if anything happened. I’ve been sober going on 6 years now, had a healthy beautiful baby who is just my entire world! No one should ever take for granted the beautiful blessing of becoming a parent because for years I thought it was never going to happen to me.
Ok, I’m crying.

congratulations on 6 successful sober years and here’s to many more.

How strong you are to share that, and how angry it must make you feel to watch her be like hey guyzzzz it’s cool to drink while pregnant. She just doesn’t get that while there are many that are fine, the flip side is that there are many that aren’t.
Who knows what complications she may encounter during birth or the days/weeks after. I hope she doesn’t but why would you even risk it?

I said it in an earlier thread but, if people were doing heroin and we’re fine would she have the same attitude! Highly doubt it but they’re both highly addictive substance that you definitely dont want Your baby ingesting through you.

thank you for sharing your story sweetie xx
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Did she not say only a day ago she didn’t want a big celebration? So full of shit, she can’t help herself
She SO put that out there about not wanting a fuss for her birthday all bcos she knew what SHE sorry DJ indesit *cough cough* had organised and wanted to make it look like he worships her so much that he went against her word of keeping her birthday low key as she had wished and actually went all extra — NAH THM the only thing daddy DIY goes against your word for is his escorts and a gram of the white stuff—!
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All these story reposts.. the one of her dancing on a pole then falling on her arse, tooooo funny.

Also who has dubbed her 'the queen of fashion' - watch out Naomi Campbell!
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I’ve never posted on here and didn’t think I ever would. I found this site when Katie started crying wolf, initially I felt sorry for her. I read the comments and although I thought they were harsh I did laugh. But then she dragged it out and cried to poor “Bob” who couldn’t get a word in edgeways about how bad she’d been trolled, the poor lad has been told to die and had threats then you’ve got her whinging about being called slab back, she’s an absolute dickhead. Anyway the reason I’ve posted is because I genuinely can’t believe her stories about condoning pregnant women drinking and flouting lockdown. I’m not pregnant but live in a different city to my mum and haven’t seen her in months and it kills me. Then you’ve got the likes of her living her best life in every drive through in the land. She’s mutton dressed as lamb and about as classy as chelsey harwood. She needs to wake up and realise her life shouldn’t be for the gram and have a bit more self respect, and more importantly respect for the new life she’s growing. It’s a disgrace, rant over x
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I’m lucky my guy can build me anything I ask for.....arghhhh f*ck off. She actually makes me sick!!
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Her lack of social distancing and shielding awareness is now just irritating ... Starbucks, Nando’s, McDonald’s ... but now in one day she’s met people at work, been to the hospital and was amazed at how quiet it was (what a thicko) and is now at a furniture shop ... what the actual fuck!

Go home and protect your baby you crazy woman!!
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Hardly any stories today because she has defo been all over town, in all the queues for the shops. And on the beg for stuff for her baby shower again? Recommend some biscuit places and florists?? Basically, you haven't found anyone willing to gift it yet, so you're now hinting on insta. 🥱 she's defo got thrush from those kecks aswell, jesus. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and would not be rocking round in ANYTHING like that. Saying that. No one can see me cos I'm FUCKING SHIELDING. LIKE SHE SHOULD BE. Bellend.
100%. Been running round for the “perfect” baby shower outfit!!! Same I’m 37 weeks scared to go to Tesco when I am desperate for a large dairy milk 😂😂😂😂😂
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She is literally one of the most vile influencers I know and my god that’s saying something. How does she sleep at night knowing she’s carrying the spawn of a dirty little dick dipper? Couldn’t be me
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Taking the video down but keeping up the ‘troll’ screenshots just makes her look even more of a mug. How can she preach about the damage trolls do and then set her army on someone?! I can guarantee the things her ‘army’ will send to that account will be 10 times worse than what gets said in her DM’s or even on here
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You know that horrible sinking feeling you get when you know you’ve done something wrong and you know it’s going to get found out??? That’s what KHM must feel like all the time. That horrible feeling of oh god I fucked up....THATS what’s ruining her pregnancy not us!

Also did anyone else notice on her story today she put “so to these trolls thinking they’re winning” either she’s a psychic, or she reads here. As we all said we had won by her taking the story down.

You check this more than us Kate babes!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
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Did anyone see Danielle Armstrong’s stories today (ex TOWIE) who has not long had her little girl.. saying how much she was looking forward to tucking into her king prawns because you’re not supposed to have shellfish when preggo and a glass of wine! How much she’s missed it because you’re not meant to have these things preggers... can’t make out whether it was a dig at Kate or maybe subtly trying to say she doesn’t agree with it
Just watched it then

I liked her in towie, but feel like she’s come into her own as a mum and find her just so watchable. Was defo a dig at KHM as I’m sure she’s done Danielles make up before for events so she defo knows who she is
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Oh I commented on lustliving post about her outdoor cinema and how KHM will no doubt copy it and not credit her and she didn’t even know who she was, despite Kate claiming she’s spoken to her loads. Some jumped up follower of KHM commented under saying something like she does give credit to people blah blah and sent it to KHM who then sent me this long winded load of shite message on my insta, then the rattle troll insta got set up and I was getting daily abuse from them and threats.

oh yeah then she did the trolling video and mentions me by name and that I’ve apparently been trolling her for months when all I’ve sent is 2 messages on bulk buying and how it’s wrong of her to promote it and the other on when she was on the skin care hype and mentioned that Huda beauty advises the correct order for your skincare and I just got dead aggressive messages back
Omg, I can't bare her you know!!! Well I've got a feeling a very big fall is coming for Katie and its a big drop from the top its going to be an absolute show can't wait😂 now we just need dj matty d to shack up. With one of us trolls (packing my fellas bin bags as we speak) 😂😂😂
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New to these threads but fuck me how long do her stories want to be? I can get through a London marathon quicker than clicking through one of those bad boys daily
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Oh my god I forgot about this thread for a week after a manic few days at work and fuck me what a catch up!! She has taken it to new disasterous levels...on one hand I love to see her fall from grace, but on the other hand it knocks me sick seeing her dish out dangerous advice to fellow pregnant ladies re: drinking.

the constant stalking her own fella in the house is creepy as hell. I genuinely believe he has started these DIY projects as a way to keep busy otherwise he will have a nervous breakdown being cooped up with THM, I’m sure he already feels claustrophobic with her always being within 2 metres of him. I mean the poor bugger can’t even take a dump in peace without her being there in the same room. Yano cos his 5 mins on the bog is usually his chance to reply to other girls. But no, shes there lurking in the bath making sure he’s not unblocking all his sidechicks on WhatsApp.

there is zero affection between the two of them, I can see why he looks elsewhere. No amount of “my king, my one” posts are going to convince us otherwise. Everytime she films him he gurns like she’s got a gun to his head 😬
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